947 resultados para dark-germination.


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It was shown, with the aid of osmotic inhibition of germination, that the action of the far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pf) in promoting germination can be completed even if the seed is held under conditions where germination is not possible. An effect of the continuing action of Pf beyond the point of complete germination promotion was demonstrated by enhancement of germination rate after removal of the osmotically active solute.

Previous reports that the rate of growth in water of seeds freed from the expansion-restricting endosperm is independent of the state of phytochrome were confirmed. However, a marked, phytochrome-mediated enhancement of the growth potential of such seeds was demonstrated through restricting water uptake by incubation in an osmoticum.

An experimental system, utilizing the appearance of a geotropic curvature in the radicle of the excised axial portion of the seed, was developed for more detailed studies of the phytochrome-enhanced growth potential. It was possible to demonstrate the light effect in water as well as in osmotica; this apparently is not possible with de-endospermed entire seeds. As in intact seeds, the effect of the continuing action of Pf is to enhance the rate of the response. Secretion of a chemical inhibitor of growth by the endosperm as a possible mechanism of induction of light sensitivity has been ruled out.

The phytochrome-dependent rate of appearance of geotropic curvature in osmotica is paralleled in time by a similar dependence of the rate of early extension growth of the embryonic axis. Only the first small increment of growth is a differentially responsive to red (R) and far-red (F); the rate of later increase in length is independent of the light regime.

It was shown that the high concentrations of gibberellic acid required for germination promotion in the intact seed are due at least in part to a diffusion barrier in the endosperm, and that the occasional reports in the literature of the ineffectiveness of kinetin are probably due to the same phenomenon. It was shown that gibberellin, like red light, enhances the growth potential of the axis, but kinetin does not. The difference in rates of response obtained after R-irradiation or gibberellin treatment, together with other results reported in the literature, strongly suggests that gibberellic acid and red light promote germination by different means. The idea that kinetin promotes germination by yet another mechanism, probably operating in the cotyledons, was supported through two different experimental approaches.

The phenomenon of temperature-dependent dark germination was examined in detail, using a wide range of both temperatures and incubation times. With the aid of the half-seed system, it was demonstrated that the promotive effect of low temperature on germination could not be due to a low optimum temperature for early growth of the radicle, since the rate of that process increased with increasing temperature, up to the highest temperature used.

It was shown that phytochrome does not function at high temperatures. This fact is of considerable importance in interpreting the phenomenon of thermodormancy, since in the literature only a small part of the effect of high temperature has been ascribed to an effect on phytochrome, and at that, only to an acceleration of dark reversion of Pf to the red-absorbing form of phytochrome (Pr). Partial denaturation of phytochrome may also make some contribution.

It was shown that the germination-promoting effect of low temperature depends on the presence of Pf, and concluded that low temperatures act by delaying or preventing transformation of Pf. Support for the assumption that Pf, not Pr, is the active form of phytochrome in lettuce seeds was drawn from the same evidence.

Attempts to stimulate germination by repeated irradiation with F over relatively prolonged incubation times resulted in failure, as have similar attempts reported in the literature. However, an enhancement of growth potential in the half-seed system by the maintenance of a small amount of Pf over long periods at ordinary temperatures by repeated irradiation with F was demonstrated.

It was observed that cold storage of the dry seed prevents or delays loss of dark dormancy during post-harvest storage. No change in the response of the half-seed in osmoticum to R and F was observed in seeds that has lost dark dormancy; that is, no internal change took place to measurably increase the growth potential of the embryonic axis. This suggests that the endosperm is the seat of changes responsible for after-ripening of photoblastic lettuce seed.


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We investigated seed dormancy and germination in Ficus lundellii Standl. (Moraceae), a native species of Mexico's Los Tuxtlas tropical rain forest. In an 8-h photoperiod at an alternating diurnal (16/8 h) temperature of 20/30 degrees C, germination was essentially complete (96%) within 28 days, whereas in darkness, all seeds remained dormant. Neither potassium nitrate (0.05-0.2%) applied continuously nor gibberellic acid applied either continuously (10-200 ppm) or as a 24 hour pretreatment (2000 ppm) induced germination in the dark. Germination in the light was not reduced by a 24-h hydrochloric acid (0.1-1%) pretreatment, but it was reduced both by a 24-h pretreatment with either H2O2 (0. 1-5 M) or 5% HCl, or by more than 5 days of storage at 40 degrees C (4.5% seed water content). In a study with a 2-dimensional temperature gradient plate, seeds germinated fully and rapidly in the light at a constant temperature of 30 degrees C, and fully but less rapidly in the light at alternating temperatures with low amplitudes (< 12 degrees C) about the optimal constant temperature. The base, optimal and ceiling temperatures for rate of germination were estimated as 13.8, 30.1 and 41.1 degrees C, respectively. In all temperature regimes, light was essential for the germination of F lundellii seeds.


