998 resultados para crown horizontal projection


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Above ground biomass is frequently estimated with forest inventory data and an extrapolation method for the per unit area evaluations. This procedure is labour demanding and costly. In this study above ground biomass functions, whose independent variable is crown horizontal projection, were developed. Multi-resolution segmentation method and object-oriented classification, based on very high spatial resolution satellite images, were used to obtain the area of tree crown horizontal projection for umbrella pine (Pinus pinea L.). A set of inventory plots were measured and with existing allometric functions for this species above ground biomass per tree and per plot were calculated. The two data sets were used to fit linear functions both for individual plot and their cumulative values. The results show a good performance of the models. Errors smaller than 10% are obtained for stand areas greater than 1.4 ha. These functions have the advantages of estimating above ground biomass for all the area under study or surveillance, not requiring forest inventory; allow monitoring in short time periods; and are easily implemented in a geographical information system environment.


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Forest biomass has been having an increasing importance in the world economy and in the evaluation of the forests development and monitoring. It was identified as a global strategic reserve, due to its applications in bioenergy, bioproduct development and issues related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The estimation of above ground biomass is frequently done with allometric functions per species with plot inventory data. An adequate sampling design and intensity for an error threshold is required. The estimation per unit area is done using an extrapolation method. This procedure is labour demanding and costly. The mail goal of this study is the development of allometric functions for the estimation of above ground biomass with ground cover as independent variable, for forest areas of holm aok (Quercus rotundifolia), cork oak (Quercus suber) and umbrella pine (Pinus pinea) in multiple use systems. Ground cover per species was derived from crown horizontal projection obtained by processing high resolution satellite images, orthorectified, geometrically and atmospheric corrected, with multi-resolution segmentation method and object oriented classification. Forest inventory data were used to estimate plot above ground biomass with published allometric functions at tree level. The developed functions were fitted for monospecies stands and for multispecies stands of Quercus rotundifolia and Quercus suber, and Quercus suber and Pinus pinea. The stand composition was considered adding dummy variables to distinguish monospecies from multispecies stands. The models showed a good performance. Noteworthy is that the dummy variables, reflecting the differences between species, originated improvements in the models. Significant differences were found for above ground biomass estimation with the functions with and without the dummy variables. An error threshold of 10% corresponds to stand areas of about 40 ha. This method enables the overall area evaluation, not requiring extrapolation procedures, for the three species, which occur frequently in multispecies stands.


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The document images that are fed into an Optical Character Recognition system, might be skewed. This could be due to improper feeding of the document into the scanner or may be due to a faulty scanner. In this paper, we propose a skew detection and correction method for document images. We make use of the inherent randomness in the Horizontal Projection profiles of a text block image, as the skew of the image varies. The proposed algorithm has proved to be very robust and time efficient. The entire process takes less than a second on a 2.4 GHz Pentium IV PC.


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Separation of printed text blocks from the non-text areas, containing signatures, handwritten text, logos and other such symbols, is a necessary first step for an OCR involving printed text recognition. In the present work, we compare the efficacy of some feature-classifier combinations to carry out this separation task. We have selected length-nomalized horizontal projection profile (HPP) as the starting point of such a separation task. This is with the assumption that the printed text blocks contain lines of text which generate HPP's with some regularity. Such an assumption is demonstrated to be valid. Our features are the HPP and its two transformed versions, namely, eigen and Fisher profiles. Four well known classifiers, namely, Nearest neighbor, Linear discriminant function, SVM's and artificial neural networks have been considered and efficiency of the combination of these classifiers with the above features is compared. A sequential floating feature selection technique has been adopted to enhance the efficiency of this separation task. The results give an average accuracy of about 96.


