990 resultados para criminals rehabilitation


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Allan is 45 years old and a published poet. At 17, Allan's father told him if he ever went to gaol he would lose his family. Allan became a notorious bank robber and his dad was proved right. Thirty years later, his father is dead and Allan is seeking reconciliation with his mother and sister. In the meanwhile, he found substitute families in gaol and latterly at Ozanam Community Centre, where Allan has spent time since his release from Pentridge.


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Seventy nine prisoners completed a questionnaire before and after prison release. Drug use and health ratings changed over time, while employment and housing stability, finance, and social support did not. Participants had higher depression and anger before leaving prison, but anxiety remained low. Several life conditions predicted current emotional state.


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Examines "best practice" in reducing recidivism. Compares two interventions for violent offenders, and examines whether their different theoretical orientations (unitary or transtheoretical) affected program efficiency. Although the transtheoretical intervention was more efficacious, insufficient adherence to best practice principles within implementation of both programs significantly impinged upon program success.


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Employment is important in the reintegration of people with a criminal record. This thesis investigated the attitudes of four stakeholder groups towards the employability of ex-offenders. While the study found negative and stereotypical perceptions of the employability of ex-offenders, it also found significant differences in people's attitudes. To explain these differences an ecological systems model is proposed.


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The thesis study aims to develop a model of readiness to enter treatment to change problem behaviour by addressing the limitations of previous models. The research shows that a model consisting of personal and social factors, mediated by problem recognition and desire for help accurately assesses readiness to enter treatment. The portfolio examines the broad framework of the Multifactor Offender Readiness Model (MORM) which assesses an offender's readiness to engage in treatment. Four case studies are presented.


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An investigation of how adult attachment relationships may influence reintegration outcomes among offenders. Offenders attachment to romantic partners and parents were shown to influence the configuration of social networks, whilst attachment to parents and friends were shown to influence coping behaviours and psychological adjustment in the reintegration context.


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This study investigated rash impulsivity, reward sensitivity and a range of adolescent risk-taking behaviours using both self-report and behavioural measures of each of these variables. It found that (a) rash impulsivity and reward sensitivity were related dimensions of the impulsivity construct, (b) self-report and behavioural measures were not correlated even when theoretically assessing the same dimension of impulsivity, and (c) of all the risk-taking behaviours examined, rash impulsivity and reward sensitivity were significantly correlated with riding without a seatbelt.


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Syftet med denna uppsats var att studera hur föreningen KRIS kan bidra till sina medlemmars återanpassning till samhället. Föreningen KRIS har som ambition att stötta människor som vill bryta upp med missbruk och kriminalitet och återanpassa dem tillbaka in i samhället. Studien utgick från fyra intervjuer där medlemmarna delade med sig av sina erfarenheter av föreningen KRIS. Jag använde mig av en kvalitativ metod med ett hermeneutiskt förhållningssätt för att förstå medlemmarnas upplevelser av KRIS. Genom denna metod fick jag inblick i vilken betydelse KRIS har för medlemmarnas återanpassning till samhället. För att tolka och dra slutsatser från intervjutexterna utfördes en innehållsanalys. Resultatet av intervjuerna visade att KRIS kan bidra till att återanpassa sina medlemmar till samhället. Medlemmarna får genom KRIS möjlighet att gradvis anpassa sig till ett drogfritt och hederligt liv där socialt stöd och formandet av nya livsstrategier är viktiga inslag i föreningslivet. Det framkom även att medlemmarna har ett antal hinder att övervinna innan målet med full delaktighet i samhället är uppnått. Låg utbildningsnivå och tidigare fängelsestraff är några faktorer som innebär social exkludering och svårigheter att finna arbete.


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As a result of the instinctive synthesis approach to sentencing, decisions are often based on the intuitive inclinations and sentiments of sentencers, as opposed to binding rules and principles. In particular, insufficient regard is paid to the purposes and objectives that can be achieved through a state-imposed system of punishment. Momentum is gathering for the High Court to revisit the manner in which the sentencing inquiry is undertaken. We believe that the court should use the opportunity to implement fundamental reform in sentencing and direct the sentencing process down a more transparent and forensic path. We suggest that there are seven basic steps that need to be undertaken to achieve enlightened sentencing reform. Ideally this is a role for the legislature. However, given the populist climate in which we live we have little confidence that the legislature will undertake such an exacting task – one which would almost certainly lead to a less severe sentencing regime. The judiciary offers the strongest hope that at least some of these steps will be taken. This article offers a blueprint for how such reform can be implemented. The first step is simply to assume that the institution of state-imposed punishment is justified – this has already been undertaken. The second is to select the theory which best justifies punishing wrongdoers. Thirdly, public opinion must be ignored in developing sentencing principle. Next it must be determined which objectives (such as deterrence and rehabilitation) can be achieved through sentencing. The fifth step involves matching the punishment to the crime. Step six is to critically analyse the foundation, and reassess the relevance, of the hundreds of aggravating and mitigating considerations that presently affect the sentencing calculus. Finally, sentencing law and practice should be subject to ongoing reform to take into account emerging empirical evidence concerning the positive benefits that can be achieved through sentencing.


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The report presents a methodology for whole of life cycle cost analysis of alternative treatment options for bridge structures, which require rehabilitation. The methodology has been developed after a review of current methods and establishing that a life cycle analysis based on a probabilistic risk approach has many advantages including the essential ability to consider variability of input parameters. The input parameters for the analysis are identified as initial cost, maintenance, monitoring and repair cost, user cost and failure cost. The methodology utilizes the advanced simulation technique of Monte Carlo simulation to combine a number of probability distributions to establish the distribution of whole of life cycle cost. In performing the simulation, the need for a powerful software package, which would work with spreadsheet program, has been identified. After exploring several products on the market, @RISK software has been selected for the simulation. In conclusion, the report presents a typical decision making scenario considering two alternative treatment options.


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A worldwide interest is being generated in the use of fibre reinforced polymer composites (FRP) in rehabilitation of reinforced concrete structures. As a replacement for the traditional steel plates or external post-tensioning in strengthening applications, various types of FRP plates, with their high strength to weight ratio and good resistance to corrosion, represent a class of ideal material in external retrofitting. Within the last ten years, many design guidelines have been published to provide guidance for the selection, design and installation of FRP systems for external strengthening of concrete structures. Use of these guidelines requires understanding of a number of issues pertaining to different properties and structural failure modes specific to these materials. A research initiative funded by the CRC for Construction Innovation was undertaken (primarily at RMIT) to develop a decision support tool and a user friendly guide for use of fibre reinforced polymer composites in rehabilitation of concrete structures. The user guidelines presented in this report were developed after industry consultation and a comprehensive review of the state of the art technology. The scope of the guide was mainly developed based on outcomes of two workshops with Queensland Department of Main Roads (QDMR). The document covers material properties, recommended construction requirements, design philosophy, flexural, shear and torsional strengthening of beams and strengthening of columns. In developing this document, the guidelines published on FIB Bulletin 14 (2002), Task group 9.3, International Federation of Structural Concrete (FIB) and American Concrete Institute Committee 440 report (2002) were consulted in conjunction with provisions of the Austroads Bridge design code (1992) and Australian Concrete Structures code AS3600 (2002). In conclusion, the user guide presents design examples covering typical strengthening scenarios.