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被子植物成熟的种子一般不合有叶绿素,但是莲(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.)的胚芽却具有鲜明的绿色,本文较详细地研究了莲胚芽不同于一般被子植物叶组织的色素和光台系统组成,并通过对莲胚芽成熟发育过程中的叶绿素合成和光合系统发育进行分析,探讨了莲胚芽光合特性形成的原因,最后对莲胚芽在黑暗中萌发能发育并建成光合系统的现象进行了研究,主要的结果如下: 1,莲胚芽不仅含有叶绿素和光合系统,而且其色素和光台系统组成均与莲叶以及其它被子植物的叶组织不同。莲胚芽的Chla/b值约为0.8左右,远远低于正常高等植物的Chla/b值(~3):莲胚芽的色素组成中不含有β-胡萝卜素;莲胚芽的光合系统没有电子传递活性,快速荧光动力学测定结果表明莲胚芽只有较高的固定荧光F。没有可变荧光Fv;原位低温荧光光谱检测表明莲胚芽只在679nm处有一个荧光发射主峰,没有正常的PSII和PSI荧光发射峰(683nm、692nm和730nm);部分变性的叶绿素蛋白复合物凝胶电泳分析结果表明莲胚芽叶绿体类囊体膜上只存在LHCII 一种叶绿素蛋白复合物(其中单体和二聚体形式的LHCII均有发现);Western Blots检测结果表明莲胚芽的LHCII组成比较单一,同时确证了莲胚芽不含有PSI的核心和天线蛋白组分。莲胚芽LHCII和莲叶LHCII在SDS-PAGE图谱上迁移距离相同,但是光谱分析表明二者不仅在Chla、Chlb的相对含量上不同,而且在叶绿素分子与蛋白的结合状态上也存在差异,这些差异主要是由一部分Chla分子造成的,Chlb分子在二者中的结合状态则比较~致。 2,对莲胚芽成熟过程中的光合系统发育进行研究,结果表明这个过程可以分为建成期(0-20天)、稳定期(20-30天)和降解期(30—40天)三个阶段。在建成期和稳定期内,莲胚芽外面的包被物可能不是完全遮光的,所以莲胚芽能感受到环境光信号,其叶绿素合成已经光合系统建成集中在此阶段内进行:在莲’胚芽成熟后期,莲胚芽外面的包被组织开始木质化,光信号无法再穿透它们,莲胚芽的光合系统发育进入降解期,叶绿素合成停止,己建成的光合系统开始降解,到莲胚芽成熟时,除LHCIl外,光合系统其余的叶绿素蛋白复合物都被降解了,所以莲胚芽具有不同于一般祓子植物叶组织的色素和光合系统组成。对莲胚芽的成熟发育过程进行遮光处理,结果发现遮光发育的莲胚芽发生明显黄化,这表明莲胚芽的叶绿素合成也离不开光照,在莲总基因组中检测不到编码DPOR的三个基因的同源序列,确证了莲胚芽不具有在黑暗中合成叶绿素的能力。 3,在黑暗中萌发生长的莲胚芽能够在相当长的时间内保持其叶绿素稳定,特别是Chla的含量在暗生长10天以内基本没有变化;原位低温荧光光谱检测表明暗萌发过程中莲苗有PSII和PSI的荧光发射峰形成,暗生长10天左右的莲苗具有比较明显的光合系统荧光发射峰,但是与自然光照下的发育过程相比,暗萌发莲苗的光合系统荧光发射峰出现较慢,而且PSI的荧光发射相对较弱;暗萌发莲苗在转绿以及冻融过程中的原位低温荧光光谱变化表明莲苗在黑暗中建成的光合系统不完善并且不稳定;对莲胚芽、暗萌发莲苗以及莲叶的叶绿体吸收光谱进行比较,结果显示暗萌发莲苗的叶绿体发育阶段介于莲胚芽和莲叶之间;叶绿素蛋白复合物凝胶电泳分离,SDS-PAGE,Western Blots免疫检测、以及叶绿素荧光诱导动力学结果均确证暗萌发莲苗有光合系统的发育,特别是PSI的出现;对暗萌发莲苗的光化学活性进行分析,结果表明暗中建成的PSII和PSI均具有电子传递活性:但是放氧复合物的发育不完全,对莲胚芽暗萌发过程光合系统建成的原因进行分析,推测叶绿素可能起了至关重要的作用,光对于莲胚芽萌发过程中的光合系统发育来说可能并不是必需的。


