242 resultados para corticosteroid


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AIM: To compare early (15 days) steroid therapy and dexamethasone with inhaled budesonide in very preterm infants at risk of developing chronic lung disease. METHODS: Five hundred seventy infants from 47 neonatal intensive care units were enrolled. Criteria for enrollment included gestational age 30%. Infants were randomly allocated to 1 of 4 treatment groups in a factorial design: early (15 days) dexamethasone, and delayed selective budesonide. Dexamethasone was given in a tapering course beginning with 0.50 mg/kg/day in 2 divided doses for 3 days reducing by half until 12 days of therapy had elapsed. Budesonide was administered by metered dose inhaler and a spacing chamber in a dose of 400 microg/kg twice daily for 12 days. Delayed selective treatment was started if infants needed mechanical ventilation and >30% oxygen for >15 days. The factorial design allowed 2 major comparisons: early versus late treatment and systemic dexamethasone versus inhaled budesonide. The primary outcome was death or oxygen dependency at 36 weeks and analysis was on an intention-to-treat basis. Secondary outcome measures included death or major cerebral abnormality, duration of oxygen treatment, and complications of prematurity. Adverse effects were also monitored daily. RESULTS: There were no significant differences among the groups for the primary outcome. Early steroid treatment was associated with a lower primary outcome rate (odds ratio [OR]: 0.85; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.61,1.18) but even after adjustment for confounding variables the difference remained nonsignificant. Dexamethasone-treated infants also had a lower primary outcome rate (OR: 0.86; 95% CI: 0.62,1.20) but again this difference remained not significant after adjustment. For death before discharge, dexamethasone and early treatment had worse outcomes than budesonide and delayed selective treatment (OR: 1.42; 95% CI: 0.93,2.16; OR: 1.51; 95% CI: 0.99,2.30 after adjustment, respectively) with the results not quite reaching significance. Duration of supplementary oxygen was shorter in the early dexamethasone group (median: 31 days vs 40-44 days). Early dexamethasone was also associated with increased weight loss during the first 12 days of treatment (52 g vs 3 g) compared with early budesonide, but over 30 days there was no difference. In the early dexamethasone group, there was a reduced incidence of persistent ductus arteriosus (34% vs 52%-59%) and an increased risk of hyperglycemia (55% vs 29%-34%) compared with the other 3 groups. Dexamethasone was associated with an increased risk of hypertension and gastrointestinal problems compared with budesonide but only the former attained significance. CONCLUSIONS: Infants given early treatment and dexamethasone therapy had improved survival without chronic lung disease at 36 weeks compared with those given delayed selective treatment and inhaled budesonide, respectively, but results for survival to discharge were in the opposite direction; however, none of these findings attained statistical significance. Early dexamethasone treatment reduced the risk of persistent ductus arteriosus. Inhaled budesonide may be safer than dexamethasone, but there is no clear evidence that it is more or less effective


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The goals were to compare early school-age neurodevelopmental and respiratory outcomes for children who were treated with either early (15 days) postnatal corticosteroid therapy and to compare systemic dexamethasone treatment with inhaled budesonide treatment.


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Background: Asthma is a leading, preventable cause of morbidity, mortality and cost. A disproportionate amount of the cost is generated by the 5-10%of patients with difficult-to-control asthma, who are prescribed treatment at step 4/5 of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) guidelines. We have previously demonstrated a high prevalence of nonadherence to inhaled combination therapy (i.e. long-acting ß -adrenoceptor agonist [ß - agonist] and corticosteroid) in this population. The aim of this study was to examine the costs of healthcare utilization in a nonadherent group of patients with difficult-to-control asthma compared with adherent subjects. We also wished to examine potential savings if nonadherence to inhaled combination therapy could be addressed. All costs were measured from the perspective of a publicly funded health service Methods: Adherence was determined through examination of patient prescription refill behaviour and validated with a medical concordance interview. Data on healthcare use were collected from a patient survey and hospital records that included prescribed medicines, hospital admissions, intensive care unit (ICU) admissions and other unscheduled healthcare visits associated with asthma care. Activity was monetized using standard UK references and between-group comparisons based on a series of univariate and multivariate regression analyses. Results: Cost differences were identified for inhaled combination therapy, nebulizer, short acting b2-agonists and hospital costs excluding and including ICU admissions between adherent and nonadherent subjects. Compared with a group who have refractory asthma and who are adherent with medication, additional healthcare costs in nonadherent subjects are offset by the reduction in costs associated with reduced medication utilization. However, if nonadherence can be successfully targeted and hospital admissions avoided in this population, there is a potential $475 ($843-$368) saving per patient, per annum. Conclusion: Nonadherence is an important cause of difficult-to-control asthma. A uniform cost for subjects with difficult-to-control disease can be applied to economic analyses, independent of adherence, as increased healthcare utilization costs are offset by the reduced medication cost due to poor adherence. However, there are substantial potential savings in subjects with difficult-to-control asthma, who are nonadherent to inhaled combination therapy, if cost effective strategies for nonadherence are developed. © 2011 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved.


