1000 resultados para cromatografia de íons
In this study, we worked with the validation of a methodology for analysis of bioactive amines in shrimp, considering it to be one of the main products of the northriograndense trade balance, maintaining the state of Rio Grande do Norte topped the list of Brazilian exports of this product the last decade. The sector of the Brazilian shrimp works exclusively with gray shrimp Litopenaeus Vannamei since the late 1990s. This study used liquid chromatography with conductimetric detector, using as the mobile phase methylsulfonic 3 mM acid (MSA) with gradient and phase C18 column with reverse the development of methodology for the analysis of bioactive amines in shrimp. In the sample preparation was used as 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA) extraction solution. Validation analysis of biotativas amines (putrescine - PUT, histamine - HIST, agmatine - AGM, spermidine - EPD and spermine - EPN) in shrimp, the linear working range was 0.1 to 2.0 mg L-1 to was sensitive, homoscedastic, in effect, selective, accurate and precise array. Thus, considered feasible for these determinations bioactive amines in this array. Determined the concentration of these amines in fresh shrimps (AGM = 0.61 ± 0.05 mg kg- 1 EPD = 2.57 ± 0.14 mg kg-1 and EPN = 1.79 ± 0.11 mg kg-1), and freezing weather predetermined in cooked shrimp (AGM = 6.28 ± 0.18 mg kg-1, EPD = 12.72 ± 0.02 mg kg- 1 and EPN = 22.30 ± 0.60 mg kg-1), the shrimp with twenty-four hour stay at room temperature (PUT = 879.52 ± 28.12 mg kg-1, AGM = 848.13 ± 19.40 mg kg-1, ESPD = 13.59 ± 0.97 mg kg-1 and ESPN = 18.47 + 1.57 mg kg-1). In shrimp subjected to freezing for a week, two weeks, three weeks and four weeks, the results showed that there is an increase in the content of agmatine (7.31 ± 0.21 mg kg-1) while in spermine ( 1.22 ± 0.14 mg kg-1) and spermidine (below limit of quantification) there was a decrease in the freeze time, while there is a decrease in the level of spermidine not reaching detectad. The putrescine was only found in shrimp that remained for 24 hours at room temperature and histamine was not found in any of the samples
O glifosato (N-(fosfonometil) glicina, C3H8NO5P) é um herbicida sistêmico não seletivo (mata qualquer tipo de planta) desenvolvido para matar ervas, principalmente as perenes. É amplamente empregado na cultura de soja transgënica, a qual é resistente ao glifosato e cujas sementes são comercializadas pela Monsanto. A determinação de resíduos de glifosato em amostras ambientais, plantas e alimentos normalmente é realizada por meio de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção por fluorescência e reação pós coluna. Este método vem sendo utilizado rotineiramente no Laboratório de Resíduos e Contaminantes da Embrapa Meio Ambiente (LRC). Entretanto o mesmo é muito trabalhoso e consome grandes quantidades de reagentes. Assim neste trabalho está sendo apresentado um método cromatográfico alternativo, por cromatografia de íons, o qual possui as vantagens de ser mais simples e rápido que o método convencional.
This study aimed to analyze the effect of a saline solution on growth and chemical composition of Atriplex nummularia, shrubby plant, absorbing salts used in the diet of animals and the management of water and saline soils. These plant seedlings were planted and grown in a reserved area at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. The plantation was divided into two blocks, in which one of them was irrigated with saline solution with a concentration of 2840 mgL-1 of NaCl and the second group was irrigated with drinking water. After six months, the plants were collected, harvested and divided into three parts: leaf, thin and thick stem. Monthly, dimension measurements were carried out for cataloging the growth of Atriplex. Ion Chromatography (IC) and Optical Emission Spectroscopy Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP-OES) were used to analyze the chemical composition of the partition plant parts. The results of these analyses revealed that an absorption process of anions and cations by Atriplex nummularia plant during its growth was achieved, in particular by a higher concentration of sodium and chloride ions. Scanning electron microscopy images showed and confirmed the presence of small crystals on the leaf surface. Electrical conductivity and pH measurements of the aerial parts of the plant were carried out and these results showed that the leaf is the plant part where there is a largest concentration of ions. In addition, measurements of specific surface were obtained from irrigated plants with saline solution, achieving higher surface area, in all cases. Plant dimensions obtained monthly showed that the plants irrigated with water grew 5% more than those plants irrigated with saline solution. Based on results obtained, Atriplex plant showed a higher potential to survive and adapt to environments (aquatic or geological) with high levels of salinity and this property can be used as a tool for removing salts/metals from industrial contaminated soils and effluents.
