999 resultados para covered soil


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When the harvesting of sugarcane involves a mechanized process, plant residues remain on the soil surface, which makes proximal and remote sensing difficult to monitor. This study aimed to evaluate, under laboratory conditions, differences in the soil spectral behavior of surface layers Quartzipsamment and Hapludox soil classes due to increasing levels of sugarcane?s dry (DL) and green (GL) leaf cover on the soil. Soil cover was quantified by supervised classification of the digital images (photography) taken of the treatments. The spectral reflectance of the samples was obtained using the FieldSpec Pro (350 to 2500 nm). TM-Landsat bands were simulated and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and soil line were also determined. Soil cover ranged from 0 to 89 % for DL and 0 to 80 % for GL. Dry leaf covering affected the features of the following soil constituents: iron oxides (480, 530 and 900 nm) and kaolinite (2200 nm). Water absorption (1400 and 1900 nm) and chlorophyll (670 nm) were determinant in differentiating between bare soil and GL covering. Bands 3 and 4 and NDVI showed pronounced variations as regards differences in soil cover percentage for both DL and GL. The soil line allowed for discrimination of the bare soil from the covered soil (DL and GL). High resolution sensors from about 50 % of the DL or GL covering are expected to reveal differences in soil spectral behavior. Above this coverage percentage, soil assessment by remote sensing is impaired.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da cobertura do solo com aveia preta e manutenção da palha sobre o terreno, bem como cobertura do solo com filme de polietileno preto, sobre a produção de biomassa e teores de Mn e Zn em alface cultivada no sistema orgânico, por dois anos consecutivos. Utilizaram-se cinco tratamentos: solo sem cobertura, coberto com filme de polietileno preto, coberto com aveia acamada, coberto com aveia ceifada e solo coberto com aveia na sua forma natural, para o cultivo de três cultivares de alface. O experimento seguiu delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e análise estatística com parcelas subdivididas. Concluiu-se que o cultivo de alface em sucessão à aveia preta, sobre a palha, promoveu produção satisfatória e apresentou adequados teores de manganês e zinco, equivalentes àqueles encontrados na literatura em diferentes sistemas de cultivo, e a cobertura do solo com plástico preto promoveu produção satisfatória com maior acúmulo de Zn no primeiro ano e menor de Mn no segundo.


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The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of the soil covering with black oats straw, and soil covered with black plastic, in phosphorous and potassium content, and biomass production of lettuce in organic system, over two years. There have been defined five handling systems for soil covering: without cover, covered with black plastic, covered with laying oats, covered with harvested oats, and covered with oats straw in natural form, for growing three cultivars of lettuce. It was used the randomized blocks design in split plot system, with four replications. It has been concluded that butter head lettuce showed biggest phosphorous content, the soils covered with oats straw promoted higher potassium accumulation and lettuce production in second year, while soil covered with black plastic promoted best lettuce production in first year.


