849 resultados para crimen sine lege


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El presente trabajo aborda la evolución y el contenido actual del principio nullum crimen sine iure en el ordenamiento jurídico internacional. Analiza su desarrollo desde su configuración—al término de la Segunda Guerra Mundial como un “principiodejusticia”—hasta su actual definición como un“derecho subjetivo individual” limitativo de la soberanía de los Estados.Explica que no debe ser un tipo específico de norma(en particular,una norma escrita con rango de ley)la que determine el carácter punible de una conducta; antes de su comisión solo exige que la misma sea constitutiva de delito conforme al sistema de fuentes previsto paralacreación del Derecho Penal en el ordenamiento jurídico nacional o internacional de que se trate.Por último,analiza cómo se configura con base en los requisitos de laaccesibilidad de la norma que recoge la conducta prohibida,y la previsibilidad de la responsabilidad penal en la que incurre su autor en el momento de ejecutarla.


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El presente trabajo consiste en un análisis jurídico de los aspectos más controvertidos en los Juicios de Nüremberg, celebrados entre 1945 y 1946, tras el fin de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Para ello, se alude brevemente a los precedentes que dieron lugar a la creación de un Tribunal Militar Internacional ad hoc para el enjuiciamiento de diversos crímenes internacionales, así como la composición del Tribunal, el contenido de la Carta del Tribunal, los crímenes imputados (y que, a su vez, fueron definidos por primera vez en la propia Carta), y los aspectos procesales más destacables respecto de la celebración de los juicios. En todo caso, se aborda con mayor profundidad la discusión doctrinal existente en torno a esta materia, tanto las valoraciones positivas como negativas con carácter general, así como la discusión sobre la tipificación de determinados crímenes internacionales y el concepto de responsabilidad individual. Posteriormente, se hace referencia a la vulneración de determinados principios esenciales del Derecho Penal y su justificación. Y finalmente, se explica la relación entre los Juicios de Nüremberg y la justicia transicional, planteando la combinación de mecanismos retributivos y restaurativos de la justicia penal como solución a los errores del modelo de Nüremberg.


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O estudo da problemática da admissibilidade jurídico-penal do crime de burla por omissão, enquadrando-se na órbitra dos crimes comissivos por omissão, impõe, a título de questão prévia, a análise do conteúdo e alcance da cláusula de equiparação da omissão à acção, ínsita no art. 10.º do C.P, e, bem assim, a indagação do seu fundamento e da sua compatibilidade com o princípio jurídico-constitucional da legalidade das normas incriminadoras e suas exigências de determinação típica decorrentes dos princípios nullum crimen sine (prævia) lege e nulla poena sine (prævia) lege., matéria a que nos debruçaremos na Parte I da presente dissertação e que deverá ser essencialmente entendida à luz do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana e da necessidade de um equilíbrio entre a certeza e a segurança jurídicas com a tutela de determinados bens-jurídicos fundamentais, enquanto pilares essenciais de qualquer Estado de Direito Democrático. Na parte II, tentaremos determinar o significado e alcance da conduta enganosa e astuciosa do crime de burla, previsto e punido pelo n.º 1 do art.º 217.º do C.P., desbravando, antes de mais, a sua evolução normativa até aos tempos hodiernos, após o que definiremos a estrutura normativa do tipo. Buscaremos, de seguida, uma aproximação ao conceito de engano e a determinação das formas e modalidades que a conduta enganosa e astuciosa poderá assumir: Exigirá a conduta típica uma mise-en-scène perpetrada pelo agente ou poderá bastar-se com uma mera mentira? Alcançada a sua (possível) determinação, estaremos já em condições de nos debruçarmos sobre a problemática da admissibilidade jurídico-penal da burla por omissão, altura em que, sob uma perspectiva crítica e acompanhada da análise igualmente crítica de casos, avançaremos com argumentos favoráveis e contrários a essa admissibilidade, sem, naturalmente, deixarmos de auscultar a tendência de entendimento da nossa Jurisprudência.


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Transposable elements, which are DNA sequences that can move between different sites in genomes, comprise approximately 40% of the genome of mammals and are emerging as important contributors to biological diversity. Here we report a transcription unit lying within intron 1 of the murine Magi1 (membrane associated guanylate kinase inverted 1) gene that codes for a cell-cell junction scaffolding protein. The transcription unit, termed Magi1OS (Magi1 Opposite Strand), originates from a region with tandem B1 short interspersed nuclear elements (SINEs) and is an antisense gene to Magi1. Mag1OS transcription initiates in a proximal B1 element that shows only 4% divergence from the consensus sequence, indicating that it has been recently inserted into the mouse genome and could be replication competent. Moreover, a chimaeric transcript may result from intra-chromosomal interaction and trans-splicing of the Magi1 antisense transcript (Magi1OS) and Ghrl, which codes for the multifunctional peptide hormone ghrelin. These two genes are 20 megabases apart on chromosome 6 and are transcribed in opposite directions. We propose that the Magi1OS locus may serve as a useful model system to study exaptation and retrotransposition of B1 SINEs, as well as to examine the mechanisms of intra-chromosomal trans-splicing.


