994 resultados para cranio-facial growth


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Placement of a single-tooth implant should be performed when a patient's facial growth has ceased. In this retrospective observational study, we evaluated if there was a difference in the timing of cessation of craniofacial growth in short, average, and long facial types. Based on the value of the angle between cranial base and mandibular plane (SN/MP angle), three groups comprising 48 subjects with short facial type (SF; SN/MP ≤28°), 77 with average facial type (AF; SN/MP ≥31.5° and ≤34.5°), and 44 with long facial type (LF; SN/MP ≥38°) were selected. Facial growth was assessed on lateral cephalograms taken at 15.4 years of age, and 2, 5, and 10 years later. Variables were considered to be stable when the difference between two successive measurements was less than 1 mm or 1°. We found no difference between facial types in the timing of cessation of facial growth. Depending on the variable, the mean age when variables became stable ranged from 18.0 years (Is-Pal in LF group) to 22.0 years (SN/MP in LF group). However, facial growth continued at the last follow-up in approximately 20% subjects. This study demonstrates that facial type is not associated with the timing of cessation of facial growth.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the long-term effects of orthognathic surgery on subsequent growth of the maxillomandibular complex in the young cleft patient. Patients and Methods: We evaluated 12 young cleft patients (9 male and 3 female patients), with a mean age of 12 years 6 months (range, 9 years 8 months to 15 years 4 months), who underwent Le Fort I osteotomies, with maxillary advancement, expansion, and/or downgrafting, by use of autogenous bone or hydroxyapatite grafts, when indicated, for maxillary stabilization. Five patients had concomitant osteotomies of the mandibular ramus. All patients had presurgical and postsurgical orthodontic treatment to control the occlusion. Radiographs taken at initial evaluation (T1) and presurgery (T2) were compared to establish the facial growth vector before surgery, whereas radiographs taken immediately postsurgery (T3) and at longest follow-up (T4) were used to determine postsurgical growth. Each patient's lateral cephalograms were traced, and 16 landmarks were identified and used to compute 11 measurements describing presurgical and postsurgical growth. Results: Before surgery, all patients had relatively normal growth. After surgery, cephalograms showed statistically significant growth changes from T3 to T4, with the maxillary depth decreasing by -3.3° ± 1.8°, Sella-nasion-point A by -3.3° ± 1.8°, and point A-nasion-point B by -3.6° ± 2.8°. The angulation of the maxillary incisors increased by 9.2° ± 11.7°. Of 12 patients, 11 showed disproportionate postsurgical jaw growth. Maxillary growth occurred predominantly in a vertical vector with no anteroposterior growth, even though most patients had shown anteroposterior growth before surgery. The distance increased in the linear measurement from nasion to gnathion by 10.3 ± 7.9 mm. Four of 5 patients operated on during the mixed dentition phase had teeth that erupted through the cleft area. A variable impairment of postoperative growth was seen with the 2 types of grafting material used. No significant difference was noted in the effect on growth in patients with unilateral clefts versus those with bilateral clefts. The presence of a pharyngeal flap was noted to adversely affect growth, whereas simultaneous mandibular surgery did not. After surgery, 11 of 12 patients tended toward a Class III end-on occlusal relation. Conclusions: Orthognathic surgery may be performed on growing cleft patients when mandated by psychological and/or functional concerns. The surgeon must be cognizant of the adverse postsurgical growth outcomes when performing orthognathic surgery on growing cleft patients with the possibility for further surgery requirements. Performing maxillary osteotomies on cleft patients would be more predictable after completion of facial growth. © 2008 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Objectives: To evaluate the surgical outcomes of patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (CUCLP) operated on by a single surgeon of the cleft reference center of the Lauro Wanderley University Hospital at the Federal University of Paraiba. Methods: Forty-four individuals' dental casts diagnosed with CUCLP, born between 1995 and 2002, mean age of 11 years, were evaluated by three calibrated orthodontic specialists and scored by the Great Ormond Street, London and Oslo (GOSLON) yardstick on two occasions. The scores were compared with those observed in other centers around the world. The Kappa test was applied to evaluate the intra- and inter-examiner agreement. Descriptive statistics was applied for the GOSLON yardsticks core. Results: The mean GOSLON score was 2.75. For the GOSLON yardstick, 43.2 % of the sample presented scores 1 and 2, 31.8 % had score 3, and 25 % were with scores 4 and 5. There was very good intra- and inter-examiner Kappa agreement in the application of the GOSLON yardstick. Conclusions: The data suggest favorable outcomes, with 75 % of cases with no need of orthognathic surgery. The Kappa values confirmed the high reproducibility of the GOSLON yardstick. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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This study analyzed the effects of unilateral detachment of the temporal muscle and coronoidotomy on facial growth in young rats. Thirty one-month-old Wistar rats were distributed into three groups: detachment, coronoidotomy and sham-operated. Under general anesthesia, unilateral detachment of the temporal muscle was performed for the detachment group, unilateral coronoidotomy was performed for the coronoidotomy group, and only surgical access was performed for the sham-operated group. The animals were sacrificed at three months of age. Their soft tissues were removed, and the mandible was disarticulated. Radiographic projections-axial views of the skulls and lateral views of hemimandibles-were taken. Cephalometric evaluations were performed, and the values obtained were submitted to statistical analyses. There was a significant homolateral difference in the length of the premaxilla, height of the mandibular ramus and body, and the length of the mandible in all three groups. However, comparisons among the groups revealed no significant differences between the detachment and coronoidotomy groups for most measurements. It was concluded that both experimental detachment of the temporal muscle and coronoidotomy during the growth period in rats induced asymmetry of the mandible and affected the premaxilla.


