890 resultados para consent to medical treatment
Consent (Consent to Examination Treatment or Care)
BACKGROUND: Patent foramen ovale (PFO) has been linked to migraine, and several retrospective studies reported an improvement in migraine prevalence or frequency after PFO closure for other reasons, mostly for secondary prevention of paradoxical embolism or following diving accidents. We investigated the outcome of patients undergoing PFO closure solely for migraine headaches refractory to medical treatment. METHODS: Seventeen patients (age 44 +/- 12 years; 76% female; one atrial septal aneurysm) underwent percutaneous PFO closure using the Amplatzer PFO Occluder (AGA Medical Corporation, Golden Valley, MN). An 18-mm device was used in two patients, a 25-mm device in 13, and a 35-mm device in two. The interventions were solely guided by fluoroscopy, without intraprocedural echocardiography. RESULTS: All implantation procedures were successful. There were no peri-procedural complications. Contrast transesophageal echocardiography after Valsalva maneuver at 6 months showed complete PFO closure in 16 patients (94%), whereas a minimal residual shunt persisted in one (6%). During 2.7 +/- 1.5 years of follow-up, no deaths and no embolic events occurred. After PFO closure, migraine headaches disappeared in four patients (24%), and improved in eight additional patients (47%). Three patients (18%) reported a decrease of their headaches by 75%, three patients (18%) a decrease of 50%, and two patients (12%) a decrease of 25%, while headaches remained unchanged in five patients (29%). No patient experienced worsening headaches. Moreover, the prevalence of migraine with aura decreased from 82 to 24% (P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that percutaneous PFO closure durably alters the spontaneous course of shunt associated migraine.
RAPPORT DE SYNTHÈSE : Introduction: L'évaluation de la capacité de discernement est importante d'un point de vue légal et éthique dans l'activité médicale quotidienne. Dans cette étude, nous avons évalué attentivement la capacité de discernement chez les patients admis dans un service médical aigu en utilisant l'évaluation du personnel médical, le score spécifique de Silberfeld, le MMSE ainsi que l'évaluation du psychiatre. Méthode : Pendant 3 mois, 195 patients admis dans un service de médecine interne d'un hôpital universitaire ont été inclus et leur capacité de discernement a été évaluée durant les premières 72 heures d'admission. Résultats : Sur les 195 patients, 38 furent incapables de discernement manifestement (patients inconscients ou avec des déficits cognitifs sévères) et 14 furent considérés incapables de discernement par le psychiatre (prévalence de l'incapacité de discernement de 26.7%). La corrélation entre l'évaluation du psychiatre et le questionnaire de Silberfeld fut faible (sensibilité 35.7%, spécificité 91.6%). Les cliniciens expérimentés montrèrent une plus haute corrélation (sensibilité 57.1 %, spécificité 96.5%). L'avis partagé par l'assistant, par le chef de clinique et l'infirmière se révéla le meilleur indicateur de l'évaluation psychiatrique (sensibilité 78.6%, spécificité 94.3%). Conclusion : La prévalence de l'incapacité de discernement chez les patients admis dans un service de médecine interne est élevée. Alors que le questionnaire de Silberfeld et le MMSE ne sont pas indiqués pour évaluer la capacité de discernement dans cette étude, l'évaluation par une équipe médicale multidisciplinaire reflète le mieux l'évaluation du psychiatre.