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Dois experimentos foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)-PR, objetivando desenvolver metodologia alternativa para avaliar a absorção foliar e radicular de herbicidas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com 11 e 5 tratamentos para os solos arenoso e argiloso, respectivamente, ambos os experimentos com quatro repetições, constituídos por plantas de B. plantaginea em dois estádios. O herbicida atrazine foi aplicado nas doses de 2,5 e 3,0 kg ha¹ em solos arenoso e argiloso, utilizando um pulverizador costal pressurizado por CO2. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por plantas protegidas com canudos plásticos em solo descoberto e plantas desprotegidas em solo coberto com papel-alumínio, associadas a condições de solo seco e úmido, ou em ambas as condições, acrescidas de irrigação de 20 mm apenas ao solo após aplicação. A absorção foliar da atrazine foi eficiente no controle de B. plantaginea com duas a três folhas em solo arenoso e argiloso, ao contrário do estádio de quatro a cinco folhas, onde houve necessidade de associar os efeitos da absorção foliar e radicular para se obter controle satisfatório. A irrigação de 20 mm ampliou o controle da absorção radicular de B. plantaginea em diferentes estádios de plantas, solo e umidade do solo. A metodologia apresentou-se viável como ferramenta alternativa para avaliação da absorção foliar e radicular de herbicidas, no controle de gramíneas em estádio inicial de desenvolvimento.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The objective of this work was to compare the performance of a tractor equipped with used and new bias-ply tires (63.4% and 41.2%, front and rear tire waste, respectively), in three surface conditions: tillage soil, vegetal covered soil and firm soil. Field data were collected to calculate: forward speed, front and rear slippage tires, drawbar pull, available power at drawbar bar and fuel consumption. Results showed that both, tires and soil conditions, changed tractor capacity on developing drawbar traction. The worst performance was observed on tillage soil. The best performance of the tractor was observed at firm soil track. On the track with tilled soil, results showed that the forward speed was the lowest among the three soil conditions due to the front and rear slippage tires which was higher than vegetal covered and firm soil tracks. Fuel consumption results showed higher values on tilled tracks when compared with firm and vegetal covered tracks. The fuel consumption levels evaluated on bias-ply tires lead to significant changes on tractor’s performance at tilled soil, indicating that, at this condition, it’s necessary to replace the used tires by new tires. For vegetal covered soil operations, and also on firm soil conditions, used tires, at studied levels, indicated that these tires might still be used without tractor performance changing.


