100 resultados para corporeidade
Esta pesquisa buscou compreender o sentirpensar nos processos de tessitura do conhecimento nos/dos/com os cotidianos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) da Escola Municipal José Maria dos Mares Guia, por meio da investigação de práticas educativas de corporeidade e dança efetivadas no Projeto Lets Dance, durante oito anos. Assim, objetivou verificar a contribuição destas experiências para a saída das carteiras escolares, onde os indivíduos são encerrados de modo prejudicial à experimentação de ações que propiciem sua formação ampla e a emancipação social. Encontrou nessas experiências elementos que possibilitaram a identificação de traços de uma educação formalista, oferecida como compensatória, onde se elegem conteúdos a serem desenvolvidos nos quais a linguagem corporal dos sujeitos é emudecida, numa cultura de repressão ao movimento e tentativa de adestramento das emoções.
Velhice e corpo são termos de difícil definição. As pessoas não sabem definir corpo, porque não têm o hábito de fazê-lo, nem de pensá-lo, e também não sabem definir velhice, face à heterogeneidade e complexidade do processo. Entretanto, uma coisa pode ser depreendida através de qualquer explicação que seja tentada para ambos, é a visão biologicizada que se impõe para a sua compreensão. O corpo é compreendido como um conjunto de órgãos e funções, e a velhice, como as alterações que nele ocorrem. Diante de tantas mudanças que ocorrem no corpo com o envelhecimento, e que cada vez o afastam mais do corpo idealizado pela sociedade, cujo valor está no corpo jovem, belo e forte, é que nos questionamos quanto ao significado do corpo na velhice. Para tal, realizamos uma pesquisa junto aos idosos participantes do Projeto CELARI (ESEF/UFRGS), constando de entrevistas e observações. Na busca de significados o corpo se torna signo, se distingue de um fenômeno que diz respeito a uma composição biológica, e passa a referir-se a um conjunto representativo mental ao qual o sujeito referencia a sua realidade de corpo, e é através do caminho hermenêutico que alcançamos a interpretação O homem já foi espírito e alma em oposição ao corpo, o que reservava espaço privilegiado para a velhice que sabia cultivá-lo; já foi razão, abrindo espaço para a modernidade que ressaltou a inteligência e subtraiu o lugar dos velhos, o corpo já foi máquina, a qual se desgasta com o tempo, sugerindo que seja isto o que acontece com o corpo envelhecido, e agora ele é mais do que nunca aparência que deve ser conquistada a qualquer custo, ao mesmo tempo em que, na era da comunicação, ele é o elemento de ligação, então corpo é uma forma de relacionar-se e aí está o espaço reaberto para o corpo envelhecido, aquele que engendra relações. Por isso o significado do corpo na velhice não está no que ele é, mas no que ele representa, ele exalta a vida e suas inúmeras possibilidades, mas ao mesmo tempo proclama a finitude existencial.
O estudo busca compreender como a gestante portadora do Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) percebe sua corporeidade em um estar no mundo gerando outro ser, corroborando com os conceitos de corpo e corporeidade do filósofo existencialista Merleau-Ponty. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, com enfoque fenomenológico. Realizou-se para coleta das informações a entrevista semiestruturada, proposta por Triviños. Participaram do estudo oito gestantes soropositivas para o HIV, em acompanhamento pré-natal, na cidade de Porto Alegre, vinculadas às atividades da Organização não-governamental MAIS CRIANÇA – Grupo de Apoio à Criança Soropositiva. Utilizou-se para interpretação das informações a abordagem hermenêutica proposta por Crossetti e Motta, com fundamentação de Paul Ricouer. Nos discursos das participantes desvelaram-se dois temas: As concepções de corpo no mundo das gestantes soropositivas para o HIV e O estar no mundo com o Vírus.
