999 resultados para d Entrecasteaux


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Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 was located in the central part of the New Hebrides Island Arc, in the Southwest Pacific. Here the d'Entrecasteaux Zone of ridges, the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and South d'Entrecasteaux Chain, is colliding with the arc. The region has a Neogene history of subduction polarity reversal, ridge-arc collision, and back-arc spreading. The reasons for drilling in this region included the following: (1) to determine the differences in the style and time scale of deformation associated with the two ridge-like features (a fairly continuous ridge and an irregularly topographic seamount chain) that are colliding with the central New Hebrides Island Arc; (2) to document the evolution of the magmatic arc in relation to the collision process and possible Neogene reversal of subduction; and (3) to understand the process of dewatering of a small accretionary wedge associated with ridge collision and subduction. Seven sites were occupied during the leg, five (Sites 827-831) were located in the d'Entrecasteaux Zone where collision is active. Three sites (Sites 827, 828, and 829) were located where the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge is colliding, whereas two sites (Sites 830 and 831) were located in the South d'Entrecasteaux Chain collision zone. Sites 828 (on North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge) and 831 (on Bougainville Guyot) were located on the Pacific Plate, whereas all other sites were located on a microplate of the North Fiji Basin. Two sites (Sites 832 and 831) were located in the intra-arc North Aoba Basin. Results of Leg 134 drilling showed that forearc deformation associated with the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and South d'Entrecasteaux Chain collision is distinct and different. The d'Entrecasteaux Zone is an Eocene subduction/obduction complex with a distinct submerged island arc. Collision and subduction of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge results in off scraping of ridge material and plating of the forearc with thrust sheets (flakes) as well as distinct forearc uplift. Some offscraped sedimentary rocks and surficial volcanic basement rocks of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge are being underplated to the New Hebrides Island forearc. In contrast, the South d'Entrecasteaux Chain is a serrated feature resulting in intermittent collision and subduction of seamounts. The collision of the Bougainville Guyot has indented the forearc and appears to be causing shortening through thrust faulting. In addition, we found that the Quaternary relative convergence rate between the New Hebrides Island Arc at the latitude of Espiritu Santo Island is as high as 14 to 16 cm/yr. The northward migration rate of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone was found the be ~2 to 4 cm/yr based on the newly determined Quaternary relative convergence rate. Using these rates we established the timing of initial d'Entrecasteaux Zone collision with the arc at ~3 Ma at the latitude of Epi Island and fixed the impact of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge upon Espiritu Santo Island at early Pleistocene (between 1.89 and 1.58 Ma). Dewatering is occurring in the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge accretionary wedge, and the wedge is dryer than other previously studied accretionary wedges, such as Barbados. This could be the result of less sediment being subducted at the New Hebrides compared to the Barbados.


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The basement of Bougainville Guyot drilled at Site 831 consists of andesitic hyalobreccias derived from a submarine arc volcano. The volcanic sequence has been dated by K/Ar at approximately 37 Ma. The 121 m of andesitic hyalobreccias drilled in Hole 831B have been divided into five subunits of two types: one appears to be primary, and the other contains evidence of reworking and a subaerial clastic input. Variations are attributed to fluctuations in water depth. The distinctive hyalobreccias consist of andesitic blebs with chilled margins and peripheral fractures set in a chaotic greenish matrix that is mainly altered glass, with crystals similar to those in the blebs or clasts. Their formation is attributed to violent reaction of andesitic magma discharged into seawater, in perhaps the submarine equivalent of fire-fountaining. There was limited reworking by currents and debris flows on the flanks of the submarine volcano. The andesite shows no significant compositional variation in phenocryst phases throughout the drilled sequence and contains phenocrysts of plagioclase (An88-43), clinopyroxene (Ca44Mg46Fe10-Ca41Mg40Fe19), orthopyroxene (Ca4Mg79Fe17-Ca3Mg58Fe39), and titanomagnetite. There is a systematic change in volcanic composition with height in the section, from more mafic andesites at the base, to overlying more acid andesites, and strong evidence exists that magma mixing may have played a significant role in the genesis of these lavas. The andesites have affinities with the low-K arc tholeiite series. Trace element and isotopic systematics for these rocks indicate very minor involvement of a LILE- and 87Sr-enriched slab-derived fluid in their petrogenesis. This accords with the previous suggestion that Bougainville Guyot forms part of an Eocene proto-island arc developed along the southern side of the d'Entrecasteaux Zone, above a southward-dipping subduction zone.


