997 resultados para cost equations


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In this paper, a thermoeconomic functional analysis method based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics and applied to analyze four cogeneration systems is presented. The objective of the developed technique is to minimize the operating costs of the cogeneration plant, namely exergetic production cost (EPC), assuming fixed rates of electricity production and process steam in exergy base. In this study a comparison is made between the same four configurations of part I. The cogeneration system consisting of a gas turbine with a heat recovery steam generator, without supplementary firing, has the lowest EPC. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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This article presents a thermoeconomic analysis of cogeneration plants, applied as a rational technique to produce electric power and saturated steam. The aim of this new methodology is the minimum Exergetic Production Cost (EPC), based on the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The variables selected for the optimization are the pressure and the temperature of the steam leaving the boiler in the case of using steam turbine, and the pressure ratio, turbine exhaust temperature and mass flow in the case of using gas turbines. The equations for calculating the capital costs of the components and products are formulated as a function of these decision variables. An application of the method using real data of a multinational chemical industry located in São Paulo state is presented. The conditions which establish the minimum cost are presented as final output. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Anthropometry is a simple and cost-efficient method for the assessment of body composition. However prediction equations to estimate body composition using anthropometry should be ‘population-specific’. Most popular body composition prediction equations for Japanese females were proposed more than 40 years ago and there is some concern regarding their usefulness in Japanese females living today. The aim of this study was to compare percentage body fat (%BF) estimated from anthropometry and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to examine the applicability of commonly used prediction equations in young Japanese females. Body composition of 139 Japanese females aged between 18 and 27 years of age (BMI range: 15.1–29.1 kg/m2) was measured using whole-body DXA (Lunar DPX-LIQ) scans. From anthropometric measurements %BF was estimated using four equations developed from Japanese females. The results showed that the traditionally employed prediction equations for anthropometry significantly (p<0.01) underestimate %BF of young Japanese females and therefore are not valid for the precise estimation of body composition. New %BF prediction equations were proposed from the DXA and anthropometry results. Application of the proposed equations may assist in more accurate assessment of body fatness in Japanese females living today.


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A standard method for the numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDEs) is the method of lines. In this approach the PDE is discretised in space using �finite di�fferences or similar techniques, and the resulting semidiscrete problem in time is integrated using an initial value problem solver. A significant challenge when applying the method of lines to fractional PDEs is that the non-local nature of the fractional derivatives results in a discretised system where each equation involves contributions from many (possibly every) spatial node(s). This has important consequences for the effi�ciency of the numerical solver. First, since the cost of evaluating the discrete equations is high, it is essential to minimise the number of evaluations required to advance the solution in time. Second, since the Jacobian matrix of the system is dense (partially or fully), methods that avoid the need to form and factorise this matrix are preferred. In this paper, we consider a nonlinear two-sided space-fractional di�ffusion equation in one spatial dimension. A key contribution of this paper is to demonstrate how an eff�ective preconditioner is crucial for improving the effi�ciency of the method of lines for solving this equation. In particular, we show how to construct suitable banded approximations to the system Jacobian for preconditioning purposes that permit high orders and large stepsizes to be used in the temporal integration, without requiring dense matrices to be formed. The results of numerical experiments are presented that demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach.


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Irradiance profile around the receiver tube (RT) of a parabolic trough collector (PTC) is a key effect of optical performance that affects the overall energy performance of the collector. Thermal performance evaluation of the RT relies on the appropriate determination of the irradiance profile. This article explains a technique in which empirical equations were developed to calculate the local irradiance as a function of angular location of the RT of a standard PTC using a vigorously verified Monte Carlo ray tracing model. A large range of test conditions including daily normal insolation, spectral selective coatings and glass envelop conditions were selected from the published data by Dudley et al. [1] for the job. The R2 values of the equations are excellent that vary in between 0.9857 and 0.9999. Therefore, these equations can be used confidently to produce realistic non-uniform boundary heat flux profile around the RT at normal incidence for conjugate heat transfer analyses of the collector. Required values in the equations are daily normal insolation, and the spectral selective properties of the collector components. Since the equations are polynomial functions, data processing software can be employed to calculate the flux profile very easily and quickly. The ultimate goal of this research is to make the concentrating solar power technology cost competitive with conventional energy technology facilitating its ongoing research.


