993 resultados para cultural frame switching


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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This study focuses on bicultural individuals as workforce in multinational companies in Australia. The aim of the study is to research the role of these individuals in these companies, with three sub-questions; to research (bi)cultural identity biculturals have, exploiting biculturals’ competencies in multinational companies, and challenges in managing biculturals in these companies. The main theoretical concepts related to this research are biculture and a cross-cultural work environment. Furthermore, discussing biculturals as part of workforce in MNCs, by presenting opportunities and challenges, has been taken into account. The empirical part for the research was collected by semi-structured interviews between January and March 2016. The findings of this study suggest that the role of biculturals in MNCs is not established. Biculturals can be viewed as appreciated workforce but MNCs lack recognition and awareness of biculturals’ competencies. The competencies of biculturals’ are related to bicultural identity integration and sometimes competencies can be latent. Competencies bicultural individuals possess are often related to cultural knowledge, cultural frame switching, understanding and perception towards others. Australia as a nation faces cultural diversity daily but the potential behind it remains fairly untouched even on the individual level. The potential is everywhere but a more universal approach how to handle the potential still remains vague for most. There seem to be different approaches to diversity and to biculturalism, which lead to either advantage or challenge. It is found that in case the potential is recognized the result is more likely positive. Challenges may still occur yet if challenges are managed appropriately the company may be able to learn from them. Alternatively, ignorance is more likely to cause challenges that lead to a loss of resources. Biculturalism is not achieved overnight, as it was emphasized throughout this study, which highlights the role of competencies. For the future research it is necessary to find approaches how to enhance awareness and highlight possibilities, to capture currently lost potential.


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Currently new digital tools used in architecture are often at the service of a conception of architecture as a consumer society’s cultural good. Within this neoliberal cultural frame, architects’ social function is no longer seen as the production of urban facts with sense of duty, but as a part within the symbolic logic that rules the social production of cultural values as it was defined by Veblen and developed by Baudrillard. As a result, the potential given by the new digital tools used in representation has shifted from an instrument used to verify a built project to two different main models: At the one hand the development of pure virtual architectures that are exclusively configured within their symbolic value as artistic “images” easily reproducible. On the other hand the development of all those projects which -even maintaining their attention to architecture as a built fact- base their symbolic value on the author’s image and on virtual aesthetics and logics that prevail over architecture’s materiality. Architects’ sense of duty has definitely reached a turning point.


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I Max Bill is an intense giornata of a big fresco. An analysis of the main social, artistic and cultural events throughout the twentieth century is needed in order to trace his career through his masterpieces and architectures. Some of the faces of this hypothetical mural painting are, among others, Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius, Ernesto Nathan Rogers, Kandinskij, Klee, Mondrian, Vatongerloo, Ignazio Silone, while the backcloth is given by artistic avant-gardes, Bauhaus, International Exhibitions, CIAM, war events, reconstruction, Milan Triennali, Venice Biennali, the School of Ulm. Architect, even though more known as painter, sculptor, designer and graphic artist, Max Bill attends the Bauhaus as a student in the years 1927-1929, and from this experience derives the main features of a rational, objective, constructive and non figurative art. His research is devoted to give his art a scientific methodology: each work proceeds from the analysis of a problem to the logical and always verifiable solution of the same problem. By means of composition elements (such as rhythm, seriality, theme and its variation, harmony and dissonance), he faces, with consistent results, themes apparently very distant from each other as the project for the H.f.G. or the design for a font. Mathematics are a constant reference frame as field of certainties, order, objectivity: ‘for Bill mathematics are never confined to a simple function: they represent a climate of spiritual certainties, and also the theme of non attempted in its purest state, objectivity of the sign and of the geometrical place, and at the same time restlessness of the infinity: Limited and Unlimited ’. In