Esta dissertação trata da Corporeidade dos acadêmicos de Educação Física que cursam a disciplina de Ginástica Rítmica Fundamentos. Analisa como os acadêmicos percebem-se; as relações que estabelecem entre o pensar, o falar e o agir corporalmente; e as contribuições que a percepção do trabalho corporal oferecido por essa modalidade podem prestar ao modo de ser desses estudantes em seu cotidiano. O estudo consistiu em problematizar as questões do corpo, abarcando a importância da imagem corporal, da percepção do corpo e da influência da Ginástica Rítmica nessas relações como fonte de entendimento da corporeidade do acadêmico. O material empírico foi coletado por meio dos seguintes instrumentos: entrevista semi-estruturada (inicial e final), notas de campo, filmagem (quatro seqüências) e memoriais descritivos (ao final de cada aula e um no final do semestre). O grupo de participantes foi constituído pelos integrantes da turma de acadêmicos da ESEF/UFRGS, num total de 12, que cursavam a disciplina de Ginástica Rítmica Fundamentos. Desse grupo, cinco eram garotas e sete eram rapazes. A pesquisa de campo ocorreu no segundo semestre de 2003, nas dependências da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, mais precisamente no Ginásio Bugre Lucena da ESEF. O estudo permitiu que as reflexões construídas nesse grupo apresentassem como resultado uma atenção e uma compreensão maiores sobre as questões corpóreas, conduzindo a um entendimento maior sobre a corporeidade desses acadêmicos e configurando uma possibilidade relevante de aprofundamento dos conhecimentos nessa área, tanto para o profissional de Educação Física como para as pessoas em geral.
Nesta tese, falamos do corpo construído socialmente, vinculado à subjetividade e à identidade do indivíduo e que está impregnado por elementos sociais e culturais. Para Giddens (2009), o controle do corpo é fundamental para que o indivíduo preserve aquilo que o autor chama de segurança ontológica – ou seja, para que ele tenha um sentido pessoal para a vida e pontos de referência que o ajudem a seguir adiante no cotidiano. Na cultura de consumo, sua aparência tende a ser normatizada e o culto ao corpo, entre outros aspectos, tem o apelo de autoindulgência. Nosso objetivo principal é compreender, dentro de um contexto de normatividade estética, o discurso e as práticas de consumo dos indivíduos em relação ao próprio corpo, identificando de que modo isso se conecta à sua segurança ontológica. Para alcançar esse objetivo, procuramos: (a) entender o olhar o indivíduo em relação a seu próprio corpo, avaliando de que forma isso tem relação com sua segurança ontológica; (b) examinar a presença do mercado no tripé indivíduo-corpo-segurança ontológica; (c) identificar e analisar elementos discursivos relacionados à aparência física, procurando entender o papel do consumo nesse contexto e (d) investigar as motivações que levam o indivíduo a agir ou não em conformidade com a norma estética, analisando as práticas de consumo relacionadas ao corpo. A coleta de dados primários foi feita por meio de entrevistas qualitativas. Foram entrevistados homens e mulheres, de atividades profissionais variadas, de 18 a 50 anos, pertencentes às classes A, B e C (ABEP, 2012), todos eles residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Este campo aconteceu no período de outubro de 2012 a julho de 2013. Os dados foram analisados a partir da abordagem de análise do discurso, considerando-se sua linha francesa e, particularmente a visão pecheutiana. Esta pesquisa conclui, em linha com autores como Giddens (2002), Goffman (1978) e Schouten (1991), que o corpo é algo importante na noção do indivíduo sobre si mesmo e faz parte de sua construção identitária. Além disso, a maneira como o sujeito lida com a mensagem normativa do mercado traz indícios sobre sua segurança ontológica. O indivíduo ontologicamente seguro não é aquele que descarta o mercado e cujas práticas de consumo relativas ao corpo fogem à norma estética. O que o diferencia daquele cuja segurança ontológica é frágil é sua motivação para aderir a determinado estímulo e a forma como ele lida com essas escolhas de consumo. Depreendemos que o indivíduo com segurança ontológica tem menos ansiedade em suas opções relativas ao corpo e não tem o olhar do outro como uma sombra quando toma decisões sobre sua própria aparência. Diferentemente, os indivíduos sem segurança ontológica são mais ansiosos diante da mensagem do mercado. Há, em algum grau, sofrimento quando não atendem a norma estética e, portanto, a aparência do corpo ganha um espaço importante em suas vidas.
