13 resultados para coprocessor


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Early works on Private Information Retrieval (PIR) focused on minimizing the necessary communication overhead. They seemed to achieve this goal but at the expense of query response time. To mitigate this weakness, protocols with secure coprocessors were introduced. They achieve optimal communication complexity and better online processing complexity. Unfortunately, all secure coprocessor-based PIR protocols require heavy periodical preprocessing. In this paper, we propose a new protocol, which is free from the periodical preprocessing while offering the optimal communication complexity and almost optimal online processing complexity. The proposed protocol is proven to be secure.


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Support vector machines (SVM) are a popular class of supervised models in machine learning. The associated compute intensive learning algorithm limits their use in real-time applications. This paper presents a fully scalable architecture of a coprocessor, which can compute multiple rows of the kernel matrix in parallel. Further, we propose an extended variant of the popular decomposition technique, sequential minimal optimization, which we call hybrid working set (HWS) algorithm, to effectively utilize the benefits of cached kernel columns and the parallel computational power of the coprocessor. The coprocessor is implemented on Xilinx Virtex 7 field-programmable gate array-based VC707 board and achieves a speedup of upto 25x for kernel computation over single threaded computation on Intel Core i5. An application speedup of upto 15x over software implementation of LIBSVM and speedup of upto 23x over SVMLight is achieved using the HWS algorithm in unison with the coprocessor. The reduction in the number of iterations and sensitivity of the optimization time to variation in cache size using the HWS algorithm are also shown.


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Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM), one of the best known tool for texture analysis, estimates image properties related to second-order statistics. These image properties commonly known as Haralick texture features can be used for image classification, image segmentation, and remote sensing applications. However, their computations are highly intensive especially for very large images such as medical ones. Therefore, methods to accelerate their computations are highly desired. This paper proposes the use of programmable hardware to accelerate the calculation of GLCM and Haralick texture features. Further, as an example of the speedup offered by programmable logic, a multispectral computer vision system for automatic diagnosis of prostatic cancer has been implemented. The performance is then compared against a microprocessor based solution.


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Matrix algorithms are important in many types of applications including image and signal processing. A close examination of the algorithms used in these, and related, applications reveals that many of the fundamental actions involve matrix algorithms such as matrix multiplication. This paper presents an investigation into the design and implementation of different matrix algorithms such as matrix operations, matrix transforms and matrix decompositions using a novel custom coprocessor system for MATrix algorithms based on Reconfigurable Computing (RCMAT). The proposed RCMAT architectures are scalable, modular and require less area and time complexity with reduced latency when compared with existing structures.


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The general packet radio service (GPRS) has been developed to allow packet data to be transported efficiently over an existing circuit-switched radio network, such as GSM. The main application of GPRS are in transporting Internet protocol (IP) datagrams from web servers (for telemetry or for mobile Internet browsers). Four GPRS baseband coding schemes are defined to offer a trade-off in requested data rates versus propagation channel conditions. However, data rates in the order of > 100 kbits/s are only achievable if the simplest coding scheme is used (CS-4) which offers little error detection and correction (EDC) (requiring excellent SNR) and the receiver hardware is capable of full duplex which is not currently available in the consumer market. A simple EDC scheme to improve the GPRS block error rate (BLER) performance is presented, particularly for CS-4, however gains in other coding schemes are seen. For every GPRS radio block that is corrected by the EDC scheme, the block does not need to be retransmitted releasing bandwidth in the channel and improving the user's application data rate. As GPRS requires intensive processing in the baseband, a viable field programmable gate array (FPGA) solution is presented in this paper.


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This paper presents the design of a high-speed coprocessor for Elliptic Curve Cryptography over binary Galois Field (ECC- GF(2m)). The purpose of our coprocessor is to accelerate the scalar multiplication performed over elliptic curve points represented by affine coordinates in polynomial basis. Our method consists of using elliptic curve parameters over GF(2163) in accordance with international security requirements to implement a bit-parallel coprocessor on field-programmable gate-array (FPGA). Our coprocessor performs modular inversion by using a process based on the Stein's algorithm. Results are presented and compared to results of other related works. We conclude that our coprocessor is suitable for comparing with any other ECC-hardware proposal, since its speed is comparable to projective coordinate designs.