almost sixty years of activity, experiencing all artistic fields, Max Bill works, projects, designs, holds conferences and exhibitions in Europe, Asia and Americas, confronting himself with the most influencing personalities of the twentieth century. In such a vast scenery, the need to limit the investigation field combined with the necessity to address and analyse the unpublished and original aspect of Bill’s relations with Italy. The original contribution of the present research regards this particular ‘geographic delimitation’; in particular, beyond the deep cultural exchanges between Bill and a series of Milanese architects, most of all with Rogers, two main projects have been addressed: the realtà nuova at Milan Triennale in 1947, and the Contemporary Art Museum in Florence in 1980. It is important to note that these projects have not been previously investigated, and the former never appears in the sources either. These works, together with the most well-known ones, such as the projects for the VI and IX Triennale, and the Swiss pavilion for the Biennale, add important details to the reference frame of the relations which took place between Zurich and Milan. Most of the occasions for exchanges took part in between the Thirties and the Fifties, years during which Bill underwent a significant period of artistic growth. He meets the Swiss progressive architects and the Paris artists from the Abstraction-Création movement, enters the CIAM, collaborates with Le Corbusier to the third volume of his Complete Works, and in Milan he works and gets confronted with the events related to post-war reconstruction. In these years Bill defines his own working methodology, attaining an artistic maturity in his work. The present research investigates the mentioned time period, despite some necessary exceptions. II The official Max Bill bibliography is naturally wide, including spreading works along with ones more devoted to analytical investigation, mainly written in German and often translated into French and English (Max Bill himself published his works in three languages). Few works have been published in Italian and, excluding the catalogue of the Parma exhibition from 1977, they cannot be considered comprehensive. Many publications are exhibition catalogues, some of which include essays written by Max Bill himself, some others bring Bill’s comments in a educational-pedagogical approach, to accompany the observer towards a full understanding of the composition processes of his art works. Bill also left a great amount of theoretical speculations to encourage a critical reading of his works in the form of books edited or written by him, and essays published in ‘Werk’, magazine of the Swiss Werkbund, and other international reviews, among which Domus and Casabella. These three reviews have been important tools of analysis, since they include tracks of some of Max Bill’s architectural works. The architectural aspect is less investigated than the plastic and pictorial ones in all the main reference manuals on the subject: Benevolo, Tafuri and Dal Co, Frampton, Allenspach consider Max Bill as an artist proceeding in his work from Bauhaus in the Ulm experience . A first filing of his works was published in 2004 in the monographic issue of the Spanish magazine 2G, together with critical essays by Karin Gimmi, Stanislaus von Moos, Arthur Rüegg and Hans Frei, and in ‘Konkrete Architektur?’, again by Hans Frei. Moreover, the monographic essay on the Atelier Haus building by Arthur Rüegg from 1997, and the DPA 17 issue of the Catalonia Polytechnic with contributions of Carlos Martì, Bruno Reichlin and Ton Salvadò, the latter publication concentrating on a few Bill’s themes and architectures. An urge to studying and going in depth in Max Bill’s works was marked in 2008 by the centenary of his birth and by a recent rediscovery of Bill as initiator of the ‘minimalist’ tradition in Swiss architecture. Bill’s heirs are both very active in promoting exhibitions, researching and publishing. Jakob Bill, Max Bill’s son and painter himself, recently published a work on Bill’s experience in Bauhaus, and earlier on he had published an in-depth study on ‘Endless Ribbons’ sculptures. Angela Thomas Schmid, Bill’s wife and art historian, published in end 2008 the first volume of a biography on Max Bill and, together with the film maker Eric Schmid, produced a documentary film which was also presented at the last Locarno Film Festival. Both biography and documentary concentrate on Max Bill’s political involvement, from antifascism and 1968 protest movements to Bill experiences as Zurich Municipality councilman and member of the Swiss Confederation Parliament. In the present research, the bibliography includes also direct sources, such as interviews and original materials in the form of letters correspondence and graphic works together with related essays, kept in the max+binia+jakob bill stiftung archive in Zurich. III The results of the present research are organized into four main chapters, each of them subdivided into four parts. The first chapter concentrates on the research field, reasons, tools and methodologies employed, whereas the second one consists of a short biographical note