12 resultados para datamining
Cada vez mais as empresas vêm enfrentando níveis de concorrência mais altos, menores margens nas vendas e perda de diferenciação de seus produtos e serviços. Por outro lado, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e particularmente a Internet vêm permitindo às empresas ter um contato próximo com seus clientes. Este mesmo desenvolvimento também permite que todos os dados, operações e transações empresas sejam armazenadas, fazendo com que maioria delas possuam grandes bancos de dados. Este trabalho tem por objetivo: • Entender quais as tendências do Marketing e como o surgimento de novos canais como a Internet podem alavancar a posição competitiva das empresas; • Constatar a grande quantidade de dados que as empresas possuem, e qual o potencial de informações contida nos mesmos; • Mostrar como Datamining pode auxiliar na descoberta de informações contidas em meio ao emaranhado de dados, • Desenvolvimento de metodologia em um estudo de caso prático, onde se buscará determinar que clientes têm maiores probabilidades de compra, e quais seus padrões de consumoatravés de um estudo de caso, e como a empresa pode usufruir destas informações; • Mostrar como as empresas podem usufruir das informações descobertas e quais são os valores econômico e estratégico.
A tanulmány Magyarország egyik legnagyobb foglalkoztatójának megrendelésére készült abból a célból, hogy milyen megoldásokkal lehetne a vállalati működést hatékonyabbá tenni. Ennek keretében a szerzők megvizsgálták, hol tart ma a HR adatbányászati kutatás a világban. Milyen eszközök állnak rendelkezésre ahhoz, hogy a munkavállalói elmenetelt előre jelezzék, illetve figyeljék, valamint milyen lehetőség van a hálózati kutatások felhasználására a biztonság területén. Szerencsés, hogy a vállalkozói kérdések és erőforrások találkozhattak a kutatói szféra aktuális kutatási területeivel. A tanulmány szerzői úgy gondolják, hogy a cikkben megfogalmazott állítások, következtetések, eredmények a jövőben hasznosíthatók lesznek a vállalat és más cégek számára is. _____ The authors were pleased to take part in this research project initiated by one of Hungary’s largest employer. The goal of the project was to work out BI solutions to improve upon their business process. In the framework of the project first the authors made a survey on the current trends in the world of HR datamining. They reviewed the available tools for the prediction of employee promotion and investigated the question on how to utilize results achieved in social network analysis in the field of enterprise security. When real business problems and resources meet the mainstream research of the scientific community it is always a fortunate and it is rather fruitful. The authors are certain that the results published in this document will be beneficial for Foxconn in the near future. Of course, they are not done. There are continually new research perspectives opening up and huge amount of information is accumulating in the enterprises just waiting for getting discovered and analysed. Also the environment in which an enterprise operates is dynamically changing and thus the company faces new challenges and new type of business problems arise. The authors are in the hope that their research experience will help decision makers also in the future to solve real world business problems.
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica – Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia
A vigilância de efeitos indesejáveis após a vacinação é complexa. Existem vários actores de confundimento que podem dar origem a associações espúrias, meramente temporais mas que podem provocar uma percepção do risco alterada e uma consequente desconfiança generalizada acerca do uso das vacinas. Com efeito as vacinas são medicamentos complexos com características únicas cuja vigilância necessita de abordagens metodológicas desenvolvidas para esse propósito. Do exposto se entende que, desde o desenvolvimento da farmacovigilância se tem procurado desenvolver novas metodologias que sejam concomitantes aos Sistemas de Notificação Espontânea que já existem. Neste trabalho propusemo-nos a desenvolver e testar um modelo de vigilância de reacções adversas a vacinas, baseado na auto-declaração pelo utente de eventos ocorridos após a vacinação e testar a capacidade de gerar sinais aplicando cálculos de desproporção a datamining. Para esse efeito foi constituída uma coorte não controlada de utentes vacinados em Centros de Saúde que foram seguidos durante quinze dias. A recolha de eventos adversos a vacinas foi efectuada pelos próprios utentes através de um diário de registo. Os dados recolhidos foram objecto de análise descritiva e análise de data-mining utilizando os cálculos Proportional Reporting Ratio e o Information Component. A metodologia utilizada permitiu gerar um corpo de evidência suficiente para a geração de sinais. Tendo sido gerados quatro sinais. No âmbito do data-mining a utilização do Information Component como método de geração de sinais parece aumentar a eficiência científica ao permitir reduzir o número de ocorrências até detecção de sinal. A informação reportada pelos utentes parece válida como indicador de sinais de reacções adversas não graves, o que permitiu o registo de eventos sem incluir o viés da avaliação da relação causal pelo notificador. Os principais eventos reportados foram eventos adversos locais (62,7%) e febre (31,4%).------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The monitoring of undesirable effects following vaccination is complex. There are several confounding factors that can lead to merely temporal but spurious associations that can cause a change in the risk perception and a consequent generalized distrust about the safe use of vaccines. Indeed, vaccines are complex drugs with unique characteristics so that its monitoring requires specifically designed methodological approaches. From the above-cited it is understandable that since the development of Pharmacovigilance there has been a drive for the development of new methodologies that are concomitant with Spontaneous Reporting Systems already in place. We proposed to develop and test a new model for vaccine adverse reaction monitoring, based on self-report by users of events following vaccination and to test its capability to generate disproportionality signals applying quantitative methods of signal generation to data-mining. For that effect we set up an uncontrolled cohort of users vaccinated in Healthcare Centers,with a follow-up period of fifteen days. Adverse vaccine events we registered by the users themselves in a paper diary The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and two quantitative methods of signal generation: Proportional Reporting Ratio and Information Component. themselves in a paper diary The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and two quantitative methods of signal generation: Proportional Reporting Ratio and Information Component. The methodology we used allowed for the generation of a sufficient body of evidence for signal generation. Four signals were generated. Regarding the data-mining, the use of Information Component as a method for generating disproportionality signals seems to increase scientific efficiency by reducing the number of events needed to signal detection. The information reported by users seems valid as an indicator of non serious adverse vaccine reactions, allowing for the registry of events without the bias of the evaluation of the casual relation by the reporter. The main adverse events reported were injection site reactions (62,7%) and fever (31,4%).