This study investigates the implications between the musical theory and pedagogical practice based on a study that questions the reasons why some students feel incapable of learning the music language, as well as, if the musical codes are truly so difficult to be apprehended by them. To answer these questions takes itself as reference, the classes I have minister while teaching the disciplines: Music Workshop and Music Language I in the Art Department, Scenic Art Course at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. I have searched the knowledge that constitutes the teacher formation based on the union between the pedagogical efficiency and sensibility, searching in the Corporality the theoretical port for my investigation. This way, advocating is a methodological principle for musical education originated from the experience of knowledge: creating, playing, feeling, thinking, and the interaction among them, conducting the students not only to music learning, but to a process of human formation. It adopts itself as methodological resource, amongst the qualitative methods, some of the techniques that are associated with the ethnographic research, for having as its main objective, to study the meaning of the actions and events of the investigated group. The analysis of the data leads to the conclusion that when the teacher displays his or her pedagogical knowledge in an environment constructed with affectivity, in a playful and pleasant form, the assimilation and construction of the musical concepts happen naturally and efficiently, surpassing the taboo that music learning is only possible to the especially well endowed people for music. Very aware that the scientific debate is important for the strengthening of formative programs involved in the growth and consolidation of the musical teaching and learning area, it is expected to promote this research discussions and reflections in the general educational field with this research, as well as, to contribute significantly to the specific growth of musical education
Cette étude essaie d offrir des contributions pour la construction de connaissance concernant à la corporeité et dans l espace virtuel. À travers des processus interactifs elle propose la construction la production de nouvelles possibilités/stratégies pour la production de connaissance, en adoptant une pratique éducative spécifique: apprendre dans l éducation à distance (EAD). L apprentissage est le centre de ce travail, les acteurs les élèves sont sujets de l action et de la transformation selon la penseé de Paulo Freire et Corpo-vivido dans sa totalité, selon Marleau Ponty. Ce dialogue vif et révecu fait un parcours méthodologique à partir des interlocutions de Pierre-Lévy (1993,1996). On a réalisé une trajectoire pour se représenter, renvoyer, dialoguer et mettre en perspective, en ayant comme point de départ les attributs communicatifs et imagés des matériels d étude utilisés par l EAD, les changements socioculturels provoqués par des possibles dépassements paradigmatiques manifestés dans la société informations et de la communication, et les présuppositions théoriques qui sont ancréesdans les formulations des stratégies et/ou de propositions méthodologiques et comme élément intervenant dans le processus de construction de la connaissance à distance: le sujet de la corporeité. L espace empirique de la recherche est donné à l intérieur du cours TV na Escola e os desafios de hoje , et presenté dans la période de 2000 à 2004 dans l État du Pará. Le texte a été divisé à quatre chapitres. Le premier moment du texte parle de la métaphore de la Fleur et de l organisation du travail. Le deuxième moment systématise ce qui a été projeté pour donner une vision du travail dans l ensemble. Le troisième moment apporte des mots et des concrétisations qui deviennent réelles dans le Desvelando o corpo e o diálogo: a Flor da aprendizagem percebida , en reflétant sur la corporéification du mot s en allant à la rencontre et à la participation d'un apprentissage de dialogue. Et finalement le quatrième moment où nous parcourons la culture de la potentialité de la modalité de l'enseignement à distance, faisant le portrait en arrière plan de l'étude tout en mettant en évidence l'étude du phénomène dans le cours "TV na escola e os desafios de hoje" les paroles des sujets et leur interlocutions. A Flor numa totalidade englobe dans une totalité les moments qui le précedent et invite tous les autres moments à d autres révélations
The present study comes from inquietudes of an investigative posture assumed by a Physical Education Graduation Professor, before her educative action with undergraduate teachers. The research was done with 16 (sixteen) Kindergarten and Elementary School teachers, who teach at public schools. The referred teachers are undergraduate students of the Graduating Normal Course at Superior Educational Institute President Kennedy, in Natal/RN. The analysis and discussion of the intertwining of knowledge, within the four Pillars of Education, at the Fountain of Knowledge , is a metaphor, especially created for this study, as for its epistemological and methodological structure, guiding all the investigative process. It provided to show up the repercussion of bathing and drinking these humanizing waters of a pedagogical practice that values the Being, aiming his self-transcendence. The conclusions obtained were the following: 1) The professor, while bathing himself in the Fountain of Life Knowledge, reflects his personal and professional life, recalling feelings and emotions that through time were forgotten, but as they were remembered and lived again, impulse people towards humanity. 2) While bathing himself at the Fountain of Life Knowledge, the professor realizes he is awoken to humane knowledge, caring about his practices, which he develops in the classroom. Practices he considers the learning of knowing, of doing, of living together, and of learning how to be, having and integrated form on the Being. 