949 resultados para cytochrome oxidase
Identification of populations of Bulinus nasutus and B. globosus from East Africa is unreliable using characters of the shell. In this paper, a molecular method of identification is presented for each species based on DNA sequence variation within the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) as detected by a novel multiplexed SNaPshotTM assay. In total, snails from 7 localities from coastal Kenya were typed using this assay and variation within shell morphology was compared to reference material from Zanzibar. Four locations were found to contain B. nasutus and 2 locations were found to contain B. globosus. A mixed population containing both B. nasutus and B. globosus was found at Kinango. Morphometric variation between samples was considerable and UPGMA cluster analysis failed to differentiate species. The multiplex SNaPshotTM assay is an important development for more precise methods of identification of B. africanus group snails. The assay could be further broadened for identification of other snail intermediate host species.
The mechanism whereby cytochrome £ oxidase catalyses elec-. tron transfer from cytochrome £ to oxygen remains an unsolved problem. Polarographic and spectrophotometric activity measurements of purified, particulate and soluble forms of beef heart mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase presented in this thesis confirm the following characteristics of the steady-state kinetics with respect to cytochrome £: (1) oxidation of ferrocytochrome c is first order under all conditions. -(2) The relationship between sustrate concentration and velocity is of the Michaelis-Menten type over a limited range of substrate. concentrations at high ionic strength. (3) ~he reaction rate is independent from oxygen concentration until very low levels of oxygen. (4) "Biphasic" kinetic plots of enzyme activity as a function of substrate concentration are found when the range of cytochrome c concentrations is extended; the biphasicity ~ is more apparent in low ionic strength buffer. These results imply two binding sites for cytochrome £ on the oxidase; one of high affinity and one of low affinity with Km values of 1.0 pM and 3.0 pM, respectively, under low ionic strength conditions. (5) Inhibition of the enzymic rate by azide is non-c~mpetitive with respect to cytochrome £ under all conditions indicating an internal electron transfer step, and not binding or dissociation of £ from the enzyme is rate limiting. The "tight" binding of cytochrome '£ to cytochrome c oxidase is confirmed in column chromatographic experiments. The complex has a cytochrome £:oxidase ratio of 1.0 and is dissociated in media of high ionic strength. Stopped-flow spectrophotometric studies of the reduction of equimolar mixtures and complexes of cytochrome c and the oxidase were initiated in an attempt to assess the functional relevance of such a complex. Two alternative routes -for reduction of the oxidase, under conditions where the predominant species is the £ - aa3 complex, are postulated; (i) electron transfer via tightly bound cytochrome £, (ii) electron transfer via a small population of free cytochrome c interacting at the "loose" binding site implied from kinetic studies. It is impossible to conclude, based on the results obtained, which path is responsible for the reduction of cytochrome a. The rate of reduction by various reductants of free cytochrome £ in high and low ionic strength and of cytochrome £ electrostatically bound to cytochrome oxidase was investigated. Ascorbate, a negatively charged reagent, reduces free cytochrome £ with a rate constant dependent on ionic strength, whereas neutral reagents TMPD and DAD were relatively unaffected by ionic strength in their reduction of cytochrome c. The zwitterion cysteine behaved similarly to uncharged reductants DAD and TI~PD in exhibiting only a marginal response to ionic strength. Ascorbate reduces bound cytochrome £ only slowly, but DAD and TMPD reduce bound cytochrome £ rapidly. Reduction of cytochrome £ by DAD and TMPD in the £ - aa3 complex was enhanced lO-fold over DAD reduction of free £ and 4-fold over TMPD reduction of free c. Thus, the importance of ionic strength on the reactivity of cytochrome £ was observed with the general conclusion being that on the cytochrome £ molecule areas for anion (ie. phosphate) binding, ascorbate reduction and complexation to the oxidase overlap. The increased reducibility for bound cytochrome £ by reductants DAD and TMPD supports a suggested conformational change of electrostatically bound c compare.d to free .£. In addition, analysis of electron distribution between cytochromes £ and a in the complex suggest that the midpotential of cytochrome ~ changes with the redox state of the oxidase. Such evidence supports models of the oxidase which suggest interactions within the enzyme (or c - enzyme complex) result in altered midpoint potentials of the redox centers.
Increasing citrate concentration, at constant ionic strength (30 mM) decreases the rate of cytochrome ~ reduction by ascorbate. This effect is also seen at both high (600 mM) and low (19 mM) ionic strengths, and the Kapp for citrate increases with increasing ionic strength. Citrate binds d both ferri -and ferrocytochrome ~, but with a lower affinity for the latter form (Kox . .red d = 2 mM, Kd = 8 mM) as shown by an equilibrium assay with N,N,N',N', Tetramethyl E- phenylenediamine. The reaction of ferricytochrome ~with cyanide is also altered in the presence of citrate: citrate increases the K~PP for cyanide. Column chromatography of cytochrome ~-cytochrome oxidase mixtures shows citrate increases the dissociation constant of the complex. These results are confirmed in kinetic assays for the "loose"site (Km = 20 pM) only. The effect of increasing citrate observable at the "tight" site (Km = 0.25 pM) is on the turnover number and not on the K . These results suggest a mechanism m where anion binding to cytochrome £ at the tight site affects the equilibrium between two forms of cytochrome c bound cytochrome oxidase: an active and an inactive one.
