31 resultados para counterculture


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The natural disposition of mankind is to want Utopia. In literature from the very beginning, from our most primitive to our most sophisticated verses, from the pens of atheists to acolytes, the human spirit has always scratched out, searched, even longed, for Utopias. When Utopias can somehow be linked to a political entity, the subsequent delirium from would-be followers numbers millions.


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This exhibition catalogue essay provides an introduction to psychedelic culture during the postwar period. It describes the early use of LSD in psychiatric circles and its conception as a psychotomimetic substance. It then considers its use by literary figures such as Aldous Huxley and followers of the Beat Generation. Timothy Leary's role as an LSD philosopher is also explained as is the rise of the Hippies and the ensuing counterculture. This culture produced a range of cultural forms such as music, fashion, graphic design and other visual arts that were informed by hallucinations experienced under the influence of LSD. It concludes with a description of the end of the Hippie movement in the 1970s.


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The concept of the American Dream was subject to a strong re-evaluation process in the 1960s, as counterculture became a prominent force in American society. A massive generation of young people, moved by the Vietnam War, the hippie movement, and psychedelic experimentation, created substantial social turbulence in their efforts to break out of conventional patterns and to create a new kind of society. This thesis outlines and analyses the concept of the American Dream in popular imagination through three works of new journalism. My primary data consists of Tom Wolfe’s The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1967), Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream (1971), and Norman Mailer’s Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, the Novel as History (1968). In defining the American Dream, I discuss the history of the concept as well as its manifestations in popular culture. Because of its elusive and amorphous nature, the concept of the American Dream can only be examined in cultural texts that portray the values, sentiments, and customs of a certain era. I have divided the analytical section of my thesis into three parts. In the first part I examine how the authors discuss the American society of their time in relation to ideology, capitalism, and the media. In the second part I focus on the Vietnam War and the controversy it creates in relation to the notions of freedom and patriotism. In the third part I discuss how the authors portray the countercultural visions of a better America that challenged the traditional interpretations of the American Dream. I also discuss the dark side of the new dream: the problems and disillusions that came with the effort to change the world. This thesis is an effort to trace the relocation of the American Dream in the context of the 1960s counterculture and new journalism. It hopes to provide a valuable addition to the cultural history of the sixties and to the effort of conceptualizing the American Dream.


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This film explores the unique set of circumstances in 1970s Brisbane that fostered The Saints; the sweaty rebellion of Brisbane's oppressed youth as punk counterculture challenged QLD's notorious police force.


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Resumen: Con motivo de la celebración del Congreso Eucarístico Nacional, el autor propone volver a la inspiración original de esos congresos, poniendo de relieve la dimensión salvífica social de la Eucaristía de cara a los desafíos que presenta la realidad argentina. Uno de ellos es, sin duda, el establecimiento de un orden social más justo. Como aporte en vista de ese fin, el artículo intenta profundizar en la relación entre Eucaristía y justicia. Esto se hace en un desarrollo en cinco momentos: una clarificación de la noción de justicia, desde el punto de vista jurídico-filosófico y desde la perspectiva bíblica; una relectura de las fuentes bíblicas relativas al signo y al significado de la Eucaristía, donde se pone de manifiesto que ésta es el sacramentum caritatis; un momento especulativo que busca explicitar la relación entre caridad y justicia, y la relación de ésta con la Eucaristía; la verificación de esa interpretación en la praxis sacramental cristiana de los primeros siglos; y, por último, la recuperación de algunos textos claves del Magisterio de la Iglesia que han desarrollado el tema. Esto permite concluir que la Eucaristía señala de modo eminente lo que significa ser cristiano, razón por la cual su celebración exige una cierta conducta ética. La Eucaristía rememora así que en Cristo la justicia de Dios ha sido definitivamente realizada y un nuevo orden ha sido instaurado; ella manifiesta e incentiva a establecer una verdadera “contra-cultura” donde prevalezcan la justicia y la solidaridad; y es signo profético de la realización de los “cielos nuevos y la tierra nueva”. Por eso el significado de la leitourgia del Pueblo de Dios se verá verificado en la diakonía y la martyria.