organized by topics, introducing the subject of the research. The third chapter, which includes unpublished events, traces the historical and cultural frame with particular reference to the relations between Max Bill and the Italian scene, especially Milan and the architects Rogers and Baldessari around the Fifties, searching the themes and the keys for interpretation of Bill’s architectures and investigating the critical debate on the reviews and the plastic survey through sculpture. The fourth and last chapter examines four main architectures chosen on a geographical basis, all devoted to exhibition spaces, investigating Max Bill’s composition process related to the pictorial field. Paintings has surely been easier and faster to investigate and verify than the building field. A doctoral thesis discussed in Lausanne in 1977 investigating Max Bill’s plastic and pictorial works, provided a series of devices which were corrected and adapted for the definition of the interpretation grid for the composition structures of Bill’s main architectures. Four different tools are employed in the investigation of each work: a context analysis related to chapter three results; a specific theoretical essay by Max Bill briefly explaining his main theses, even though not directly linked to the very same work of art considered; the interpretation grid for the composition themes derived from a related pictorial work; the architecture drawing and digital three-dimensional model. The double analysis of the architectural and pictorial fields is functional to underlining the relation among the different elements of the composition process; the two fields, however, cannot be compared and they stay, in Max Bill’s works as in the present research, interdependent though self-sufficient. IV An important aspect of Max Bill production is self-referentiality: talking of Max Bill, also through Max Bill, as a need for coherence instead of a method limitation. Ernesto Nathan Rogers describes Bill as the last humanist, and his horizon is the known world but, as the ‘Concrete Art’ of which he is one of the main representatives, his production justifies itself: Max Bill not only found a method, but he autonomously re-wrote the ‘rules of the game’, derived timeless theoretical principles and verified them through a rich and interdisciplinary artistic production. The most recurrent words in the present research work are synthesis, unity, space and logic. These terms are part of Max Bill’s vocabulary and can be referred to his works. Similarly, graphic settings or analytical schemes in this research text referring to or commenting Bill’s architectural projects were drawn up keeping in mind the concise precision of his architectural design. As for Mies van der Rohe, it has been written that Max Bill took art to ‘zero degree’ reaching in this way a high complexity. His works are a synthesis of art: they conceptually encompass all previous and –considered their developments- most of contemporary pictures. Contents and message are generally explicitly declared in the title or in Bill’s essays on his artistic works and architectural projects: the beneficiary is invited to go through and re-build the process of synthesis generating the shape. In the course of the interview with the Milan artist Getulio Alviani, he tells how he would not write more than a page for an essay on Josef Albers: everything was already evident ‘on the surface’ and any additional sentence would be redundant. Two years after that interview, these pages attempt to decompose and single out the elements and processes connected with some of Max Bill’s works which, for their own origin, already contain all possible explanations and interpretations. The formal reduction in favour of contents maximization is, perhaps, Max Bill’s main lesson.


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Problème: Ma thèse porte sur l’identité individuelle comme interrogation sur les enjeux personnels et sur ce qui constitue l’identification hybride à l’intérieur des notions concurrentielles en ce qui a trait à l’authenticité. Plus précisément, j’aborde le concept des identifications hybrides en tant que zones intermédiaires pour ce qui est de l’alternance de codes linguistiques et comme négociation des espaces continuels dans leur mouvement entre les cultures et les langues. Une telle négociation engendre des tensions et/ou apporte le lien créatif. Les tensions sont inhérentes à n’importe quelle construction d’identité où les lignes qui définissent des personnes ne sont pas spécifiques à une culture ou à une langue, où des notions de l’identité pure sont contestées et des codes communs de l’appartenance sont compromis. Le lien créatif se produit dans les exemples où l’alternance de code linguistique ou la négociation des espaces produit le mouvement ouvert et fluide entre les codes de concurrence des références et les différences à travers les discriminations raciales, la sexualité, la culture et la langue. Les travaux que j’ai sélectionnés représentent une section transversale de quelques auteurs migrants provenant de la minorité en Amérique du Nord qui alternent les codes linguistiques de cette manière. Les travaux détaillent le temps