967 resultados para critical species


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Science-based approaches to support the conservation of marine biodiversity have been developed in recent years. They include measures of ‘rarity’, ‘diversity’, ‘importance’, biological indicators of water ‘quality’ and measures of ‘sensitivity’. Identifying the sensitivity of species and biotopes, the main topic of this contribution, relies on accessing and interpreting available scientific data in a structured way and then making use of information technology to disseminate suitably presented information to decision makers. The Marine Life Information Network (MarLIN) has achieved that research for a range of environmentally critical species and biotopes over the past four years and has published the reviews on the MarLIN Web site (www.marlin.ac.uk). Now, by linking the sensitivity database and databases of survey information, sensitivity mapping approaches using GIS are being developed. The methods used to assess sensitivity are described and the approach is advocated for wider application in Europe.


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Os estudos destinados à aplicação de uma tecnologia mais limpa ao tratamento de águas em sistemas de resfriamento abertos com recirculação resultaram no desenvolvimento de uma filosofia de tratamento baseada na busca de uma operação com ciclo de concentração ideal. Assim, por meio do controle do balanço material no sistema de resfriamento, seria alcançado um nível de concentração em que a água de circulação apresentaria, naturalmente e ao mesmo tempo, baixa tendência à corrosão do ferro e baixa tendência à formação de incrustação de carbonato de cálcio. O tratamento com inibidores de corrosão e de formação de depósitos seria apenas complementar e, conseqüentemente, reduzido o emprego de produtos químicos para o condicionamento da água. O presente trabalho procura demonstrar que o critério de tratamento baseado apenas no índice de estabilidade não leva em conta o fato de que as espécies solúveis em água não se concentram de uma mesma forma, principalmente como decorrência de reações de conversão envolvendo o íon bicarbonato e de precipitação do íon cálcio. Como suporte desse trabalho, foram realizados ensaios de campo em um sistema de resfriamento aberto com recirculação em operação normal, porém sem tratamento químico da água. Foi possível, desse modo, observar a variação da concentração de cada espécie crítica presente na água com a vazão de descarga efetuada. Os resultados obtidos e o estudo realizado mostram que a metodologia tradicional pode apresentar desvios da realidade que podem comprometer a qualidade do tratamento, obrigando o emprego de maiores concentrações de produtos químicos para condicionamento da água, contrariando, assim, o próprio propósito original de execução de um tratamento dentro dos princípios de uma produção mais limpa. Este trabalho procura, ainda, salientar a importância qualitativa e quantitativa das espécies presentes, na água de reposição, na qualidade do tratamento, alertando que o emprego de reúso de água, como reposição de um sistema de resfriamento, deve ser criteriosamente analisado, pois uma água de má qualidade pode tornar o tratamento interno impraticável, exigindo a execução de um tratamento prévio muitas vezes inviável do ponto de vista econômico e causador de impacto ambiental


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在北京东灵山地区以辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis Koidz.)林群落为主要对象,研究了辽东栎种群和主要伴生种的空间格局、种间联结以及辽东栎种子雨的时间格局,井对空间格局的表达方法进行尝试性的探讨。 对辽东栎林群落中主要乔木树种辽东栎、大叶白蜡(Fraxinus thynchophylla)和五角枫(Acer mono)种群空间格局与动态的考察结果显示:各种群大多表现出聚集分布的趋势;辽东栎种群在各个龄级层均显示出较强优势,但种群内竞争激烈,龄级结构相对稳定;人叶白蜡的幼苗对环境适应能力较强,在成熟林中呈现出较五角枫种群更明显的增长型趋势:幼林中3个种群均呈衰退型趋势。 种间联结性的测定结果较好地反映了植物对环境的适应性,用关联分析法作出的树状图利用临界种将样方划分为若干组,体现出小生境之间的差异,反映了植物对其生境亦具有一定指示作用。 辽东栎种子雨的时间格局研究结果表明:种群种子雨密度随时间的变化呈正态分布趋势,种群水平利个体水平的种子雨累积随时间变化均符台Logistic曲线,具有很高的相关性。 空间格局表达方法的探讨显示:可以用集合论的方法对数学模型进行形象表达。


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The potential of the 18S rRNA V9 metabarcoding approach for diet assessment was explored using MiSeq paired-end (PE; 2 9 150 bp) technology. To critically evaluate the method's performance with degraded/digested DNA, the diets of two zooplanktivorous fish species from the Bay of Biscay, European sardine (Sardina pilchardus) and European sprat (Sprattus sprattus), were analysed. The taxonomic resolution and quantitative potential of the 18S V9 metabarcoding was first assessed both in silico and with mock and field plankton samples. Our method was capable of discriminating species within the reference database in a reliable way providing there was at least one variable position in the 18S V9 region. Furthermore, it successfully discriminated diet between both fish species, including habitat and diel differences among sardines, overcoming some of the limitations of traditional visual-based diet analysis methods. The high sensitivity and semi-quantitative nature of the 18S V9 metabarcoding approach was supported by both visual microscopy and qPCR-based results. This molecular approach provides an alternative cost and time effective tool for food-web analysis.


