993 resultados para couple


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Pro gradu- tutkielmassani tarkastelen suomi-ranska kaksikielisyyden kehittymistä perheissä, joissa vanhemmilla on eri äidinkieli. Työni tavoitteena on ollut tutkia kuinka eri ympäristötekijät vaikuttavat kaksikielisyyden omaksumiseen ja miten perheiden erilainen panostus vähemmistökielen, ts. kielen joka ei esiinny ympäristössä, oppimiseen näkyy saavutetuissa tuloksissa. Tutkimukseeni osallistui 13 perhettä, joilla on 10-12 vuotiaita, ranskaa ja suomea päivittäin käyttäviä lapsia. Lapsia oli yhteensä 18. Voidakseni tarkastella myös kieliympäristön vaikutusta oppimiseen valittiin perheistä kuusi Suomesta ja seitsemän Ranskasta sekä Sveitsin ranskankieliseltä alueelta. Tutkimusmenetelmiini kuului vanhempien haastattelu perheen sosiolingvististen tekijöiden selville saamiseksi ja lasten kanssa keskustelu suullisen kielitaidon arvioimiseksi. Pääpaino kielitaidon arvioinnissa oli kuitenkin kirjallisella tekstillä, jonka lapset tuottivat molemmilla kielillä tekstittömän kirjan kuvien perusteella. Teksteistä suoritettiin virheanalyysit, joissa eri virheet jaettiin ortografisiin, semanttisiin ja kieliopillisiin virheisiin. Jokaiselle lapselle lasketiin myös keskiarvo, joka osoitti kuinka monta sanaa tekstissä oli jokaista virhettä kohti. Näiden keskiarvojen pohjalta tutkittiin yhteneväisyyksiä virhemäärien sekä perheiden sosiolingvististen tekijöiden kesken. Yhteenvedossa verrattiin myös tuloksia teoriaosassa esitettyihin kielitieteilijöiden tarjoamiin periaatteisiin. Tutkielman perusteella voidaan todeta, että ympäristön vaikutus näytetään usein aliarvioitaneen kaksikielisyyttä koskevissa teoksissa. Hyvään kielitaitoon vähemmistökielessä tarvitaan enemmän kuin yksi kieli - yksi henkilö menetelmä, jossa vanhemmat puhuvat lapselle omaa äidinkieltään. Hyviksi vahvistuskeinoiksi havaittiin varsinkin kaksikielinen koulu sekä useat vierailut toisen vanhemman kotimaahan. Varsinkin perheen nuorimpien lasten vähemmistökielen oppimiseen tulisi panostaa sillä näillä on syntymästään asti mahdollisuus käyttää enemmistökieltä myös vanhempien sisarusten kanssa. Kieliympäristön vaikutuksesta havaittiin, että Suomessa asuvat lapset hallitsivat yleisesti ottaen paremmin vähemmistökielensä kuin Ranskassa asuvat. Tähän pidettiin syynä ranskalais-suomalaisen koulun positiivista vaikutusta kielen oppimiselle sekä ranskankielen arvostettua asemaa Suomessa. Avainsanat: Kaksikielisyys, kieltenoppiminen, bilinguisme, acquisition des langues, couple mixte


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A simple mathematical model depicting blood flow in the capillary is developed with an emphasis on the permeability property of the blood vessel based on Starling's hypothesis. In this study the effect of inertia has been neglected in comparison with the viscosity on the basis of the smallness of the Reynolds number of the flow in the capillary. The capillary blood vessel is approximated by a circular cylindrical tube with a permeable wall. The blood is represented by a couple stress fluid. With such an ideal model the velocity and pressure fields are determined. It is shown that an increase in the couple stress parameter increases the resistance to the flow and thereby decreases the volume rate flow. A comparison of the results with those of the Newtonian case has also been made.


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Using Hilbert theory and Mindlin's couple stress theory, the problem of two-dimensional circular inhomogeneity (when the inserted material is of different size than the size of the cavity and having different elastic constants) is studiedin this paper. Stress could be bounded at infinity. The formulation is valid also for regions other then the circular ones when the matrix is finite has also been tackled. Numerical results are in conformity with the fact that the effect of couple stresses is negligible when the ratio of the smallest dimension of the body to the cahracteristic length is large.