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Esta tese trata da construção de sentidos e significados no estilo natural de alimentação. Parte do princípio que simbolizar é uma forma de organizar a vida, que funde as dimensões do singular e do coletivo, em um corpo socialmente informado. Explora a conceituação e a desnaturalização, nos termos de Luz e de Bourdieu, como estratégias metodológicas, para fundamentar um trabalho de campo com naturistas, veganos e adeptos da alimentação do vivo, todos agrupados na categoria de análise de práticas de alimentação urbana natural. Explora a prática de bricolagem como estratégia de construção simbólica na prática e discute seu efeito ora favorável, ora não, no enfrentamento da crise acirrada pela desigualdade social. Chegamos a três grupos de sentidos na análise interpretativa: o de Natureza re-sacralizada, o de impureza atribuído à carne vermelha e ao de liberdade expresso na reprodução do movimento social urbano denominado contracultura. Todos se apresentam entrelaçados em um sistema de símbolos construídos em um campo específico, segundo regras de um jogo construído também no campo, que confere forças aos agentes, e seguem interesses diversos. Concluímos que uma análise interpretativa contribui na organização das trocas simbólicas, que diferentemente das trocas monetárias, demanda um conhecimento do campo específico e das relações sociais em que são (re)produzidos os sentidos e significados no estilo natural. Consideramos que assim contribuímos para a inserção das ciências sociais no campo da nutrição.


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A pesquisa se debruça sobre o ideário dos anos 60 e 70, investigando como este repercutiu e se manifestou no contexto brasileiro, sobretudo em um determinado nicho do campo psi muito influenciado pelas idéias libertárias e antiautoritárias que reverberaram no período. Para tanto, tomei como objeto de pesquisa a revista de psicologia Rádice, publicação alternativa escrita, majoritariamente, por psicólogos recém-formados, estudantes de psicologia e jornalistas, que circulou entre 1976 e 1981. Entre outros assuntos, Rádice abordou temas relativos à loucura, sexualidade, psicanálise, relações familiares e ecologia. Através da análise deste objeto, interessa-me compreender melhor como a psicologia brasileira se politiza nos anos 70, assumindo uma postura ativista, militando em torno de diversas causas, como a oposição à ditadura militar, a luta antimanicomial e a discussão em torno da desrepressão sexual e liberação dos costumes. Ao mesmo tempo, o processo de transformação individual passa a ser concebido como o único caminho para a transformação da sociedade, fazendo com que a subjetividade se torne um espaço político. Pretendo investigar, portanto, um momento de encontro entre política, subjetividade e corpo, e o surgimento de uma nova prática política que se distancia das grandes questões e da doutrina revolucionária marxista, preocupando-se com o cotidiano, questionando hábitos, comportamentos e formas de relação social.


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Adissertação explora a relação entre a Contracultura, de modo génerico, e a obra de Caio Fernando Abreu, de modo mais detalhado e sistemático. Previlegiando os livros "O ovo apunhalado", "Pedras de Calcutá" e Morangos Mofados"; escritos entre fins da década de 1960 e o começo da década de 1980. O tema é abordado a partir do levantamento de questões centrais do imaginario contracultural (a saber: sexualidade, razão, engajamento politico e revolução) e da analise de como esse imaginario se apresenta no texto de Caio Fernando Abreu. Aborda-se ainda, como se processa o trânsito entre biografia e obra


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The article is devoted to analysis of various countercultures aspects. The Author hypothesizes that the forms of contemporary politics are the result of two fundamentally interrelated strategic vectors. First is built upon a politics of ressentiment, setting “ordinary” folks against the socio‐cultural elite which constututed to the “new right” movement. Second vector is originated of counterculture of the 1960s. The author states that counterculture exists without a singular identity. It is a space of hybridity and heterogenity. On the other hand counterculture is related to the concept of contemporary ambivalence as well it transforms of affective experience of everyday life. Another feature of counterculture is connected with the conviction that counterculture stands against of dominant culture. Also the author puts counterculture movements against various aspects of new american modernity including reconstruction of the practice of the hegemony, as well as through popular culture and reconstruction of the „left” and „right” idelogy and practice.


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The main thrust of this thesis is the re-exploration of Friedrich Nietzsche's "critique of nihilism" through the lenses of Gilles Deleuze. A Deleuzian reading of Nietzsche is motivated by a post-deconstrnctive style of interpretation, inasmuch as Deleuze goes beyond, or in between, henneneutics and deconstrnction. Deleuze's post-deconstrnctive reading of Nietzsche is, however, only secondary to the main aim of this thesis. The primary thrust of this study is the critique of a way of thinking characterized by Nietzsche as nihilistic. Therefore, it should be noted that this study is not about Deleuze's reading per se; rather, it is an appraisal of Nietzsche's "critique of nihilism" using Deleuze's experimental reading. We will accrue Nietzsche's critique and Deleuze's post-deconstrnctive reading in order to appraise Nietzsche's critique itself. Insofar as we have underscored Deleuze's purported experimentation of Nietzschean themes, this study is also an experiment in itself. Through this experimentation, we will find out whether it is possible to partly gloss Nietzsche's critique of nihilism through Deleuzian phraseology. Far from presenting a mere exposition of Nietzsche's text, we are, rather, re-reading, that is, re-evaluating Nietzsche's critique of nihilism through Deleuze's experimentation. This is our way of thinking with Nietzsche. Nihilism is the central problem upon which Nietzsche's philosophical musings are directed; he deems nihilism as a cultural experience and, as such, a phenomenon to be reckoned with. In our reconstruction of Nietzsche's critique of nihilism, we locate two related elements which constitute the structure of the prescription of a cure, Le., the ethics of affirmation and the ontology of becoming. Appraising Nietzsche's ethics and ontology amounts to clarifying what Deleuze thinks as the movement from the "dogmatic image of thought" to the "new image of thought." Through this new image of thought, Deleuze makes sense of a Nietzschean counterculture which is a perspective that resists traditional or representational metaphysics. Deleuze takes the reversal of Platonism or the transmutation of values to be the point of departure. We have to, according to Deleuze, abandon our old image of the world in order to free ourselves from the obscurantism of foundationalist or essentialist thinking. It is only through the transmutation of values that we can make sense of Nietzsche's ethics of affirmation and ontology of becoming. We have to think of Nietzsche's ethics as an "ethics" and not a moral philosophy, and we have to think of his ontology as 1/ ontology" and not as metaphysics. Through Deleuze, we are able to avoid reading Nietzsche as a moral philosopher and metaphysician. Rather, we are able to read Nietzsche as one espousing an ethical imperative through the thought of the eternal return and one advocating a theory of existence based on an immanent, as opposed to transcendent, image of the world.