et l’espace dans leur traitement de l’identité et dans la façon dont ils cernent l’hybridité dans les textes suivants : The Woman Warrior de Maxine Hong Kingston (1975-76), Hunger of Memory de Richard Rodriguez (1982), Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer de Dany Laferrière (1985), Borderlands/La Frontera de Gloria Anzalduá (1987), Lost in Translation de Eva Hoffman (1989), Avril ou l’anti-passion de Antonio D’Alfonso (1990) et Chorus of Mushrooms de Hiromi Goto (1994). Enjeux/Questions La notion de l’identification hybride est provocante comme sujet. Elle met en question l’identité pure. C’est un sujet qui a suscité beaucoup de discussions tant en ce qui a trait à la littérature, à la politique, à la société, à la linguistique, aux communications, qu’au sein même des cercles philosophiques. Ce sujet est compliqué parce qu’il secoue la base des espaces fixes et structurés de l’identité dans sa signification culturelle et linguistique. Par exemple, la notion de patrie n’a pas les représentations exclusives du pays d’origine ou du pays d’accueil. De même, les notions de race, d’appartenance ethnique, et d’espaces sexuels sont parfois négativement acceptées si elles proviennent des codes socialement admis et normalisés de l’extérieur. De tels codes de la signification sont souvent définis par l’étiquette d’identification hétérosexuelle et blanche. Dans l’environnement généralisé d’aujourd’hui, plus que jamais, une personne doit négocier qui elle est, au sens de son appartenance à soi, en tant qu’individu et ce, face aux modèles locaux, régionaux, nationaux, voire même globaux de la subjectivité. Nous pouvons interpréter ce mouvement comme une série de couches superposées de la signification. Quand nous rencontrons une personne pour la première fois, nous ne voyons que la couche supérieure. D’ailleurs, son soi intérieur est caché par de nombreuses couches superposées (voir Joseph D. Straubhaar). Toutefois, sous cette couche supérieure, on retrouve beaucoup d’autres couches et tout comme pour un oignon, on doit les enlever une par une pour que l’individualité complète d’une personne soit révélée et comprise. Le noyau d’une personne représente un point de départ crucial pour opposer qui elle était à la façon dont elle se transforme sans cesse. Sa base, ou son noyau, dépend du moment, et comprend, mais ne s’y limite pas, ses origines, son environnement et ses expériences d’enfance, son éducation, sa notion de famille, et ses amitiés. De plus, les notions d’amour-propre et d’amour pour les autres, d’altruisme, sont aussi des points importants. Il y a une relation réciproque entre le soi et l’autre qui établit notre degré d’estime de soi. En raison de la mondialisation, notre façon de comprendre la culture, en fait, comment on consomme et définit la culture, devient rapidement un phénomène de déplacement. À l’intérieur de cette arène de culture généralisée, la façon dont les personnes sont à l’origine chinoises, mexicaines, italiennes, ou autres, et poursuivent leur évolution culturelle, se définit plus aussi facilement qu’avant. Approche Ainsi, ma thèse explore la subjectivité hybride comme position des tensions et/ou des relations créatrices entre les cultures et les langues. Quoique je ne souhaite aucunement simplifier ni le processus, ni les questions de l’auto-identification, il m’apparaît que la subjectivité hybride est aujourd’hui une réalité croissante dans l’arène généralisée de la culture. Ce processus d’échange est particulièrement complexe chez les populations migrantes en conflit avec leur désir de s’intégrer dans les nouveaux espaces adoptés, c’est-à-dire leur pays d’accueil. Ce réel désir d’appartenance peut entrer en conflit avec celui de garder les espaces originels de la culture définie par son pays d’origine. Ainsi, les références antérieures de l’identification d’une personne, les fondements de son individualité, son noyau, peuvent toujours ne pas correspondre à, ou bien fonctionner harmonieusement avec, les références extérieures et les couches d’identification changeantes, celles qu’elle s’approprie du pays d’accueil. Puisque nos politiques, nos religions et nos établissements d’enseignement proviennent des représentations nationales de la culture et de la communauté, le processus d’identification et la création de son individualité extérieure sont formées par le contact avec ces établissements. La façon dont une personne va chercher l’identification entre les espaces personnels et les espaces publics détermine ainsi le degré de conflit et/ou de lien créatif éprouvé entre les modes et les codes des espaces culturels et linguistiques. Par conséquent, l’identification des populations migrantes suggère que la « community and culture will represent both a hybridization of home and host cultures » (Straubhaar 27). Il y a beaucoup d’écrits au sujet de l’hybridité et des questions de l’identité et de la patrie, toutefois cette thèse aborde la valeur créative de l’alternance de codes culturels et linguistiques. Ce que la littérature indiquera Par conséquent, la plate-forme à partir de laquelle j’explore mon sujet de l’hybridité flotte entre l’interprétation postcoloniale de Homi Bhabha concernant le troisième espace hybride; le