215 resultados para creditors’ ledger
Sähkömies -taloushallinto-ohjelmisto on pienille sähköalan yrityksille suunnattu valmisohjelmisto. Se on tarkoitettu tehostamaan talous- ja materiaalihallinnon tehtäviä yrityksessä. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa ostoreskontra –moduuli Sähkömies –taloushallinto-ohjelmistoon. Ostoreskontra -ominaisuuden lisääminen ohjelmistoon on saanut alkunsa useiden asiakkaiden palautteesta saada automatisoitua yrityksen ostoreskontra -toiminto. Samalla ohjelmistosta saadaan kilpailukykyisempi tuote sähköalalla. Työssä on ensiksi tutkittu ostoreskontran yleistä toimintamallia. Ohjelmiston kehitysprosessissa on sovellettu vesiputous –ohjelmistoprosessimallia. Ostoreskontra –moduulin vaatimukset on määritelty yhdessä avainasiakkaiden kanssa. Ohjelmiston toiminnallisuuden määrittelyssä on käytetty use case –menetelmää. Vaatimusmäärittelyyn ja toiminnalliseen määrittelyyn perustuen on suunniteltu tietokantataulut, käyttöliittymälomakkeet sekä tehty ohjelmamäärittelyt. Ohjelmiston toteutukseen on käytetty Visual Basic –sovelluskehitintä sekä Access 2000 –tietokanta-ohjelmistoa.Työn lopullista onnistumista on vielä aikaista arvioida, koska ohjelmiston ostoreskontra –moduulin sisältävää versiota ei ole vielä toimitettu asiakkaille. Lupaavaa palautetta on kuitenkin tullut projektissa tiiviisti mukana olleilta asiakkailta.
Report on the review of selected general and application controls over the State University of Iowa (University of Iowa) PeopleSoft General Ledger system for the period June 4, 2007 through July 27, 2007
Report on a review of selected application controls over the University of Northern Iowa General Ledger System for the period of June 22, 2011 through August 4, 2011
A page from a non-military ledger that contains the prices of domestic items around the year 1811.
The gift plate in the front of the book indicates that the book is from Walker’s Drug Store, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Walker’s Drug Company was founded in 1925 by Ivan T. Walker. The dates of this book indicate that it is more likely to have come from A.C. Thorburn, Chemist and Druggist. A.C. Thorburn purchased Smith’s Pharmacy and Pursel and Company Dry Goods Store at the corner of Main Street and Lundy’s Lane in Niagara Falls, Ontario. In 1900, Pursel moved out and Thorburn’s Drug Store came into being. Ivan T. Walker, founder of Walker’s Drugs was employed by Thorburn Drugs in his teen years. The local doctors whose prescriptions are in the book include: J. H. McGarry; F.W.E. Wilson; C. F. Abraham; W.E. Olmsted; W.W. Thompson; Dr. Robb, dentist; Horace R. Elliot, physician and surgeon and Dr. Sutherland, eye, ear nose and throat specialist
Ledger of land sales (soft cover ledger book). This notebook has the name S.D. Woodruff written within the front cover. It is filled with handwritten descriptions of land transactions which took place in Lincoln and Grantham Counties, 1864-1867, 1869-1872, 1875 1881, 1890.
Ledger for the Dominion Accountant (soft cover) book-keeping book. The name H.K. Woodruff is in the front cover. Many of the pages are loose, or have been removed. [This is from Upper Canada College] 1877-1878.
This article examines the determinants of concentration of creditors. The empirical evidence drawn from this article supports the proposition of Bolton and Scharfstein (1996) that for negotiation reasons, high-quality borrowers tend to borrow from multiple sources and is contrary to the theoretical prediction of Bris and Welch (2005). This finding implies the existence of hold-up problems in financing small businesses where information conveyance is difficult between lenders. It is further supported by the evidence that dispersed bank relationships are associated with relationships of a longer history and a closer physical distance to lenders.
As it is known, there is no rule satisfying additivity in the complete domain of bankruptcy problems. This paper proposes a notion of partial additivity in this context, to be called μ-additivity. We find out that this property, together with two quite compelling axioms, equal treatment of equals and continuity, identify the minimal overlap rule, introduced by O’Neill (Math. Soc. Sci. 2:345–371, 1982).
The leather-bound volume contains accounts for the Classes of 1650-1663 and Fellows. Many of the student bills were settled with payment in kind, often in the form of grain, apples, or livestock. The Steward's accounts with the College from 1656-1659 were entered on pages 295-303 and listed as "The steward is Creditor" and "The steward is Debitor." Credit entries include food, fuel, corn, and wages; debit entries list purchases and often identify the sellers.
The parchment-bound hardcover folio volume contains accounts for Fellows, Tutors, the President, and members of the Classes of 1703-1718. Payments were often made with bills of credit, money, and notes. The Steward's accounts with the College are interspersed in the volume.
The volume, bound in a modern leather binding, contains accounts for the Classes of 1723-1731. Leaves 108-118 list the Steward's account with Harvard College arranged monthly for the years 1721-1729.
The volume, bound in a modern green leather binding, contains accounts for the Classes of 1732-1743. The Steward's accounts with Harvard College are interspersed throughout the volume.
The volume, bound in a hardcover parchment binding, contains accounts for the Classes of 1744-1749.