994 resultados para data hiding


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Personal use is permitted.We present a novel framework of performing multimedia data hiding using an over-complete dictionary, which brings compressive sensing to the application of data hiding. Unlike the conventional orthonormal full-space dictionary, the over-complete dictionary produces an underdetermined system with infinite transform results. We first discuss the minimum norm formulation (ℓ2-norm) which yields a closed-form solution and the concept of watermark projection, so that higher embedding capacity and an additional privacy preserving feature can be obtained. Furthermore, we study the sparse formulation (ℓ0-norm) and illustrate that as long as the ℓ0-norm of the sparse representation of the host signal is less than the signal's dimension in the original domain, an informed sparse domain data hiding system can be established by modifying the coefficients of the atoms that have not participated in representing the host signal. A single support modification-based data hiding system is then proposed and analyzed as an example. Several potential research directions are discussed for further studies. More generally, apart from the ℓ2 and ℓ0-norm constraints, other conditions for reliable detection performance are worth of future investigation.


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This thesis addresses the problem of information hiding in low dimensional digital data focussing on issues of privacy and security in Electronic Patient Health Records (EPHRs). The thesis proposes a new security protocol based on data hiding techniques for EPHRs. This thesis contends that embedding of sensitive patient information inside the EPHR is the most appropriate solution currently available to resolve the issues of security in EPHRs. Watermarking techniques are applied to one-dimensional time series data such as the electroencephalogram (EEG) to show that they add a level of confidence (in terms of privacy and security) in an individual’s diverse bio-profile (the digital fingerprint of an individual’s medical history), ensure belief that the data being analysed does indeed belong to the correct person, and also that it is not being accessed by unauthorised personnel. Embedding information inside single channel biomedical time series data is more difficult than the standard application for images due to the reduced redundancy. A data hiding approach which has an in built capability to protect against illegal data snooping is developed. The capability of this secure method is enhanced by embedding not just a single message but multiple messages into an example one-dimensional EEG signal. Embedding multiple messages of similar characteristics, for example identities of clinicians accessing the medical record helps in creating a log of access while embedding multiple messages of dissimilar characteristics into an EPHR enhances confidence in the use of the EPHR. The novel method of embedding multiple messages of both similar and dissimilar characteristics into a single channel EEG demonstrated in this thesis shows how this embedding of data boosts the implementation and use of the EPHR securely.


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Our modular approach to data hiding is an innovative concept in the data hiding research field. It enables the creation of modular digital watermarking methods that have extendable features and are designed for use in web applications. The methods consist of two types of modules – a basic module and an application-specific module. The basic module mainly provides features which are connected with the specific image format. As JPEG is a preferred image format on the Internet, we have put a focus on the achievement of a robust and error-free embedding and retrieval of the embedded data in JPEG images. The application-specific modules are adaptable to user requirements in the concrete web application. The experimental results of the modular data watermarking are very promising. They indicate excellent image quality, satisfactory size of the embedded data and perfect robustness against JPEG transformations with prespecified compression ratios. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): C.2.0.


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In this paper, we propose a new steganalytic method to detect the message hidden in a black and white image using the steganographic technique developed by Liang, Wang and Zhang. Our detection method estimates the length of hidden message embedded in a binary image. Although the hidden message embedded is visually imperceptible, it changes some image statistic (such as inter-pixels correlation). Based on this observation, we first derive the 512 patterns histogram from the boundary pixels as the distinguishing statistic, then we compute the histogram difference to determine the changes of the 512 patterns histogram induced by the embedding operation. Finally we propose histogram quotient to estimate the length of the embedded message. Experimental results confirm that the proposed method can effectively and reliably detect the length of the embedded message.


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[ES]El objetivo de este proyecto es la implementación de un algoritmo de ocultación de datos para la señal de voz mediante el uso de su información de fase espectral. Cuando se trabaja con señales de voz lo más habitual es utilizar el módulo debido a su sencillez a la hora de manipularlo y porque está relacionado con la percepción. En este caso, se busca que la información oculta sea perceptualmente y estadísticamente indetectable y que a su vez degrade lo menos posible la calidad de la señal, por lo que modificar el módulo produciría efectos no deseados. Por lo tanto, el método más eficaz de conseguirlo es trabajando con la fase espectral, precisamente por el hecho de que el sistema auditivo humano es menos sensible ante modificaciones de fase. Esta característica es la que se aprovechará para introducir la información que se desea ocultar. Por último, se evaluará la técnica desarrollada de acuerdo a diferentes criterios. Mediante pruebas en las que se modificarán los valores de algunos parámetros se obtendrán resultados relacionados con la perceptibilidad, la robustez, el rendimiento o la capacidad entre otros, determinando así la configuración óptima del algoritmo.