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ZusammenfassungrnrnrnDer Köderstreifentest, die Auswertung der Minicontainer und die Erfassung der Bodenlebewesen mit Hilfe der Bodenstechkerne ergeben zusammen eine gut standardisierte Methode zur Darstellung und Beurteilung der Mesofauna. Unter der Vorraussetzung gleicher abiotischer Faktoren ist es problemlos möglich, selbst unterschiedliche Standorte wie Agrarflächen, Weinberge und Waldböden vergleichend zu untersuchen.rnrnAuf den verschiedenen Versuchsflächen des Laubenheimer Weinberges gelingt es deutlich zu zeigen, wie wichtig eine naturnahe Begrünung für den Boden ist. Dies betrifft nicht nur die Entwicklung der Humusschicht und damit die Bodenlebewesen, sondern auch die Schaffung von Kapillaren und Poren, die durch schwere landwirtschaftliche Geräte im Rahmen der Bo-denverdichtung reduziert werden. Erosionserscheinungen kommen vollständig zum Stillstand. Das Ökosystem Boden sollte auch so gut wie keine Belastung durch Herbizide, Insektizide und Pestizide erfahren. Ähnliches gilt auch für agrarisch genutzte Flächen. rnrnDer Lennebergwald als Naherholungsregion von Mainz ist besonders schützenswert, da dieser durch intensiven Immissionseintrag aufgrund der Nähe zu den Autobahnen und durch die Eutrophierung über die Haustiere stark belastet wird. Die immer größere Ausdehnung des Siedlungsgebietes und die damit verbundene steigende Anzahl an Waldbesuchern, die durch Verlassen der vorgegebenen Wege den Boden zerstören, gefährden zusätzlich das Ökosystem.rnrnÜber Sinn und Zweck einer Flurbereinigung zu diskutieren ist hier nicht angebracht. Aus bo-denkundlicher Sicht ist sie nicht zu befürworten, da hiermit alle bodenbewahrenden Maßnah-men ignoriert werden. Wichtig ist es, bei den Landwirten Aufklärungsarbeit zu leisten, was bodenschonende und bodenweiterentwickelnde Bearbeitungsmethoden bedeuten. Mit Hilfe sachgemäßer Aufklärung und richtiger Umsetzung kann durch Begrünungsmaßnahmen der zum Teil sehr stark strapazierte Boden erhalten, gefördert und auf lange Sicht stabilisiert wer-den.rnrnAufgrund der festgestellten Tatsachen wurde ab 2008 auf eine flächige Dauerbegrünung um-gestellt, so dass es auch in den unbegrünten Rebzeilen zu einer Bodenverbesserung kommen kann. Mit großer Wahrscheinlichkeit dürfte diese schneller voranschreiten, da die Mesofauna von den benachbarten begrünten Rebzeilen einwandern kann. rnDie Mesofauna landwirtschaftlich genutzter Flächen und Waldgebiete kann, obwohl extrem unterschiedlich, miteinander verglichen werden.rnrnBrachflächen und Waldgebiete lassen sich aufgrund der unberührten Bodenstrukturen sogar gut miteinander vergleichen. Temperatur- und Niederschlagsverhältnisse müssen dabei über-einstimmen. Die Azidität der jeweiligen Böden gilt es zu berücksichtigen, da verschiedene Tiergruppen damit unterschiedlich umgehen. Collembolen bevorzugen neutrale Böden, wäh-rend Acari als Räuber mit den Lebewesen in sauren Böden besser zurechtkommen. Die Streu-auflage ist dabei von großer Bedeutung.rnrnIm Rahmen von Bearbeitungsmaßnahmen kommt es durch jeglichen Maschineneinsatz zu ei-ner mehr oder weniger starken Veränderung der Bodenstruktur und somit auch der darin le-benden Mesofauna. Bis sich diese erholt hat, steht meist schon die nächste Bodenbewirtschaf-tung an. Die Bodenverdichtung spielt auch eine Rolle. Bei herkömmlichem Ackerbau ist eine Fruchtfolge mit eingeschalteter Brache oder Gründüngung mit Klee oder Luzerne angebracht, um die Mesofauna nicht zu stark zu strapazieren. Organische Düngegaben leicht abbaubarer Streu sind deutlich zu bevorzugen gegenüber sehr zellulose- und ligninhaltigen Pflanzenresten. Die Einbringung von Stoppeln nach Aberntung von Getreidefeldern ist sinnvoll, solange dabei nicht zu tief in die Bodenstruktur eingegriffen wird (ZIMMER 1997).rnrnIm Rahmen der Sonderkultur Wein, bei der eine Bodenbearbeitung aus den aufgezeigten Gründen eigentlich nicht notwendig wäre, sind Dauerbegrünungsmaßnahmen generell von Nutzen: der Erosion wird vorgebeugt, die Bodenfeuchte konstant gehalten, der anfallende Mulch als Gründüngung genutzt. Dies sind alles entscheidende Faktoren, die die Meso- und Makrofauna fördern. Nur die Bodenverdichtung durch schweres Gerät, wie Schlepper und Vollernter, sind für den Boden nicht förderlich (HEISLER 1993, EHRENSBERGER 1993). Nie-derdruckreifen und Verringerung der Befahrung sind geeignete Gegenmaßnahmen. rnrnEntgegen landläufiger Winzermeinung, stellen die Pflanzen einer Begrünung eigentlich keine Konkurrenz für die Weinstöcke dar. Die Vorteile einer Begrünung sind nicht nur die Förde-rung der einheimischen Flora in ihrem standortgerechten Artenreichtum, sondern auch Ver-vielfältigung von Meso- und Makrofauna aufgrund der dadurch mehr anfallenden und ein-zuarbeitenden leicht abbaubaren Streu (GRIEBEL 1995).rn


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Microbial processes in soil are moisture, nutrient and temperature dependent and, consequently, accurate calculation of soil temperature is important for modelling nitrogen processes. Microbial activity in soil occurs even at sub-zero temperatures so that, in northern latitudes, a method to calculate soil temperature under snow cover and in frozen soils is required. This paper describes a new and simple model to calculate daily values for soil temperature at various depths in both frozen and unfrozen soils. The model requires four parameters average soil thermal conductivity, specific beat capacity of soil, specific heat capacity due to freezing and thawing and an empirical snow parameter. Precipitation, air temperature and snow depth (measured or calculated) are needed as input variables. The proposed model was applied to five sites in different parts of Finland representing different climates and soil types. Observed soil temperatures at depths of 20 and 50 cm (September 1981-August 1990) were used for model calibration. The calibrated model was then tested using observed soil temperatures from September 1990 to August 2001. R-2-values of the calibration period varied between 0.87 and 0.96 at a depth of 20 cm and between 0.78 and 0.97 at 50 cm. R-2 -values of the testing period were between 0.87 and 0.94 at a depth of 20cm. and between 0.80 and 0.98 at 50cm. Thus, despite the simplifications made, the model was able to simulate soil temperature at these study sites. This simple model simulates soil temperature well in the uppermost soil layers where most of the nitrogen processes occur. The small number of parameters required means, that the model is suitable for addition to catchment scale models.


