33 resultados para convulsion


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Introduction: The majority of convulsions are due to an epilepticseizure or a convulsive syncope. In some cases, this is the firstsymptom of an out of hospital cardiac arrest (OH-CA).Objective: This study was aimed to measure the proportion of adultnon traumatic OH-CA presenting as a convulsion.Methodology: We prospectively collected all incoming calls with anout-of-hospital non traumatic seizure as the chief complaint in patients>18 years during a 24-months period. Among these calls, we collectedcases identified as OH-CA by paramedics.Results: During the 24-months period, the EMS dispatch centerreceived 561 calls for an out-of-hospital non traumatic convulsion in anadult. Twelve cases were ultimately classified as CA. In this group, onebystander spontaneously reported that the patient was known forepilepsy. The incidence of OH-CA presenting as convulsions wastherefore 2.1% of all calls for convulsion. Over the same period, theEMS dispatch center received 1035 calls related to an adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Therefore the rate of OH-CA presenting as aconvulsion represented 1.2% of all adult non traumatic OH-CA.Conclusion: Only 12 cases out of the 531 calls for non traumatic adultconvulsions were confirmed OH-CA (2.1%). Nevertheless, this unusualpresentation of OH-CA must be recognized by dispatchers, even whena patient is reported by bystander as a known epileptic. Dispatchersshould keep bystanders on line or call them back before paramedics'arrival, and have them confirm the progressive return of a normalpattern of breathing and state of consciousness; if not, they shouldencourage when necessary bystander to initiate CPR. For dispatchers,a past medical history of epilepsy should not be regarded as sufficientinformation to rule-out OH-CA. It is mandatory that known epilepticpatients should be monitored in the same way as non-epileptic patients.


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Introduction: The majority of convulsions are due to an epileptic seizure or a convulsive syncope. The incidence of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OH-CA) presenting as a convulsion is unknown. Objective: This study aimed to measure the incidence of adult nontraumatic OH-CA presenting as a convulsion, a rate that has not been published so far, to the best of our knowledge. Methods: We prospectively collected all incoming calls with an out-of-hospital nontraumatic seizure as the chief complaint in patients >18 years old during a 24-month period. Among these calls, we collected cases identified as OH-CA by paramedics. Results: During the 24-month period, the emergency medical services (EMS) dispatch center received 561 calls for an out-of-hospital nontraumatic convulsion in an adult. Twelve cases were ultimately classified as CA. In this group, one bystander spontaneously reported that the patient was known for epilepsy. The incidence of OH-CA presenting as convulsions was therefore 2.1% of all calls for convulsion. Over the same period, the EMS dispatch center received 1,035 calls related to an adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Therefore, the rate of OH-CA presenting as a convulsion represented 1.2% of all adult nontraumatic OH-CA. Conclusion:L Only 12 cases out of the 531 calls for nontraumatic adult convulsions were confirmed OHCA (2.1%). Nevertheless, this unusual presentation of OH-CA must be recognized by dispatchers, even when a patient is reported by bystander as a known epileptic. Dispatchers should keep bystanders on the line or call them back before paramedics' arrival, and have them confirm the progressive return of a normal pat- tern of breathing and state of consciousness; if not, they should encourage the bystander to initiate CPR when necessary. An intervention should be implemented to improve the detection by dispatchers of OH-CA presenting as convulsion by the development of a specific interview and directed observation. For dispatchers, a past medical history of epilepsy should not be regarded as sufficient information to rule out OH-CA. It is mandatory that known epileptic patients should be monitored in the same way as nonepileptic patients.