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This paper investigates the application of complex wavelet transforms to the field of digital data hiding. Complex wavelets offer improved directional selectivity and shift invariance over their discretely sampled counterparts allowing for better adaptation of watermark distortions to the host media. Two methods of deriving visual models for the watermarking system are adapted to the complex wavelet transforms and their performances are compared. To produce improved capacity a spread transform embedding algorithm is devised, this combines the robustness of spread spectrum methods with the high capacity of quantization based methods. Using established information theoretic methods, limits of watermark capacity are derived that demonstrate the superiority of complex wavelets over discretely sampled wavelets. Finally results for the algorithm against commonly used attacks demonstrate its robustness and the improved performance offered by complex wavelet transforms.


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In forensic investigations, it is common for forensic investigators to obtain a photograph of evidence left at the scene of crimes to aid them catch the culprit(s). Although, fingerprints are the most popular evidence that can be used, scene of crime officers claim that more than 30% of the evidence recovered from crime scenes originate from palms. Usually, palmprints evidence left at crime scenes are partial since very rarely full palmprints are obtained. In particular, partial palmprints do not exhibit a structured shape and often do not contain a reference point that can be used for their alignment to achieve efficient matching. This makes conventional matching methods based on alignment and minutiae pairing, as used in fingerprint recognition, to fail in partial palmprint recognition problems. In this paper a new partial-to-full palmprint recognition based on invariant minutiae descriptors is proposed where the partial palmprint’s minutiae are extracted and considered as the distinctive and discriminating features for each palmprint image. This is achieved by assigning to each minutiae a feature descriptor formed using the values of all the orientation histograms of the minutiae at hand. This allows for the descriptors to be rotation invariant and as such do not require any image alignment at the matching stage. The results obtained show that the proposed technique yields a recognition rate of 99.2%. The solution does give a high confidence to the judicial jury in their deliberations and decision.


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Surveillance applications in private environments such as smart houses require a privacy management policy if such systems are to be accepted by the occupants of the environment. This is due to the invasive nature of surveillance, and the private nature of the home. In this article, we propose a framework for dynamically altering the privacy policy applied to the monitoring of a smart house based on the situation within the environment. Initially the situation, or context, within the environment is determined; we identify several factors for determining environmental context, and propose methods to quantify the context using audio and binary sensor data. The context is then mapped to an appropriate privacy policy, which is implemented by applying data hiding techniques to control access to data gathered from various information sources. The significance of this work lies in the examination of privacy issues related to assisted-living smart house environments. A single privacy policy in such applications would be either too restrictive for an observer, for example, a carer, or too invasive for the occupants. We address this by proposing a dynamic method, with the aim of decreasing the invasiveness of the technology, while retaining the purpose of the system.


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A smart house can be regarded as a surveillance environment in which the person being observed carries out activities that range from intimate to more public. What can be observed depends on the activity, the person observing (e.g. a carer) and policy. In assisted living smart house environments, a single privacy policy, applied throughout, would be either too invasive for an occupant, or too restrictive for an observer, due to the conflicting goals of surveillance and private environments. Hence, we propose a dynamic method for altering the level of privacy in the environment based on the context, the situation within the environment, encompassing factors relevant to ensuring the occupant's safety and privacy. The context is mapped to an appropriate level of privacy, which is implemented by controlling access to data sources (e.g. video) using data hiding techniques. The aim of this work is to decrease the invasiveness of the technology, while retaining the purpose of the system.


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The objective of this paper is to develop a method to hide information inside a binary image. An algorithm to embed data in scanned text or figures is proposed, based on the detection of suitable pixels, which verify some conditions in order to be not detected. In broad terms, the algorithm locates those pixels placed at the contours of the figures or in those areas where some scattering of the two colors can be found. The hidden information is independent from the values of the pixels where this information is embedded. Notice that, depending on the sequence of bits to be hidden, around half of the used pixels to keep bits of data will not be modified. The other basic characteristic of the proposed scheme is that it is necessary to take into consideration the bits that are modified, in order to perform the recovering process of the information, which consists on recovering the sequence of bits placed in the proper positions. An application to banking sector is proposed for hidding some information in signatures.


