955 resultados para cost effect
In this paper, the start-up process is split conceptually into four stages: considering entrepreneurship, intending to start a new business in the next 3 years, nascent entrepreneurship and owning-managing a newly established business. We investigate the determinants of all of these jointly, using a multinomial logit model; it allows for the effects of resources and capabilities to vary across these stages. We employ the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor database for the years 2006–2009, containing 8269 usable observations from respondents drawn from the Lower Layer Super Output Areas in the East Midlands (UK) so that individual observations are linked to space. Our results show that the role of education, experience, and availability of ‘entrepreneurial capital’ in the local neighbourhood varies along the different stages of the entrepreneurial process. In the early stages, the negative (opportunity cost) effect of resources endowment dominates, yet it tends to reverse in the advanced stages, where the positive effect of resources becomes stronger.
Tuotteiden elinkaaret elektroniikkateollisuudessa ovat lyhentyneet entisestään. Paineet uusien kehittyneempien tuotteiden lanseeraamiselle ovat kasvaneet. Huonosti hoidettu tuotevaihto voi aiheuttaa merkittäviä kustannuksia yritykselle mikäli alasajon kustannusvaikutusta tulokseen aliarvioidaan. Työ käsittelee markkinoilta poistuvan tuotteen materiaalivirtojen hallintaa tuotevaihdon aikana. Lähtökohtana työssä oli kehittää toimintatapa miten tuotteen alasajon aikana tulisi toimia sekä mallintaa hankintaketju riskien ja pullonkaulojen löytämiseksi. Päätavoitteena oli materiaalivaraston arvon minimoiminen sekä ylijäämämateriaalien hyödyntäminen. Työn merkittävimpiä tuloksia oli hankintaketjun materiaalivirtojen seurantaan kehitetty Excel työkalu sekä alasajon liittyvien työvaiheiden kuvaaminen.
Tutkimuksen päätavoitteena on ollut Finnair Oyj:n lentopetrolihankintojen tutkiminen ja hankintatoimen kehittäminen. Tutkimuksen pääongelmana on ollut korkea lentopetrolin hinta ja siksi tutkimus on etsinyt ratkaisuja, joiden avulla kustannuspaineita voidaan pienentää. Tutkimus on laadullinen, koska Finnairin lentopetrolihankinnat ovat muutaman henkilön vastuulla ja siten kvantitatiivisen tutkimuksen tekeminen olisi ollut vaikeaa. Empiirinen osuus on tehty henkilökohtaisina haastatteluina joko "face-to-face" -tyyppisenä tai sähköpostitse. Tutkimuksen teoreettisen osuuden sateenvarjona on ollut hankintastrategia, jonka alaisuudessa tutkimuksen muita teorioita ja malleja on käsitelty. Koska hankintastrategian osatekijöiden käyttö ja valinta vaikuttaa ratkaisevasti transaktiokustannusten esiintymiseen, on ollut järkevää katsoa syntyviä kustannuksia hankintastrategisesta näkökulmasta. Elinkaarikustannukset on otettu mukaan tutkimukseen, koska Lisa Ellramin kehittämä Total Cost of Ownership –malli implikoi voimakkaasti ostoprosessin eri vaiheisiin. Tutkimuksen tuloksena voidaan kertoa, että mitään yksiselitteistä ratkaisua korkeaa lentopetrolihintaa vastaan ei ole olemassa. Lentopetrolihankintoja voidaan kehittää, erityisesti hyödyntämällä sähköistä hankintatoimea, jossa prosesseja tehostetaan tietotekniikkaa käyttäen. Lentopetrolihankintoja voidaan tehostaa myös perinteisimmillä menetelmillä, kuten järjestelemällä uudelleen toimintoja ja fyysiseen tankkaustapahtumaan liittyviä keinoja. Hankintastrategian yhteisostot –osatekijä antaa hyvän välineen vipuvaikutuksen käyttämiseen hankinnoissa, taktisen ostamisen ohella. Toimittajasuhteiden syventämisellä ja transaktiokustannusten pienentämisellä voidaan saavuttaa kilpailuetua koko toimitusketjulle. Case –yhtiön tapauksessa tämä tarkoittaa edullisempia lentolippuja loppuasiakkaalle ja kasvavaa kysyntää Finnairille.