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Childhood wheezing is common particularly in children under the age of six years and in this age-group is generally referred to as preschool wheezing. Particular diagnostic and treatment uncertainties exist in these young children due to the difficulty in obtaining objective evidence of reversible airways narrowing and inflammation. A diagnosis of asthma depends on the presence of relevant clinical signs and symptoms and the demonstration of reversible airways narrowing on lung function testing, which is difficult to perform in young children. Few treatments are available and inhaled corticosteroids are the recommended preventer treatment in most international asthma guidelines. There is however considerable controversy about its effectiveness in children with preschool wheeze and a corticosteroid responder phenotype has not been established. These diagnostic and treatment uncertainties in conjunction with the knowledge of corticosteroid side-effects, in particular the reduction of growth velocity, has resulted in a variable approach to inhaled corticosteroid prescribing by medical practitioners and a reluctance in carers to regularly administer the treatment. Identifying children who are likely responders to corticosteroid therapy would be a major benefit in the management of this condition. Eosinophils have emerged as a promising biomarker of corticosteroid responsive airways disease and evaluation of this biomarker in sputum has successfully been employed to direct management in adults with asthma. Obtaining sputum from young children is time-consuming and difficult and it is hard to justify more invasive procedures such as a bronchoscopy in young children routinely. Recently, in children, interest has shifted to assessing the value of less invasive biomarkers of likely corticosteroid response and the biomarker 'blood eosinophils' has emerged as an attractive candidate. The aim of this review is to summarise the evidence for blood eosinophils as a predictive biomarker for corticosteroid responsive disease with a particular focus on the difficult area of preschool wheeze. 


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Objective: To determine the prevalence of systemic corticosteroid-induced morbidity in severe asthma.
Design: Cross-sectional observational study.Setting The primary care Optimum Patient Care Research Database and the British Thoracic Society Difficult Asthma Registry.
Participants: Optimum Patient Care Research Database (7195 subjects in three age- and gender-matched groups)—severe asthma (Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) treatment step 5 with four or more prescriptions/year of oral corticosteroids, n=808), mild/moderate asthma (GINA treatment step 2/3, n=3975) and non-asthma controls (n=2412). 770 subjects with severe asthma from the British Thoracic Society Difficult Asthma Registry (442 receiving daily oral corticosteroids to maintain disease control).
Main outcome measures: Prevalence rates of morbidities associated with systemic steroid exposure were evaluated and reported separately for each group.
Results: 748/808 (93%) subjects with severe asthma had one or more condition linked to systemic corticosteroid exposure (mild/moderate asthma 3109/3975 (78%), non-asthma controls 1548/2412 (64%); p<0.001 for severe asthma versus non-asthma controls). Compared with mild/moderate asthma, morbidity rates for severe asthma were significantly higher for conditions associated with systemic steroid exposure (type II diabetes 10% vs 7%, OR=1.46 (95% CI 1.11 to 1.91), p<0.01; osteoporosis 16% vs 4%, OR=5.23, (95% CI 3.97 to 6.89), p<0.001; dyspeptic disorders (including gastric/duodenal ulceration) 65% vs 34%, OR=3.99, (95% CI 3.37 to 4.72), p<0.001; cataracts 9% vs 5%, OR=1.89, (95% CI 1.39 to 2.56), p<0.001). In the British Thoracic Society Difficult Asthma Registry similar prevalence rates were found, although, additionally, high rates of osteopenia (35%) and obstructive sleep apnoea (11%) were identified.

Conclusions: Oral corticosteroid-related adverse events are common in severe asthma. New treatments which reduce exposure to oral corticosteroids may reduce the prevalence of these conditions and this should be considered in cost-effectiveness analyses of these new treatments.


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Contexte Un objectif important de la prise en charge de l'arthrite juvénile oligoarticulaire serait d'altérer le cours de la maladie à l'aide d'une thérapie hâtive. Nous avons étudié l'effet des injections intra-articulaires de corticostéroïdes hâtives sur les chances d'atteindre un décompte d'articulation active de zéro et une maladie inactive. Méthode Les données démographiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques des patients avec oligoarthrite juvénile enrôlés dans une étude prospective longitudinale pancanadienne ont été collectées pendant 2 ans. Une injection hâtive était définie comme étant reçue dans les 3 premiers mois suivant le diagnostic. Les équations d'estimation généralisées ont été utilisées pour l'analyse statistique. Résultats Trois cent dix patients ont été inclus. Cent onze (35.8%) ont reçu une injection hâtive. Ces derniers avaient une maladie plus active lors de l'entrée dans l'étude. Les patients exposés à une injection hâtive avaient une chance similaire d'obtenir un décompte d'articulation active de zéro, OR 1.52 (IC95% 0.68-3.37), p=0.306 mais étaient significativement moins à risque d'avoir une maladie inactive, OR 0.35 (IC95% 0.14-0.88), p=0.026. Interprétation Dans cette cohorte de 310 patients avec oligoarthrite juvénile, les injections hâtives de corticostéroïdes n'ont pas mené à une probabilité plus élevée d'atteindre un décompte d'articulation active de zéro ou une maladie inactive. Des problématiques méthodologiques intrinsèques à l'utilisation de données observationnelles pour fins d'estimation d'effets thérapeutiques auraient pu biaiser les résultats. Nous ne pouvons affirmer avec certitude que les injections hâtives n'améliorent pas le décours de la maladie. Des études prospectives adressant les limitations soulevées seront requises pour clarifier la question.