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Apresentamos dois métodos de interpretação de dados de campos potenciais, aplicados à prospecção de hidrocarbonetos. O primeiro emprega dados aeromagnéticos para estimar o limite, no plano horizontal, entre a crosta continental e a crosta oceânica. Este método baseia-se na existência de feições geológicas magnéticas exclusivas da crosta continental, de modo que as estimativas das extremidades destas feições são usadas como estimativas dos limites da crosta continental. Para tanto, o sinal da anomalia aeromagnética na região da plataforma, do talude e da elevação continental é amplificado através do operador de continuação analítica para baixo usando duas implementações: o princípio da camada equivalente e a condição de fronteira de Dirichlet. A maior carga computacional no cálculo do campo continuado para baixo reside na resolução de um sistema de equações lineares de grande porte. Este esforço computacional é minimizado através do processamento por janelas e do emprego do método do gradiente conjugado na resolução do sistema de equações. Como a operação de continuação para baixo é instável, estabilizamos a solução através do funcional estabilizador de primeira ordem de Tikhonov. Testes em dados aeromagnéticos sintéticos contaminados com ruído pseudo-aleatório Gaussiano mostraram a eficiência de ambas as implementações para realçar os finais das feições magnéticas exclusivas da crosta continental, permitindo o delineamento do limite desta com a crosta oceânica. Aplicamos a metodologia em suas duas implementações a dados aeromagnéticos reais de duas regiões da costa brasileira: Foz do Amazonas e Bacia do Jequitinhonha. O segundo método delineia, simultaneamente, a topografia do embasamento de uma bacia sedimentar e a geometria de estruturas salinas contidas no pacote sedimentar. Os modelos interpretativos consistem de um conjunto de prismas bidimensionais verticais justapostos, para o pacote sedimentar e de prismas bidimensionais com seções verticais poligonais para as estruturas salinas. Estabilizamos a solução, incorporando características geométricas do relevo do embasamento e das estruturas salinas compatíveis com o ambiente geológico através dos estabilizadores da suavidade global, suavidade ponderada e da concentração de massa ao longo de direções preferenciais, além de vínculos de desigualdade nos parâmetros. Aplicamos o método a dados gravimétricos sintéticos produzidos por fontes 2D simulando bacias sedimentares intracratônicas e marginais apresentando densidade do pacote sedimentar variando com a profundidade segundo uma lei hiperbólica e abrigando domos e almofadas salinas. Os resultados mostraram que o método apresenta potencial para delinear, simultaneamente, as geometrias tanto de almofadas e domos salinos, como de relevos descontínuos do embasamento. Aplicamos o método, também, a dados reais ao longo de dois perfis gravimétricos sobre as Bacias de Campos e do Jequitinhonha e obtivemos interpretações compatíveis com a geologia da área.


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Background: Most investigations regarding the First Americans have primarily focused on four themes: when the New World was settled by humans; where they came from; how many migrations or colonization pulses from elsewhere were involved in the process; and what kinds of subsistence patterns and material culture they developed during the first millennia of colonization. Little is known, however, about the symbolic world of the first humans who settled the New World, because artistic manifestations either as rock-art, ornaments, and portable art objects dated to the Pleistocene/Holocene transition are exceedingly rare in the Americas. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we report a pecked anthropomorphic figure engraved in the bedrock of Lapa do Santo, an archaeological site located in Central Brazil. The horizontal projection of the radiocarbon ages obtained at the north profile suggests a minimum age of 9,370640 BP, (cal BP 10,700 to 10,500) for the petroglyph that is further supported by optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates from sediment in the same stratigraphic unit, located between two ages from 11.7 +/- 0.8 ka BP to 9.9 +/- 0.7 ka BP. Conclusions: These data allow us to suggest that the anthropomorphic figure is the oldest reliably dated figurative petroglyph ever found in the New World, indicating that cultural variability during the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary in South America was not restricted to stone tools and subsistence, but also encompassed the symbolic dimension.