A system for disposal and recovery of the main effluents and chemical waist from isotope separation plants and enriched compounds-15N and 34S production has been carried out at the Stable Isotope Laboratory (LIE) of the CENA/USP. Around four hundred thousand liters of effluents has been recovered yearly. Among the recovered chemical wastes, the more relevant are: ammonia; brome; ammonium and sodium sulfate; sodium hydroxide; sulfur dioxide; and hydrochloric acid. Chemical wastes containg recoverable heavy metals (Ag, Cr and Cu) and solvents (methanol, ethanol and acetone) are processed and recovered. Gaseous emissions, mainly H2S are used for recovery of heavy metals solutions. The minimization of the residues waters, as well the reduction of electric energy consume was established using a water deionization system. A cost/effect balance of the process is reported.
Tutkimuksen päämääränä oli selvittää laadullisin menetelmin millaisia kustannusvaikutuksia laajavaikutteiset palvelutasopoikkeamat, eli erilaiset viat tai häiriöt tietoliikennepalveluissa aiheuttavat kohdeyrityksen tietoliikennepalveluiden tuotannossa. Tutkimus muistutti lähtökohdiltaan paljolti riskianalyysia, sillä sen tavoitteina oli tunnistaa merkittävimmät palvelutasopoikkeamien aiheuttajat, arvioida palvelutasopoikkeaman kustannusvaikutuksia ja pohtia millaisin toimin ja kustannuksin palvelutasopoikkeamia voitaisiin ehkäistä. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestyttiin jakamalla palvelutasopoikkeaman kustannusvaikutukset viankorjauksesta aiheutuviin välittömiin ja asiakasvaikutusten kautta mahdollisesti syntyviin välillisiin kustannuksiin. Välillisiä kustannuksia aiheuttaviksi ilmiöiksi tunnistettiin palvelukatkon aiheuttama liikennetulomenetys, nykyisten tai potentiaalisten asiakkaiden menettäminen ja nykyisten asiakkaiden alentunut ostohalukkuus. Yhteenvetona tutkimuksessa tehtyihin havaintoihin perustuen välilliset kustannukset eivät osoittautuneet niin merkittäviksi kuin tutkimuksen aloitusvaiheessa oletettiin, mutta lisätutkimus aiheesta voi olla perusteltua.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin valmistuksellisia ja rakenteellisia mahdollisuuksia alumiiniveneen rungon valmistuskustannusten optimointiin vallitseva runkomitoitusdirektiivi huomioiden. Varsinaista kustannussäästötavoitetta työlle ei määritetty, mutta tavoitteena oli selvittää runkokonstruktion kustannusten painopisteiden mukaisesti kehityskohteet ja uusi kehitetty runkokonstruktio, joka täyttää mitoitusdirektiivin vaatimukset. Nykyistä ja kehitettyä runkokonstruktiota verrataan kustannusten sekä valmistettavuuden kannalta ja tehdään johtopäätökset. Kehityskohteiden löytämisessä sovellettiin valmistus- ja kokoonpanoystävällisen suunnittelun DFM(A)-periaatteita ja teoriaa, jotka esiteltiin työn teoriaosuudessa. Valmistuskustannusten määrittämisen tueksi teoriaosuudessa esiteltiin hitsauksen ja osavalmistuksen (laserleikkaus, särmäys) kustannusmallit, joita hyödynnettiin soveltuvin osin kustannuslaskennassa. Merkittävänä osana selvitystyötä oli myös SFS-EN ISO 12215-5-(6) runkomitoitusstandardin tulkitseminen ja referointi työn kannalta merkittäviin osa - alueisiin. Nykyisen runkokonstruktion kustannusanalyysin ja valmistettavuusarvion pohjalta päädyttiin rakenteellisiin ja valmistuksellisiin kehitystoimenpiteisiin, jotka täyttävät runkomitoitusdirektiivin rakenteelliset vaatimukset. Rakenteelliset toimenpiteet käsittivät mm. materiaalivahvuuksien, jäykisterakenteen ja osamäärän optimointia. Valmistukselliset toimenpiteet liittyivät mm. hitsauksen tuottavuuden tehostamiseen ja sen kustannusvaikutuksiin. Rakenteellisilla kehitystoimenpiteillä olisi mahdollista saavuttaa noin 6 % säästö ja valmistusmenetelmien kehittämisellä noin 17 % säästö valmistuskustannuksista.