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During March 2001-April 2004, 164 adult anurans of 6 species (47 Rana blairi, 35 Rana catesbeiana, 31 Hyla chrysoscelis, 31 Pseudacris triseriata triseriata, 11 Bufo woodhousii, and 9 Acris crepitans blanchardi) from Pawnee Lake, Lancaster County, Nebraska, were surveyed for myxozoan parasites. Of these, 20 of 31 (65%) P. triseriata triseriata and 1 of 9 (11%) A. crepitans blanchardi were infected with a new species of Myxidium. Myxidium melleni n. sp. (Myxosporea) is described from the gallbladder of the western chorus frog, P. triseriata triseriata (Hylidae). This is the second species of Myxidium described from North American amphibians. Mature plasmodia are disc-shaped or elliptical 691 (400-1,375) × 499 (230-1,200) × 23 (16-35) μm, polysporic, producing many disporic pansporoblasts. The mature spores, 12.3 (12.0-13.5) × 7.6 (7.0-9.0) × 6.6 (6.0-8.0) μm, containing a single binucleated sporoplasm, are broadly elliptical, with 2-5 transverse grooves on each valve, and contain two equal polar capsules 5.2 (4.8-5.5) × 4.2 (3.8-4.5) μm positioned at opposite ends of the spore. Myxidium melleni n. sp. is morphologically consistent with other members of Myxidium. However, M. melleni n. sp. was phylogenetically distinct from other Myxidium species for which DNA sequences are available. Only with improved morphological analyses, accompanied by molecular data, and the deposit of type specimens, can the ambiguous nature of Myxidium be resolved. Guidelines for descriptions of new species of Myxidium are provided.


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Surveillance for invasive non-indigenous species (NIS) is an integral part of a quarantine system. Estimating the efficiency of a surveillance strategy relies on many uncertain parameters estimated by experts, such as the efficiency of its components in face of the specific NIS, the ability of the NIS to inhabit different environments, and so on. Due to the importance of detecting an invasive NIS within a critical period of time, it is crucial that these uncertainties be accounted for in the design of the surveillance system. We formulate a detection model that takes into account, in addition to structured sampling for incursive NIS, incidental detection by untrained workers. We use info-gap theory for satisficing (not minimizing) the probability of detection, while at the same time maximizing the robustness to uncertainty. We demonstrate the trade-off between robustness to uncertainty, and an increase in the required probability of detection. An empirical example based on the detection of Pheidole megacephala on Barrow Island demonstrates the use of info-gap analysis to select a surveillance strategy.


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The use of appropriate features to characterize an output class or object is critical for all classification problems. This paper evaluates the capability of several spectral and texture features for object-based vegetation classification at the species level using airborne high resolution multispectral imagery. Image-objects as the basic classification unit were generated through image segmentation. Statistical moments extracted from original spectral bands and vegetation index image are used as feature descriptors for image objects (i.e. tree crowns). Several state-of-art texture descriptors such as Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM), Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and its extensions are also extracted for comparison purpose. Support Vector Machine (SVM) is employed for classification in the object-feature space. The experimental results showed that incorporating spectral vegetation indices can improve the classification accuracy and obtained better results than in original spectral bands, and using moments of Ratio Vegetation Index obtained the highest average classification accuracy in our experiment. The experiments also indicate that the spectral moment features also outperform or can at least compare with the state-of-art texture descriptors in terms of classification accuracy.


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Genetic variation is the resource animal breeders exploit in stock improvement programs. Both the process of selection and husbandry practices employed in aquaculture will erode genetic variation levels overtime, hence the critical resource can be lost and this may compromise future genetic gains in breeding programs. The amount of genetic variation in five lines of Sydney Rock Oyster (SRO) that had been selected for QX (Queensland unknown) disease resistance were examined and compared with that in a wild reference population using seven specific SRO microsatellite loci. The five selected lines had significantly lower levels of genetic diversity than did the wild reference population with allelic diversity declining approximately 80%, but impacts on heterozygosity per locus were less severe. Significant deficiencies in heterozygotes were detected at six of the seven loci in both mass selected lines and the wild reference population. Against this trend however, a significant excess of heterozygotes was recorded at three loci Sgo9, Sgo14 and Sgo21 in three QX disease resistant lines (#2, #5 and #13). All populations were significantly genetic differentiated from each other based on pairwise FST values. A neighbour joining tree based on DA genetic distances showed a clear separation between all culture and wild populations. Results of this study show clearly, that the impacts of the stock improvement program for SRO has significantly eroded natural levels of genetic variation in the culture lines. This could compromise long-term genetic gains and affect sustainability of the SRO breeding program over the long-term.