modèle d’hétéroglossie de Mikhail Bakhtine qui englobent plusieurs de mes exemples; la représentation de Roland Barthes sur l’identité comme espace transgressif qui est un modèle de référence et la contribution de Chantal Zabus sur le palimpseste et l’alternance de codes africains. J’utilise aussi le modèle de Sherry Simon portant sur l’espace urbain hybride de Montréal qui établit un lien important avec la valeur des échanges culturels et linguistiques, et les analyses de Janet Paterson. En effet, la façon dont elle traite la figure de l’Autre dans les modèles littéraires au Québec fournisse un aperçu régional et national de l’identification hybride. Enfin, l’exploration du bilinguisme de Doris Sommer comme espace esthétique et même humoristique d’identification situe l’hybridité dans une espace de rencontre créative. Conséquence Mon approche dans cette thèse ne prétend pas résoudre les problèmes qui peuvent résulter des plates-formes de la subjectivité hybride. Pour cette raison, j’évite d’aborder toute approche politique ou nationaliste de l’identité qui réfute l’identification hybride. De la même façon, je n’amène pas de discussion approfondie sur les questions postcoloniales. Le but de cette thèse est de démontrer à quel point la subjectivité hybride peut être une zone de relation créatrice lorsque l’alternance de codes permet des échanges de communication plus intimes entre les cultures et les langues. C’est un espace qui devient créateur parce qu’il favorise une attitude plus ouverte vis-à-vis les différents champs qui passent par la culture, aussi bien la langue, que la sexualité, la politique ou la religion. Les zones hybrides de l’identification nous permettent de contester les traditions dépassées, les coutumes, les modes de communication et la non-acceptation, toutes choses dépassées qui emprisonnent le désir et empêchent d’explorer et d’adopter des codes en dehors des normes et des modèles de la culture contenus dans le discours blanc, dominant, de l’appartenance culturelle et linguistique mondialisée. Ainsi, il appert que ces zones des relations multi-ethniques exigent plus d’attention des cercles scolaires puisque la population des centres urbains à travers l’Amérique du Nord devient de plus en plus nourrie par d’autres types de populations. Donc, il existe un besoin réel d’établir une communication sincère qui permettrait à la population de bien comprendre les populations adoptées. C’est une invitation à stimuler une relation plus intime de l’un avec l’autre. Toutefois, il est évident qu’une communication efficace à travers les frontières des codes linguistiques, culturels, sexuels, religieux et politiques exige une négociation continuelle. Mais une telle négociation peut stimuler la compréhension plus juste des différences (culturelle ou linguistique) si des institutions académiques offrent des programmes d’études intégrant davantage les littératures migrantes. Ma thèse vise à illustrer (par son choix littéraire) l’identification hybride comme une réalité importante dans les cultures généralisées qui croissent toujours aujourd’hui. Les espaces géographiques nous gardent éloignés les uns des autres, mais notre consommation de produits exotiques, qu’ils soient culturels ou non, et même notre consommation de l’autre, s’est rétrécie sensiblement depuis les deux dernières décennies et les indicateurs suggèrent que ce processus n’est pas une tendance, mais plutôt une nouvelle manière d’éprouver la vie et de connaître les autres. Ainsi les marqueurs qui forment nos frontières externes, aussi bien que ces marqueurs qui nous définissent de l’intérieur, exigent un examen minutieux de ces enjeux inter(trans)culturels, surtout si nous souhaitons nous en tenir avec succès à des langues et des codes culturels présents, tout en favorisant la diversité culturelle et linguistique. MOTS-CLÉS : identification hybride, mouvement ouvert, alternance de code linguistique, négociation des espaces, tensions, connectivité créative


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This paper considers the scope to develop an approach to the spatial dimensions of media and culture that is informed by cultural-economic geography. I refer to cultural-economic geography as that strand of research in the field of geography that has been informed on the one hand by the ‘cultural turn’ in both geographical and economic thought, and which focuses on the relationship between, space, knowledge and identity in the spheres of production and consumption, and on the other to work by geographers that has sought to map the scale and significance of the cultural or creative industries as new drivers of the global economy. The paper considers the extent to which this work enables those engaged with urban cultural policy to get beyond some of the impasses that have arisen with the development of “creative cities” policies derived from the work of authors such as Richard Florida as well as the business management literature on clusters. It will frame these debates in the context of recent work by Michael Curtin on media capitals, and the question of whether cities in East Asia can emerge as media capitals from outside of the US-Europe-dominated transnational cultural axis.


