933 resultados para contingency-based leadership


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Over the past several decades, many theories have been advanced as to why efforts to reform the public service have met with only limited success. Clearly, the role of leadership with respect to reform must be examined, since successful organizational leaders should be extremely accomplished in the promotion and protection of the values that underlie decision-making. The issue of effective leadership is particularly significant for the future of the public service of Canada. Large numbers of public servants in the executive ranks are due to retire within the next five years. Given their central role, it is vital that there be enough dedicated and committed public servants to staff future vacancies. It is also essential that future public service leaders possess the competencies and values associated with a world-class public service and, a new type of public organization. Related to this point is the importance of people-management skills. People management in the public service is an issue that has historically faced - and will continue to face - major challenges with respect to recruiting and retaining the leaders it requires for its continued success. It is imperative that the public service not only be revitalized and be seen as an employer of choice, but also that the process by which it accomplishes this goal - the practice of human resource management - be modernized. To achieve the flexibility needed to remain effective, the public service requires the kind ofleadership that supports new public service values such as innovation and which emphasizes a "people- first" approach. This thesis examines the kind of public service leadership needed to modernize the human resource management regime in the federal public service. A historical examination of public service values is presented to help determine the values that are important for public service leaders with respect to modernizing human resource management. Since replenishing the 2 ranks of public service leaders is crucial to ensure the quality of service to Canadians, leadership that supports career planning will be a major focus of this paper. In addition, this thesis demonstrates that while traditional public service values continue to endure, innovative leaders must effectively reconcile new public service values with traditional values in order to increase the possibilities for successful reform as well as achieve business objectives. Much of the thesis is devoted to explaining the crucial role of post-bureaucratic leadership to successful reform. One of the major findings of the thesis is that leaders who demonstrate a blending of new public service values and traditional values are critical to creating effective employment relationships, which are key to modernizing human resource management in the federal public service. It will be apparent that public service leaders must ensure that an appropriate accountability framework is in place before embarking on reform. However, leaders who support new public service values such as innovation and empowerment and who emphasize the importance of people are essential to successful reform.


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This paper aims to provide a strong conceptual underpinning for our project, ‘Strategic Leadership for Institutional Teaching and Learning Centres: Developing a Model for the 21st century’. The project intends to:

1. investigate the forms of leadership that are present and emerging in organisational Centres for teaching and learning and whether or not they are responding to the ‘organisational redesign’ that Marginson (2000, p.28) argued that the sector required. This involves close consideration of the ways in which institutional structures and distinctive organisational cultures are being shaped by strategic leadership stakeholders to enhance teaching and learning quality.      And
2. develop a model of leadership that is anticipatory, innovative and creative, strategic and contingent and which directs particular professional development and approaches in support of central groups as they confront the challenges of the 21st century. This involves the development of a Teaching and Learning Strategic Leadership Framework for professional development purposes for capacity building of leadership personnel of institutional Centres for teaching and learning.


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Although research on Implicit Leadership Theories (ILT) has put great effort on determining what attributes define a leader prototype, little attention has been given to understanding the relative importance of each of these attributes in the categorization process by followers. Knowing that recognition-based leadership perceptions are the result of the match between followers’ ILTs and the perceived attributes in their actual leaders, understanding how specific prototypical leader attributes impact this impression formation process is particularly relevant. In this study, we draw upon socio-cognitive theories to explore how followers cognitively process the information about a leader’s attributes. By using Conjoint Analysis (CA), a technique that allows us to measure an individual’s trade-offs when making choices about multi-attributed options, we conducted a series of 4 studies with a total of 879 participants. Our results demonstrate that attributes’ importance for individuals’ leadership perceptions formation is rather heterogeneous, and that some attributes can enhance or spoil the importance of other prototypical attributes. Finally, by manipulating the leadership domain, we show that the weighting pattern of attributes is context dependent, as suggested by the connectionist approach to leadership categorization. Our findings also demonstrate that Conjoint Analysis can be a valuable tool for ILT research.


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To readers of the popular press, the words ‘positive psychology’ may conjure up images of happiness gurus and people having their feet massaged, their heads resting peacefully on pink, fluffy clouds. But in this article, our aim is to demonstrate how the new science of positive psychology speaks powerfully to - and has much to contribute to - the development of leadership and the practices and processes of organisations, whether in the public or private sectors. Much of our work is concerned with the applications of this new field, and particularly with building strengths-based organisations. A key pillar of this work is around enabling strengths-based leadership, and provides our focus for this article.


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This document reports on the results and findings of a national survey of Directors (or equivalent) of Teaching and Learning Centres at Australian universities. The respondent group included 31 out of the 38 Centres invited to participate, and was a highly representative sample of the generally recognised institutional groupings in Australian higher education. While there is wide variation in the characteristics of individual Centres, the richness of which can only be appreciated by exploring the results and findings in detail, a summary of the results is provided here in the form of a description of a mythical ‘average’ Australian university Teaching and Learning Centre.