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The objective of this paper is to present a system to communicate hidden information among different users by means of images. The tasks that the system is able to carry on can be divided in two different groups of utilities, implemented in java. The first group of utilities are related with the possibility to hide information in color images, using a steganographic function based on the least significant bit (LSB) methods. The second group of utilities allows us to communicate with other users with the aim to send or receive images, where some information have been previously embedded. Thus, this is the most significant characteristic of the implementation, we have built an environment where we join the email capabilities to send and receive text and images as attached files, with the main objective of hiding information.


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Chaque année, le piratage mondial de la musique coûte plusieurs milliards de dollars en pertes économiques, pertes d’emplois et pertes de gains des travailleurs ainsi que la perte de millions de dollars en recettes fiscales. La plupart du piratage de la musique est dû à la croissance rapide et à la facilité des technologies actuelles pour la copie, le partage, la manipulation et la distribution de données musicales [Domingo, 2015], [Siwek, 2007]. Le tatouage des signaux sonores a été proposé pour protéger les droit des auteurs et pour permettre la localisation des instants où le signal sonore a été falsifié. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons d’utiliser la représentation parcimonieuse bio-inspirée par graphe de décharges (spikegramme), pour concevoir une nouvelle méthode permettant la localisation de la falsification dans les signaux sonores. Aussi, une nouvelle méthode de protection du droit d’auteur. Finalement, une nouvelle attaque perceptuelle, en utilisant le spikegramme, pour attaquer des systèmes de tatouage sonore. Nous proposons tout d’abord une technique de localisation des falsifications (‘tampering’) des signaux sonores. Pour cela nous combinons une méthode à spectre étendu modifié (‘modified spread spectrum’, MSS) avec une représentation parcimonieuse. Nous utilisons une technique de poursuite perceptive adaptée (perceptual marching pursuit, PMP [Hossein Najaf-Zadeh, 2008]) pour générer une représentation parcimonieuse (spikegramme) du signal sonore d’entrée qui est invariante au décalage temporel [E. C. Smith, 2006] et qui prend en compte les phénomènes de masquage tels qu’ils sont observés en audition. Un code d’authentification est inséré à l’intérieur des coefficients de la représentation en spikegramme. Puis ceux-ci sont combinés aux seuils de masquage. Le signal tatoué est resynthétisé à partir des coefficients modifiés, et le signal ainsi obtenu est transmis au décodeur. Au décodeur, pour identifier un segment falsifié du signal sonore, les codes d’authentification de tous les segments intacts sont analysés. Si les codes ne peuvent être détectés correctement, on sait qu’alors le segment aura été falsifié. Nous proposons de tatouer selon le principe à spectre étendu (appelé MSS) afin d’obtenir une grande capacité en nombre de bits de tatouage introduits. Dans les situations où il y a désynchronisation entre le codeur et le décodeur, notre méthode permet quand même de détecter des pièces falsifiées. Par rapport à l’état de l’art, notre approche a le taux d’erreur le plus bas pour ce qui est de détecter les pièces falsifiées. Nous avons utilisé le test de l’opinion moyenne (‘MOS’) pour mesurer la qualité des systèmes tatoués. Nous évaluons la méthode de tatouage semi-fragile par le taux d’erreur (nombre de bits erronés divisé par tous les bits soumis) suite à plusieurs attaques. Les résultats confirment la supériorité de notre approche pour la localisation des pièces falsifiées dans les signaux sonores tout en préservant la qualité des signaux. Ensuite nous proposons une nouvelle technique pour la protection des signaux sonores. Cette technique est basée sur la représentation par spikegrammes des signaux sonores et utilise deux dictionnaires (TDA pour Two-Dictionary Approach). Le spikegramme est utilisé pour coder le signal hôte en utilisant un dictionnaire de filtres gammatones. Pour le tatouage, nous utilisons deux dictionnaires différents qui sont sélectionnés en fonction du bit d’entrée à tatouer et du contenu du signal. Notre approche trouve les gammatones appropriés (appelés noyaux de tatouage) sur la base de la valeur du bit à tatouer, et incorpore les bits de tatouage dans la phase des gammatones du tatouage. De plus, il est montré que la TDA est libre d’erreur dans le cas d’aucune situation d’attaque. Il est démontré que la décorrélation des noyaux de tatouage permet la conception d’une méthode de tatouage sonore très robuste. Les expériences ont montré la meilleure robustesse pour la méthode proposée lorsque le signal tatoué est corrompu par une compression MP3 à 32 kbits par seconde avec une charge utile de 56.5 bps par rapport à plusieurs techniques récentes. De plus nous avons étudié la robustesse du tatouage lorsque les nouveaux codec USAC (Unified Audion and Speech Coding) à 24kbps sont utilisés. La charge utile est alors comprise entre 5 et 15 bps. Finalement, nous utilisons les spikegrammes pour proposer trois nouvelles méthodes d’attaques. Nous les comparons aux méthodes récentes d’attaques telles que 32 kbps MP3 et 24 kbps USAC. Ces attaques comprennent l’attaque par PMP, l’attaque par bruit inaudible et l’attaque de remplacement parcimonieuse. Dans le cas de l’attaque par PMP, le signal de tatouage est représenté et resynthétisé avec un spikegramme. Dans le cas de l’attaque par bruit inaudible, celui-ci est généré et ajouté aux coefficients du spikegramme. Dans le cas de l’attaque de remplacement parcimonieuse, dans chaque segment du signal, les caractéristiques spectro-temporelles du signal (les décharges temporelles ;‘time spikes’) se trouvent en utilisant le spikegramme et les spikes temporelles et similaires sont remplacés par une autre. Pour comparer l’efficacité des attaques proposées, nous les comparons au décodeur du tatouage à spectre étendu. Il est démontré que l’attaque par remplacement parcimonieux réduit la corrélation normalisée du décodeur de spectre étendu avec un plus grand facteur par rapport à la situation où le décodeur de spectre étendu est attaqué par la transformation MP3 (32 kbps) et 24 kbps USAC.