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This article examines the politics and practice of urban cultural policy in Austin, Texas. I demonstrate how aspects of the local context frame how local government and cultural sector interests strive to initiate the direction of policy. While larger trends—such as Richard Florida's creative city thesis—influence cultural policy and planning, specific contextual factors including prior economic development and growth management policy, departmental organization, the forum for interaction between municipal actors and non-governmental coalitions, and the character of the city's cultural economy mediate such trends to produce policy outcomes. As this case shows, contemporary urban cultural policy is not simply due to the rise of the creative city discourse, but is an evolving product of past policy structures and shaped by local institutions and actors.


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Formal incentives systems aim to encourage improved performance by offering a reward for the achievement of project-specific goals. Despite argued benefits of incentive systems on project delivery outcomes, there remains debate over how incentive systems can be designed to encourage the formation of strong project relationships within a complex social system such as an infrastructure project. This challenge is compounded by the increasing emphasis in construction management research on the important mediating influence of technical and organisational context on project performance. In light of this challenge, the research presented in this paper focuses on the design of incentive systems in four infrastructure projects: two road reconstructions in the Netherlands and two building constructions in Australia. Based on a motivational theory frame, a cross case analysis is conducted to examine differences and similarities across social and cultural drivers impacting on the effectiveness of the incentive systems in light of infrastructure project context. Despite significant differences in case project characteristics, results indicate the projects’ experience similar social drivers impacting on incentive effectiveness. Significant value across the projects was placed on: varied performance goals and multiple opportunities to across the project team to pursue incentive rewards; fair risk allocation across contract parties; value-driven tender selection; improved design-build integration; and promotion of future work opportunities. However, differences across the contexts were identified. Results suggest future work opportunities were a more powerful social driver in upholding reputation and establishing strong project relationships in the Australian context. On the other hand, the relationship initiatives in the Dutch context seemed to be more broadly embraced resulting in a greater willingness to collaboratively manage project risk. Although there are limitations with this research in drawing generalizations across two sets of case projects, the results provide a strong base to explore the social and cultural influences on incentive effectiveness across different geographical and contextual boundaries in future research.