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This study aimed to unravel the effects of climate, topography, soil, and grazing management on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in the grazing lands of north-eastern Australia. We sampled for SOC stocks at 98 sites from 18 grazing properties across Queensland, Australia. These samples covered four nominal grazing management classes (Continuous, Rotational, Cell, and Exclosure), eight broad soil types, and a strong tropical to subtropical climatic gradient. Temperature and vapour-pressure deficit explained >80% of the variability of SOC stocks at cumulative equivalent mineral masses nominally representing 0-0.1 and 0-0.3m depths. Once detrended of climatic effects, SOC stocks were strongly influenced by total standing dry matter, soil type, and the dominant grass species. At 0-0.3m depth only, there was a weak negative association between stocking rate and climate-detrended SOC stocks, and Cell grazing was associated with smaller SOC stocks than Continuous grazing and Exclosure. In future, collection of quantitative information on stocking intensity, frequency, and duration may help to improve understanding of the effect of grazing management on SOC stocks. Further exploration of the links between grazing management and above- and below-ground biomass, perhaps inferred through remote sensing and/or simulation modelling, may assist large-area mapping of SOC stocks in northern Australia. © CSIRO 2013.


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Sustainable management of native pastures requires an understanding of what the bounds of pasture composition, cover and soil surface condition are for healthy pastoral landscapes to persist. A survey of 107 Aristida/Bothriochloa pasture sites in inland central Queensland was conducted. The sites were chosen for their current diversity of tree cover, apparent pasture condition and soil type to assist in setting more objective bounds on condition ‘states’ in such pastures. Assessors’ estimates of pasture condition were strongly correlated with herbage mass (r = 0.57) and projected ground cover (r = 0. 58), and moderately correlated with pasture crown cover (r = 0.35) and tree basal area (r = 0.32). Pasture condition was not correlated with pasture plant density or the frequency of simple guilds of pasture species. The soil type of Aristida/Bothriochloa pasture communities was generally hard-setting, low in cryptogam cover but moderately covered with litter and projected ground cover (30–50%). There was no correlation between projected ground cover of pasture and estimated ground-level cover of plant crowns. Tree basal area was correlated with broad categories of soil type, probably because greater tree clearing has occurred on the more fertile, heavy-textured clay soils. Of the main perennial grasses, some showed strong soil preferences, for example Tripogon loliiformis for hard-setting soils and Dichanthium sericeum for clays. Common species, such as Chrysopogon fallax and Heteropogon contortus, had no strong soil preference. Wiregrasses (Aristida spp.) tended to be uncommon at both ends of the estimated pasture condition scale whereas H. contortus was far more common in pastures in good condition. Sedges (Cyperaceae) were common on all soil types and for all pasture condition ratings. Plants identified as increaser species were Tragus australianus, daisies (Asteraceae) and potentially toxic herbaceous legumes such as Indigofera spp. and Crotalaria spp. Pasture condition could not be reliably predicted based on the abundance of a single species or taxon but there may be scope for using integrated data for four to five ecologically contrasting plants such as Themeda triandra with daisies, T. loliiformis and flannel weeds (Malvaceae).