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AIM: In 2001 a prototype of a gun to apply bioabsorbable tacks in cranio-facial surgery has been developed. METHODS: From May 2001 to May 2002 this device has been used in the University Hospital of Innsbruck (Austria) for different cranioplasty procedures, in 34 children, showing its reliability for cranio-facial bone fixation. The children were affected by isolated craniosynostosis or by syndromical synostosis (Apert, Crouzon) and in a case of benign tumor of the parietal skull vault. The range of age, at the time of surgery, was between 3 months and 204 months of age. Bone segments were fixed using self-reinforced polylactide plates and tacks. RESULTS: Firm fixation was obtained intra-operatively and the operative time was reduced about 25-30 minutes as compared to use of plates and screws. This device has just one limitation in its own spring force: sometimes the bone thinner than 1 mm has been broken applying the tacks. CONCLUSION: After the first-year's experience it is possible to confirm that this device reduces, in selected cases, operative time, blood loss, risk of infection and, as a result, the costs.


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Introduction : La croissance maxillo-mandibulaire des enfants avec une séquence de Pierre Robin (SPR) est controversée dans la littérature. Certains auteurs croient que la croissance mandibulaire est accélérée après la naissance, mais peu se sont penchés sur la croissance du maxillaire supérieur. Cette étude rétrospective sur dossier vise à analyser la croissance maxillo-mandibulaire des enfants atteints de la SPR. Dans un deuxième temps, nous aurions aimé évaluer la sévérité et l’évolution de l’apnée du sommeil en lien avec la croissance des maxillaires, mais un manque de données a empêché l’atteinte de cet objectif. Matériel et méthode : Les dossiers médicaux et orthodontiques de 93 patients (82 volet apnée et 40 volet croissance) du CHU Ste-Justine avec une SPR isolée ont été révisés puis comparés au groupe contrôle composé d’enfants normaux de l’Université du Michigan. L’analyse statistique de modèle mixte pour mesures répétées de même que celle de Brunner-Langer furent effectuées. Résultats : L’évaluation orthodontique a montré un changement statistiquement significatif pour la relation molaire droite, la présence de chevauchement et de diastème au maxillaire et le surplomb vertical. L’analyse des données céphalométriques nous montre que le maxillaire supérieur, la branche montante et le corps de la mandibule sont tous réduits par rapport à la normale. Ce dernier montre une diminution significative avec l’âge (p = 0,03). L’angle gonial, le SNA, SNB, ANB, l’angle de convexité faciale et l’inclinaison de l’incisive supérieure par rapport à FH sont tous normaux. Par contre, on remarque une augmentation statistiquement significative de cette dernière avec l’âge (p = 0,04). L’angle Y est augmenté tandis que les hauteurs faciales supérieure (HFS) et inférieure (HFI) sont diminuées bien que cette dernière montre une tendance à s’approcher de la normale avec l’âge (p ≤ 0,001). Discussion : Les dimensions des maxillaires sont similaires à plusieurs études. En ce qui concerne la mandibule, la croissance est soit plus lente, soit diminuée. Cette observation est plus marquée lorsque l’on s’approche du pic de croissance puisque l’écart par rapport à la normale s’agrandit. On voit une tendance à la croissance hyperdivergente qui pourrait expliquer l’augmentation de la HFI avec l’âge. Le fait que SNA et SNB soient dans la normale pourrait s’expliquer par une diminution de la longueur de la base crânienne. Conclusion : Il n’y a pas de rattrapage de croissance maxillaire et mandibulaire. Les maxillaires restent micrognathes quoique proportionnels l’un envers l’autre et le profil est convexe tout au long de la croissance. La comparaison des données céphalométriques et des traitements orthodontiques avec ceux des patients présentant une fente palatine isolée devrait se faire sous peu. Nous n’avons pas été en mesure d’atteindre nos objectifs concernant l’apnée du sommeil. Une étude prospective serait à prévoir pour y arriver.