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Continuous CO2 laser welding of an Fe-Cu dissimilar couple in a butt-weld geometry at different process conditions is studied. The process conditions are varied to identify and characterize the microstructural features that are independent of the welding mode. The study presents a characterization of the microstructure and mechanical properties of the welds. Detailed microstructural analysis of the weld/base-metal interface shows features that are different on the two sides of the weld. The iron side can grow into the weld with a local change in length scale, whereas the interface on the copper side indicates a barrier to growth. The interface is jagged, and a banded microstructure consisting of iron-rich layers could be observed next to the weld/Cu interface. The observations suggest that solidification initiates inside the melt, where iron and copper are mixed due to convective flow. The transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of the weld region also indicates the occasional presence of droplets of iron and copper. The microstructural observations are rationalized using arguments drawn from a thermodynamic analysis of the Fe-Cu system.


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Nb3Sn growth following the bronze technique, (i.e. by interdiffusion between Cu(Sn) alloy (bronze) and Nb) is one of the important methodologies to produce this superconductor. In this study, we have addressed the confusion over the growth rate of the Nb3Sn phase. Furthermore, a possible explanation for the corrugated layer in the multifilamentary structure is discussed. Kirkendall marker experiments were conducted to study the relative mobilities of the species, which also explained the reason for finding pores in the product phase layer. Based on the parabolic growth constant at different temperatures, the activation energy for the growth is determined. We have further explained the dramatic increase in the growth rate of the prod


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The e.m.f. of a concentration cell for SO x (x=2,3)-O2 incorporating Nasicon as the main solid electrolyte has been measured in the temperature range 720 to 1080 K. The cell arrangement can be represented as,$$Pt, O'_2 + SO'_2 + SO'_3 \left| {Na_2 SO_4 \left\| {\left. {Nasicon} \right\|} \right.} \right.\left. {Na_2 SO_4 } \right|SO''_3 + SO''_2 + O''_2 , Pt$$ The Na2SO4 acts both as an auxiliary electrode, converting chemical potentials of SO x and O2 to equivalent sodium potentials, and as an electrolyte. The presence of Na2SO4 provides partial protection of Nasicon from chemical reaction with gas mixtures containing SO x . The open circuit e.m.f. of the cell is in close agreement with values given by the Nernst equation. For certain fixed inlet gas compositions of SO2+O2, the e.m.f. varies non-linearly with temperature. The intrinsic response time of the cell to step changes in gas composition is estimated to vary from sim2.0 ksec at 723K to sim 0.2 ksec at 1077K. The cell functions well for large differences in partial pressures of SO3(pPrimeSO 3/pprimeSO 3ap104) at the electrodes.


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A solid-state sensor for SOx (x = 2, 3) species has been designed using ?-alumina as the solid electrolyte and Na2SO4 as the auxiliary electrode. The measured e.m.f. of the cell Pt, O?2 + SO?2 + SO?3|Na2SO4short parallel?-aluminashort parallelNa2SO4|SO?3 + SO?2 + O?2, PT in the temperature range 700 K to 1150 K agrees well with values calculated using the Nernst equation. The sodium sulphate acts both as a protective covering, preventing direct access of the gaseous SOx species to the ?-alumina electrolyte, and as an auxiliary electrode, converting chemical potentials of SOx species and O2 into an equivalent sodium potential. The open-circuit e.m.f. varies non-linearly with temperature for fixed composition of inlet gas mixtures containing SO2, O2 and Ar. The response time (t0.99) of the cell varies between 1.9 ks at 750 K and 0.06 ks at 1100 K. The e.m.f. response is faster when the partial pressure of SOx at the electrode is increased than when it is decreased.


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Steady laminar flow of a non-Newtonian fluid based on couple stress fluid theory, through narrow tubes of varying cross-sections has been studied theoretically. Asymptotic solutions are obtained for the basic equations and the expressions for the velocity field and the wall shear stress are derived for a general cross-section. Computation and discussions are carried out for the geometries which occur in the context of physiological flows or in particular blood flows. The tapered tubes and constricted tubes are of special importance. It is observed that increase in certain parameters results in erratic flow behaviour proximal to the constricted areas which is further enhanced by the increase in the geometric parameters. This elucidates the implications of the flow in the development of vascular lesions.