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We explore here the acceleration of convergence of iterative methods for the solution of a class of quasilinear and linear algebraic equations. The specific systems are the finite difference form of the Navier-Stokes equations and the energy equation for recirculating flows. The acceleration procedures considered are: the successive over relaxation scheme; several implicit methods; and a second-order procedure. A new implicit method—the alternating direction line iterative method—is proposed in this paper. The method combines the advantages of the line successive over relaxation and alternating direction implicit methods. The various methods are tested for their computational economy and accuracy on a typical recirculating flow situation. The numerical experiments show that the alternating direction line iterative method is the most economical method of solving the Navier-Stokes equations for all Reynolds numbers in the laminar regime. The usual ADI method is shown to be not so attractive for large Reynolds numbers because of the loss of diagonal dominance. This loss can however be restored by a suitable choice of the relaxation parameter, but at the cost of accuracy. The accuracy of the new procedure is comparable to that of the well-tested successive overrelaxation method and to the available results in the literature. The second-order procedure turns out to be the most efficient method for the solution of the linear energy equation.


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A parallel strategy for solving multidimensional tridiagonal equations is investigated in this paper. We present in detail an improved version of single parallel partition (SPP) algorithm in conjunction with message vectorization, which aggregates several communication messages into one to reduce the communication cost. We show the resulting block SPP can achieve good speedup for a wide range of message vector length (MVL), especially when the number of grid points in the divided direction is large. Instead of only using the largest possible MVL, we adopt numerical tests and modeling analysis to determine an optimal MVL so that significant improvement in speedup can be obtained.


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Partial differential equations (PDEs) with multiscale coefficients are very difficult to solve due to the wide range of scales in the solutions. In the thesis, we propose some efficient numerical methods for both deterministic and stochastic PDEs based on the model reduction technique.

For the deterministic PDEs, the main purpose of our method is to derive an effective equation for the multiscale problem. An essential ingredient is to decompose the harmonic coordinate into a smooth part and a highly oscillatory part of which the magnitude is small. Such a decomposition plays a key role in our construction of the effective equation. We show that the solution to the effective equation is smooth, and could be resolved on a regular coarse mesh grid. Furthermore, we provide error analysis and show that the solution to the effective equation plus a correction term is close to the original multiscale solution.

For the stochastic PDEs, we propose the model reduction based data-driven stochastic method and multilevel Monte Carlo method. In the multiquery, setting and on the assumption that the ratio of the smallest scale and largest scale is not too small, we propose the multiscale data-driven stochastic method. We construct a data-driven stochastic basis and solve the coupled deterministic PDEs to obtain the solutions. For the tougher problems, we propose the multiscale multilevel Monte Carlo method. We apply the multilevel scheme to the effective equations and assemble the stiffness matrices efficiently on each coarse mesh grid. In both methods, the $\KL$ expansion plays an important role in extracting the main parts of some stochastic quantities.

For both the deterministic and stochastic PDEs, numerical results are presented to demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the methods. We also show the computational time cost reduction in the numerical examples.


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We study the origin of robustness of yeast cell cycle cellular network through uncovering its underlying energy landscape. This is realized from the information of the steady-state probabilities by solving a discrete set of kinetic master equations for the network. We discovered that the potential landscape of yeast cell cycle network is funneled toward the global minimum, G1 state. The ratio of the energy gap between G1 and average versus roughness of the landscape termed as robustness ratio ( RR) becomes a quantitative measure of the robustness and stability for the network. The funneled landscape is quite robust against random perturbations from the inherent wiring or connections of the network. There exists a global phase transition between the more sensitive response or less self-degradation phase leading to underlying funneled global landscape with large RR, and insensitive response or more self-degradation phase leading to shallower underlying landscape of the network with small RR. Furthermore, we show that the more robust landscape also leads to less dissipation cost of the network. Least dissipation and robust landscape might be a realization of Darwinian principle of natural selection at cellular network level. It may provide an optimal criterion for network wiring connections and design.