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Privacy preserving on data mining and data release has attracted an increasing research interest over a number of decades. Differential privacy is one influential privacy notion that offers a rigorous and provable privacy guarantee for data mining and data release. Existing studies on differential privacy assume that in a data set, records are sampled independently. However, in real-world applications, records in a data set are rarely independent. The relationships among records are referred to as correlated information and the data set is defined as correlated data set. A differential privacy technique performed on a correlated data set will disclose more information than expected, and this is a serious privacy violation. Although recent research was concerned with this new privacy violation, it still calls for a solid solution for the correlated data set. Moreover, how to decrease the large amount of noise incurred via differential privacy in correlated data set is yet to be explored. To fill the gap, this paper proposes an effective correlated differential privacy solution by defining the correlated sensitivity and designing a correlated data releasing mechanism. With consideration of the correlated levels between records, the proposed correlated sensitivity can significantly decrease the noise compared with traditional global sensitivity. The correlated data releasing mechanism correlated iteration mechanism is designed based on an iterative method to answer a large number of queries. Compared with the traditional method, the proposed correlated differential privacy solution enhances the privacy guarantee for a correlated data set with less accuracy cost. Experimental results show that the proposed solution outperforms traditional differential privacy in terms of mean square error on large group of queries. This also suggests the correlated differential privacy can successfully retain the utility while preserving the privacy.


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In this paper we continue our investigation into the development of computational-science software based on the identification and formal specification of Abstract Data Types (ADTs) and their implementation in Fortran 90. In particular, we consider the consequences of using pointers when implementing a formally specified ADT in Fortran 90. Our aim is to highlight the resulting conflict between the goal of information hiding, which is central to the ADT methodology, and the space efficiency of the implementation. We show that the issue of storage recovery cannot be avoided by the ADT user, and present a range of implementations of a simple ADT to illustrate various approaches towards satisfactory storage management. Finally, we propose a set of guidelines for implementing ADTs using pointers in Fortran 90. These guidelines offer a way gracefully to provide disposal operations in Fortran 90. Such an approach is desirable since Fortran 90 does not provide automatic garbage collection which is offered by many object-oriented languages including Eiffel, Java, Smalltalk, and Simula.