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ln order to predict the facial growth using Jarahak's analysis, cephalometric radiographies of 120 subjects during the mixed dentition and between 6 and 10 years of age were studied. From the total, 60 subjects (30 males and 30 females) were classified as Angle's Class I and 60 subjects (30 males and 30 females) were classified as Angle's Class II, Division 1. AIl subjects did not receive any orthodontic treatment. The proportion between anterior and posterior facial heigth (SGo-NMe) was studied, which is determined by the formula PFH x 100/ AFH = %, neither being straight (> 62% < 65), clockwise ( > 58% < 62%) and anti-clockwise ( > 65% - 80%). Mean average, standard deviation and facial height proportion (SGo - NMe) were determined for males and females according to Angle's classification of malocc!usion. Sexual dimorphism was examined with regard to different types of Angle's malocclusion and the direction of the facial growth, and the correlation of four cephalometrics measurements were analvsed


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A redução do espaço nasofaringeano devido à hipertrofia adenoideana leva a adaptações posturais da cabeça, mandíbula, língua e lábios, podendo causar alterações no padrão esquelético facial. Foram coletadas 98 teleradiografias em norma lateral de pré-adolescentes na faixa etária de 7 a 10 anos na Clínica de Ortodontia da F.O. Araraquara, as quais foram selecionadas levando-se em consideração a dimensão da imagem do espaço nasofaringeano (ENF) (correspondente à menor distância do dorso do palato mole à parede faringeana posterior). As radiografias foram divididas em 3 grupos: Grupo I (estreito), ENF entre 1,7 e 5,1mm; Grupo II (médio), ENF entre 5,2 e 7,6mm; Grupo III (amplo), ENF entre 7,7 e 12,9mm. Utilizamos duas medidas angulares e seis medidas lineares para caracterizar a morfologia facial. As médias e o desvio padrão de cada medida efetuada foram obtidas, e por meio de teste de análise de variância (ANOVA), verificou-se diferença não significativa entre os grupos para as variáveis: ANperp, p=0,07; PgNperp, p=0,058, comprimento mandibular, p=0,15, comprimento maxilar, p=0,06, diferença maxilomandibular, p=0,98, eixo facial, p=0,96, altura facial inferior, p=0,84 e significativa na variável plano mandibular (p<0,01). Portanto, a redução do espaço nasofaringeano está associada a alterações no plano mandibular, que apresentou valores maiores com a diminuição do espaço nasofaringeano.


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Objective: the purpose of this prospective study was to cephalometrically analyze the dentoalveolar and soft tissue changes after the orthodontic treatment followed by the extraction of four premolars. Material and methods: the sample was comprised by 30 Class II division 1 patients with mean initial age of 12 years and 4 months. Two lateral cephalograms were obtained from each patient at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. The variables analyzed were the nasalabial changes and upper and lower incisors changes in relation to a vertical and horizontal x and y reference lines. Results: upper and lower incisors retraction was 3.4 and 1.8mm, respectively. The SNA angle was decresead by 1.7 degrees followed by a retraction of point A mainly due to the upper incisor retraction. There was a significant decrease of the Wits and ANB variables. There was an increase in the lower anterior facial height. Upper incisor retraction was followed by an increase in the nasolabial angle (ratio 1:2.8 degrees). However, a wide range of individual variability was found. Conclusions: the present study did not support the simple expectation that treatment with extractions of four premolars will result in a dished in face. It appeared that facial changes were more related to a normal facial growth, the amount of incisor retraction and the anchorage control during the upper and lower incisor.