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In this study, the authors have investigated the likely future changes in the summer monsoon over the Western Ghats (WG) orographic region of India in response to global warming, using time-slice simulations of an ultra high-resolution global climate model and climate datasets of recent past. The model with approximately 20-km mesh horizontal resolution resolves orographic features on finer spatial scales leading to a quasi-realistic simulation of the spatial distribution of the present-day summer monsoon rainfall over India and trends in monsoon rainfall over the west coast of India. As a result, a higher degree of confidence appears to emerge in many aspects of the 20-km model simulation, and therefore, we can have better confidence in the validity of the model prediction of future changes in the climate over WG mountains. Our analysis suggests that the summer mean rainfall and the vertical velocities over the orographic regions of Western Ghats have significantly weakened during the recent past and the model simulates these features realistically in the present-day climate simulation. Under future climate scenario, by the end of the twenty-first century, the model projects reduced orographic precipitation over the narrow Western Ghats south of 16A degrees N that is found to be associated with drastic reduction in the southwesterly winds and moisture transport into the region, weakening of the summer mean meridional circulation and diminished vertical velocities. We show that this is due to larger upper tropospheric warming relative to the surface and lower levels, which decreases the lapse rate causing an increase in vertical moist static stability (which in turn inhibits vertical ascent) in response to global warming. Increased stability that weakens vertical velocities leads to reduction in large-scale precipitation which is found to be the major contributor to summer mean rainfall over WG orographic region. This is further corroborated by a significant decrease in the frequency of moderate-to-heavy rainfall days over WG which is a typical manifestation of the decrease in large-scale precipitation over this region. Thus, the drastic reduction of vertical ascent and weakening of circulation due to `upper tropospheric warming effect' predominates over the `moisture build-up effect' in reducing the rainfall over this narrow orographic region. This analysis illustrates that monsoon rainfall over mountainous regions is strongly controlled by processes and parameterized physics which need to be resolved with adequately high resolution for accurate assessment of local and regional-scale climate change.


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We developed a direct partitioning method to construct a seamless discrete global grid system (DGGS) with any resolution based on a two-dimensional projected plane and the earth ellipsoid. This DGGS is composed of congruent square grids over the projected plane and irregular ellipsoidal quadrilaterals on the ellipsoidal surface. A new equal area projection named the parallels plane (PP) projection derived from the expansion of the central meridian and parallels has been employed to perform the transformation between the planar squares and the corresponding ellipsoidal grids. The horizontal sides of the grids are parts of the parallel circles and the vertical sides are complex ellipsoidal curves, which can be obtained by the inverse expression of the PP projection. The partition strategies, transformation equations, geometric characteristics and distortions for this DGGS have been discussed. Our analysis proves that the DGGS is area-preserving while length distortions only occur on the vertical sides off the central meridian. Angular and length distortions positively correlate to the increase in latitudes and the spanning of longitudes away from a chosen central meridian. This direct partition only generates a small number of broken grids that can be treated individually.


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Avaliando a primeira década do século XXI, a política externa do Brasil tem passado por uma evolução significativa caracterizada por uma posição internacional e projeção de poder assertiva, dinamizando parcerias estratégicas com países desenvolvidos e emergentes. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar as prioridades desta agenda e os potenciais relacionados a estes esforços de cooperação bi e multilateral horizontal e vertical.


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Purpose: In order to assist in the selection of artificial teeth for complete dentures, this study aimed to assess the relationship between horizontal and vertical measurements of the face and the morphology of the maxillary central incisor. Materials and Methods: This was a study of 50 plaster casts and 100 teleradiographs - 50 in lateral norm and 50 in frontal norm, belonging to 50 individuals, Caucasian, with a naturally optimal occlusion, matching at least four of the six keys of Andrews. Images of the upper central incisors were obtained by scanning the plaster casts (three-dimensional) and subjectively classified by three examiners as oval, triangular or quadrangular. Facial measures (vertical and horizontal) were defined by means of teleradiographs. In order to check inter-examiner agreement on the classification of central incisor, the Kappa test was used. To verify whether data had normal distribution, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used ( P > 0.2) was used. One-way analysis of variance was employed to assess the association between variables (P > 0.05). Results: When vertical measurements were compared with the three incisor shapes, there was no statistically significant difference (P > 0.05): Triangular (0.54), oval (0.63) and quadrangular (0.51). Similarly, no difference (P > 0.05) was found for facial width (139.08, 143.37, 141.65), maxillary width (76.68, 78.99, 76.91) and mandibular width (103.47, 105.50, 103.11). Conclusions: The majority of cases showed that horizontal and vertical measurements of the face cannot be used as a reference for determining the morphology of the maxillary central incisor crown. It is relevant to analyze and compare other morphological structures to improve the oral health-related quality of life for the conventional denture wearer.