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Os venenos de animais são bastante estudados devido a um interesse industrial e comercial, pois sua composição é rica em moléculas de importância farmacológica. Os peptídeos presentes nesses venenos apresentam características diversas, como antibiose, analgesia, propriedades antiinflamatórias, vasoconstritora, entre outras. Para caracterização dos componentes peptídicos presentes no veneno de Apis mellifera, primeiramente o veneno foi extraído e filtrado para remoção de eventuais impurezas e depois submetido à cromatografia em HPLC com coluna de fase reversa, que gerou um perfil cromatográfico com 29 picos, dos quais os 3 mais abundantes apresentaram características peptídicas, confirmadas por espectrometria de massas e seqüenciamento. Além disso, a cromatografia de íons totais mostrou que esse veneno apresenta 123 compostos peptídicos, alguns com massas relacionadas aos já conhecidos, porém com diversos compostos de massas diferentes dos compostos já descritos na literatura. A partir deste estudo, detectou-se a presença da Melitina como componente peptídico majoritário no veneno de abelha, além da Secapina, que será caracterizada por estudos em andamento
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
This study aimed to determine the concentration and inorganic chemical composition of samples from airborne particulate matter inhaled in fine and coarse fractions. Aerosol samples were collected in 2013 and 2014, from sites located in the cities of Londrina and Maringa, in the state of Paraná, Brazil. The samples were collected daily (24h) in two campaigns: winter and summer. For the collection, was used a dichotomous sampler with quartz fiber filter with 47 mm in size and 2 µm porosity, 97% efficiency, retaining particles of up to 0.3 µm. Quantification of the airborne particulate matter mass was performed by gravimetry method. The results from Londrina to PM2.5 and MP2,5-10 represent, respectively, 29.2% and 70.8% of airborne particulate matter in the winter campaign (2013), 30.9% (PM2.5) and 69.1 % (MP2,5-10) in the summer campaign (2013), and 35.9% (PM2.5) and 64.1% (MP2,5-10) in the winter 2014 campaign. In the city of Maringa, the results presented the percentage of 42.0% (PM2.5) and 58.0% (MP2,5-10) for the winter season (2014), and 28.8% (PM2.5) and 71.2 % (MP2,5-10) for the summer season (2014). The PM2.5/PM10 ratio was on average 0.3, demonstrating that both cities are developing urban areas. Analysis of the major soluble inorganic species in water (NO3-, SO42- and Cl-) associated with MP2,5-10 were quantified by ion chromatography at the LACA Laboratory in the State University of Londrina, with the largest contribution found in all campaigns was to NO3-. The NO3-/SO42- ratios above 1.0 indicate the local traffic contribution. The analysis of metals associated with PM2.5 was carried out by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS) in the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The Zn, Pb, Cu and Mn concentrations found in all campaigns indicate the contribution of mobile sources to PM2.5. The concentration of BCe in PM2.5 was determined by reflectance, with higher BCe concentrations being found in winter campaigns. In general, Londrina presented the highest concentrations from the species analyzed when compared to Maringá. In addition, the analysis of the air mass trajectories indicated the transportation of pollutants coming mainly from fires in the southeastern region of the country.
Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Cromatography - IMAC - is a group-specific based adsorption applied to the purification and structure-function studies of proteins and nucleic acids. The adsorption is based on coordination between a metal ion chelated on the surface of a solid matrix and electron donor groups at the surface of the biomolecule. IMAC is a highly selective, low cost, and easily scaled-up technique being used in research and commercial operations. A separation process can be designed for a specific molecule by just selecting an appropriate metal ion, chelating agent, and operational conditions such as pH, ionic strength, and buffer type.