3) When the worries about the developing of the Being exist coming from the undergraduate teacher there is a practice the shows up the web of corporeity knowledge knowing how to play, how to create, how to feel, how to think, and how to humanize. 4) The presence of the professional of Physical Education, with knowledge and experience of the budgets of corporeity, is essential in the process of graduating the Kindergarten and first years of Elementary School undergraduate teacher, for he, the former, has a huge responsibility as to the learning and developing of the educational process the humanizing developing of the Being In a proposal of education that occurs through the whole life. 5) The Professional of Physical Education has positions to conquer, for the existent gap in the educational process, as for the understanding of the body and of corporeity in the perspective of totality, urges to be modified in name of another mankind, with full humanity
La recherche discute les interfaces du corps et de la corporéité dans l espace scolaire, dans une perspective freinetienne . Pour cela, un peu de l Histoire de la Pédagogie sera évoquée, en observant quel est l espace destiné au corps et à la corporéité. Pour ce dialogue, la base d une pensée pédagogique de renom a été nécessaire. Le choix s est alors porté sur la pédagogie freinetienne , pédagogie populaire progressiste qui renvoit le sujet à la nécessité de l action. Le dialogue a été établi dans le sens de comprendre le corps dans la Pédagogie Freinet, dans une interface avec l Éducation, ainsi que de la discuter, en prenant pour référence la corporéité comme paradigme éducationnel. Pour cela trois uvres de Freinet ont été fondamentalement utilisées: Essai de Psycologie Sensible; Éducation du Travail et Pour l École du Peuple. Une recherche de nature qualitative a été réalisée. Quant à la méthodologie, l Herméneutique a été choisie, puisque au travers de la recherche et de la réfléxion il a été possible d articuler des concepts qui apportèrent les réponses aux questions de l étude: quelle est la conception de corps que laisse transparaître la Pédagogie Freinet? Quelles sont les interfaces entre les études du corps et de la corporéité dans la contemporanéité avec la Pédagogie Freinet? Comment la Pédagogie Freinet comprend et valorise le corps dans le processus d apprentissage? À la fin de la recherche, il est constaté que le corps est mis en évidence dans la Pédagogie Freinet, un corps qui est considéré dans son histoire et signification. Il est perçut que les études contemporaines sur le corps et la corporéité se rapprochent du discours freinetien , principalement quand les principes de la Libre Expression et du Tâtonnement sont traités dans sa pédagogie, ce qui amène à l interprétation d un corps non comme médiateur de l apprentissage, mais bien un apprentissage qui se fait à partir du propre corps
This study aimed to provide a continuing education towards raising teachers for reflection and effective sexual education within the school environment as a possible route of self-education and training of teachers of elementary school. More specifically aim to facilitate through the Continuing Education to discuss the knowledge of the body and knowledge of human sexuality, presenting them as core knowledge in the integral formation of individuals and promote discussion of a Human-centered education Teaching in a vocational training and human .In this sense, we dialogue with the human teaching preconized by Arroyo (2002, 2004) along with the humanization (hominization) of the individuals through education, under Freire´s perspective of the being more (2003) as well as his ideas, Pineau´s (2003) and Josso´s (2004) about the educational practice understanding as a way to build up the autonomy of the individuals who we intend to educate. We defend the inclusion of the body as an essential learning element according to the principles of corporeity presented by Assman (2001), whose comprehension is that every learning experience has a corporal inscription. Furthermore, the knowledge about human sexuality cannot be excluded from this process since the sexuality is inherent of individuals and is constructed and reconstructed during their existence. Our view of the world and of man is supported by the knowledge of the complexity (Morim, 2004) trying to surpass the mechanist view that sees them through the duality view, fragmenting them. For the discussion and construction of knowledge that search for the confluence of these knowledges about the being and the educational practice, aiming at the individual integral formation starting from the process of self-formation/self-knowledge, we´ve directed our research-action-formation having as compass the theoretical-methodological postulate of the research-action (Barbier, 2002; Morin, 2004; Thiollent, 2004) because it makes the participation of all the involved people in the process of resolution or surpassing of problem solving possible. We´ve used the continuing formation as a way of access for data collection, applying a questionnaire with open questions for the ones involved in the research. Based on the findings it´s been possible to infer that for the teaching formation it is necessary the inclusion of the Human sexuality and corporeity theme, so that the teacher can surpass the biological view of sexuality and also the expansion of the mechanist view of the body. To do so, we suggest that the teaching formation happens supported by the teaching capacitation and formation according to Maturana (2004), bringing teaching knowledges (Tardiff, 2002), which contribute effectively for the responsibility to educate people for life.