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The purpose of this work is to use the concepts of human time and cultural trauma in a biographical study of the turning points in the recent history of Estonia. This research is primarily based on 148 in-depth biographical interviews conducted in Estonia and Sweden in 1995-2005, supplemented by excerpts from 5 collections and 10 individually published autobiographies. The main body of the thesis consists of six published and of two forthcoming separate refereed articles, summarised in the theoretical introduction, and Appendix of the full texts of three particular life stories. The topic of the first article is the generational composition and the collective action frames of anti-Soviet social mobilisation in Estonia in 1940-1990. The second article details the differentiation of the rites of passage and the calendar traditions as a strategy to adapt to the rapidly changed political realities, comparatively in Soviet Estonia and among the boat-refugees in Sweden. The third article investigates the life stories of the double-minded strategic generation of the Estonian-inclined Communists, who attempted to work within the Soviet system while professing to uphold the ideals of pre-war Estonia. The fourth article is concentrated on the problems of double mental standards as a coping strategy in a contradictory social reality. The fifth article implements the theory of cultural trauma for the social practice of singing nationalism in Estonia. The sixth article bridges the ideas of Russian theoreticians concerning cultural dialogue and the Western paradigm of cultural trauma, with examples from Estonian Russian life stories. The seventh article takes a biographical look at the logic of the unraveling of cultural trauma through four Soviet decades. The eighth article explores the re-shaping of citizen activities as a strategy of coping with the loss of the independent nation state, comparatively in Soviet Estonia and among Swedish Estonians. Cultural trauma is interpreted as the re-ordering of the society s value-normative constellation due to sharp, violent, usually political events. The first one under consideration was caused by the occupations of the Republic of Estonia by the Soviet army in 1940-45. After half a century of suppression the memories of these events resurfaced as different stories describing the long-term, often inter-generational strategies of coping with the value collapse. The second cultural trauma is revealed together with the collapse of the Soviet power and ideology in Estonia in 1991. According to empirical data, the following three trauma discourses have been reconstructed: - the forced adaptation to Soviet order of the homeland Estonians; - the difficulty of preserving Estonian identity in exile (Sweden); - the identity crisis of the Russian population of Estonia. Comparative analyses of these discourses have shown that opposing experiences and worldviews cause conflicting interpretations of the past. Different social and ethnic groups consider coping with cultural trauma as a matter of self-defence and create appropriate usable pasts to identify with. Keywords: human time, cultural trauma, frame analysis, discourse, life stories


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Voltage source inverters are an integral part of renewable power sources and smart grid systems. Computationally efficient and fairly accurate models for the voltage source inverter are required to carry out extensive simulation studies on complex power networks. Accuracy requires that the effect of dead-time be incorporated in the inverter model. The dead-time is essentially a short delay introduced between the gating pulses to the complementary switches in an inverter leg for the safety of power devices. As the modern voltage source inverters switch at fairly high frequencies, the dead-time significantly influences the output fundamental voltage. Dead-time also causes low-frequency harmonic distortion and is hence important from a power quality perspective. This paper studies the dead-time effect in a synchronous dq reference frame, since dynamic studies and controller design are typically carried out in this frame of reference. For the sake of computational efficiency, average models are derived, incorporating the dead-time effect, in both RYB and dq reference frames. The average models are shown to consume less computation time than their corresponding switching models, the accuracies of the models being comparable. The proposed average synchronous reference frame model, including effect of dead-time, is validated through experimental results.


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A low-order harmonic pulsating torque is a major concern in high-power drives, high-speed drives, and motor drives operating in an overmodulation region. This paper attempts to minimize the low-order harmonic torques in induction motor drives, operated at a low pulse number (i.e., a low ratio of switching frequency to fundamental frequency), through a frequency domain (FD) approach as well as a synchronous reference frame (SRF) based approach. This paper first investigates FD-based approximate elimination of harmonic torque as suggested by classical works. This is then extended into a procedure for minimization of low-order pulsating torque components in the FD, which is independent of machine parameters and mechanical load. Furthermore, an SRF-based optimal pulse width modulation (PWM) method is proposed to minimize the low-order harmonic torques, considering the motor parameters and load torque. The two optimal methods are evaluated and compared with sine-triangle (ST) PWM and selective harmonic elimination (SHE) PWM through simulations and experimental studies on a 3.7-kW induction motor drive. The SRF-based optimal PWM results in marginally better performance than the FD-based one. However, the selection of optimal switching angle for any modulation index (M) takes much longer in case of SRF than in case of the FD-based approach. The FD-based optimal solutions can be used as good starting solutions and/or to reasonably restrict the search space for optimal solutions in the SRF-based approach. Both of the FD-based and SRF-based optimal PWM methods reduce the low-order pulsating torque significantly, compared to ST PWM and SHE PWM, as shown by the simulation and experimental results.


