978 resultados para corporate knowledge


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A szerzők kutatásának célja, hogy az innovációmenedzsment és az innovációs stratégiák összefüggéseiben rávilágítsanak a magyarországi vállalatokat jellemző stratégiai irányokra és azonosítsák a vállalati tudás szerepét az innovációs folyamatokban. Az induktív logikán alapuló, kvalitatív interjúkra építkező módszertan segítségével történt az adatok gyűjtése és elemzése. Kutatási eredményeik alapján megállapítható, hogy a magyar vállalatok többsége tisztában van az innováció stratégiai jelentőségével és a tudás innovációfokozó erejével. Azonban a bizonytalan szabályozási környezet, a negatív piaci hangulat, a finanszírozási forrásokhoz való hozzáférés és a globális verseny megnehezítik a hazai KKV-k innovációs törekvéseit. Ugyanakkor a multinacionális vállalatok élen járnak mind a technológiai, mind pedig a nem technológiai innovációk terén is. A nem technológiai innováció területén komoly fejlődési lehetőségek körvonalazódhatnak a magyar KKV-k számára is, hiszen ezek kevésbé költségesek és időigényesek, és a belső erőforrásokat felhasználva a szervezeti tudásbázisra is épülhetnek. ____ The aim of the authors’ research is to highlight the characteristic strategic directions of Hungarian companies and identify the role of corporate knowledge in the innovative processes in the context of innovation management and innovative strategies. The collection and analysis of data were helped by a methodology which is based on inductive logic and qualitative interviews. The diagnosis, based on there search results,was that the majority of Hungarian companies are aware of the strategic importance of innovation and the innovation enhancing power of knowledge.


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This article presents findings from an Australian research project regarding management of the mature aged workforce and ageing demographic issues. Semi structured interviews were used to discuss perceptions of older workers, ageing demography, informal work practices, formal work practices and business development. The sample included 25 employees from three local governments from the Queensland State in Australia. Four main themes emerged from the analysis regarding the current setting. These were: (1) Despite negative stereotyping, respondents had a positive view of older workers, (2) Age management was more of an issue for the outdoor workforce due to declines in physiological capacities associated with aging, (3) The overarching policy framework within the local councils was age neutral; and (4) Informal age management strategies existed at the discretion of the respective managers and section heads. An age conscious and forethought workforce plan was viewed as the next step towards a formal age management strategy. The findings indicate that mentoring, training and flexible work options to retain staff and to retain corporate knowledge may be some of the options for the future


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Disciplines have emerged as an alternative administrative structure to departments or schools in Australian universities. We presently investigate the pattern of discipline use and by way of case study examine a role for distributed leadership in discipline management. Over forty per cent of Australian universities currently employ disciplines, especially within faculties of sciences, engineering and medicine. No trend is observed according to institutional age, state, or historical origins. Effective planning, retention of corporate knowledge and good communication are important during the transition period. Moreover, it is vital that professional staff continue to work closely alongside academics as extended members of the discipline. Distributed leadership encourages this interaction. The duties of a discipline leader can be similar to those faced by a head of department. Universities should therefore establish clear policies, position descriptions and appropriate remuneration packages in order to recruit, train and retain staff within this emerging academic management role.


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Over the last 40 years, the term mentoring has been hailed as an important workplace learning activity, and applied in a variety on contexts such as government departments, hospitals, schools and community settings. It has been used to support the learning and development of new employees and leaders, as well as for the purposes of talent management and retention. Not surprisingly, its meaning often depends on the purpose for which it has been used and the particular context in which it has been applied. Most adults can identify a person who has had a major positive impact on their lives, e.g. a boss, a coach or a teacher, who has acted as a mentor to them. Today, organisations are embracing the concept of mentoring as a professional development too through which improvements in efficiency, productivity and the passing of corporate knowledge and leadership skills can occur.


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Objectives: To explore and describe key processes influencing the development of graduate nurse capabilities in clinical risk management (CRM).

Methods: This study was undertaken using an exploratory descriptive case study method. Four sample units of analysis were used, notably: 2 cohorts of graduate nurses (n = 11) undertaking a 12-month graduate nurse transition program; key stakeholders (n = 34), that is, nurse unit managers, clinical teachers, preceptors, a quality manager, a librarian, and senior nurse administratiors employed by the participating health service; patient outcome data; and pertinent literature.

Results: Data strongly suggested that graduate nurse capabilities in CRM were most influenced not by their supposed lack of clinical knowledge and skills but by their lack of corporate knowledge. The failure to provide new graduate nurses with pertinent information on CRM at the beginning of their employment and thereafter at pertinent intervals during the graduate nurse year program aslo hindered the development of their capabilities to manage clinical risk.

Conclusions: Management and educational processes pertinent to informing and involving new graduate nurses in a hospital's local CRM program (including information about the organization's local policies and procedures) need to be implemented systematically at the very beginning of a new graduate's employment and thereafter throughout the remainder of the graduate nurse year.


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Petroleum well drilling is an expensive and risky operation. In this context, well design presents itself as a fundamental key to decrease costs and risks involved. Experience acquired by engineers is notably an important factor in good drilling design elaborations. Therefore, the loss of this knowledge may entail additional problems and costs. In this way, this work represents an initiative to model a petroleum well design case-based architecture. Tests with a prototype showed that the system built with this architecture may help in a well design and enable corporate knowledge preservation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.