972 resultados para cultivation in logs


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1. Recovery of rainforest bird community structure and composition, in relation to forest succession after slash-and-burn shifting cultivation or jhum was studied in Mizoram, north-east India. Replicate fallow sites abandoned after shifting cultivation 1, 5, 10, 25 and approximate to 100 years ago, were compared with primary evergreen and semi-evergreen forest using transect and quadrat sampling. 2. Vegetation variables such as woody plant species richness, tree density and vertical stratification increased with fallow age in a rapid. nun-linear, asymptotic manner. Principal components analysis of vegetation variables summarized 92.8% of the variation into two axes: PC1 reflecting forest development and woody plant succession (variables such as tree density, woody plant species richness), and PC2 depicting bamboo density, which increased from 1 to 25 years and declined thereafter. 3. Bird species richness, abundance and diversity, increased rapidly and asymptotically during succession paralleling vegetation recovery as shown by positive correlations with fallow age and PC1 scores of sites. Bamboo density reflected by PC2 had a negative effect on bird species richness and abundance. 4. The bird community similarity (Morisita index) of sites with primary forest also increased asymptotically with fallow age indicating sequential species turnover during succession. Bird community similarity of sites with primary forest (or between sites) was positively correlated with both physiognomic and floristic similarities with primary forest (or between sites). 5. The number of bird species in guilds associated with forest development and woody plants (canopy insectivores, frugivores: bark feeders) was correlated with PCI scores of the sites. Species in other guilds (e. g. granivores, understorey insectivores) appeared to dominate during early and mid-succession. 6. The non-linear relationships imply that fallow periods less than a threshold of 25 years for birds, and about 50-75 years for woody plants, are likely to cause substantial community alteration. 7. As 5-10-year rotation periods or jhum cycles prevail in many parts of north-east India. there is a need to protect and conserve tracts of late-successional and primary forest.


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Together with 106 farmers who started growing Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) in 20042006, this research sought to increase the knowledge around the real-life experience of Jatropha farming in the southern India states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Launched as an alternative for diesel in India, Jatropha has been promoted as a non-edible plant that could grow on poor soils, yield oil-rich seeds for production of bio-diesel, and not compete directly with food production. Through interviews with the farmers, information was gathered regarding their socio-economic situation, the implementation and performance of their Jatropha plantations, and their reasons for continuing or discontinuing Jatropha cultivation. Results reveal that 82% of the farmers had substituted former cropland for their Jatropha cultivation. By 2010, 85% (n = 90) of the farmers who cultivated Jatropha in 2004 had stopped. Cultivating the crop did not give the economic returns the farmers anticipated, mainly due to a lack of information about the crop and its maintenance during cultivation and due to water scarcity. A majority of the farmers irrigated and applied fertilizer, and even pesticides. Many problems experienced by the farmers were due to limited knowledge about cultivating Jatropha caused by poor planning and implementation of the national Jatropha program. Extension services, subsidies, and other support were not provided as promised. The farmers who continued cultivation had means of income other than Jatropha and held hopes of a future Jatropha market. The lack of market structures, such as purchase agreements and buyers, as well as a low retail price for the seeds, were frequently stated as barriers to Jatropha cultivation. For Jatropha biodiesel to perform well, efforts are needed to improve yield levels and stability through genetic improvements and drought tolerance, as well as agriculture extension services to support adoption of the crop. Government programs will -probably be more effective if implementing biodiesel production is conjoined with stimulating the demand for Jatropha biodiesel. To avoid food-biofuel competition, additional measures may be needed such as land-use restrictions for Jatropha producers and taxes on biofuels or biofuel feedstocks to improve the competitiveness of the food sector compared to the bioenergy sector. (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


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The viability of integrating rice farming with fish culture was studied in ten (10) rice plots. The on-farm research was done during one rice-growing season starting May 2003. The rice variety used was IR 2793-80-1 while the fish species was the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The fish culture period lasted 77 days. An average fish production of 132.4 kg/ha was obtained. The mean recovery rate of tilapia was 43 per cent. Total rice yield from the fields stocked with fish was lower than from unstocked fields. The net returns were not significantly different.