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In this paper we describe the recent development of a low-bandwidth wireless camera sensor network. We propose a simple, yet effective, network architecture which allows multiple cameras to be connected to the network and synchronize their communication schedules. Image compression of greater than 90% is performed at each node running on a local DSP coprocessor, resulting in nodes using 1/8th the energy compared to streaming uncompressed images. We briefly introduce the Fleck wireless node and the DSP/camera sensor, and then outline the network architecture and compression algorithm. The system is able to stream color QVGA images over the network to a base station at up to 2 frames per second. © 2007 IEEE.


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A demanda crescente por poder computacional estimulou a pesquisa e desenvolvimento de processadores digitais cada vez mais densos em termos de transistores e com clock mais rápido, porém não podendo desconsiderar aspectos limitantes como consumo, dissipação de calor, complexidade fabril e valor comercial. Em outra linha de tratamento da informação, está a computação quântica, que tem como repositório elementar de armazenamento a versão quântica do bit, o q-bit ou quantum bit, guardando a superposição de dois estados, diferentemente do bit clássico, o qual registra apenas um dos estados. Simuladores quânticos, executáveis em computadores convencionais, possibilitam a execução de algoritmos quânticos mas, devido ao fato de serem produtos de software, estão sujeitos à redução de desempenho em razão do modelo computacional e limitações de memória. Esta Dissertação trata de uma versão implementável em hardware de um coprocessador para simulação de operações quânticas, utilizando uma arquitetura dedicada à aplicação, com possibilidade de explorar o paralelismo por replicação de componentes e pipeline. A arquitetura inclui uma memória de estado quântico, na qual são armazenados os estados individuais e grupais dos q-bits; uma memória de rascunho, onde serão armazenados os operadores quânticos para dois ou mais q-bits construídos em tempo de execução; uma unidade de cálculo, responsável pela execução de produtos de números complexos, base dos produtos tensoriais e matriciais necessários à execução das operações quânticas; uma unidade de medição, necessária à determinação do estado quântico da máquina; e, uma unidade de controle, que permite controlar a operação correta dos componente da via de dados, utilizando um microprograma e alguns outros componentes auxiliares.


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In the field of embedded systems design, coprocessors play an important role as a component to increase performance. Many embedded systems are built around a small General Purpose Processor (GPP). If the GPP cannot meet the performance requirements for a certain operation, a coprocessor can be included in the design. The GPP can then offload the computationally intensive operation to the coprocessor; thus increasing the performance of the overall system. A common application of coprocessors is the acceleration of cryptographic algorithms. The work presented in this thesis discusses coprocessor architectures for various cryptographic algorithms that are found in many cryptographic protocols. Their performance is then analysed on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform. Firstly, the acceleration of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithms is investigated through the use of instruction set extension of a GPP. The performance of these algorithms in a full hardware implementation is then investigated, and an architecture for the acceleration the ECC based digital signature algorithm is developed. Hash functions are also an important component of a cryptographic system. The FPGA implementation of recent hash function designs from the SHA-3 competition are discussed and a fair comparison methodology for hash functions presented. Many cryptographic protocols involve the generation of random data, for keys or nonces. This requires a True Random Number Generator (TRNG) to be present in the system. Various TRNG designs are discussed and a secure implementation, including post-processing and failure detection, is introduced. Finally, a coprocessor for the acceleration of operations at the protocol level will be discussed, where, a novel aspect of the design is the secure method in which private-key data is handled


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There is demand for an easily programmable, high performance image processing platform based on FPGAs. In previous work, a novel, high performance processor - IPPro was developed and a Histogram of Orientated Gradients (HOG) algorithm study undertaken on a Xilinx Zynq platform. Here, we identify and explore a number of mapping strategies to improve processing efficiency for soft-cores and a number of options for creation of a division coprocessor. This is demonstrated for the revised high definition HOG implementation on a Zynq platform, resulting in a performance of 328 fps which represents a 146% speed improvement over the original realization and a tenfold reduction in energy.