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Cloninger’s psychobiological model of temperament and character is a general model of personality that has been widely used in clinical psychology, but has seldom been applied in other domains. In this research we apply Cloninger’s model to the study of leadership. Our study comprised 81 participants who took part in a diverse range of small group tasks. Participants rotated through tasks and groups and rated each other on “emergent leadership.” As hypothesized, leader emergence tended to be consistent regardless of the specific tasks and groups. It was found that personality factors from Cloninger, Svrakic, and Przybeck’s (1993) model could explain trait-based variance in emergent leadership. Results also highlight the role of “cooperativeness” in the prediction of leadership emergence. Implications are discussed in terms of our theoretical understanding of trait-based leadership, and more generally in terms of the utility of Cloninger’s model in leadership research.


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Given today's focus on the state of the environment and the developing role of corporate social leadership in could be argued that there is a need for the development of successful business leaders who have a positive relationship to the natural world. Gifford (2007) argued that any real change in sustainable practice will most likely happen at an individual level, through changes in attitudes and everyday behaviour. For this change to happen, an individual will need to feel connected to the natural world (Dunbar, 2004; Schroll, 2007). Roszak (1992) developed the notion of ecopsychology specifically to explore this relationship and suggest new ways to generate greater environmental awareness as well as ameliorate psychological problems caused or exacerbated by widespread alienation from nature. From this perspective it seems imperative that we develop people centred leader’s who feel connected to the natural world whilst demonstrating solid performance, as measured by organisational and social indicators. This paper presents information from an International research project that might add further insights into the role outdoor education plays in the development of generic leaders who have a positive relationship to the natural world. Three questionnaires, an established measurement of generic transformational leadership (MLQ) and two established measurement of attitudes to and feelings about the natural world (the New Ecological Paradigm Scale and the Connectedness to Nature Scale), were administered to 214 (males, n=138 and females, n=76) International outdoor leaders with the implicit aim of assessing the nexus of transformational leadership theory and adventure based leadership development. The large and diverse cohort of participants has provided ground-breaking insights into transformational and ecological leadership styles. This paper outlines a descriptive analysis of findings and offers valuable information for those involved in training leaders. Throughout this presentation participants will be encouraged to contextualise the information for their specific circumstance.


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Background and significance: Nurses' job dissatisfaction is associated with negative nursing and patient outcomes. One of the most powerful reasons for nurses to stay in an organisation is satisfaction with leadership. However, nurses are frequently promoted to leadership positions without appropriate preparation for the role. Although a number of leadership programs have been described, none have been tested for effectiveness, using a randomised control trial methodology. Aims: The aims of this research were to develop an evidence based leadership program and to test its effectiveness on nurse unit managers' (NUMs') and nursing staff's (NS's) job satisfaction, and on the leader behaviour scores of nurse unit managers. Methods: First, the study used a comprehensive literature review to examine the evidence on job satisfaction, leadership and front-line manager competencies. From this evidence a summary of leadership practices was developed to construct a two component leadership model. The components of this model were then combined with the evidence distilled from previous leadership development programs to develop a Leadership Development Program (LDP). This evidence integrated the program's design, its contents, teaching strategies and learning environment. Central to the LDP were the evidence-based leadership practices associated with increasing nurses' job satisfaction. A randomised controlled trial (RCT) design was employed for this research to test the effectiveness of the LDP. A RCT is one of the most powerful tools of research and the use of this method makes this study unique, as a RCT has never been used previously to evaluate any leadership program for front-line nurse managers. Thirty-nine consenting nurse unit managers from a large tertiary hospital were randomly allocated to receive either the leadership program or only the program's written information about leadership. Demographic baseline data were collected from participants in the NUM groups and the nursing staff who reported to them. Validated questionnaires measuring job satisfaction and leader behaviours were administered at baseline, at three months after the commencement of the intervention and at six months after the commencement of the intervention, to the nurse unit managers and to the NS. Independent and paired t-tests were used to analyse continuous outcome variables and Chi Square tests were used for categorical data. Results: The study found that the nurse unit managers' overall job satisfaction score was higher at 3-months (p = 0.016) and at 6-months p = 0.027) post commencement of the intervention in the intervention group compared with the control group. Similarly, at 3-months testing, mean scores in the intervention group were higher in five of the six "positive" sub-categories of the leader behaviour scale when compared to the control group. There was a significant difference in one sub-category; effectiveness, p = 0.015. No differences were observed in leadership behaviour scores between groups by 6-months post commencement of the intervention. Over time, at three month and six month testing there were significant increases in four transformational leader behaviour scores and in one positive transactional leader behaviour scores in the intervention group. Over time at 3-month testing, there were significant increases in the three leader behaviour outcome scores, however at 6-months testing; only one of these leader behaviour outcome scores remained significantly increased. Job satisfaction scores were not significantly increased between the NS groups at three months and at six months post commencement of the intervention. However, over time within the intervention group at 6-month testing there was a significant increase in job satisfaction scores of NS. There were no significant increases in NUM leader behaviour scores in the intervention group, as rated by the nursing staff who reported to them. Over time, at 3-month testing, NS rated nurse unit managers' leader behaviour scores significantly lower in two leader behaviours and two leader behaviour outcome scores. At 6-month testing, over time, one leader behaviour score was rated significantly lower and the nontransactional leader behaviour was rated significantly higher. Discussion: The study represents the first attempt to test the effectiveness of a leadership development program (LDP) for nurse unit managers using a RCT. The program's design, contents, teaching strategies and learning environment were based on a summary of the literature. The overall improvement in role satisfaction was sustained for at least 6-months post intervention. The study's results may reflect the program's evidence-based approach to developing the LDP, which increased the nurse unit managers' confidence in their role and thereby their job satisfaction. Two other factors possibly contributed to nurse unit managers' increased job satisfaction scores. These are: the program's teaching strategies, which included the involvement of the executive nursing team of the hospital, and the fact that the LDP provided recognition of the importance of the NUM role within the hospital. Consequently, participating in the program may have led to nurse unit managers feeling valued and rewarded for their service; hence more satisfied. Leadership behaviours remaining unchanged between groups at the 6 months data collection time may relate to the LDP needing to be conducted for a longer time period. This is suggested because within the intervention group, over time, at 3 and 6 months there were significant increases in self-reported leader behaviours. The lack of significant changes in leader behaviour scores between groups may equally signify that leader behaviours require different interventions to achieve change. Nursing staff results suggest that the LDP's design needs to consider involving NS in the program's aims and progress from the outset. It is also possible that by including regular feedback from NS to the nurse unit managers during the LDP that NS's job satisfaction and their perception of nurse unit managers' leader behaviours may alter. Conclusion/Implications: This study highlights the value of providing an evidence-based leadership program to nurse unit managers to increase their job satisfaction. The evidence based leadership program increased job satisfaction but its effect on leadership behaviour was only seen over time. Further research is required to test interventions which attempt to change leader behaviours. Also further research on NS' job satisfaction is required to test the indirect effects of LDP on NS whose nurse unit managers participate in LDPs.