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The authors analysed 34 cases of resistant epilepsy (20 males and 14 females, mean age 23 years), treated clinically between February/1984 and May/1986. The patients underwent neurological, neuropsychological, psychological, psychiatric, cerebrospinal fluid, electroencephalographic, tomographic and/or angiographic examination. Most of the patients had complex partial seizures. The etiology was unknown in 19 patients (55.8%), probable neurocysticercosis in 6, perinatal hypoxia in 5, delivery trauma in 3 and probable sequelae of encephalitis in 2 patients. There was a clear past history of infantile febrile convulsion in 2 patients. Most patients received carbamazepine (mean dose 24.5 mg/kg/day), phenytoin (5 mg/kg and valproic acid (28 mg/kg) as monotherapy or in association. Twenty-two patients (64.7%) had more than 80% decrease of the seizure frequency. Nine resistant epilepsy-cases (24.5%) were evaluated as candidates for surgical therapy. The authors concluded that the resistant epilepsy is best managed by a specialised, multidisciplinary team, and pointed out the need of a correct diagnosis of the seizure type, an adequate drug therapy and a good engagement of the patient and his family in the treatment.


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Neuropathic arthropathy (Charcot`s arthropathy) is a progressive articular disease associated with a reduced sensorial and protector proprioceptive reflex. Its etiology includes many different conditions such as syringomyelia, traumatic lesion causing medullary deformity, spina bifida, diabetic neuropathy, leprosy neuropathy, neurofibromatosis, amyloid neuropathy, alcohol, and repetitive injection of hydrocortisone into joints, among others. However, the relationship between Charcot`s arthropathy and herpetic encephalitis has not yet been described. Herpes encephalitis causes acute and chronic diseases of the peripheral or central nervous system. It can manifest as subacute encephalitis, recurrent meningitis, or myelitis. It can also resemble psychiatric syndromes, diplopia, sensory changes in the face and limbs, personality changes, frontal dysexecutive syndrome, stiff neck, subclinical alterations of the vestibular function, intracranial hypertension, convulsion, hemiparesis, and generally includes motor components, among others. On the other hand, pure peripheral sensory disturbance has not been described. In this article, we report the clinical case of a patient with Charcot`s arthropathy secondary to pure peripheral sensory polyneuropathy as a consequence of progressive herpetic encephalitis sequelae. In this article, the authors report the first case of Charcot`s arthropathy secondary to herpetic encephalitis.


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The case reported refers to a patient who developed status epilepticus in the day of her third dose of hepatitis B vaccination and we review the literature on this subject. A 12 year-old girl, without a relevant previous history, taking no drugs, developed a seizure attack followed by unconsciousness, and eventually died after three days of her third dose of hepatitis B (HB) vaccination. Autopsy study revealed cerebral edema with congestion and herniation and diffuse interstitial type pneumonitis. There seem to be a straight forward time relationship between the third HB vaccine, the event of convulsion and the sudden death of the patient. We suggest that, in some cases, vaccination may be the triggering factor for autoimmune and neurological disturbances in genetically predisposed individuals and physicians should be aware of this possible association. (c) 2007 European Federation of Internal Medicine. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Wistar Audiogenic Rat (WAR) strain is a genetic model of sound-induced reflex epilepsy which was selected starting from audiogenic seizures susceptible Wistar rats. Wistar resistant rats were used as WAR`s control in this study. In the acute situation, audiogenic seizures (AS) in WARs mimic tonic-clonic seizures and, in the chronic protocol, mimic temporal lobe epilepsy. AS have been shown to evoke neuroendocrine responses; however, the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity in the WAR has not been established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) responses to exogenous ACTH stimulation (8 ng/rat), fifteen minute restraint stress and circadian variation (8 am and 8 pm) under rest conditions in these animals through plasma measurements of ACTH and corticosterone concentrations. We also measured the body weight from birth to the 9th week of life and determined adrenal gland weight. We found that WARs are smaller than Wistar and presented a higher adrenal gland weight with a higher level of corticosterone release after intravenous ACTH injection. They also showed altered HPA axis circadian rhythms and responses to restraint stress. Our data indicate that, despite the lower body weight, WARs have increased adrenal gland weight associated with enhanced pituitary and adrenal responsiveness after HPA axis stimulation. Thus, we propose WARs as a model to study stress-epilepsy interactions and epilepsy-neuropsychiatry comorbidities. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A random, double-blind, parallel group clinical trial program was carried out to compare praziquantel, a recently developed anti-helmintic drug, and oxamniquine, an already established agent for treating mansoni schistosomiasis. Both drugs were administered orally as a single dose, on the average, praziquantel 55 mg/kg and oxamniquine 16 mg/kg BWT. The diagnosis and the parasitological follow-up lasting for a minimum of six months, were based on stool examinations according to Kato/Katz technique. A patient was considered cured if all results were negative and if he had performed at least three post-treatment controls, each one comprising three stool examinations. The finding of a single S. mansoni egg in any stool examination indicated, a therapeutical failure. A total of 267, cases were treated with praziquantel and 272 with oxamniquine. The two groups were homogeneous in regard to patients, age, clinical form of the disease, risk of reinfection and worm burden, relevant factors in the therapeutical response. The incidence and severity of untoward, effects were similar in both groups but abdominal distress and diarrhoea were more frequently reported under praziquantel and dizzines under oxamniquine (p < 0.05). In the former group a marked urticariform reaction was observed whereas in the latter one patient presented convulsion. The laboratory work-up. failed to disclose any significant alteration although the AST, ALT and y-GT mean values revealed a tendence to increase on the 7th day after oxamniquine intake. The overall parasitological cure rates were 75.5% (139/ 184) with praziquantel and 69.8% (134/192) with oxamniquine (p > 0.05). Amongst the noncured aptients a reduction of 88.6% and 74.6% in the mean number of eggs/g of feces Was seen following the treatment with praziquantel and oxamniquine, respectively (p < 0.05). In conclusion, in spite of their different chemical, pharmacological and toxicological profiles as well as mechanisms-of-action, inclusively praziquantel already had proved to be 100% active against S. mansoni strains resistant to oxamniquine, both drugs showed comparable tolerance and therapeutical efficacy.


