996 resultados para cytokine receptors


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Recent experimental evidence has challenged the paradigm according to which radiation traversal through the nucleus of a cell is a prerequisite for producing genetic changes or biological responses. Thus, unexposed cells in the vicinity of directly irradiated cells or recipient cells of medium from irradiated cultures can also be affected. The aim of the present study was to evaluate, by means of the medium transfer technique, whether interleukin-8 and its receptor (CXCR1) may play a role in the bystander effect after gamma irradiation of T98G cells in vitro. In fact the cell specificity in inducing the bystander effect and in receiving the secreted signals that has been described suggests that not only the ability to release the cytokines but also the receptor profiles are likely to modulate the cell responses and the final outcome. The dose and time dependence of the cytokine release into the medium, quantified using an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, showed that radiation causes alteration in the release of interleukin-8 from exposed cells in a dose-independent but time-dependent manner. The relative receptor expression was also affected in exposed and bystander cells.


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The Class I cytokine receptors have a wide range of actions, including a major role in the development and function of immune and blood cells. However, the evolution of the genes encoding them remains poorly understood. To address this we have used bioinformatics to analyze the Class I receptor repertoire in sea squirt (Ciona intestinalis) and zebrafish (Danio rerio).
Only two Class I receptors were identified in sea squirt, one with homology to the archetypal GP130 receptor, and the other with high conservation with the divergent orphan receptor CLF-3. In contrast, 36 Class I cytokine receptors were present in zebrafish, including representative members for each of the five structural groups found in mammals. This allowed the identification of 27 core receptors belonging to the last common ancestor of teleosts and mammals.
This study suggests that the majority of diversification of this receptor family occurred after the divergence of urochordates and vertebrates approximately 794 million years ago (MYA), but before the divergence of ray-finned from lobe-finned fishes around 476 MYA. Since then, only relatively limited lineage-specific diversification within the different Class I receptor structural groups has occurred.


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The leptin receptor (OB-R) is a single membrane-spanning protein that mediates the weight regulatory effects of leptin (OB protein). The mutant allele (db) of the OB-R gene encodes a protein with a truncated cytoplasmic domain that is predicted to be functionally inactive. Several mRNA splice variants encoding OB-Rs with different length cytoplasmic domains have been detected in various tissues. Here we demonstrate that the full-length OB-R (predominantly expressed in the hypothalamus), but not a major naturally occurring truncated form or a mutant from found in db/db mice, can mediate activation of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) proteins and stimulate transcription through interleukin 6 responsive gene elements. Reconstitution experiments suggest that, although OB-R mediates intracellular signals with a specificity similar to interleukin 6-type cytokine receptors, signaling appears to be independent of the gp130 signal transducing component of the interleukin 6-type cytokine receptors.


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Interleukin (IL) 2 signaling requires the dimerization of the IL-2 receptor beta (IL-2R beta) and common gamma (gamma c) chains. The gamma is also a component of the receptors for IL-4, IL-7, and IL-9. To assess the extent and role of the receptor signal transducing system utilizing the gamma c chain on human intestinal epithelial cells, the expression of gamma c, IL-2R beta, and receptor chains specific for IL-4, IL-7, and IL-9 was assessed by reverse transcription-coupled PCR on human intestinal epithelial cell lines and on isolated primary human intestinal epithelial cells. Caco-2, HT-29, and T-84 cells were found to express transcripts for the gamma c and IL-4R chains constitutively. IL-2R beta chain expression was demonstrated in Caco-2 and HT-29 but not in T-84 cells. None of the cell lines expressed mRNA for the IL-2R alpha chain. After stimulation with epidermal growth factor for 24 h Caco-2, HT-29, and T-84 cells expressed transcripts for IL-7R. In addition, Caco-2 and HT-29 cells expressed mRNA for the IL-9R. Receptors for IL-2, IL-4, IL-7, and IL-9 on intestinal epithelial cells lines appeared to be functional; stimulation with these cytokines caused rapid tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins. The relevance of the observations in intestinal epithelial cell lines for intestinal epithelial function in vivo was supported by the demonstration of transcripts for gamma c, IL-2R beta, IL-4R, IL-7R, and IL-9R in primary human intestinal epithelial cells.


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The complexity of multicellular organisms is dependent on systems enabling cells to respond to specific stimuli. Cytokines and their receptors are one such system, whose perturbation can lead to a variety of disease states. This review represents an overview of our current understanding of the cytokine receptors, Janus kinases (Jaks), Signal transducers and activators of transcription (Stats) and Suppressors of cytokine signaling (Socs), focussing on their contribution to diseases of an immune or hematologic nature.