The Asian subterranean termite, Coptotermes gestroi, originally from northeast India through Burma, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Indonesian archipelago, is a major termite pest introduced in several countries around the world, including Brazil. We sequenced the mitochondrial COII gene from individuals representing 23 populations. Phylogenetic analysis of COII gene sequences from this and other studies resulted in two main groups: (1) populations of Cleveland (USA) and four populations of Malaysia and (2) populations of Brazil, four populations of Malaysia, and one population from each of Thailand, Puerto Rico, and Key West (USA). Three new localities are reported here, considerably enlarging the distribution of C. gestroi in Brazil: Campo Grande (state of Mato Grosso do Sul), Itajai (state of Santa Catarina), and Porto Alegre (state of Rio Grande do Sul).
Deletion of reading frame YHR116W of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae nuclear genome elicits a respiratory deficiency. The encoded product, here named Cox23p, is shown to be required for the expression of cytochrome oxidase. Cox23p is homologous to Cox17p, a water-soluble copper protein previously implicated in the maturation of the Cu-A center of cytochrome oxidase. The respiratory defect of a cox23 null mutant is rescued by high concentrations of copper in the medium but only when the mutant harbors COX17 on a high copy plasmid. Overexpression of Cox17p by itself is not a sufficient condition to rescue the mutant phenotype. Cox23p, like Cox17p, is detected in the intermembrane space of mitochondria and in the postmitochondrial supernatant fraction, the latter consisting predominantly of cytosolic proteins. Because Cox23p and Cox17p are not part of a complex, the requirement of both for cytochrome oxidase assembly suggests that they function in a common pathway with Cox17p acting downstream of Cox23p.
Species from the Solenopsis saevissima (Smith) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) species group are native to South America and have a cosmopolitan distribution because they have been accidentally introduced in many countries around the world. In Brazil, they have a wide distribution, including urban areas. The present study was conducted to investigate the characterization of Solenopsis genus populations associated with urban/human interference sites in Brazil by analyzing the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I and estimating the degree of relatedness of these populations to make inferences about their phylogeny and also observe the patterns of mitochondrial haplotype (mitotype) distribution across their range. The results revealed complete geographical coherence and polyphyly for the Solenopsis invicta Buren and Solenopsis saevissima species groups, which confirms the diversity of the genera. It also suggests the possibility that reproductively-isolated populations occur, resulting in the evolutionary process of speciation. No predominant haplotype was found in the populations analyzed, but some were more prevalent.
Previously, we developed a rat model of persistent mitochondrial dysfunction based upon the chronic partial inhibition of the mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (EC Continuous systemic infusion of sodium azide at approximately 1 mg/kg per hr inhibited cytochrome oxidase activity and produced a spatial learning deficit. In other laboratories, glucocorticoids have been reported to exacerbate neuronal damage from various acute metabolic insults. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that corticosterone, the primary glucocorticoid in the rat, would potentiate the sodium azide-induced learning deficit. To this end, we first identified nonimpairing doses of sodium azide (approximately 0.75 mg/kg per hr) and corticosterone (100-mg pellet, 3-week sustained-release). We now report that chronic co-administration of these individually nonimpairing treatments produced a severe learning deficit. Moreover, the low dose of corticosterone, which did not elevate serum corticosterone, acted synergistically with sodium azide to inhibit cytochrome oxidase activity. The latter result represents a previously unidentified effect of glucocorticoids that provides a candidate mechanism for glucocorticoid potentiation of neurotoxicity induced by metabolic insult. These results may have the clinical implication of expanding the definition of hypercortisolism in patient populations with compromised oxidative metabolism. Furthermore, they suggest that glucocorticoid treatment may contribute to pathology in disease or trauma conditions that involve metabolic insult.
Studies on the steady state behavior of soluble cytochrome c oxidase are extensive. These studies have examined the influence of ionic strength and pH and may provide answers to questions such as the link between proton translocation and charge separation. The present study examined the influence of external bulk pH on ApH formation, biphasic kinetics, and steady state reduction of cytochromes c and a of cytochrome c oxidase in proteoliposomes. Bulk pH has an appreciable effect on ApH formation and steady state reduction levels of cytochromes c and 8. Bulk pH affected total Vmax and Km at the low affinity binding site of cytochrome c. This study also examined the influence of bovine serum albumin and free fatty acids on proton pumping activity in bovine heart proteoliposomes. Proton pumping activity decreased after treatment with BSA, and was subsequently reinstated after further treatment with FFA. Much study in the superfamily of haem/copper oxidases has recently been devoted to the bacterial oxidases. The present study has examined some protein composition characteristics and bioenergetic features of Bacillus subtilis cytochrome caa3 oxidase. Results provide evidence for the structural composition of the enzyme in relation to the covalently bound cytochrome c to the oxidas~. Bioenergetically, caa3 COV showed appreciable proton pumping activity. Steady state analysis of the caa3 COV showed significantly different cytochrome c and a reduction characteristics compared to the bovine enzyme.