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La complexitat de l’atenció de la salut mental i les toxicomanies, en joves institucionalitzats en centres de justícia juvenil, condicionada tant pels propis dèficits de salut, com per les condicions ambientals de l’internament. L’objectiu de la recerca és analitzar la clínica desadaptativa dels joves interns i la seva associació a la presència d’antecedents de consum de tòxics. El disseny de la recerca és un estudi longitudinal de les urgències mèdiques generades en el Centre Educatiu L’Alzina (Barcelona), des de l’1 de gener de 2001 fins el 31 de desembre del mateix any. La metodologia utilitza l’ajust de models multivariants mitjançant Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) amb error binomial negativa, es calcula el risc de produir-se una demanda per agitació o autolesió, i la seva associació amb la presència d’antecedents de consum de tòxics. Respecte als resultats més destacats: el 59,4% del total de demandes urgents varen ser per episodis d’agitació o autolesió, concentrant-se aquests en el 33% dels interns. Les prevalences de consum de tòxics variaven des d’un 13,2% respecte dels al•lucinògens fins un 71,7% del cannabis, amb un 36,8% de politoxicòmans i un 5,7% d’usuaris de drogues per via parenteral. La població nacional presentà una major prevalença d’hàbits tòxics. Com a principals conclusions de l’estudi, es confirma la hipòtesi general d’una major associació entre antecedents de consum de tòxics i presentació d’episodis de malestar psíquic agut, per bé que limitada al mòdul d’ingrés (inicial). En la resta de grups influirien altres factors, com podria ser la pressió ambiental. Pressió que, almenys en el mòdul intensiu, tot sembla indicar que seria determinant. Els resultats suggereixen doncs, la conveniència de revisar tant les estratègies d’intervenció i abordatge de les toxicomanies, com el disseny ambiental de la institució. S’apunta la necessitat d’investigacions futures amb la incorporació de tècniques qualitatives d’anàlisi. ...