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Many animal species make use of ultraviolet (UV) light in a number of behaviors, such as feeding and mating. The goldfish (Carassius auratus) is among those with a UV photoreceptor and pronounced UV sensitivity. Little is known, however, about the retinal processing of this input. We addressed this issue by recording intracellularly from second-order neurons in the adult goldfish retina. In order to test whether cone-driven horizontal cells (HCs) receive UV cone inputs, we performed chromatic adaptation experiments with mono- and biphasic HCs. We found no functional evidence of a projection from the UV-sensitive cones to these neurons in adult animals. This suggests that goldfish UV receptors may contact preferentially triphasic HCs, which is at odds with the hypothesis that all cones contact all cone-driven HC types. However, we did find evidence of direct M-cone input to monophasic HCs, favoring the idea that cone-HC contacts are more promiscuous than originally proposed. Together, our results suggest that either UV cones have a more restricted set of post-synaptic partners than the other three cone types, or that the UV input to mono- and biphasic HCs is not very pronounced in adult animals.


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A study was conducted to empirically determine the degradation of survey-grade GPS horizontal position measurements due to the effects of broadleaf forest canopies. The measurements were taken using GPS/GLONASS-capable receivers measuring C/A and P-codes, and carrier phase. Fourteen survey markers were chosen in central Connecticut to serve as reference markers for the study. These markers had varying degrees of sky obstruction due to overhanging tree canopies. Sky obstruction was measured by photographing the sky with a 35mm reflex camera fitted with a hemispherical lens. The negative was scanned and the image mapped using an equal- area projection to remove the distortion caused by the lens. The resulting digital image was thresholded to produce a black-and-white image in which a count of the black pixels is a measure of sky-area obstruction. The locations of the markers were determined independently before the study. During the study, each marker was occupied for four 20-minute sessions over the period of one week in mid-July, 1999. The location of the study markers produced relatively long baselines, as compared with similar studies. We compared the accuracy of GPS-only vs. GPS&GLONASS as a function of sky obstruction. Based on our results, GLONASS observations did not improve or degrade the accuracy of the position measurements. There is a loss of 2mm of accuracy per percent of sky obstruction for both GPS only and GPS&GLONASS.


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Extreme events of maximum and minimum temperatures are a main hazard for agricultural production in Iberian Peninsula. For this purpose, in this study we analyze projections of their evolution that could be valid for the next decade, represented in this study by the 30-year period 2004-2034 (target period). For this purpose two kinds of data were used in this study: 1) observations from the station network of AEMET (Spanish National Meteorological Agency) for five Spanish locations, and 2) simulated data at a resolution of 50 50 km horizontal grid derived from the outputs of twelve Regional Climate Models (RCMs) taken from project ENSEMBLES (van der Linden and Mitchell, 2009), with a bias correction (Dosio and Paruolo, 2011; Dosio et al., 2012) regarding the observational dataset Spain02 (Herrera et al., 2012). To validate the simulated climate, the available period of observations was compared to a baseline period (1964-1994) of simulated climate for all locations. Then, to analyze the changes for the present/very next future, probability of extreme temperature events for 2004-2034 were compared to that of the baseline period. Although only minor changes are expected, small variations in variability may have a significant impact in crop performance.


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Summary Generalized Procrustes analysis and thin plate splines were employed to create an average 3D shape template of the proximal femur that was warped to the size and shape of a single 2D radiographic image of a subject. Mean absolute depth errors are comparable with previous approaches utilising multiple 2D input projections. Introduction Several approaches have been adopted to derive volumetric density (g cm-3) from a conventional 2D representation of areal bone mineral density (BMD, g cm-2). Such approaches have generally aimed at deriving an average depth across the areal projection rather than creating a formal 3D shape of the bone. Methods Generalized Procrustes analysis and thin plate splines were employed to create an average 3D shape template of the proximal femur that was subsequently warped to suit the size and shape of a single 2D radiographic image of a subject. CT scans of excised human femora, 18 and 24 scanned at pixel resolutions of 1.08 mm and 0.674 mm, respectively, were equally split into training (created 3D shape template) and test cohorts. Results The mean absolute depth errors of 3.4 mm and 1.73 mm, respectively, for the two CT pixel sizes are comparable with previous approaches based upon multiple 2D input projections. Conclusions This technique has the potential to derive volumetric density from BMD and to facilitate 3D finite element analysis for prediction of the mechanical integrity of the proximal femur. It may further be applied to other anatomical bone sites such as the distal radius and lumbar spine.