We analyze the effect of environmental uncertainties on optimal fishery management in a bio-economic fishery model. Unlike most of the literature on resource economics, but in line with ecological models, we allow the different biological processes of survival and recruitment to be affected differently by environmental uncertainties. We show that the overall effect of uncertainty on the optimal size of a fish stock is ambiguous, depending on the prudence of the value function. For the case of a risk-neutral fishery manager, the overall effect depends on the relative magnitude of two opposing effects, the 'convex-cost effect' and the 'gambling effect'. We apply the analysis to the Baltic cod and the North Sea herring fisheries, concluding that for risk neutral agents the net effect of environmental uncertainties on the optimal size of these fish stocks is negative, albeit small in absolute value. Under risk aversion, the effect on optimal stock size is positive for sufficiently high coefficients of constant relative risk aversion.
This research work analyzes human behavior in complex situations and explains how decisions makers act in ambiguous situations. The objective of this research work is to study the sunk cost effect and the completion percentage effect of an investment project in a decision-making process. This research work uses a “retrospective rationality” approach to justify irrational behaviors such as the sunk cost effect, the completion percentage effect of an investment project and the irrational escalation since decision-makers are repeatedly affected by the decisions on past irreversible investments. This research work evaluates three sunk cost levels, and three completion percentage levels of an investment project, besides three neutral situations in a business environment and a personal decision situation. Graduate students in three Portuguese Management Schools responded to the questionnaires. Model results show that the value of resources invested is crucial for understanding the students’ rational behavior, who participated in this research work. These results disclose statistical evidence that the information on sunk costs and completion percentage of an investment project determines human behavior under irrational escalation in ambiguous situations. As a consequence, decision makers have the opportunity to interpret their decisions, since the scenarios do not allow a unique definition of rational choice, it is not correct to judge the irrational decision makers that decide to continue to invest in ambiguous situations. Keywords: Human Behavior, Sunk costs Effect, Completion Percentage Effect of an Investment Project, Irrational Escalation, Ambiguous Situations.
We investigate the role of earnings quality in determining the levels of segment disclosure, and whether and how better quality earnings and segment disclosure influences cost of capital. Using a large US sample for the period 2001-2006, we find a positive relation between earnings quality and levels of segment disclosures. We also find that firms providing better quality segment information, contingent upon good earnings quality, enjoy lower cost of capital. We base our empirical tests on a self created index of segment disclosure. Our results contribute to a better understanding of (1) the incentives for providing segment disclosures, and (2) how accounting quality (quality of segment information and earnings quality) is related to the cost of capital.
European luxury brands have an image of manufacturing their products in the same country where the brands originate. However, in the past years many luxury brands have shifted their manufacturing to countries outside Europe. China is now a common manufacturing country for European luxury brands despite the country’s poor image as a manufacturer. Chinese manufacturing is often associated with bad quality, bad labour conditions, mass production, and counterfeits. The image of China does not quite match the image luxury brands enjoy including characteristics such as high end quality, craftsmanship, details, design, or premium price. A negatively perceived country-of-manufacture may have an effect on a brand’s image and consumers’ purchase decisions. This thesis is focused on European luxury brands manufacturing in China, and how this effects the brand image and purchase decisions among luxury consumers. The empirical part of this thesis is based on focus group research, which is a popular method in the field of qualitative research. The main focus group is female luxury consumers in Finland. This main group has been divided into three categories: 1) the university students, 2) the young career women, 3) the experienced luxury consumers. This categorization has been done based on their different stages in luxury consumption. All in all, the empirical research consisted of 11 interviews and 29 participants. The main contribution of this thesis was that there is a difference between the opinions of the younger groups (university students and young career women) and the experienced luxury consumers when discussing the effect of country-of-manufacture on brand image and purchase decisions of luxury brands. The younger participants thought that manufacturing luxury products in China might affect the brand image, but their purchase decisions would not be that much affected by the country-of-origin. The experienced luxury consumers had quite a different view on the country-of-origin of luxury brands – they found it an important decisive factor prior making purchases. The majority of experienced luxury consumers would not buy luxury products made in China, and they would always check where these products are made in.