Research Project submited as partial fulfilment for the Master Degree in Statistics and Information Management
Electronic academic journal websites provide new services of text and/or datamining and linking, indispensable for e¢ cient allocation of attention among abun-dant sources of scienti?c information. Fully realizing the bene?t of these servicesrequires interconnection among websites. Motivated by CrossRef, a multilateralcitation linking backbone, this paper performs a comparison between multilateralinterconnection through an open platform and bilateral interconnection, and ?ndsthat publishers are fully interconnected in the former regime while they can be par-tially interconnected in the latter regime for exclusion or di¤erentiation motives.Surprisingly, if partial interconnection arises for di¤erentiation motive, exclusion ofsmall publisher(s) occurs more often under multilateral interconnection. We also?nd that in the case of multilateral interconnection, a for-pro?t platform inducesless exclusion than an open platform. Various other extensions are analyzed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Nowadays, more and more data is collected in large amounts, such that the need of studying it both efficiently and profitably is arising; we want to acheive new and significant informations that weren't known before the analysis. At this time many graph mining algorithms have been developed, but an algebra that could systematically define how to generalize such operations is missing. In order to propel the development of a such automatic analysis of an algebra, We propose for the first time (to the best of my knowledge) some primitive operators that may be the prelude to the systematical definition of a hypergraph algebra in this regard.
La predicción del valor de las acciones en la bolsa de valores ha sido un tema importante en el campo de inversiones, que por varios años ha atraído tanto a académicos como a inversionistas. Esto supone que la información disponible en el pasado de la compañía que cotiza en bolsa tiene alguna implicación en el futuro del valor de la misma. Este trabajo está enfocado en ayudar a un persona u organismo que decida invertir en la bolsa de valores a través de gestión de compra o venta de acciones de una compañía a tomar decisiones respecto al tiempo de comprar o vender basado en el conocimiento obtenido de los valores históricos de las acciones de una compañía en la bolsa de valores. Esta decisión será inferida a partir de un modelo de regresión múltiple que es una de las técnicas de datamining. Para llevar conseguir esto se emplea una metodología conocida como CRISP-DM aplicada a los datos históricos de la compañía con mayor valor actual del NASDAQ.---ABSTRACT---The prediction of the value of shares in the stock market has been a major issue in the field of investments, which for several years has attracted both academics and investors. This means that the information available in the company last traded have any involvement in the future of the value of it. This work is focused on helping an investor decides to invest in the stock market through management buy or sell shares of a company to make decisions with respect to time to buy or sell based on the knowledge gained from the historic values of the shares of a company in the stock market. This decision will be inferred from a multiple regression model which is one of the techniques of data mining. To get this out a methodology known as CRISP-DM applied to historical data of the company with the highest current value of NASDAQ is used.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2014
This project looks at the ways Northeastern Ontario citizens in rural communities regulate their private property through traditional and contemporary surveillance means. Through art and objects, this project allows viewers the opportunity to experience surveillance in rural areas through visual and creative ways that encourage interaction and critique. This project defines organic surveillance by looking at the ways ruralists in Markstay Ontario practice surveillance and deterrence which is influenced by characteristics of land, risks and other determining factors such as psychology, resourcefulness, sustainability, technology and private property. Organic surveillance argues that surveillance and deterrence is prevalent far beyond datamining, GPS tracking and social media. Surveillance and deterrence as methods of survival are found everywhere, even in the farthest, most “wild” and forested areas.