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Dry or imbibed seeds of the negatively photoblastic burr burying subterranean clover cv. ‘Seaton Park’ were treated with dark or with red, blue or white light to evaluate the effects of light on seed germination. Dry seeds treated with constant white light, red light or blue light during 8 days and subsequently incubated in dark had final germination and duration of germination reduced, and the distribution of germination changed from highly asymmetric to symmetric respectively. Imbibing seeds incubated under constant blue or white light had final germination strongly reduced seven days after sowing (7.3% and 50.1% of the germination under dark) with significant differences between them. After transferral to dark, true complete recovery of germination of seeds treated with white light was observed 19 days after sowing, but only partial recovery in seeds treated with blue light. Results of dry and imbibed seeds are consistent with no activity of phytochromes, as expected in negatively photoblastic seeds. Results of dry seeds are seemingly contradictory because total germination data imply the inactivity of red and blue light photoreceptors, the opposite being implied by duration and shape of germination. A tentative hypothetical solution for the contradiction is presented. Results of imbibed seeds are fully consistent with cryptochromes but not with phototropins mediation of responses to light of seed germination in ‘Seaton Park’. The ecological and adaptive significance of such responses are discussed in the framework of light attenuation in soil and the requirement and ability of subterranean clover ‘Seaton Park’ to bury seeds.


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A laboratory experiment compared germination of the invasive exotic grass Hymenachne amplexicaulis (Rudge) Nees and the native H. acutigluma (Steud.) Gilliland. Seeds of both species were exposed to combinations of light (constant dark, alternating dark/light or constant light), temperature (constant or alternating) and nitrate regimes (with or without the addition of KNO3). Three seed lots of H. amplexicaulis (fresh, two adn four months old) and one of H. acutigluma (fresh seed) were tested. A significant temperature x light x nitrate x seed lot interaction occured. At a constant temperature very few seeds of either H. amplexicaulis or H. acutigluma germinated, regardless of the light regime or addition of KNO3. Generally, maximum germination occurred under a combination of alternating temperature, the presence of light (either constant or alternating) and the addition of KNO3. The exception was four month stored H. amplexicaulis seed, which reached maximum germinaction without the need for KNO3. Fresh seed of both H. amplexicaulis and H. acutigluma exhibited similar germination requirements. These findings suggest that conditions that buffer seeds from light and/or temperature fluctuations could reduce germination and possibly extend the life of seed banks of both H. amplexicaulis and H. acutigluma. Conversely, for land managers trying to control the exotic H. amplexicaulis, activities that create more favourable conditions for germination may help deplete seed banks faster.


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Sonchus oleraceus (common sowthistle) is a dominant weed and has increased in prevalence in conservation cropping systems of the subtropical grain region of Australia. Four experiments were undertaken to define the environmental factors that favor its germination, emergence, and seed persistence. Seeds were germinated at constant temperatures between 5 and 35C and water potentials between 0 and -1.4 MPa. The maximum germination rate of 86-100% occurred at 0 and -0.2 MPa, irrespective of the temperature when exposed to light (12 h photoperiod light/dark), but the germination rate was reduced by 72% without light. At water potentials of -0.6 to -0.8 MPa, the germination rate was reduced substantially by higher temperatures; no seed germinated at a water potential >-1.0 MPa. Emergence and seed persistence were measured over 30 months following seed burial at 0 (surface), 1, 2, 5, and 10 cm depths in large pots that were buried in a south-eastern Queensland field. Seedlings emerged readily from the surface and 1 cm depth, with no emergence from below the 2 cm depth. The seedlings emerged during any season following rain but, predominantly, within 6 months of planting. Seed persistence was short-term on the soil surface, with 2% of seeds remaining after 6 months, but it increased with the burial depth, with 12% remaining after 30 months at 10 cm. Thus, a minimal seed burial depth with reduced tillage and increased surface soil water with stubble retention has favored the proliferation of this weed in any season in a subtropical environment. However, diligent management without seed replenishment will greatly reduce this weed problem within a short period.