In the passage of life, the labyrinth of songs and corners are propitious ways for a better comprehension, perception and incorporation of learnings that emerge from our subjectiveness in a magic caught by senses. Eyesight, taste, hearing, touch and smell in communication with the world, put us in front of cultural diversities. The ludicity accumulated by experiences promote the flow of hilarious and concrete discoveries that express themselves in work and leisure demonstrations. Such reflections emerge indicators to the problematic construction centralized in the incorporation of cultural experience knowledge to the formation process and professional interventions in this rule and area. From this significant problematic, aiming to deepen studies, we favored leisure as field of investigative production in full expansion. This, for sure, was an exercise of qualification that guided us through meander of education and made us dip into studies about the corporeity. A research in which the scenery was painted and constructed with the complicity of the culture lived with shine, colors, rhythm and drummings of one of the most present cultural cycles: carnival. Recognized as a stimulant for beauty, participation, socialization, and helped us to enter in the essence of gestures and expressions of corporeity, to think, elaborate and socialize a critic-scientific knowledge which, appropriating from the rhythm of colors, of sounds, of tonalities, of senses and of meanings impregnated in the web of life. All these things seduced the researcher, making imagination flow amid ludic-creative dialogues with the imaginary of researchers creation and production in the rule and area of leisure, education and corporeity. Option that made us outline as objective to investigate and interpret how leisure teachers-researchers, from their studies, researches and interventions, locate and incorporate the knowledge from cultural experience to the formation process and intervention of professionals in this rule and in this area, emphasizing the contributions from this knowledge to fence and qualify this praxis. So, as living each cultural scenery, each epistemological contribution was feeding the production with images of the different versions of the Brazilian breedings, creating and raising expectations and new discoveries and newcomers. With the seriousness of a scientific study, we lived an xxiii academic experience with complex intensity, rigor and coherence, eliminating, step by step, the risks and limitations always present in a work of this magnitude. However, we weren t, even for one moment, alone. Our epistemic regard always maintained mediated by the principles of a methodological approach - the Etnomethodology, that while central guide provided us clues to unveil the lived world by our people-playful , in a universe of 15 members, that allowed themselves to comprehend, comment, analyze. This way, grasping the object in interactions arised and provoked by narrative interview, it was systematically dialected by (re) interpretation of images and formulations of people-playful, enriched by their beliefs, myths, conceptions and rituals inherent to knowledge from cultural experience, which each one attuned with Brazilian and international history, in a mixture of senses echoed from songs and tales. Inspired in drummings and percussions, clothing and choreographies of gestures and expressions, in mixtures produced in unit interactions in the multiplicity shown as necessary requests to the totality of life, with ludicity the rescue of the past, the conquest of present and the construction of future was the axle guide. This rich process of scientific creation made us realize that is possible qualify and empower the praxis in the rule and area of leisure incorporating the knowledge from cultural experience. What also becomes possible is the recuperation of objective revolutionaries and changing conditions of praxis itself with the view of strengthening and triggerment of vital elements in the rule and area of leisure. We also reaffirm that from this praxis emerge elements necessary to human formation in plenitude, by the appropriation of knowledge that guide the facing of challenges of a complex and plural world that valorize education, corporeity and leisure
L étude vient de présenter la recherche qui a eu lieu pendent la formation des professeurs d l'Institut d'Enseignement Supérieur Président Kennedy à Natal-RN, dont les sujets son les professeurs de la septième période du Cours Normal Supérieur. L objet d´étude sont les pratiques formatives de ces professeurs en formation par des difficultés qui ils présentaient pour comprendre les relations entre les domaines de connaissance le l interface avec les expériences, et le processus de formation. L objectif a éte identifier dans l expériences ludopoèthiques, les lieus de construction de l autoterritorialité des professeus en tant qu en formation. Parmi les pressuposés théoriques qui ont soutenu le développement de la recherche comprennent: Enseignement Humain ; Corps-espace; Corporéité; Auto-formation et Transdisciplinarité. L'approche de la recherche qualitative adopte les principes de la rechercheaction- formation, dans une perspective etnophenomenologique. La discipline Memorial de Formação avec l'utilisation de jeu de sable,a été le laboratoire des expériences, l outil de la recherche qui a subventionné la construction des narratives autobiographiques. La perspective transdisciplinaire sur l'étude a rassemblé dans la dimension épistémologique les références théoriques de la Géographie, de la corporéité. et des histoires de vie dans la formation. L'Atelier Corps (Bio) Géographique a été développé par cinq rencontres: Paysage du Sensible, Lieu de Sentipensar, Territoires des Découvertes, Région des Savoirs et de l'Espace Géographique de la Ecoformação. Les expériences vécues dans l'Atelier par les participants de la recherche ont permis une sensible et attentive écoute sur leur propre histoire, en donnant la possibilité de la reconstruction de la mémoire, et en faisant réfléchir sur son l'auto-formation. La découverte des cartes et la construction d un nouveau paysage autoformatif par les memoires ludiques des différentes phases de la vie, a fait apparaître la propriété ludopoètique de l autoterriotalité, au même temps qui a enrégistré la construction ontologique dans sa corporéité