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O Centro Cultural Cartola, sediado no bairro da Mangueira, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, foi criado a partir da observação de que os processos de preservação de memória, de transmissão da história e dos saberes do samba carioca se encontravam profundamente fragilizados pela engrenagem comercial e turística a que foram subvertidos, principalmente nos redutos tradicionais dessa expressão cultural. Reconhecido como Ponto de Cultura, em 2005, o Centro Cultural Cartola foi proponente da candidatura do samba do Rio de Janeiro a Patrimônio Cultural Imaterial Brasileiro e, desde então, vem trabalhando o protagonismo social de sambistas, visando a sua afirmação social e a salvaguarda desse patrimônio, com a implantação de uma política de resgate, valorização e difusão dos bens registrados: Partido- Alto, Samba de Terreiro e Samba-enredo. Desde 2009, passou a ser reconhecido como um Pontão de Cultura. Esta pesquisa de doutorado tem por hipótese central verificar o impacto da política de patrimônio junto aos agentes de cultura popular e como esse fato vem possibilitar- lhes sua elevação à condição de protagonistas sociais da própria história, a fim de garantir- lhes direitos e a valorização da identidade cultural que representam. Paralelamente, procurou- se conhecer a implantação de um museu de memória social, bem como levantar as principais conquistas e dificuldades do CCC no cumprimento de sua missão institucional, no que se refere à preservação do samba carioca e às interferências sociohistóricas a que é submetido, considerando-o como algo fluído e mutante. Parte essencial será também verificar se o discurso dos sambistas sobre sua arte e identidade mudou com a incorporação do conceito de patrimônio. Ressalta-se que a implantação do processo de salvaguarda das matrizes do samba do Rio de Janeiro que não está dissociada dos seus criadores e das práticas socioculturais na construção de ações de preservação, fomento e difusão de bens titulados


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The Nabugabo lakes are an important source of affordable protein food in the form of fish, income, water for domestic and commercial purposes (aquaculture farm and Hotels), handcraft materials (mats, hats, roof thatch) and fishing floats and rafts. Nabugabo lakes provide employment, income and export earnings to Uganda that flow from the act of harvesting the fish. In Uganda the fisheries sector directly employs 350,000 people and indirectly 1.2 million people. In 2005, it is estimated that about 370,000 mt fish export (97-98% Nile perch) earned Uganda US $ 143 Million up from US $ 103 million in 2004 .and up from US $ 45 million in 1996. , making it almost become the first non' traditional export commodity. The Nabugabo lakes are also import for cultural values and fish species from these lakes are important in evolutionary studies. The fishery sector is therefore very important in Uganda's socio-economic life. Despite the above values to the communities and global biodiversity roles, the amount of fish caught and the number fishing fleets operating on the Nabugabo lakes to guide management of the lake are lacking. The fishery that exists in these lakes is largely for subsistence and commercial purposes specific for Lake Nabugabo based on introduced species (Nile perch and Nile Tilapia). The fish is caught using mainly gill nets and long line hooks.


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In delineating a poetics of the cinematographic frame, this article presents a typology of framing styles, and demonstrates how filmmakers use the frame as an expressive resource and how the frame uses them. The examples discussed are modernist in orientation, and each has a particular association with a city - its history, architecture, and cultural character. Although it is common practice to refer to some framing situations as instances of 'deframing', the article enquires into the problematic nature of this term, suggesting alternative visual and cinematographic contexts more amenable to its deconstructive implications. As the boundaries between cinema and the other arts continue to converge and relations between frame, image, and screen become more complex, this article offers a reassessment of some first principles of film language, especially the aesthetic integrity of the cinematographic frame.


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This research considers cross-national diffusion of international human resource management (IHRM) ideas and practices by applying an emergent frame of sociological conceptualisation – ‘social institutionalism’ (SI). We look at cultural filters to patterns of diffusion, assimilation and adoption of IHRM, using Romania as a case study. The paper considers the former Communist system of employment relations, suggesting that through institutionalisation former ways of thinking continued to influence definitions and practice of people management in post-Communist Eastern Europe. The paper provides a new perspective on HRM by discussing the value of SI as a general model for understanding cross-cultural receptivity to HR ideas, sensitising the HR practitioner and academic to institutionalised culture as a historical legacy influencing receptivity to international management ideas.