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BACKGROUND: In patients with brain tumors, the choice of antiepileptic medication is guided by tolerability and pharmacokinetic interactions. This study investigated the effectiveness of levetiracetam (LEV) and pregabalin (PGB), 2 non-enzyme-inducing agents, in this setting. METHODS: In this pragmatic, randomized, unblinded phase II trial (NCT00629889), patients with primary brain tumors and epilepsy were titrated to a monotherapy of LEV or PGB. Efficacy and tolerability were assessed using structured questionnaires. The primary composite endpoint was the need to discontinue the study drug, add-on of a further antiepileptic treatment, or occurrence of at least 2 seizures with impaired consciousness during 1 year follow-up. RESULTS: Over 40 months, 25 patients were randomized to LEV, and 27 to PGB. Most were middle-aged men, with a high-grade tumor and at least one generalized convulsion. Mean daily doses were 1125 mg (LEV) and 294 mg (PGB). Retention rates were 59% in the LEV group, and 41% in the PGB group. The composite endpoint was reached in 9 LEV and 12 PGB patients-need to discontinue: side effects, 6 LEV, 3 PGB; lack of efficacy, 1 and 2; impaired oral administration, 0 and 2; add-on of another agent: 1 LEV, 4 PGB; and seizures impairing consciousness: 1 in each. Seven LEV and 5 PGB subjects died of tumor progression. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that LEV and PGB represent valuable monotherapy options in this setting, with very good antiepileptic efficacy and an acceptable tolerability profile, and provides important data for the design of a phase III trial.


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BACKGROUND: Cilengitide is a selective αvβ3 and αvβ5 integrin inhibitor. Data from phase 2 trials suggest that it has antitumour activity as a single agent in recurrent glioblastoma and in combination with standard temozolomide chemoradiotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastoma (particularly in tumours with methylated MGMT promoter). We aimed to assess cilengitide combined with temozolomide chemoradiotherapy in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma with methylated MGMT promoter. METHODS: In this multicentre, open-label, phase 3 study, we investigated the efficacy of cilengitide in patients from 146 study sites in 25 countries. Eligible patients (newly diagnosed, histologically proven supratentorial glioblastoma, methylated MGMT promoter, and age ≥18 years) were stratified for prognostic Radiation Therapy Oncology Group recursive partitioning analysis class and geographic region and centrally randomised in a 1:1 ratio with interactive voice response system to receive temozolomide chemoradiotherapy with cilengitide 2000 mg intravenously twice weekly (cilengitide group) or temozolomide chemoradiotherapy alone (control group). Patients and investigators were unmasked to treatment allocation. Maintenance temozolomide was given for up to six cycles, and cilengitide was given for up to 18 months or until disease progression or unacceptable toxic effects. The primary endpoint was overall survival. We analysed survival outcomes by intention to treat. This study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT00689221. FINDINGS: Overall, 3471 patients were screened. Of these patients, 3060 had tumour MGMT status tested; 926 patients had a methylated MGMT promoter, and 545 were randomly assigned to the cilengitide (n=272) or control groups (n=273) between Oct 31, 2008, and May 12, 2011. Median overall survival was 26·3 months (95% CI 23·8-28·8) in the cilengitide group and 26·3 months (23·9-34·7) in the control group (hazard ratio 1·02, 95% CI 0·81-1·29, p=0·86). None of the predefined clinical subgroups showed a benefit from cilengitide. We noted no overall additional toxic effects with cilengitide treatment. The most commonly reported adverse events of grade 3 or worse in the safety population were lymphopenia (31 [12%] in the cilengitide group vs 26 [10%] in the control group), thrombocytopenia (28 [11%] vs 46 [18%]), neutropenia (19 [7%] vs 24 [9%]), leucopenia (18 [7%] vs 20 [8%]), and convulsion (14 [5%] vs 15 [6%]). INTERPRETATION: The addition of cilengitide to temozolomide chemoradiotherapy did not improve outcomes; cilengitide will not be further developed as an anticancer drug. Nevertheless, integrins remain a potential treatment target for glioblastoma. FUNDING: Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.


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We describe a patient presenting with a first generalized convulsion after alcohol consumption, in whom the early postictal finding of a rapidly regressive cortical visual impairment suggested the presence of a posterior reversible encephalopathy. This was confirmed radiologically, and probably represented the key factor in the seizure etiology.