Setup time reduction facilitate the flexibility needed for just-in-time production. An integrated steel mill with meltshop, continuous caster and hot rolling mill is often operated as decoupled processes. Setup time reduction provides the flexibility needed to reduce buffering, shorten lead times and create an integrated process flow. The interdependency of setup times, process flexibility and integration were analysed through system dynamics simulation. The results showed significant reductions of energy consumption and tied capital. It was concluded that setup time reduction in the hot strip mill can aid process integration and hence improve production economy while reducing environmental impact.
The paper provides evidence on what affects at the margin the cost and availability of bank credit for firms in Argentina. We study in particular how banks use different pieces of private and public information to screen firms and overcome informational asymmetries in the credit market. Some private information is transferable, like balance sheet data. Private information generated in relationships is not. To capture the closeness of bank relationships, we resort to the concentration of bank credit and the number of credit lines in a bank. We also consider public information available in the Central de Deudores. The cost of credit is measured using overdrafts, the most expensive line of credit, at the bank that charges the highest rate for overdrafts. We find that the cost of credit is smaller for a firm with a close relationship to the marginal bank. Firms with large assets, a high sales/assets ratio, and a low debt/assets ratio pay a lower interest rate at the margin. A good credit history (no debt arrears and no bounced checks) and collateral also reduce the marginal interest rate. The availability of credit is measured by unused credit lines as a proportion of total liabilities with the main bank. The availability of credit depends positively on a close relationship with the main bank. Large assets, a high return over assets, a high sales/assets ratio, a low debt/assets ratio, a good credit history, and collateral lead to higher credit availability. Our measure of unused credit lines is less ambiguous than traditional measures like leverage, which may indicate financial distress rather than availability of credit.
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH), due to 21-Hydroxylase deficiency, has an estimated incidence of 1:15,000 births and can result in death, salt-wasting crisis or impaired growth. It has been proposed that early diagnosis and treatment of infants detected from newborn screening for CAH will decrease the incidence of mortality and morbidity in the affected population. The Texas Department of Health (TDH) began mandatory screening for CAH in June, 1989 and Texas is one of fourteen states to provide neonatal screening for the disorder.^ The purpose of this study was to describe the cost and effect of screening for CAH in Texas during 1994 and to compare cases first detected by screen and first detected clinically between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1994. This study used a longitudinal descriptive research design. The data was secondary and previously collected by the Texas Department of Health. Along with the descriptive study, an economic analysis was done. The cost of the program was defined, measured and valued for four phases of screening: specimen collection, specimen testing, follow-up and diagnostic evaluation.^ There were 103 infants with Classical CAH diagnosed during the study and 71 of the cases had the more serious Salt-Wasting form of the disease. Of the infants diagnosed with Classical CAH, 60% of the cases were first detected by screen and 40% were first detected because of clinical findings before the screening results were returned. The base case cost of adding newborn screening to an existing program (excluding the cost of specimen collection) was $357,989 for 100,000 infants. The cost per case of Classical CAH diagnosed, based on the number of infants first detected by screen in 1994, was \$126,892. There were 42 infants diagnosed with the more benign Nonclassical form of the disease. When these cases were included in the total, the cost per infant to diagnose Congenital Adrenal/Hyperplasia was $87,848. ^