In order for this study to be developed, the central goal on our investigation was defined as analyzing and interpreting the aesthetical experiences meanings lived by singers-educators in the human formation. The interest for the aesthetical experience theme was built from my own experience for the last twelve years as a member of the School of Music Madrigal, the oldest group in the State Federal University, created for research and cultural extension with structural perspective which brings closer teachers, students and the outer community that comes from different social realities to face the challenge of combining the ability of singing, the corporeity involvement and the aesthetical experiences meanings. This paper points out the understanding of art as perceptive expression of human emotions, such as the creation of existential demand, the restructuring of oneself and the constructions which shape beauty. We seek a dense contribution of new challenges to the peculiar demand of human potential in terms of sensibility repertoire, of involvement, of expectation in magnifying the possibilities and the human and social competences. In the formation human process, we find a living field blooming with natural artistical possibilities, experimenting emotions and feelings shared in collective life, and bringing out impulses to unexpected ludic creation, establishing a powerful aesthetical ambience which highlights the symbolic and imaginary with the deepening of rich ludopoiese properties in several meanings. From the guiding principles of etnophenomenology we find structural and indispensable perspectives which contemplate values, desires, archtype images and ideas that impress originality and fertility to the study. On this path we understand the abundance of living moments of intense commitment, acquaintance, challenges, reunions and connections that stand out from fundamental aspects to freedom, autonomy, creativity and new discontinuities. This acknowledgement brings us closer to the enlighted fullness which makes us humans
During the latest years, the art of storytelling has received special attention from those who make education, art and culture. The storyteller is a singular person who manages to seduce itself and its listeners, by involving them in an atmosphere of pleasure and complicity, dodging situations, space and time, providing delight, stimulating creativity, daydreaming and imagination. This is a study developed with storyteller teachers that takes as its starting point the need to change the landscape of education, which seeks to emphasize the affirmation of embodiment of the teacher, so that it participates in a creative self-dynamic and the context in which they live. In addition , the following purposes accompanied the study : education - liberating practice and human development ; corporality - radiant , first and main focus of educational criteria; playfulness - a human dimension ; autopoiese - as an organization of human beings that produces and continuously transforms itself; flow experience concerns the feeling of full involvement in the activity , the psychic energy toward something that is being produced or performed , something that brings us pleasure , happiness and profound sense of well being. As general objective of the study we analysed the humanescent self-formation and its ludopoiética nature in storyteller teachers from humanescent workshops developed in a state school in Natal / RN. In view of the overall objective , we developed the following specific objectives : to identify the ludopoiéticas properties of self-worth , self-connectivity , self-territoriality , autotelia and self realization present in the life of storyteller teachers and the changes in the school environment, from the development of humanescent workshops; reveal the nature of humanescent self-training in storyteller teachers lives. The investigated group had the participation of eight teachers, and had the Escola Estadual Potiguassu as environment for the research. This is a descriptive study, understood as an action-research , developed with basis in the fundamentals and ethnomethodological principles , which used eight humanescents workshops , developed in the context of humanescent experiential pedagogy in conjunction with participant observation .The analyzes were focused on the chosen categories for the study : self-worth , self-connectivity , self-territoriality , autotelia and self-, indexicality and reflexivity . In terms of conclusions, we noted that the properties of ludopoiese were unveiled in the lives of the teachers by providing changes in their ways of being and living together. The teachers have become more creative and intensely began to experience their own life, social life, as well as its meaning. The struggle for a more cheerful and happy school was another important development highlighted in the reports of the teachers, also observing that there was a significant improvement in the reduction of violence in the school environment. Thus, we emphasize that the teachers began to recognize themselves like being ludic, playing with the beauty of storytelling and life