3 resultados para cryobanking


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This pilot study evaluated whether combination of partial removal of ovarian tissue for cryobanking followed by ovarian stimulation and cryopreservation of oocytes can improve the efficacy of fertility preservation without further delaying cancer treatment. Initial partial removal of ovarian tissue did not substantially affect the average number and quality of retrieved oocytes after ovarian stimulation in this study.


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Placenta is a readily accessible translationally advantageous source of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) currently used in cryobanking and clinical trials. MSCs cultured from human chorion have been widely assumed to be fetal in origin, despite evidence that placental MSCs may be contaminated with maternal cells, resulting in entirely maternally derived MSC cultures. To document the frequency and determinants of maternal cell contamination in chorionic MSCs, we undertook a PRISMA-compliant systematic review of publications in the PubMed, Medline, and Embase databases (January 2000 to July 2013) on placental and/or chorionic MSCs from uncomplicated pregnancies. Of 147 studies, only 26 (18%) investigated fetal and/or maternal cell origin. After excluding studies that did not satisfy minimal MSC criteria, 7 of 15 informative studies documented MSC cultures as entirely fetal, a further 7 studies reported cultured human chorionic MSC populations to be either maternal (n=6) or mixed (n=1), whereas 1 study separately cultured pure fetal and pure maternal MSC from the same placenta. Maternal cell contamination was associated with term and chorionic membrane samples and greater passage number but was still present in 30% of studies of chorionic villous MSCs. Although most studies assume fetal origin for MSCs sourced from chorion, this systematic review documents a high incidence of maternal-origin MSC populations in placental MSC cultures. Given that fetal MSCs have more primitive properties than adult MSCs, our findings have implications for clinical trials in which knowledge of donor and tissue source is pivotal. We recommend sensitive methods to quantitate the source and purity of placental MSCs.


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Objective: This prospective randomized trial evaluated if there is an improvement in clinical outcomes when assisted hatching is performed in embryos derived from vitrified oocytes in an ovum donation program. Methods: Sixty oocyte recipients undergoing donation program using egg-cryobanking were randomly allocated to the assisted hatched (AH, n=30) or control group (n=30). Pregnancy and implantation rates were compared between the groups. Vitrification and warming procedure were carried out according to the Cryotopmethod. Immediately before embryo transfer, embryos undergoing laser-assisted hatching had the zona pellucida thinned using a 1.48 μm wavelength diode laser. Results: A total of 288 vitrified MII oocytes were warmed for the 60 recipients (4.8 oocytes per recipient). Out of 288 vitrified oocytes, 273 (94.8%) survived. All surviving oocytes were sperm injected and 228 displayed 2 pronucleus 16-18h after injection (83.5%). There were 172 good quality embryos transferred. Twenty four patients achieved clinical pregnancy (total pregnancy rate of 40%). The clinical pregnancy rate did not differ between AH and control groups (44.4% and 33.3%, respectively, p=0.1967), however AH resulted in a significant higher implantation rate (31.6% and 18.4%, p=0.0206). These findings were confirmed by the regression models either for pregnancy (OR = 1.14; IC 95% = 0.80-.72; p= 0.766), as for the implantation rate (RC:19.45, P=0.041). Conclusions: Our evidences demonstrated the effectiveness of the AH in embryos derived from warmed oocytes and suggest that oocyte cryopreservation is a valuable tool to provide successful outcomes in an egg donor program. © Todos os direitos reservados a SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.