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Aquaculture in Tanzania is still on a subsistence level and most of the ponds are maintained as part time job. The ponds are too small, shallow and over crowded with stunted Tilapia spp. In the present paper the results of experiments conducted in ponds at Nyegezi with T. esculenta and T. zillii are presented. This was part of an overall project of developing techniques of fish cultures with Tilapia under the limited existing conditions at Nyegezi. In a mono - species culture experiement with Tilapia zillii in nine month's time an average size of 172.8 mm/115.0 g was attained. In another experiment with T. zillii and T. esculenta in thirteen month's time, T. zillii attained an average size of 180.2mm/106.6 g and T. esculenta 193.6 mm/118.8 g. In another experiment with intensive feeding schedule an average size of 179.3 mm/126.6 g was attained by T. zillii and 191.0 mm/125.0 g by T. esculenta in four month's time. A locally prepared supplimentary feed with local Brewery Waste and Fish Meal (10:1) was readily accepted by both species of Tilapia. T. zillii voraciously fed on Cabbage leaves, Cauliflower leaves, Chinese cabbage leaves, Cassava leaves and on the common weed Comalina sp. Though all the items mentioned above were readily accepted by T. zillii feeding with Comaltna sp. was the easiest and most convenient because of its availability. In an intensive feeding experiment with vegetable leaves/Comalina sp. and the locally prepared supplimentary feed the fishes attained table size in four months time. Cement cistens of 5 X 3 X 1½ m size could be conveniently used for breeding both species of Tilapia. T. zillii had semi adhesive eggs and they were deposited on the sides of the cement wall. The number of young ones in a brood ranged from 160 to 314 in T. esculenta and 687 to 4,356 in T. zillii.


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Undaria cultivation on a commercial scale began in China only in the last decade. Today, Undaria pinnatifida is the main species under cultivation concentrated in two provinces, Liaoning and Shandong. The annual production in the early nineties was 8000-13 000 tons dry weight, which is two or three times the pre-1980 figures. The raft cultivation method maintaining the alga at the desired depths generally ensures the light saturated rate of photosynthesis on clear days, and enhances production. Under the cultivated condition, the calculated annual primary productivity of this alga is 160 g C m(-2) y(-1). Translocation of C-14-labelled photoassimilates in rapidly growing sporophyte of Undaria pinnatifida was studied in the open sea. Samples from different parts of the blade with counterparts exposed to tracer ((NaHCO3)-C-14) showed that the translocation that occurred mainly from the tip of the blade to the growing region had obvious source-sink relationship. It took 20 minutes to translocate the labelled photoassimilates from the epidermis, via cortex, to the medulla of the midrib, where rates of translocation averaging 42-48 cm h(-1) were observed in the open sea. Production experiments of tip-cutting of the blades showed an increased production of 9%.


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Bangia fuscopurpurea (Rhodophyta) was cultivated in Putian (Fujian province, China). The characteristics of the life history concerned with cultivation were investigated and the cultivation procedure was presented. The gametophytic phase (thallus) and the sporophytic phase (conchocelis) occurred alternately in the life history of B. fuscopurpurea. Young thalli produced archeospores, and the number depended on the environmental factors. Temperature affected the number of archeospore release and percent of germination, and photo flux density (PFD) mainly affected the time of spore release and germination. Thalli matured from December to February and developed into the conchocelis phase through sexual reproduction. The conchocelis grown in shells had three developmental stages: vegetative conchocelis, conchosporangiall formation and conchospore formation. Pit-connections were present in the first 2 stages but absent after conchospore formation. Vegetative conchocelis and conchosporangial. branches can transform into each other. However, conchospores only developed into the gametophytic phase. Cultivation of B. fuscopurpurea was based on characterization of the life history, consisting of 3 steps: zygotospores collection, indoor cultivation of conchocelis and outdoor cultivation of thalli. Young thalli that developed from conchospores produced numerous archeospores before December. Over 90% of the crop was from the development of archeospores. The results indicated that conchosporelings were a good source of archeospores, and the development of the large quantity of archeospores acted as a more prevailing means to increase the population size. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In arid regions, biodiversity and biomass are limited by water availability, and this problem has been compounded by desertification associated with global climate change. The saprotrophic macrofungi that are indigenous to hot subtropical and tropical regions, such as Pleurotus spp., can play key roles in water sequestration, nutrient cycling, human nutrition, and bioremediation of waste materials. We studied 15 strains of Pleurotus sajor-caju, a widespread and phenotypically-diverse species, to establish variability in growth response and primordium development over a range of stress parameters: osmotic potential (-0.5 to -5 MPa), temperature (5-40 degrees C) and pH (2-12). The initiation of primordia precedes basidiome production and therefore represents a key stage in bioremediation strategies and fungi-driven nutrient cycles. Primordia were produced at low pH (4-6), at suboptimal growth temperatures (<or =25 degrees C), and under moderate water stress (-0.5 to -3.5 MPa). Although the growth windows for different strains were similar, their maximum growth rates and the optimum conditions for growth varied. We discuss the phenotypic diversity of Pleurotus strains and discuss their potential for cultivation, bioremediation and ecological regeneration.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Energia e Bioenergia