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Igneous rocks recovered from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 Sites 827, 829, and 830 at the toe of the forearc slope of New Hebrides Island Arc were investigated, using petrography, mineral chemistry, major and trace element, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic analyses. Basaltic and andesitic clasts, together with detrital crystals of plagioclase, pyroxenes, and amphiboles embedded in sed-lithic conglomerate or volcanic siltstone and sandstone of Pleistocene age, were recovered from Sites 827 and 830. Petrological features of these lava clasts suggest a provenance from the Western Belt of New Hebrides Island Arc; igneous constituents were incorporated into breccias and sandstones, which were in turn reworked into a second generation breccia. Drilling at Site 829 recovered a variety of igneous rocks including basalts and probably comagmatic dolerites and gabbros, plus rare ultramafic rocks. Geochemical features, including Pb isotopic ratios, of the mafic rocks are intermediate between midocean ridge basalts and island arc tholeiites, and these rocks are interpreted to be backarc basin basalts. No correlates of these mafic rocks are known from Espiritu Santo and Malakula islands, nor do they occur in the Pleistocene volcanic breccias at Sites 827 and 830. However, basalts with very similar trace element and isotopic compositions have been recovered from the northern flank of North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge at Site 828. It is proposed that igneous rocks drilled at Site 829 represent material from the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge accreted onto the over-riding Pacific Plate during collision. An original depleted mantle harzburgitic composition is inferred for a serpentinite clast recovered at 407 meters below seafloor (mbsf) in Hole 829A. Its provenance is a matter of speculation. It could have been brought up along a deep thrust fault affecting the Pacific Plate at the colliding margin, or analogous to the Site 829 basaltic lavas, it may represent material accreted from the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge.


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A high-resolution record of foraminiferal fragmentation (a dissolution indicator) for the last 250 k.y. (isotopic Stages 1 to 7) is identified in the upper 61.9 m of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole 828A, west Vanuatu. This record is comparable in detail to the atmospheric CO2 record and the d18O stack. Phase shifts between preservation spikes and maximum ice volumes (d18O of Globigerinoides sacculifer) are analogous to those on Ontong Java Plateau. Mass spectrometer (AMS14C) dating of a sample taken at the base of dissolution cycle B1 and the position of the last glacial maximum indicates a lag in time of ~8 k.y. in the Vanuatu region for the last glacial termination. When dissolution spikes are compared with minimum ice volumes there is no phase shift for the last two glacial terminations. The difference between Vanuatu and Ontong Java Plateau may be explained by local CO2 sinks and the interplay between intermediate and deep water masses. Terrigenous input increasingly affected sediment of Hole 828A on the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) as it approached Espiritu Santo Island. Mud and silt suspended in mid-water flows become important after 125 ka, while turbidites bypass the New Hebrides Trench only towards the last glacial maximum (LGM). Terrigenous supply seems to affect the lysocline profile that changed from an "open ocean" to a "near continent" type, thus favoring dissolution. Fragmentation of planktonic foraminifers is a more sensitive indicator of lysocline variations than is foraminiferal susceptibility to dissolution, the foraminiferal dissolution index, the abundance of benthic foraminifers, or CaCO3 content. A modern foraminiferal lysocline for the neighboring area (between 10°S and 30°S, and 160°E and 180°E) is found at 3.1 km below sea level, compared to west Vanuatu where it is shallower. The past lysocline level was deeper than 3086 m during intervals of dissolution minima, and ranged from ~2550 to 3000 m during intervals of dissolution maxima. The high sedimentation rates (in the order of 10 to 50 cm/k.y.) found in Hole 828A offer a great potential for future high-resolution studies either in this hole or other western localities along the NDR. Areas of high sedimentation near continental regions have been discarded for paleoceanographic and/or paleoclimatic studies. Nonetheless, conditions analogous to those found in Hole 828A are expected to occur in many trench areas around the world where mid-water flows have preserved as yet undiscovered fine high-resolution sedimentary records.


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A suite of volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks selected from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 134 Sites 832 and 833 in the North Aoba Basin (Central New Hebrides Island Arc) has been analyzed for Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopes to investigate the temporal evolution of the arc magmatism. This arc shows two unusual features with respect to other western Pacific arcs: 1) subduction is eastdirected; and 2) a major submarine ridge, the d'Entrecasteaux Zone, has been colliding almost perpendicularly with the central part of the arc since about 3 Ma. Volcanic rocks from the upper parts of both holes, generated during the last 2 m.y., show higher 87Sr/86Sr and significantly lower 206Pb/204Pb and 143Nd/144 Nd values compared to those volcanics erupted before the collision of this ridge, as represented by samples from the lower section of both holes, or remote from the collisional region, in the southern part of the arc. These isotopic differences in the respective mantle sources cannot be interpreted in terms of geochemical input into the mantle wedge induced by the collision itself. Rather, they require long term (>500 m.y.) enrichment processes. The enriched mantle source could be, on a regional scale, a DUPAL-type reservoir with strong similarities to the source of Indian Ocean basalts. Isotopic analyses of drilled rocks from the DEZ show that the anomalous, enriched mantle component is not derived from this feature. We currently cannot identify a source for this enriched component, but note that it also exists in Lau Basin backarc volcanics, lavas from the West Philippine Sea, and also some lavas from the Mariana-Izu-Bonin arc.