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This Portfolio of Exploration outlines the course of learning by a practitioner on a personal leadership journey. It constructs a functional examination of ideas around leadership. It explores the belief system which underpins leadership practice and it also explores to what extent the increased participation of women can lead to a qualitatively different type of leadership. Different models of leadership are explored to find the model which can best fit with the author’s perception of leadership. The Women’s Intercultural Leadership Model is discussed. This model conceptualises leadership as the envisioning of oneself and others as potential leaders. It seeks to promote that recognition whilst at the same time encouraging personal transformation. The promotion of a values based leadership is examined. The value of fairness is examined as an element of functional leadership. The extent to which increasing the number of women in leadership can lead to a qualitatively different type of leadership is explored. Drucker’s assertion that every practice rests on theory is used to unearth the underlying assumptions of this reflective practitioner doctorate. Kegan’s Theory of Adult Mental Development and Subject-Object separation is used to explicitly examine knowledge construction. Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Assumption/Commitment/Behaviour/Outcome (ACBO) template are used to promote practice change.


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This research concerns information systems and information systems development. The thesis describes an approach to information systems development called Multiview. This is a methodology which seeks to combine the strengths of a number of different, existing approaches in a coherent manner. Many of these approaches are radically different in terms of concepts, philosophy, assumptions, methods, techniques and tools. Three case studies are described presenting Multiview 'in action'. The first is used mainly to expose the strengths and weaknesses of an early version of the approach discussed in the thesis. Tools and techniques are described in the thesis which aim to strengthen the approach. Two further case studies are presented to illustrate the use of this second version of Multiview. This is not put forward as an 'ideal methodology' and the case studies expose some of the difficulties and practical problems of information systems work and the use of the methodology. A more contingency based approach to information systems development is advocated using Multiview as a framework rather than a prescriptive tool. Each information systems project and the use of the framework is unique, contingent on the particular problem situation. The skills of different analysts, the backgrounds of users and the situations in which they are constrained to work have always to be taken into account in any project. The realities of the situation will cause departure from the 'ideal methodology' in order to allow for the exigencies of the real world. Multiview can therefore be said to be an approach used to explore the application area in order to develop an information system.


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Understanding micropolitics has become an important part of understanding leadership and power relations within schools. In this paper we review some of the pertinent literature and writing in the field, particularly as it relates to school leadership. Drawing on a couple of existing models, we present a new model that highlights three central power-based leadership approaches—‘power with’, ‘power through’ and ‘power over’. We put forward two contrasting vignettes that reveal a variety of micropolitical strategies used by school principals in the governance of their schools. These strategies range from favouritism and control at one end to empowerment and collaboration at the other. The vignettes are analysed in the light of the model and micropolitical literature presented in this article.