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School of management studies


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When does Neolithic life begin in Britain? The author gathered up the current evidence for radiocarbon-dated first use of cereals, distinguishing between dates from charcoal in contexts with cereals, and dates from the charred grains themselves. The charred grains begin to appear around 4000 cal BC and become prominent in settlements between 3800 and 3000 cal BC This correlates well with the appearance of megalithic tombs (3800-3500 cal BC) and argues for a relatively rapid adoption of the Neolithic package during an experimental phase of two centuries, 4000-3800 cal BC. The early cereals reported in the pollen record (from 5000 BC) are attributed to wild species.


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This paper summarizes some of the geoarchaeological evidence for early arable agriculture in Britain and Europe, and introduces new evidence for small-scale but very intensive cultivation in the Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age in Scotland. The Scottish examples demonstrate that, from the Neolithic to the Iron Age, midden heaps were sometimes ploughed in situ; this means that, rather than spreading midden material onto the fields, the early farmers simply ran an ard over their compost heaps and sowed the resulting plots. The practice appears to have been common in Scotland, and may also have occurred in England. Neolithic cultivation of a Mesolithic midden is suggested, based on thin-section analysis of the middens at Northton, Harris. The fertility of the Mesolithic middens may partly explain why Neolithic farmers re-settled Mesolithic sites in the Northern and Western Isles.


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Consumption of green leafy vegetables is associated with reduced risk of several types of cancer and cardiovascular disease. These beneficial effects are attributed to a range of phytochemicals including flavonoids and glucosinolates, both of which are found in high levels in Brassicaceous crops. Rocket is the general name attributed to cultivars of Eruca sativa and Diplotaxis tenufolia, known as salad rocket and wild rocket, respectively. We have shown that different light levels during the cultivation period of these crops have a significant impact on the levels of flavonoids present in the crop at harvest, with over 15-fold increase achieved in quercetin, isorhamnetin, and cyanidin in high light conditions. Postharvest storage further affects the levels of both flavonoids and glucosinolates, with cyanidin increasing during shelf life and some glucosinolates, such as glucoiberverin, being reduced over the same storage period. In vitro assays using human colon cell lines demonstrate that glucosinolate-rich extracts of Eruca sativa cv. Sky, but not Diplotaxis tenufolia cv. Voyager, confer significant resistance to oxidative stress on the cells, which is indicative of the chemoprotective properties of the leaves from this species. Our findings indicate that both pre and postharvest environment and genotypic selection, when developing new lines of Brassicaceous vegetables, are important considerations with the goal of improving human nutrition and health.


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Runoff, sediment, total phosphorus and total dissolved phosphorus losses in overland flow were measured for two years on unbounded plots cropped with wheat and oats. Half of the field was cultivated with minimum tillage (shallow tillage with a tine cultivator) and half was conventionally ploughed. Within each cultivation treatment there were different treatment areas (TAs). In the first year of the experiment, one TA was cultivated up and down the slope, one TA was cultivated on the contour, with a beetle bank acting as a vegetative barrier partway up the slope, and one had a mixed direction cultivation treatment, with cultivation and drilling conducted up and down the slope and all subsequent operations conducted on the contour. In the second year, this mixed treatment was replaced with contour cultivation. Results showed no significant reduction in runoff, sediment losses or total phosphorus losses from minimum tillage when compared to the conventional plough treatment, but there were increased losses of total dissolved phosphorus with minimum tillage. The mixed direction cultivation treatment increased surface runoff and losses of sediment and phosphorus. Increasing surface roughness with contour cultivation reduced surface runoff compared to up and down slope cultivation in both the plough and minimum tillage treatment areas, but this trend was not significant. Sediment and phosphorus losses in the contour cultivation treatment followed a very similar pattern to runoff. Combining contour cultivation with a vegetative barrier in the form of a beetle bank to reduce slope length resulted in a non-significant reduction in surface runoff, sediment and total phosphorus when compared to up and down slope cultivation, but there was a clear trend towards reduced losses. However, the addition of a beetle bank did not provide a significant reduction in runoff, sediment losses or total phosphorus losses when compared to contour cultivation, suggesting only a marginal additional benefit. The economic implications for farmers of the different treatment options are investigated in order to assess their suitability for implementation at a field scale.