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Pós-graduação em Odontologia - FOA


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Background: This is a position paper from the 2nd International Bone Research Association (IBRA) Symposium for Condylar Fracture Osteosynthesis 2012 was held at Marseille, succeeding the first congress in Strasbourg, France, in 2007. The goal of this IBRA symposium and this paper was to evaluate current trends and potential changes of treatment strategies for mandibular condylar fractures, which remain controversial over the past decades.Methods: Using a cross-sectional study design, we enrolled the consensus based on the panel of experts and participants in the IBRA Symposium 2012. The outcomes of interest were the panel and electronic votes on management of condylar base, neck and head fractures, and panel votes on endoscopic and paediatric condylar fractures. Appropriate descriptive and univariate statistics were used.Results: The consensus derived from 14 experts and 41 participant surgeons, using 12 case scenarios and 27 statements. The experts and participants had similar decision on the treatment of condylar base, neck and head fractures, as well as similar opinion on complications of condylar fracture osteosynthesis. They had a parallel agreement on using open reduction with internal fixation (ORIF) as treatment of choice for condylar base and neck fractures in adults. Endoscopic approaches should be considered for selected cases, such as condylar base fractures with lateral displacement. There was also a growing tendency to perform ORIF in condylar head fractures. The experts also agreed to treat children (> 12 years old) in the same way as adults and to consider open reduction in severely displaced and dislocated fractures even in younger children. Nevertheless, non-surgical treatment should be the first choice for children <6 years of age. The decision to perform surgery in children was based on factors influencing facial growth, appropriate age for ORIF, and disagreement to use resorbable materials in children.Conclusions: The experts and participating surgeons had comparable opinion on management of condylar fractures and complications of ORIF. Compared to the first Condylar Fracture Symposium 2007 in Strasbourg, ORIF may now be considered as the gold standard for both condylar base and neck fractures with displacement and dislocation. Although ORIF in condylar head fractures in adults and condylar fractures in children with mixed dentition is highly recommended, but this recommendation requires further investigations. (C) 2014 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The knowledge of the facial growth trend is very important in orthodontic treatment. A lateral headfilm is recommended in all young patients undergoing a preorthodontic guidance program to anticipate the best time to begin any mechanical procedures and the possibilities to determine the type of facial growth trend. In type A it will be observed that the middle and lower face are growing forward and downward in unison, with no change in ANB angle. Type B growth trends reveals that growth is downward and forward, with the middle face growing forward more rapidly than the lower and in type C the lower face is growing downward and forward more rapidly than the middle face revealing a decrease in the size of the ANB angle.


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Objective: To evaluate numerically the facial profile of children with isolated Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) and to compare them with a control group that has no pathologies and exhibits regular and balanced facial growth, with no skeletal alterations. Patients: Eighty-three children aged 5 to 10 years (PRS group, n = 60; control group, n = 23) were selected. Setting: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of Sao Paulo (HRAC-USP). Children from the control group were taken from the program of Interceptive Orthodontics at HRAC-USP. Design: Angular and ratio analyses of the facial profiles in both groups were realized through digital photographs. The PRS group was subdivided into two groups-complete and incomplete-according to the sagittal extension of the cleft palate, to investigate the possible influence of cleft extension on the face. Results: The facial convexity angle and the facial inferior third angle were considerably higher in the PRS groups than in the control group and were not significantly different between PRS groups. Nasolabial angle did not differ between groups. Conclusion: The facial profile was more convex in individuals with PRS than in those with regular facial growth and with no pathology. The mandible was responsible for the convexity of the profile in PRS because of its lack off anterior projection. An important relationship between the extension of the cleft palate and alterations in facial profile in PRS was not observed.