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Cold atmospheric-pressure plasma plumes are generated in the ambient air by a single-electrode plasma jet device powered by pulsed dc and ac sine-wave excitation sources. Comprehensive comparisons of the plasma characteristics, including electrical properties, optical emission spectra, gas temperatures, plasma dynamics, and bacterial inactivation ability of the two plasmas are carried out. It is shown that the dc pulse excited plasma features a much larger discharge current and stronger optical emission than the sine-wave excited plasma. The gas temperature in the former discharge remains very close to the room temperature across the entire plume length; the sine-wave driven discharge also shows a uniform temperature profile, which is 20-30 degrees higher than the room temperature. The dc pulse excited plasma also shows a better performance in the inactivation of gram-positive staphylococcus aureus bacteria. These results suggest that the pulsed dc electric field is more effective for the generation of nonequilibrium atmospheric pressure plasma plumes for advanced plasma health care applications.


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In order to protect the critical electronic equipment/system against damped sine transient currents induced into its cables due to transient electromagnetic fields, switching phenomena, platform resonances, etc. it is necessary to provide proper hardening. The hardness assurance provided can be evaluated as per the test CS 116 of MIL STD 461E/F in laboratory by generating & inducing the necessary damped sine currents into the cables of the Equipment Under Test (EUT). The need and the stringent requirements for building a damped sine wave current generator for generation of damped sine current transients of very high frequencies (30 MHz & 100 MHz) have been presented. A method using LC discharge for the generation has been considered in the development. This involves building of extremely low & nearly loss less inductors (about 5 nH & 14 nH) as well as a capacitor & a switch with much lower inductances. A technique for achieving this has been described. Two units (I No for 30 MHz. & 100 MHz each) have been built. Experiments to verify the output are being conducted.


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A simple method to generate time domain tailored waveforms for excitation of ion axial amplitude in Paul trap mass spectrometers is described. The method is based on vector summation of sine waves followed by time domain sampling to obtain the discrete time domain data. A smoothing technique based on the time domain Kaiser window is then applied to the data so as to minimize the frequency domain Gibb's oscillations. The dynamic range of the time domain signal is controlled by phase modulation and time extension of the time domain waveform. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A split-phase induction motor is fed from two three-phase voltage source inverters for speed control. This study analyses carrier-comparison based pulse width modulation (PWM) schemes for a split-phase motor drive, from a space-vector perspective. Sine-triangle PWM, one zero-sequence injection PWM where the same zero-sequence signal is used for both the inverters, and another zero-sequence injection PWM where different zero-sequence signals are employed for the two inverters are considered. The set of voltage vectors applied, the sequence in which the voltage vectors are applied, and the resulting current ripple vector are analysed for all the PWM methods. Besides all the PWM methods are compared in terms of dc bus utilisation. For the same three-phase sine reference, the PWM method with different zero-sequence signals for the two inverters is found to employ a set of vectors different from the other methods. Both analysis and experimental results show that this method results in lower total harmonic distortion and higher dc bus utilisation than the other two PWM methods.


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By using AKNS [Phys. Rev. Lett. 31 (1973) 125] system and introducing the wave function, a family of interesting exact solutions of the sine-Gordon equation are constructed. These solutions seem to be some soliton, kink, and anti-kink ones respectively for the different choice of the spectrum, whereas due to the interaction between two traveling-waves they have some properties different from usual soliton, kink, and anti-kink solutions.


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We try to connect the theory of infinite dimensional dynamical systems and nonlinear dynamical methods. The sine-Gordon equation is used to illustrate our method of discussing the dynamical behaviour of infinite dimensional systems. The results agree with those of Bishop and Flesch [SLAM J. Math. Anal. 21 (1990) 1511].


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[ES] Nuestro ensayo analiza la función y el sentido que adopta el tópico de la "grandeza de lo pequeño" en la obra gramatical de Antonio de Nebrija y un ejemplo en Erasmo.


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Based on the findings and diagnostic survey, a new fishing trap, christened Lege trap was designed and fabricated, and the performance evaluated. The 8-valve Lege trap was assessed concurrently with Malian and Ndurutu traps by the fishermen in the study area. The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity number, biomass and size were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results showed that 22 fish species belonging to thirteen families were caught. The prototype (Lege) trap recorded higher species diversity index (0.90) than the Malian (0.50) and Ndurutu (0.50) traps. The Lege trap also accounted for the largest number (55%) and biomass (63%) of fish caught which was significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the Malian and Nduutu traps were. The mean length (15.03~c5.70cm), weight (60.43~c48.61g) and girth (4.77~c1.65cm) of fishes caught in the Lege trap were also significantly (P0.05) higher than those caught in the other two traps. These results demonstrated better performance of the new trap than the two conventional traps, even though the sizes of some of the fish species caught in all the traps were below those allowed by the Sokoto State Fisheries Edict where the study was conducted. Therefore, since it is desirable to develop conservation-oriented trap at a least cost, it is necessary to research further on the number of valves and mesh size of the new trap


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Three types of prototype (Lege) traps with different numbers of entrance valves were evaluated in River Rima, north western Nigeria. The traps contained 4,6 and 8 valves, tagged 4-V, 6-V and 8-V respectively. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with one factor each replicated three times. Data collected on fish diversity, number biomass and sizes were subjected to descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The results of the catch composition showed close diversity index of 0.86 for 6-V, 0.80 for 8-V and 0.60 for 4-V Lege traps. However, the number (41%) and biomass 48%) of fish caught in the 6-V Lege trap were significantly (P0.05) higher than those caught in the other traps. There was no definite trend in the sizes (length and girth) of fish caught in the traps. On the basis of species diversity, and the number and biomass of fish caught, the 6-V Lege showed preference for adoption than the other two traps. However, further studies are recommended on the appropriate mesh size net for the trap in line with the provisions of fisheries edicts