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The use of appropriate features to characterise an output class or object is critical for all classification problems. In order to find optimal feature descriptors for vegetation species classification in a power line corridor monitoring application, this article evaluates the capability of several spectral and texture features. A new idea of spectral–texture feature descriptor is proposed by incorporating spectral vegetation indices in statistical moment features. The proposed method is evaluated against several classic texture feature descriptors. Object-based classification method is used and a support vector machine is employed as the benchmark classifier. Individual tree crowns are first detected and segmented from aerial images and different feature vectors are extracted to represent each tree crown. The experimental results showed that the proposed spectral moment features outperform or can at least compare with the state-of-the-art texture descriptors in terms of classification accuracy. A comprehensive quantitative evaluation using receiver operating characteristic space analysis further demonstrates the strength of the proposed feature descriptors.


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The stochastic simulation algorithm was introduced by Gillespie and in a different form by Kurtz. There have been many attempts at accelerating the algorithm without deviating from the behavior of the simulated system. The crux of the explicit τ-leaping procedure is the use of Poisson random variables to approximate the number of occurrences of each type of reaction event during a carefully selected time period, τ. This method is acceptable providing the leap condition, that no propensity function changes “significantly” during any time-step, is met. Using this method there is a possibility that species numbers can, artificially, become negative. Several recent papers have demonstrated methods that avoid this situation. One such method classifies, as critical, those reactions in danger of sending species populations negative. At most, one of these critical reactions is allowed to occur in the next time-step. We argue that the criticality of a reactant species and its dependent reaction channels should be related to the probability of the species number becoming negative. This way only reactions that, if fired, produce a high probability of driving a reactant population negative are labeled critical. The number of firings of more reaction channels can be approximated using Poisson random variables thus speeding up the simulation while maintaining the accuracy. In implementing this revised method of criticality selection we make use of the probability distribution from which the random variable describing the change in species number is drawn. We give several numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of our new method.


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Automatic species recognition plays an important role in assisting ecologists to monitor the environment. One critical issue in this research area is that software developers need prior knowledge of specific targets people are interested in to build templates for these targets. This paper proposes a novel approach for automatic species recognition based on generic knowledge about acoustic events to detect species. Acoustic component detection is the most critical and fundamental part of this proposed approach. This paper gives clear definitions of acoustic components and presents three clustering algorithms for detecting four acoustic components in sound recordings; whistles, clicks, slurs, and blocks. The experiment result demonstrates that these acoustic component recognisers have achieved high precision and recall rate.


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Raven and Song Scope are two automated sound anal-ysis tools based on machine learning technique for en-vironmental monitoring. Many research works have been conducted upon them, however, no or rare explo-ration mentions about the performance and comparison between them. This paper investigates the comparisons from six aspects: theory, software interface, ease of use, detection targets, detection accuracy, and potential application. Through deep exploration one critical gap is identified that there is a lack of approach to detect both syllables and call structures, since Raven only aims to detect syllables while Song Scope targets call structures. Therefore, a Timed Probabilistic Automata (TPA) system is proposed which separates syllables first and clusters them into complex structures after.


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Fisheries and aquaculture are important for food security, income generation and are critical to long term sustainability of many countries. Freshwater prawns have been harvested in the streams and creeks in Vanuatu, however due to over-exploitation catches have declined in recent years. To satisfy high demand for this product, Vanuatu government intends to establish economically viable small-scale aquaculture industries. The current project showed that wild Macrobrachium lar in Vanuatu constitute a single population for management purposes and that M. rosenbergii grows much faster than M. lar in simple pond grow-out systems, hence is a better species for culture in Vanuatu.


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Background Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) are a relatively new, but economically important crop grown in many different parts of the world. Commercial success is driven by the development of new cultivars with novel consumer traits including flavor, appearance, healthful components and convenience. To increase our understanding of the genetic diversity and gene-based control of these key traits in Actinidia, we have produced a collection of 132,577 expressed sequence tags (ESTs). Results The ESTs were derived mainly from four Actinidia species (A. chinensis, A. deliciosa, A. arguta and A. eriantha) and fell into 41,858 non redundant clusters (18,070 tentative consensus sequences and 23,788 EST singletons). Analysis of flavor and fragrance-related gene families (acyltransferases and carboxylesterases) and pathways (terpenoid biosynthesis) is presented in comparison with a chemical analysis of the compounds present in Actinidia including esters, acids, alcohols and terpenes. ESTs are identified for most genes in color pathways controlling chlorophyll degradation and carotenoid biosynthesis. In the health area, data are presented on the ESTs involved in ascorbic acid and quinic acid biosynthesis showing not only that genes for many of the steps in these pathways are represented in the database, but that genes encoding some critical steps are absent. In the convenience area, genes related to different stages of fruit softening are identified. Conclusion This large EST resource will allow researchers to undertake the tremendous challenge of understanding the molecular basis of genetic diversity in the Actinidia genus as well as provide an EST resource for comparative fruit genomics. The various bioinformatics analyses we have undertaken demonstrates the extent of coverage of ESTs for genes encoding different biochemical pathways in Actinidia.