European Directive (98/83/CE), compulsory after 2008, states that bromate in drinking water must be controlled at levels below 10 mg L-1. Supporting implementation of the Directive, the European Comission has established project SMT4-CT96 2134, in collaboration with various european institutions, aiming at the identification of the interferents to the current analytical method (Ionic Chromatography with Conductimetric Detection - IC/CD), their removal and the automation of pre-treatment and injection steps, as well as the development of alternative methods. EPAL, responsible for the water supply to a great deal of Portuguese regions, has taken steps to meet these requirements. Although not part of such project, this work (the result of a project conducted under a protocol of collaboration between EPAL SA and FCUL - Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon), reports on studies of usefulness to laboratories planning to monitor bromate in ozone treated waters, in conditions different from those described in EPA 300.1. Simultaneous determination of bromide is justified by its role as bromate precursor.
Immobilized Metal Ion Affinity Cromatography - IMAC - is a group-specific based adsorption applied to the purification and structure-function studies of proteins and nucleic acids. The adsorption is based on coordination between a metal ion chelated on the surface of a solid matrix and electron donor groups at the surface of the biomolecule. IMAC is a highly selective, low cost, and easily scaled-up technique being used in research and commercial operations. A separation process can be designed for a specific molecule by just selecting an appropriate metal ion, chelating agent, and operational conditions such as pH, ionic strength, and buffer type.
Este estudo avaliou o peso molecular estimado (PM) e as proporções de frações ácidos húmicos (FAH) e frações ácidos fúlvicos (FAF) presentes em substâncias húmicas (SH), extraídas com NaOH 0,1 M e resina trocadora de íons, originárias de Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro sob floresta e cultivado com laranja, em áreas com e sem calagem, por meio da cromatografia de exclusão por tamanho de alta eficiência (CETAE). Na calibração do PM com o tempo de retenção de diferentes compostos na coluna cromatográfica, utilizaram-se moléculas de sulfonato de poliestireno de sódio (SPS) e acetona. A análise das substâncias húmicas revelou que as FAFs e FAHs dos materiais de solo apresentaram tempo de eluição e, portanto, pesos moleculares muito similares àqueles determinados para os ácidos padrões. Os cromatogramas obtidos mostraram que o uso e o manejo do solo não introduziram mudanças no PM e na relação FAF:FAH das substâncias húmicas. Por outro lado, o método de extração influenciou, de forma marcante, as proporções de FAH e FAF, com mais FAH nos materiais extraídos com a resina trocadora de íons e maiores proporções de FAF nas substâncias húmicas extraídas com NaOH. As proporções de FAF e FAH obtidas por meio do método proposto pela SISH estiveram muito próximas àquelas determinadas com a CETAE, no material húmico extraído com a resina Chelex, demonstrando o potencial desta técnica na determinação do PM e das proporções de FAH e FAF em substâncias húmicas originárias de solos.
Um método para determinação de resíduos de oxitetraciclina, tetraciclina e clortetraciclina em leite por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência foi otimizado e validado. Ensaios intralaboratoriais empregando soluções padrão, brancos de amostras e amostras adicionadas de soluções padrão dos antimicrobianos foram realizados para avaliação da linearidade, seletividade, exatidão, precisão, limites de detecção e de quantificação do método. As amostras foram homogeneizadas, tratadas com solução tampão de succinato de sódio pH 4,0 e centrifugadas, descartando-se o precipitado. As tetraciclinas foram removidas do sobrenadante por quelação com íons cobre reversivelmente ligados à resina quelante e eluídas com tampão McIlvaine-EDTA pH 4,0. As médias de recuperação para as tetraciclinas foram de 76,2 a 104,9% com coeficiente de variação na faixa de 1,4 a 18,9%. Limites de detecção de 10, 15 e 40ng/mL e limites de quantificação de 10, 20 e 50ng/mL foram determinados para oxitetraciclina, tetraciclina e clortetraciclina, respectivamente.
Este modelo é parte de um conjunto de modelos 3D produzidos pela equipe de audiovisual da SEaD/UFSCar para o jogo de realidade virtual “O Laboratório de Química”.
Pós-graduação em Química - IBILCE
Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry was used to determine Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn and Cu in samples of processed and natural coconut water. The sample preparation consisted in a filtration step followed by a dilution. The analysis was made employing optimized instrumental parameters and the results were evaluated using methods of Pattern Recognition. The data showed common concentration values for the analytes present in processed and natural samples. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) indicated that the samples of different kinds were statistically different when the concentrations of all the analytes were considered simultaneously.