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This report includes the petrographic description and reviews the distribution of lithic clasts in sediments drilled during Leg 180 in the Woodlark Basin (southwest Pacific). The lithic clasts include (1) metamorphic rocks; (2) granites; (3) serpentinites, gabbros, dolerites, and basalts likely derived from the Papuan ophiolite belt; (4) rare alkaline volcanites reworked in middle Miocene sediments; (5) medium- to high-K calc-alkaline island arc volcanites, in part as reworked clasts, and explosive products deposited by fallout or reworked by turbiditic currents; and (6) rare sedimentary fragments. At the footwall sites the clast assemblage evidences the association of dolerites and evolved gabbroic rocks; the serpentinite likely pertaining to the same ophiolitic complex are likely derived from onland outcrops and transported by means of turbidity currents. On the whole, extensional tectonics active at least since the middle Pliocene can be inferred. The calc-alkaline volcanism is in continuity with the arc-related products from the Papua Peninsula and D'Entrecasteaux Islands and with the latest volcanics of the Miocene Trobrian arc. However, the medium- to high-K and shoshonitic products do not display a significant temporal evolution within the stratigraphic setting. Lava clasts, volcanogenic grains, and glass shards are associated with turbidity currents, whereas in the Pliocene of northern margin the increasing frequency of tephra (glass shards and vesicular silicic fragments) suggests more explosive activity and increasing contribution to the sediments from aerial fallout materials. Evidence of localized alkalic volcanism of presumable early to middle Miocene age is a new finding. It could represent a rift phase earlier than or coeval to the first opening of the Woodlark Basin or, less probably, could derive from depositional trajectories diverted from an adjacent basin.


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Petrography, major and trace elements, mineral chemistry, and Sr, Nd, and Pb isotopic ratios are reported for igneous rocks drilled on the northern flank of the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge (NDR) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 134 Site 828. These rocks comprise a breccia unit beneath a middle Eocene foraminiferal ooze. Both geophysical characteristics and the variety of volcanic rocks found at the bottom of Holes 828A and 828B indicate that a very immature breccia or scree deposit was sampled. Basalts are moderately to highly altered, but primary textures are well preserved. Two groups with different magmatic affinities, unrelated to the stratigraphic height, have been distinguished. One group consists of aphyric to sparsely plagioclase + clinopyroxene-phyric basalts, characterized by high TiO2 (~2 wt%) and low Al2O3 (less than 15 wt%) contents, with flat MORB-normalized incompatible element patterns and LREE-depleted chondrite-normalized REE patterns. This group resembles N-MORB. The other group comprises moderately to highly olivine + plagioclase-phyric basalts with low TiO2 (<1 wt%) and high Al2O3 (usually >15 wt%) contents, and marked HFSE depletion and LFSE enrichment. Some lavas in this group are picritic, with relatively high modal olivine abundances, and MgO contents up to 15 wt%. Both the basalts and picritic basalts of this group reflect an influence by subduction-related processes, and have compositions transitional between MORB and IAT. Lavas with similar geochemical features have been reported from small back-arc basins such as the Mariana Trough, Lau Basin, Sulu Sea, and the North Fiji Basin and are referred to as back-arc basin basalts. However, regional tectonic considerations suggest that the spreading that produced these backarc basin basalts may have occurred in the forearc region of the southwest-facing island arc that existed in this region in the Eocene.


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Seven sites drilled in the central New Hebrides Island Arc during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 134 yielded varying quantities of upper Eocene through Pleistocene calcareous nannofossils. Most of the Miocene and Pliocene strata were absent from Sites 827-831 drilled along the collisional boundary between the Australia and Pacific plates where the North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and Bougainville Guyot are being subducted. Sites 832 and 833, drilled in the intra-arc North Aoba Basin, contained upper Miocene through Pleistocene and early Pliocene through Pleistocene nannofossils, respectively. Detailed range charts displaying species abundances and age interpretations are presented for all of the sites. Despite problems of reworked assemblages, poor preservation, overgrowths and/or dilution from volcaniclastics, the nannofossil biostratigraphy delineates several repeated sections at Site 829 in the accretionary prism adjacent to Espiritu Santo Island. Paleogene pelagic sediments equivalent to those in a reference section at Site 828 appear to have been scraped from the downgoing North d'Entrecasteaux Ridge and accreted onto the forearc during the Pleistocene. Other sediments in the forearc include Pleistocene olistostromal trench-fill deposits containing clasts of various ages and compositions. Some of the clasts and olistoliths have affinities to rocks exposed on the neighboring islands and environs, whereas others are of uncertain origin. The matrix of the olistostromes is predominately Pleistocene, however, matrices of mixed nannofossil ages are frequently encountered. Comparisons of the mixed nannofossil ages in the matrices with sedimentological and structural data suggest that sediment mixing resulting from fault movement is subordinate to that occurring during deposition.