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The studies described in this thesis suggest that IL-6R family members have the potential to significantly impact on ovarian cancer progression. These results suggest that assessment of IL-6R family expression represents a potential prognostic tool in determining appropriate therapy for ovarian cancer patients.


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Erythropoietin (EPO) is required for red blood cell development, but whether EPO-specific signals directly instruct erythroid differentiation is unknown. We used a dominant system in which constitutively active variants of the EPO receptor were introduced into erythroid progenitors in mice. Chimeric receptors were constructed by replacing the cytoplasmic tail of constitutively active variants of the EPO receptor with tails of diverse cytokine receptors. Receptors linked to granulocyte or platelet production supported complete erythroid development in vitro and in vivo, as did the growth hormone receptor, a nonhematopoietic receptor. Therefore, EPOR-specific signals are not required for terminal differentiation of erythrocytes. Furthermore, we found that cellular context can influence cytokine receptor signaling.


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SOCS-1, a member of the suppressor of cytokine signaling (SOCS) family, was identified in a genetic screen for inhibitors of interleukin 6 signal transduction. SOCS-1 transcription is induced by cytokines, and the protein binds and inhibits Janus kinases and reduces cytokine-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of signal transducers and activators of transcription 3 and the gp130 component of the interleukin 6 receptor. Thus, SOCS-1 forms part of a feedback loop that modulates signal transduction from cytokine receptors. To examine the role of SOCS-1 in vivo, we have used gene targeting to generate mice lacking this protein. SOCS-1−/− mice exhibited stunted growth and died before weaning with fatty degeneration of the liver and monocytic infiltration of several organs. In addition, the thymus of SOCS-1−/− mice was reduced markedly in size, and there was a progressive loss of maturing B lymphocytes in the bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood. Thus, SOCS-1 is required for in vivo regulation of multiple cell types and is indispensable for normal postnatal growth and survival.


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Many hormone and cytokine receptors are crosslinked by their specific ligands, and multimerization is an essential step leading to the generation of a signal. In the case of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptors (TNF-Rs), antibody-induced crosslinking is sufficient to trigger a cytolytic effect. However, the quaternary structural requirements for signaling--i.e., the formation of dimers, trimers, or higher-order multimers--have remained obscure. Moreover, it has not been clear whether the 55-kDa or 75-kDa TNF-R is responsible for initiation of cytolysis. We reasoned that an obligate receptor dimer, targeted to the plasma membrane, might continuously signal the presence of TNF despite the actual absence of the ligand. Such a molecule, inserted into an appropriate vector, could be used to project receptor-specific "TNF-like" activity to specific cells and tissues in vivo. Accordingly, we constructed sequences encoding chimeric receptors in which the extracellular domain of the mouse erythropoietin receptor (Epo-R) was fused to the "stem," transmembrane domain, and cytoplasmic domain of the two mouse TNF-Rs. Thus, the Epo-R group was used to drive dimerization of the TNF-R cytoplasmic domain. These chimeric proteins were well expressed in a variety of cell lines and bound erythropoietin at the cell surface. Both the 55-kDa and the 75-kDa Epo/TNF-R chimeras exerted a constitutive cytotoxic effect detected by cotransfection or clonogenic assay. Thus, despite the lack of structural homology between the cytoplasmic domains of the two TNF-Rs, a similar signaling endpoint was observed. Moreover, dimerization (rather than trimerization or higher-order multimerization) was sufficient for elicitation of a biological response.


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1. The growth hormone (GH) receptor was the first of the class 1 cytokine receptors to be cloned. It shares a number of structural characteristics with other family members and common signalling mechanisms based on common usage of the Janus kinase 2 (JAK2). 2. Growth hormone receptor activation is initiated by GH-induced homodimerization of receptor molecules. This has enabled the creation of specific hormone antagonists that block receptor dimerization. 3. The details of the transcription factors used by the activated receptor are being revealed as a result of promoter analyses and electrophoretic mobility gelshift analysis. 4. Growth hormone receptors are widespread and their discovery in certain tissues has led to the assignment of new physiological roles for GH, Some of these involve local or paracrine roles for GH, as befits its cytokine status. 5. Four examples of such novel roles are discussed, These are: (i) the brain GH axis; (ii) GH and the vitamin B-12 axis; (iii) GH in early pre-implantation development; and (iv) GH in development of the tooth. 6. We propose that the view that GH acts through the intermediacy of insulin-like growth factor-1 is simplistic; rather, GH acts to induce an array of growth factors and their receptors and the composition of this array varies with tissue type and, probably, stage of development.


