249 resultados para cristalização


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Nos últimos anos, a presença dos polímeros nos resíduos sólidos urbanos tem aumentado significativamente. Dentre todos os tipos de polímeros encontrados no lixo urbano, o polietileno de alta densidade (PEAD) ganha destaque, pois está presente em grande quantidade. A reciclagem de plásticos, neste âmbito, se configura como uma importante forma de reduzir a quantidade deste material nos lixões e aterros. Entretanto, sabe-se que os artefatos produzidos com material reciclado possuem propriedades inferiores. Outro ponto importante é o conhecimento da relação estrutura-propriedade, este conhecimento é fundamental na aplicação de qualquer material. Sendo assim, foram caracterizadas amostras de PEAD (embalagens pós-consumo) retiradas do lixo urbano através da calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC). Utilizando-se os modelos cinéticos de Avrami modificado e Liu, foi possível verificar que dependendo do tipo de carga ou colorante encontrado, há diferenças importantes na formação e morfologia dos cristais.


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Os mercados dos produtos oriundos da cana-de-açúcar no mundo vêm sofrendo nos últimos anos mudanças estruturais significativas. No cenário brasileiro, houve grande expansão da produção de cana-de-açúcar, impulsionados pela demanda dos carros flex –fuel, além da oportunidade de suprir o volume de açúcar que a União Europeia deixara de colocar no mercado mundial pela eliminação da subvenção aos exportadores de açúcar do bloco. As incertezas dos mercados exigem mudanças de estratégias de negócio, usinas projetadas para produção exclusiva de etanol, alteram sua estratégia para produção conjunta etanol e açúcar. Apesar dos processos comuns para produção de açúcar e etanol, não significa que essa mudança de estratégia seja fácil de ser efetivada, principalmente pelo aspecto energético. Estudos de processo de produção de açúcar mais eficientes energeticamente, com custos menores tem ganhado força na União Europeia, dentre elas a cristalização do açúcar por resfriamento. Vários cenários produtivos inclusive integrados a produção de etanol tem sido desenvolvidos ao longo dos anos. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar por comparação de cenários, duas tecnologias de cristalização do açúcar (cozimento e resfriamento), em relação ao impacto nos excedentes de energia elétrica quando a produção de açúcar é adicionada a unidades que produzem somente etanol e energia elétrica. Por meio de simulações dos balanços térmicos dos cenários, observou-se uma restrição importante quando adotado a cristalização por cozimento, no que se refere aos volumes de excedentes de energia elétrica, e que pode ser minimizado se adotado o processo de cristalização por resfriamento, podendo assim ser uma alternativa quando se deseja mudar a estratégia do negócio, de produção exclusiva de etanol e energia elétrica para etanol, açúcar e energia elétrica.


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The formation of paraffin deposits is common in the petroleum industry during production, transport and treatment stages. It happens due to modifications in the thermodynamic variables that alter the solubility of alkanes fractions present in petroleum. The deposition of paraffin can provoke significant and growing petroleum losses, arriving to block the flow, hindering to the production. This process is associated with the phases equilibrium L-S and the stages and nucleation, growth and agglomeration the crystals. That process is function of petroleum intrinsic characteristics and temperature and pressure variations, during production. Several preventive and corrective methods are used to control the paraffin crystallization, such as: use of chemical inhibitors, hot solvents injection, use of termochemistry reactions, and mechanical removal. But for offshore exploration this expensive problem needs more investigation. Many studies have been carried through Wax Appearance Temperature (WAT) of paraffin; therefore the formed crystals are responsible for the modification of the reologics properties of the oil, causing a lot off operational problems. From the determination of the WAT of a system it is possible to affirm if oil presents or not trend to the formation of organic deposits, making possible to foresee and to prevent problems of wax crystallization. The solvent n-paraffin has been widely used as fluid of perforation, raising the production costs when it is used in the removal paraffin deposits, needing an operational substitute. This study aims to determine the WAT of paraffin and the interference off additives in its reduction, being developed system paraffin/solvent/surfactant that propitiates the wax solubilization. Crystallization temperatures in varied paraffin concentrations and different solvents were established in the first stage of the experiments. In the second stage, using the methodology of variation of the photoelectric signal had been determined the temperature of crystallization of the systems and evaluated the interferences of additives to reduction of the WAT. The experimental results are expressed in function of the variations of the photoelectric signals during controlled cooling, innovating and validating this new methodology to determine WAT, relatively simple with relation the other applied that involve specific equipments and of high cost. Through the curves you differentiate of the results had been also identified to the critical stages of growth and agglomeration of the crystals that represent to the saturation of the system, indicating difficulties of flow due to the increase of the density