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BACKGROUND: Last year, Australian Family Physician published Guidelines for Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis'. which were developed by Osteoporosis Australia. Recently, significant advances in our understanding of the treatment of corticosteroid osteoporosis have occurred.

OBJECTIVE: The following guidelines also developed by Osteoporosis Australia, and supported by the National Asthma Campaign, are to help general practitioners identify those patients at risk of this problem and to provide information about current treatment strategies.

: Corticosteroids are widely used and effective agents for the control of many inflammatory diseases. Corticosteroid osteoporosis is a common problem associated with the long term high dose use of these medications.


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Aim: To determine (i) the proportion of doctors who recommend parent-initiated oral corticosteroids (PIOCS) for acute asthma; and (ii) the proportion of parents who have received this advice.

Methods: (i) An internet-based survey of doctors involved in the care of children with asthma; and (ii) a questionnaire-based survey of parents of children aged 4–13 years who were identified from a random sample of primary schools within the Barwon region of Victoria.

Results: Eight-five per cent (95% confidence interval 80.0–89.1%) of responding doctors reported recommending PIOCS to parents of children with asthma. However, only 16.5% (95% confidence interval 14.2–18.7%) of parents of children with recent asthma symptoms report that they have received such advice.

Conclusion: The majority of responding doctors involved in the care of children with asthma report recommending PIOCS to parents. By contrast, a minority of parents of children with asthma report that they have received such advice.


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Corticosteroid receptor modulation of mesoaccumbens dopamine neurotransmission is believed to be a key neurobiological mechanism mediating the effects of stress in addiction. Importantly, nucleus accumbens (NAc) subregions (core and shell) are reported to respond differentially to fluctuating basal levels of glucocorticoids, with dopaminergic responses in the core of the NAc being somewhat impervious to fluctuating levels of glucocorticoids relative to the shell. To investigate the corticosteroid receptor mechanisms mediating basal dopamine efflux in the core of the NAc, we have used chronoamperometry in combination with stearate-modified graphite paste electrodes in urethane anesthetized male Long–Evans rats during the peak and nadir of the circadian cycle. Blockade of ventral tegmental area low-affinity glucocorticoid (GR) or high-affinity mineralocorticoid (MR) receptors with mifepristone (1 μg/μl) or spironolactone (0.2 μg/μl), respectively, indicated that endogenous phase-dependent corticosteroid receptor activation (GRs during peak; MRs during nadir) facilitated extracellular NAc dopamine efflux. Conversely, the alternate receptor's actions appeared inhibitory at these time points (MRs during peak; GRs during nadir). Pharmacological activation of either the GR or MR with corticosterone (2 μg/μl) or aldosterone (0.2 μg/μl), respectively, potentiated NAc dopamine efflux, irrespective of circadian phase. Together, these data suggest that dominant corticosteroid receptor activation stimulates tonic mesoaccumbens dopamine transmission, enabling MRs and GRs to differentially maintain basal NAc dopamine release over the course of the circadian cycle. This points to an important molecular mechanism through which relatively stable NAc core dopamine extracellular levels could be maintained in the face of fluctuating corticosterone circadian rhythms.


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Corticosteroids are widely used to relieve signs and symptoms arising from many diseases, including common inflammatory and autoimmune disorders affecting a number of organ systems. However, corticosteroids also induce significant adverse effects; in particular, a range of severe psychiatric adverse effects may occur including delirium, depression, mania, psychosis and cognitive/memory impairment. These adverse effects occur in up to 60% of patients taking corticosteroids and recent studies show an increased rate of psychopathologies in this population. Long-term adverse effects on mood and behavior are severely debilitating, thereby influencing the quality of life, employment and health status of individuals taking corticosteroids. Strategies used to manage corticosteroid-induced psychiatric disturbances through psychotropic drugs vary significantly. This commentary summarizes existing literature on mechanisms underlying corticosteroid-induced psychiatric adverse effects and evidence associated with using psychotropic drugs to manage these effects. Despite its importance, there is an absolute dearth in the literature examining pharmacists' understanding and perceptions of psychiatric adverse effects of corticosteroids. Educational programs need to be implemented so that pharmacists can counsel patients about how to recognize corticosteroid-induced psychiatric disturbances. Physicians do not consistently alert patients to watch for behavioral changes, and patients may feel that mood changes they experience fall within the category of 'normal behavior,' and thus are less likely to report them. Given that patients taking corticosteroids usually have complex medical histories, discussions of adverse effects with pharmacists are vital to improve health outcomes in this population.