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Cytokines represent essential mediators of cell-cell communication with particularly important roles within the immune system. These secreted factors are produced in response to developmental and/or environmental cues and act via cognate cytokine receptors on target cells, stimulating specific intracellular signaling pathways to facilitate appropriate cellular responses. This review describes the evolution of cytokine receptor signaling, focusing on the class I and class II receptor families and the downstream JAK-STAT pathway along with its key negative regulators. Individual components generated over a long evolutionary time frame coalesced to form an archetypal signaling pathway in bilateria that was expanded extensively during early vertebrate evolution to establish a substantial "core" signaling network, which has subsequently undergone limited diversification within discrete lineages. The evolution of cytokine receptor signaling parallels that of the immune system, particularly the emergence of adaptive immunity, which has likely been a major evolutionary driver.


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The γ-secretase protease complexes and associated regulated intramembrane proteolysis play an important role in controlling receptor-mediated intracellular signalling events, which have a central role in Alzheimer’s disease, cancer progression and immune surveillance. It has previously been reported that the Interleukin-1 receptor, type 1, (IL-1R1) is a substrate for regulated intramembrane proteolysis, mediated by presenilin (PS)-dependent γ-secretase activity. The aims of this project were twofold. Firstly, to determine the conservation of regulated intramembrane proteolysis as a physiological occurrence amongst other cytokine receptors. In this regard, similar to IL-1R1, we identified the Tumour necrosis factor receptor type 1 (TNFR1) and the Toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) as novel γ-secretase substrates. Secondly, given that the diversity of signalling events mediated by the IL-1R1, TLR4 and TNFR1 are spatially segregated, we investigated the spatial distribution, subcellular trafficking and subcellular occurrence of regulated intramembrane proteolysis of IL-1R1, TLR4 and TNFR1. Using dynasore an inhibitor of clathrin-dependent receptor endocytosis, both ectodomain shedding and γ-secretase-mediated cleavage of IL-1R1 were observed post-internalization. In contrast, TNFR-1 underwent ectodomain shedding at the cell surface followed by endosomal γ-secretase-mediated cleavage. Furthermore, immortalised fibroblasts from PS1-deficient mice showed impaired γ-secretasemediated cleavage of IL-1R1 and TNFR1, indicating that both are cleaved by PS1-and not PS2-containing γ-secretase complexes. Subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence studies revealed that the γ-secretase generated IL-1R1 ICD translocates to the nucleus on IL-1β stimulation. These observations further demonstrate the novel PS-dependent means of modulating IL-1β, LPS and TNFα- mediated immune responses by regulating IL-1R1/TLR4/TNFR1 protein levels within the cells.


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CD33 is a member of the sialic acid–binding immunoglobulin-like lectin (Siglec) family of inhibitory receptors and a therapeutic target for acute myeloid leukemia (AML). CD33 contains a cytoplasmic immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif (ITIM), which can recruit SHP-1 and SHP-2. How CD33 expression is regulated is unclear. Suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) is expressed in response to cytokines, LPS, and other PAMPs, and competes with SHP-1/2 binding to ITIMs of cytokine receptors, thereby inhibiting signaling. In this study, using peptide pull-down experiments, we found that SOCS3 can specifically bind to the phosphorylated ITIM of CD33. Additionally, following cross-linking SOCS3 can recruit the ECS E3 ligase resulting in accelerated proteasomal degradation of both CD33 and SOCS3. Our data suggest that the tyrosine motifs in CD33 are not important for internalization, while they are required for degradation. Moreover, SOCS3 inhibited the CD33-induced block on cytokine-induced proliferation. This is the first receptor shown to be degraded by SOCS3 and where SOCS3 and its target protein are degraded concomitantly. Our findings clearly suggest that during an inflammatory response, the inhibitory receptor CD33 is lost by this mechanism. Moreover, this has important clinical implications as tumors expressing SOCS3 may be refractory to -CD33 therapy.


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CD33-related Siglecs (sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins) 5–11 are inhibitory receptors that contain a membrane proximal ITIM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif) (I/V/L/)XYXX(L/V), which can recruit SHP-1/2. However, little is known about the regulation of these receptors. SOCS3 (suppressor of cytokine signaling 3) is up-regulated during inflammation and competes with SHP-1/2 for binding to ITIM-like motifs on various cytokine receptors resulting in inhibition of signaling. We show that SOCS3 binds the phosphorylated ITIM of Siglec 7 and targets it for proteasomal-mediated degradation, suggesting that Siglec 7 is a novel SOCS target. Following ligation, the ECS E3 ligase is recruited by SOCS3 to target Siglec 7 for proteasomal degradation, and SOCS3 expression is decreased concomitantly. In addition, we found that SOCS3 expression blocks Siglec 7-mediated inhibition of cytokine-induced proliferation. This is the first time that a SOCS target has been reported to degrade simultaneously with the SOCS protein and that inhibitory receptors have been shown to be degraded in this way. This may be a mechanism by which the inflammatory response is potentiated during infection.