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Polymer particles in the nanometer range are of fundamental interest today, especially when used as carrier systems in the controlled release of drugs, cosmetics and nutraceuticals, as well as in coating materials with magnetic properties. The main objective of the present study concerns the production of submicron particles of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) by crystallization of a polymer solution by thermally controlled cooling. In this work, PMMA solutions in ethanol and 1-propanol were prepared at different concentrations (1% to 5% by weight) and crystallized at different cooling rates (0.2 to 0.8 ° C / min) controlled linearly. Analysis of particle size distribution (DLS / CILAS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed in order to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the produced particles. The results demonstrated that it is possible to obtain submicron polymer perfectly spherical particles using the technique discussed in this study. It was also observed that, depending on the cooling rate and the concentration of the polymer solution, it is possible to achieve high yield in the formation of submicron particles. In addition, preliminary tests were performed in order to verify the ability of this technique to form particulated carrier material with magnetic properties. The results showed that the developed technique can be an interesting alternative to obtain polymer particles with magnetic properties


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The WAT is the temperature at the beginning of the appearance of wax crystals. At this temperature the first wax crystals are formed by the cooling systems paraffin / solvents. Paraffins are composed of a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons of high molecular weight. The removal of petroleum from wells and the production lines means a surcharge on produced oil, thus solubilize these deposits formed due to modifications of thermodynamics has been a constant challenge for companies of oil exploration. This study combines the paraffin solubilization by microemulsion systems, the determination of WAT systems paraffin / solvent and performance of surfactant in reducing the crystallization. We used the methods: rheological and the photoelectric signal, validating the latter which was developed to optimize the data obtained due to sensitivity of the equipment used. Methods developed for description of wax precipitation are often in poor agreement with the experimental data, they tend to underestimate the amount of wax at temperatures below the turbidity point. The Won method and the Ideal solution method were applied to the WAT data obtained in solvent systems, best represented by the second interaction of Won method using the solvents naphtha, hexane and LCO. It was observed that the results obtained by WAT photoelectric signal when compared with the viscosity occur in advance, demonstrating the greatest sensitivity of the method developed. The ionic surfactant reduced the viscosity of the solvent systems as it acted modifying the crystalline structure and, consequently, the pour point. The curves show that the WAT experimental data is, in general, closer to the modeling performed by the method of Won than to the one performed by the ideal solution method, because this method underestimates the curve predicting the onset of paraffin hydrocarbons crystallization temperature. This occurs because the actual temperature measured was the crystallization temperature and the method proposes the fusion temperature measurement.


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This study investigated the influence of the molar ratio, the phosphorus initial concentration, the mixture gradient, mixing time, pH and the secondary nucleation on struvite s crystallization in synthetic water in batch reactors. The study was divided into two stages. The first investigated struvite s crystallization at different Mg:N:P molar ratios and at different initial concentrations of magnesium, nitrogen and phosphorus. It was also evaluated the importance of secondary nucleation on the struvite s crystallization. In the second, five parameters were tested to evaluate their influence on the struvite s crystallization, which were: Mg:N:P molar ratio, initial concentration of phosphate, mixing time, mixture gradient and pH. The best conditions for struvite s crystallization were: Mg:N:P = 1,3:1:1 molar ratio; mixture gradient = 60 rpm, pH = 10.0, mixing time = 5 minutes and high initial concentrations of the constituent ions of struvite. Furthermore, the use of struvite crystals as seed influenced positively on the struvite s crystallization


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O processo de co-cristalização consiste na concentração de um xarope de sacarose até a supersaturação, quando então é adicionado o material a ser encapsulado. A partir daí, a mistura é submetida a uma intensa agitação que induz à nucleação e à aglomeração do produto. Neste trabalho, a encapsulação de suco concentrado de maracujá em sacarose por co-cristalização foi avaliada, determinandose o efeito da fração de suco adicionada e do pH do suco sobre a umidade, solubilidade, densidade aparente e ângulo de repouso do produto final e acompanhando-se a cinética de cristalização em um reo-reator, constituído de um cristalizador acoplado a um reômetro rotacional de cilindros concêntricos, cujo cilindro interno foi substituído por um agitador. A cinética de co-cristalização foi representada por um modelo empírico ajustado aos dados obtidos. A co-cristalização foi acelerada em função do aumento do pH e da redução da porcentagem de suco. Os produtos co-cristalizados apresentaram menor umidade e maior solubilidade em baixas concentrações de suco. A densidade aparente e o ângulo de repouso foram similares aos da matriz encapsulante e situaram-se na faixa em que se encontram a maioria dos pós alimentícios.


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The crystallization of hydroxyapatite (HA) in aqueous solution can be described by the mechanism ACP → OCP → HA. In this work, it was studied the influence of K+, Mg2+, SO4 2- AND CO3 2- ions in the formation of ACP and in its conversion to OCP, using biomimetic coatings on metallic substrates of commercially pure titanium (Ti c.p.). The results showed that Mg2+ and CO3 2- ions favored both the formation of ACP and its conversion to OCP. Differently, K+ and SO4 2- ions did not influence the formation of ACP and, consequently, interfered in the conversion to OCP.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)