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Ce mémoire porte sur les deux premiers recueils de Raoul Duguay (ruts et or le cycle du sang dure donc). Il cherche à examiner les liens étroits qu’entretient la poésie de Duguay avec la production parallèle du poète, qui s’oriente dès la fin des années 1960 vers la chanson. Le mémoire s’attachera d’abord, dans le premier chapitre, à présenter l’histoire des liens entre les poètes et la chanson au Québec afin de relever les points de contact significatifs au cours des années 1960 et de poser le cadre théorique de la chanson comme objet d’étude. Dans un deuxième temps, l’analyse des deux premiers recueils de poèmes de Duguay nous mènera à une réflexion sur la présence de la métaphore du chant, puis de la parole poétique en poésie québécoise, qui annonce un changement de paradigme dans l’approche du lyrisme et du sujet lyrique. Enfin, le troisième chapitre se penchera sur le contexte contre-culturel québécois, pour examiner le discours et le contre-discours sur la poésie, pour expliquer le phénomène de décloisonnement des genres qui conduit Raoul Duguay à investir le champ de la culture populaire de sa poésie. Il y sera aussi question du sujet « dans le langage », de l’expérience de la langue et de la subjectivité de la voix.


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Au tournant des années 70, Paul Chamberland, cofondateur de la revue Parti pris, délaisse le nationalisme québécois pour épouser les idéaux de la contre-culture. Ce mémoire étudie la continuité discursive et poétique de cette conversion en surmontant la tentation de voir là un strict reniement des idéaux politiques de Chamberland. En utilisant la pragmatique littéraire, plus précisément les notions de discours constituant, d’ethos et de scénographie tels que développés par Dominique Maingueneau nous étudierons deux recueils emblématiques des positions politiques que prônait Chamberland au moment de leur rédaction, soit L’afficheur hurle et Éclats de la pierre noire d’où rejaillit ma vie. Nous les mettrons en étroit rapport avec les communautés discursives les ayant façonnés, soit celles constituées par Parti pris et la contre-culture. Nous verrons ainsi que les discours constituants éclairant les positionnements de Chamberland conditionnent son travail poétique en fonction de l’idéal humaniste du progrès humain et du dépassement de toute aliénation. Ainsi, le néonationalisme et la contre-culture, selon ce qu’ils définissent comme étant la cause de cette aliénation, conditionnent étroitement la scénographie présentée par chacun des recueils. Il sera alors possible de voir comment la démystification coloniale sur laquelle repose la rédaction de L’afficheur hurle se prolonge en se radicalisant dans le désir d’échapper à la dictature de la raison instrumentale, comme l’explore Chamberland dans Éclats de la pierre noire d’où rejaillit ma vie.


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Proyecto de investigación realizado en plataforma web con programación HTML5. Esta investigación es la reconstrucción de 7 años de actividades (2003-2010) generadas en un centro cultural ubicado en la calle 32 con carrera 13 en la ciudad de Bogotá. Este proyecto contiene textos periodísticos, académicos, entrevistas, archivos de audio y fotografías. Además de reconstruir la historia de lo ocurrido en este edificio, la investigación estudia las relaciones entre colectivos artísticos, políticos y juveniles en el contexto social bogotano.


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La obsolescencia programada es el deseo de tener algo un poco más nuevo, un poco mejor, un poco más rápido de lo necesario. El texto estudia este fenómeno a la luz del Estatuto del Consumidor – Ley 1480 de 2011 para determinar si el consumidor colombiano está suficientemente protegido con él.