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Phyllospadix iwatensis Makino and phyllospadix japonicus Makino have similar frunt morphology and anatomy.The rhomboid fruit of Japanese phyllospadix is dark brown in colour and is characterized by two arms bearing stiff inflected bristles which can act as an anchoring system. The fruit covering consists of a thin cuticular seed coat and pericarp remains mainly fibrous endocarp. In the groove region of the fruit.the cuticular seed coat and endocarp are replaced by nucellus cells with wall in growths and crushed pigment strands with lignified walls.these tissues appera to control the transfer of nutrients to developing seed.the seed is oval with a small embryo and a large hypocotyl. the embryo is straight and simple,with the plumule containing three leaf primordia and a pair of root primordia surrounded by a cotyledon.the hypocotyl has large vontral lobe containing central provascular tissue and two small dorsal lobes.the hypocotyl contains starch.lipid and protein.and acts as a nutrient store.the seed of P.iwatensis has a dormancy period of 2-6 weeks and germination eventually reaches-65%.but is not synchronized.during germination the leaves emerge first.and then after at least three young leaves have formed and abseised.the roots emerge,usually?6 months after the commencement of germination.Utilizaton of the nutrient reserves is initially from the perihpery of the hypocotyl and then progressively towards its centre.


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Background and Aims In the Amazonian floodplains plants withstand annual periods of flooding which can last 7 months. Under these conditions seedlings remain submerged in the dark for long periods since light penetration in the water is limited. Himatanthus sucuuba is a tree species found in the `varzea` (VZ) floodplains and adjacent non-flooded `terra-firme` (TF) forests. Biochemical traits which enhance flood tolerance and colonization success of H. sucuuba in periodically flooded environments were investigated. Methods Storage carbohydrates of seeds of VZ and TF populations were extracted and analysed by HPAEC/PAD. Starch was analysed by enzyme (glucoamylase) degradation followed by quantification of glucose oxidase. Carbohydrate composition of roots of VZ and TF seedlings was studied after experimental exposure to a 15-d period of submersion in light versus darkness. Key Results The endosperm contains a large proportion of the seed reserves, raffinose being the main nonstructural carbohydrate. Around 93% of the cell wall storage polysaccharides (percentage dry weight basis) in the endosperm of VZ seeds was composed of mannose, while soluble sugars accounted for 2.5%. In contrast, 74% of the endosperm in TF seeds was composed of galactomannans, while 22% of the endosperm was soluble sugars. This suggested a larger carbohydrate allocation to germination in TF populations whereas VZ populations allocate comparatively more to carbohydrates mobilized during seedling development. The concentration of root non-structural carbohydrates in non-flooded seedlings strongly decreased after a 15-d period of darkness, whereas flooded seedlings were less affected. These effects were more pronounced in TF seedlings, which showed significantly lower root non-structural carbohydrate concentrations. Conclusions There seem to be metabolic adjustments in VZ but not TF seedlings that lead to adaptation to the combined stresses of darkness and flooding. This seems to be important for the survival of the species in these contrasting environments, leading these populations to different directions during evolution.


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The purpose of the present work was to study various aspects of the germination of seeds of Senna occidentalis Link, which had presented promising results in biological activity against the etiological agent of malaria. These aspects were dormancy, temperatures of germination and photoblastic response. In the dormancy studies, the treatments used were: unscarified seed (control); tegument puncture with sharp point; and scarification with sand-paper and immersion in concentrated sulfuric acid during 5, 10, 15 and 20 minutes. For the study of temperature and photoblast, the seeds were immersed in sulfuric acid for 20 minutes, submitted to temperatures of 10 to 45degreesC, at intervals of 5degreesC, both under light and in the dark. The seeds presented dormancy related to tegument, the best treatments for breaking dormancy were immersion in sulfuric acid for 15 and 20 minutes. At temperatures 25 and 30degreesC, the best results of percentage and index of velocity of germination were observed, at which the seeds behaved as neutral photoblastic; there was no germination at 10 or at 45degreesC.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The effect of scarification with sodium hypochloride on light sensitivity in seeds of Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids is presented in the paper. Light-requiring lettuce seeds germinated in both dark and continuous light after scarification and 36 degrees C pre-incubation restored light sensitivity at 25 degrees C. Curves of dose-response indicated that chemical scarification induced a change in the control of seed germination from Low Fluence Response to the Very Low Fluence Response. Pre-incubation at 36 degrees C return the control to the Low Fluence Response of phytochrome action.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)