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The Burrishoole catchment is situated in County Mayo, on the northwest coast of the Republic of Ireland. Much of the catchment is covered by blanket peat that, in many areas, has become heavily eroded in recent years. This is thought to be due, primarily, to the adverse effects of forestry and agricultural activities in the area. Such activities include ploughing, drainage, the planting and harvesting of trees, and sheep farming, all of which are potentially damaging to such a sensitive landscape if not managed carefully. This article examines the sediment yield and hydrology of the Burrishoole catchment. Flow and sediment concentrations were measured at 8-hourly intervals from 5 February 2001 to 8 November 2001 with an automatic sampler and separate flow gauge, and hourly averages were recorded between 4 July 2002 and 6 September 2002 using an automatic river monitoring system [ARMS]. The authors describe the GIS-based model of soil erosion and transport that was applied to the Burrishoole catchment during this study. The results of these analyses were compared, in a qualitative manner, with the aerial photography available for the Burrishoole catchment to see whether areas that were predicted to contribute large proportions of eroded material to the drainage network corresponded with areas where peat erosion could be identified through photo-interpretation.


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The CTRL Contract 220 covered 7.5km twin-bore tunnels excavated between late 2002 and early 2004 from Stratford Box to St Pancras station in Central London. To ensure efficient machine operation as well as the transport and disposal of soil, soil conditioning treatments were applied. Specifically, the foam injection ratio (FIR) and the polymer injection ratio (PIR) (injected volume of foam and polymer solution expressed as a percentage of the excavated soil volume) were employed. It was found that carefully selected soil conditioning allowed chamber pressures of 200kPa or more to be accurately controlled in the stiff London Clay and to an extent, in the very stiff clays of the Lambeth Group. Average FIRs of 50% and PIRs of 7 and 9% were used in the Thanet Sand and in the Lambeth Group Clays. In contrast, much lower quantities of foam were used in the London Clay.


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A novel fiber coated with novel sol-gel (5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl-25,27-dihydroxy-26,28-diglycidyloxycalix[4]arene/hydroxy-terminated silicone oil; diglycidyloxy-C[4]/OH-TSO) was prepared for use with headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) combined with gas chromatography (GC) and electron capture detection (ECD), which was applied in order to determine nine chlorobenzenes in soil matrices. Due to the improved fiber preparation, which increases the percentage of calixarene in the coating, the new calixarene fiber exhibits very high extraction selectivity and sensitivity to chlorine-substituted compounds. Various parameters affecting the extraction efficiency were optimized in order to maximize the sensitivity during the chlorobenzene analysis. Interferences from different soil matrices with different characteristics were investigated, and the amount extracted was strongly influenced by the matrix. Therefore, a standard addition protocol was performed on the real soil samples. The linear ranges of detection for the chlorobenzenes tested covered three orders of magnitude, and correlation coefficients > 0.9976 and relative standard deviations (RSD) < 8% were observed. The detection limits were found at sub-ng/g of soil levels, which were about an order of magnitude lower than those given by the commercial poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) coating for most of the compounds. The recoveries ranged from 64 to 109.6% for each analyte in the real kaleyard soil matrix when different concentration levels were determined over the linear range, which confirmed the reliability and feasibility of the HS-SPME/GC-ECD approach using the fiber coated with diglycidyloxy-C[4]/OH-TSO for the ultratrace analysis of chlorobenzenes in complex matrices.


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Due to its inert reaction in soil system and distinctive vertical distribution in soil profile, caesium-137 (Cs-137) has been used as a tracer to assess wind erosion. In this study, 62 soil samples were collected from 4 sampling sites in Taipusi County, Inner Mongolia; Caesium-137 activities for those soil samples were measured using a gamma-ray spectrometry in Sichuan University, Chengdu. Distribution pattern of Cs-137 in vertical soil profile was different for different land use and land cover types. Caesium-137 was distributed homogeneously in plow layer of cropland, and negatively exponential in low to medium cover grassland. Distribution pattern in high covered grassland was represented by a peak at 2-4 cm soil depth followed by a negative exponential curve. Based on those findings, simplified mass balance model was chosen to estimate the rate of wind erosion for cropland, while profile distribution model was used for grassland. Estimated wind erosion rates were 7990, 4270 and 1808 Mg(.)km(-2.)a(-1) for cropland, low cover grassland and medium cover grassland, respectively. Wind erosion intensity correlated negatively with plant cover.