Cytoch ro me c oxidase (ferrocytochrome c : 02 oxidoreductase ; EC 1.9. 3.1) is the terminal enzyme in the mitochondrial electron transport chain, catalyzing the transfer of electrons from ferrocytochrome c to molecular oxygen. The effects of two large amphiphilic molecules .. valinomycin and dibucaine upon the spectra of the isolated enzyme and upon the activity of both isolated enzyme and enzyme in membrane systems are investigated by using spectrophotometric and oxygen electrode techniques. The results show that both valinomycin and dibucaine change the Soret region of the spectrum and cause a partial inhibition in a concentration range higher than that in which they act as ionophores. It is concluded that both valinomycin and dibucain~ binding induce a conformational change of the protein structure which modifies the spectrum of the a3 CUB centre and diminishes the rate of electron transfer between cytochrome a and the binuclear centre.
Cytochrome c oxidase .inserted into proteoliposomes translocates protons with a stoichiometry of approx-, imately 0.4-0.6 H+/e- in the presence of valinomycin plus pottasium. The existance .ofsuchproton translocation is .supportedby experiments with lauryl maltoside which abolished the pulses but~~d not inhibit cyt. c binding .or oxidase turnover. Pulses with K3FeCN6 did not induce acidification further supporting vectorial proton transport by cyt ..aa3 . Upon lowering the ionic strength and pulsing with ferrocytochrome c, H+/eratios increased. This increase is attributed to scaler proton release consequent upon cyt.c-phospholipid binding. Oxygen pulses at low ionic strength however did not exhibit this large scaler increase in H+/e- ratios.A-small increase was observed upon .02 pul'sing at·low ionic strengt.h. This increase was KeN and, ,pcep sensitive and thus possibly due to a redox linked scaler deprotonation. Increases in the H+/e- ratio also occurred ifp~lses ,were performed in the presence of nonactin rather.than valinomycin. The fluorescent pH indicator pyranine was internally trapped inaa3 conta~ning "proteoliposomes. Internal alkalinization, as mon,itored by pyranine fluorescence leads to a of approx.imately 0.35 units, which is proportional to electron flux. This internal alkalinization was also DCCD sensitive, being inhibited by approximately 50%. This 50% inhibition of internal alkalinization supports the existance of vectorial proton transport.
It has previously been recognized that the major biochemical toxicity induced by sulphide is due to an inhibition of cytochrome ~ oxidase. Inhibition of this enzyme occurs at 30°C and pH 7.4 with a Ki of approximately 0.2 ~M, and a kon of 104 M-1 s-l, under catalytic conditions. However, the equimo1ar mixture of sulphide and the enzyme shows identical catalytic behaviour to that of the native enzyme. This cannot readily be attributed to rapid dissociation of sulphide, as both spectroscopic and plot analysis indicate the koff value is low. The addition of stoichiometric sulphide to the resting oxidized enzyme gives rise to the appearance of a low-spin ferric-type spectrum not identical with that seen on the addition of excess sulphide to the enzyme aerobically. Sulphide added to the enzyme anaerobically gives rise to another low-spin, probably largely ferric, form which upon admission of oxygen is then converted into a 607 nm species closely resembling Compound C. The 607 nm form is probably the precursor of oxyferricytochrome aa3. The addition of successive a1iquots of Na2S solution to the enzyme induces initial uptake of approximately 3 moles of oxygen per mole of the enzyme. Thus, it is concluded that: 1. the initial product of sulphide-cytochrome c oxidase interaction is not an inhibited form of the enzyme, but the low-spin (oxyferri) ~3+~+ species; 2. a subsequent step in which sulphide reduces cytochrome ~ occurs; 3. the final inhibitory step, in which a further molecule of sulphide binds to the cytochrome ~ iron centre in the cytochrome ~2+~+ species, gives the cytochrome a2+~+-H2S form which is a half-reduced fully inhibited species;4. a 607 run form of the enzyme is produced which may be converted into a catalytically active low-spin (oxyferri) state; and therefore 5. liganded sulphide may be able to reduce the cytochrome 33 -Cu centre without securing the prior reduction of the cytochrome a_ haem group or the Cud centre associated with it.
Cytoch ro me c oxidase (ferrocytochrome c : 02 oxidoreductase ; EC 1.9. 3.1) is the terminal enzyme in the mitochondrial electron transport chain, catalyzing the transfer of electrons from ferrocytochrome c to molecular oxygen. The effects of two large amphiphilic molecules - valinomycin and dibucaine upon the spectra of the isolated enzyme and upon the activity of both isolated enzyme and enzyme in membrane systems are investigated by using spectrophotometric and oxygen electrode techniques. The results show that both valinomycin and dibucaine change the Soret region of the speetrum and cause a partial inhibition in a concentration range higher than that in which they act as ionophores. It is concluded that both valinomycin and dibucaine binding induce a conformational change of the protein structure which modifies the spectrum of the a3 CUB centre and diminishes the rate of electron transfer between cytochrome a and the binuclear centre.