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BACKGROUND: The present study was a prospective observational study to evaluate the safety profile of Celtura(®), a monovalent, cell culture-derived, inactivated subunit influenza vaccine prepared from A/California/07/2009(H1N1) with the adjuvant MF59(®). Subjects were enrolled prospectively during the H1N1 2009 influenza pandemic at medical centres in Colombia, Chile, Switzerland, and Germany during the period December 2009 to June 2010. METHODS: Subjects ages 18 and older were followed for the occurrence of adverse events (AEs) for six months after vaccination. Adverse events of special interest (AESIs) were neuritis, convulsion (seizure), anaphylaxis, encephalitis, vasculitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, demyelinating conditions, Bell's palsy, and laboratory-confirmed vaccination failure. RESULTS: Overall, 7348 AEs were reported in 2296 of 3989 enrolled subjects (57.6%). Only two AEs were considered related to injection site reactions. No laboratory-confirmed cases of influenza were reported. There were 108 medically confirmed serious adverse events (SAEs) reported among 73 subjects with 6 such SAEs described as possibly or probably related to vaccination. Three fatal cases were reported and assessed as not related to vaccination. Two AESIs classified as convulsion were reported and assessed as not related to vaccination. Both AESIs occurred well outside the pre-specified 7 day risk window representing the likely timeframe of the occurrence of seizure following vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study support the overall good safety profile of MF59 adjuvanted cell culture-derived influenza vaccine as administered in adults during the 2009-2010 H1N1 influenza pandemic. No concern is raised regarding the occurrence of AESIs.


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A neurotoxic peptide, granulitoxin (GRX), was isolated from the sea anemone Bunodosoma granulifera. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of GRX is AKTGILDSDGPTVAGNSLSGT and its molecular mass is 4958 Da by electrospray mass spectrometry. This sequence presents a partial degree of homology with other toxins from sea anemones such as Bunodosoma caissarum, Anthopleura fuscoviridis and Anemonia sulcata. However, important differences were found: the first six amino acids of the sequence are different, Arg-14 was replaced by Ala and no cysteine residues were present in the partial sequence, while two cysteine residues were present in the first 21 amino acids of other toxins described above. Purified GRX injected ip (800 µg/kg) into mice produced severe neurotoxic effects such as circular movements, aggressive behavior, dyspnea, tonic-clonic convulsion and death. The 2-h LD50 of GRX was 400 ± 83 µg/kg.


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Venlafaxine, an atypical antidepressant drug, has been used to treat several neurological disorders, presenting excellent efficacy and tolerability. Clinical seizures after venlafaxine treatment have occasionally been reported when the drug was used at very high doses or in combination with other medications. The aim of the present study was to investigate the convulsant effects of venlafaxine in rats under controlled laboratory conditions. Adult male Wistar rats (8 per group) receiving venlafaxine or saline at the doses of 25-150 mg/kg were subjected 30 min later to injections of pentylenetetrazole at the dose of 60 mg/kg. The animals receiving 75, 100 and 150 mg/kg venlafaxine presented increased severity of convulsion when compared to controls (P = 0.02, P = 0.04, and P = 0.0004, respectively). Indeed, an increased percentage of death was observed in these groups (50, 38, and 88%, respectively) when compared to the percentage of death in the controls (0%). The group receiving 150 mg/kg showed an reduction in death latency (999 ± 146 s) compared to controls (1800 ± 0 s; cut-off time). Indeed, in this group, all animals developed seizures prior to pentylenetetrazole administration. Surprisingly, the groups receiving venlafaxine at the doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg showed a tendency towards an increase in the latency to the first convulsion. These findings suggest that venlafaxine at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg has some tendency to an anticonvulsant effect in the rat, whereas doses of 75, 100 and 150 mg/kg presented clear proconvulsant effects in rats submitted to the pentylenetetrazole injection. These findings are the first report in the literature concerning the role of venlafaxine in seizure genesis in the rat under controlled conditions.