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Gough, John; Belavkin, V.P.; Smolianov, O.G., (2005) 'Hamilton?Jacobi?Bellman equations for quantum optimal feedback control', Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics 7 pp.S237-S244 RAE2008


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Alternative meshes of the sphere and adaptive mesh refinement could be immensely beneficial for weather and climate forecasts, but it is not clear how mesh refinement should be achieved. A finite-volume model that solves the shallow-water equations on any mesh of the surface of the sphere is presented. The accuracy and cost effectiveness of four quasi-uniform meshes of the sphere are compared: a cubed sphere, reduced latitude–longitude, hexagonal–icosahedral, and triangular–icosahedral. On some standard shallow-water tests, the hexagonal–icosahedral mesh performs best and the reduced latitude–longitude mesh performs well only when the flow is aligned with the mesh. The inclusion of a refined mesh over a disc-shaped region is achieved using either gradual Delaunay, gradual Voronoi, or abrupt 2:1 block-structured refinement. These refined regions can actually degrade global accuracy, presumably because of changes in wave dispersion where the mesh is highly nonuniform. However, using gradual refinement to resolve a mountain in an otherwise coarse mesh can improve accuracy for the same cost. The model prognostic variables are height and momentum collocated at cell centers, and (to remove grid-scale oscillations of the A grid) the mass flux between cells is advanced from the old momentum using the momentum equation. Quadratic and upwind biased cubic differencing methods are used as explicit corrections to a fast implicit solution that uses linear differencing.


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In this paper we consider bilinear forms of matrix polynomials and show that these polynomials can be used to construct solutions for the problems of solving systems of linear algebraic equations, matrix inversion and finding extremal eigenvalues. An almost Optimal Monte Carlo (MAO) algorithm for computing bilinear forms of matrix polynomials is presented. Results for the computational costs of a balanced algorithm for computing the bilinear form of a matrix power is presented, i.e., an algorithm for which probability and systematic errors are of the same order, and this is compared with the computational cost for a corresponding deterministic method.


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This paper introduces PSOPT, an open source optimal control solver written in C++. PSOPT uses pseudospectral and local discretizations, sparse nonlinear programming, automatic differentiation, and it incorporates automatic scaling and mesh refinement facilities. The software is able to solve complex optimal control problems including multiple phases, delayed differential equations, nonlinear path constraints, interior point constraints, integral constraints, and free initial and/or final times. The software does not require any non-free platform to run, not even the operating system, as it is able to run under Linux. Additionally, the software generates plots as well as LATEX code so that its results can easily be included in publications. An illustrative example is provided.


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We consider the numerical treatment of second kind integral equations on the real line of the form ∅(s) = ∫_(-∞)^(+∞)▒〖κ(s-t)z(t)ϕ(t)dt,s=R〗 (abbreviated ϕ= ψ+K_z ϕ) in which K ϵ L_1 (R), z ϵ L_∞ (R) and ψ ϵ BC(R), the space of bounded continuous functions on R, are assumed known and ϕ ϵ BC(R) is to be determined. We first derive sharp error estimates for the finite section approximation (reducing the range of integration to [-A, A]) via bounds on (1-K_z )^(-1)as an operator on spaces of weighted continuous functions. Numerical solution by a simple discrete collocation method on a uniform grid on R is then analysed: in the case when z is compactly supported this leads to a coefficient matrix which allows a rapid matrix-vector multiply via the FFT. To utilise this possibility we propose a modified two-grid iteration, a feature of which is that the coarse grid matrix is approximated by a banded matrix, and analyse convergence and computational cost. In cases where z is not compactly supported a combined finite section and two-grid algorithm can be applied and we extend the analysis to this case. As an application we consider acoustic scattering in the half-plane with a Robin or impedance boundary condition which we formulate as a boundary integral equation of the class studied. Our final result is that if z (related to the boundary impedance in the application) takes values in an appropriate compact subset Q of the complex plane, then the difference between ϕ(s)and its finite section approximation computed numerically using the iterative scheme proposed is ≤C_1 [kh log⁡〖(1⁄kh)+(1-Θ)^((-1)⁄2) (kA)^((-1)⁄2) 〗 ] in the interval [-ΘA,ΘA](Θ<1) for kh sufficiently small, where k is the wavenumber and h the grid spacing. Moreover this numerical approximation can be computed in ≤C_2 N log⁡N operations, where N = 2A/h is the number of degrees of freedom. The values of the constants C1 and C2 depend only on the set Q and not on the wavenumber k or the support of z.