BACKGROUND: Assessment of capacity to consent to treatment is an important legal and ethical issue in daily medical practice. In this study we carefully evaluated the capacity to consent to treatment in patients admitted to an acute medical ward using an assessment by members of the medical team, the specific Silberfeld's score, the MMSE and an assessment by a senior psychiatrist. METHODS: Over a 3 month period, 195 consecutive patients of an internal medicine ward in a university hospital were included and their capacity to consent was evaluated within 72 hours of admission. RESULTS: Among the 195 patients, 38 were incapable of consenting to treatment (unconscious patients or severe cognitive impairment) and 14 were considered as incapable of consenting by the psychiatrist (prevalence of incapacity to consent of 26.7%). Agreement between the psychiatrist's evaluation and the Silberfeld questionnaire was poor (sensitivity 35.7%, specificity 91.6%). Experienced clinicians showed a higher agreement (sensitivity 57.1%, specificity 96.5%). A decision shared by residents, chief residents and nurses was the best predictor for agreement with the psychiatric assessment (sensitivity 78.6%, specificity 94.3%). CONCLUSION: Prevalence of incapacity to consent to treatment in patients admitted to an acute internal medicine ward is high. While the standardized Silberfeld questionnaire and the MMSE are not appropriate for the evaluation of the capacity to consent in this setting, an assessment by the multidisciplinary medical team concurs with the evaluation by a senior psychiatrist.
Frequent advances in medical technologies have brought fonh many innovative treatments that allow medical teams to treal many patients with grave illness and serious trauma who would have died only a few years earlier. These changes have given some patients a second chance at life, but for others. these new treatments have merely prolonged their dying. Instead of dying relatively painlessly, these unfortunate patients often suffer from painful tenninal illnesses or exist in a comatose state that robs them of their dignity, since they cannot survive without advanced and often dehumanizing forms of treatment. Due to many of these concerns, euthanasia has become a central issue in medical ethics. Additionally, the debate is impacted by those who believe that patients have the right make choices about the method and timing of their deaths. Euthanasia is defined as a deliberate act by a physician to hasten the death of a patient, whether through active methods such as an injection of morphine, or through the withdrawal of advanced forms of medical care, for reasons of mercy because of a medical condition that they have. This study explores the question of whether euthanasia is an ethical practice and, as determined by ethical theories and professional codes of ethics, whether the physician is allowed to provide the means to give the patient a path to a "good death," rather than one filled with physical and mental suffering. The paper also asks if there is a relevant moral difference between the active and passive forms of euthanasia and seeks to define requirements to ensure fully voluntary decision making through an evaluation of the factors necessary to produce fully informed consent. Additionally, the proper treatments for patients who suffer from painful terminal illnesses, those who exist in persistent vegetative states and infants born with many diverse medical problems are examined. The ultimate conclusions that are reached in the paper are that euthanasia is an ethical practice in certain specific circumstances for patients who have a very low quality of life due to pain, illness or serious mental deficits as a result of irreversible coma, persistent vegetative state or end-stage clinical dementia. This is defended by the fact that the rights of the patient to determine his or her own fate and to autonomously decide the way that he or she dies are paramount to all other factors in decisions of life and death. There are also circumstances where decisions can be made by health care teams in conjunction with the family to hasten the deaths of incompetent patients when continued existence is clearly not in their best interest, as is the case of infants who are born with serious physical anomalies, who are either 'born dying' or have no prospect for a life that is of a reasonable quality. I have rejected the distinction between active and passive methods of euthanasia and have instead chosen to focus on the intentions of the treating physician and the voluntary nature of the patient's request. When applied in equivalent circumstances, active and passive methods of euthanasia produce the same effects, and if the choice to hasten the death of the patient is ethical, then the use of either method can be accepted. The use of active methods of euthanasia and active forms of withdrawal of life support, such as the removal of a respirator are both conscious decisions to end the life of the patient and both bring death within a short period of time. It is false to maintain a distinction that believes that one is active killing. whereas the other form only allows nature to take it's course. Both are conscious choices to hasten the patient's death and should be evaluated as such. Additionally, through an examination of the Hippocratic Oath, and statements made by the American Medical Association and the American College of physicians, it can be shown that the ideals that the medical profession maintains and the respect for the interests of the patient that it holds allows the physician to give aid to patients who wish to choose death as an alternative to continued suffering. The physician is also allowed to and in some circumstances, is morally required, to help dying patients whether through active or passive forms of euthanasia or through assisted suicide. Euthanasia is a difficult topic to think about, but in the end, we should support the choice that respects the patient's autonomous choice or clear best interest and the respect that we have for their dignity and personal worth.
1 – Summary of the decision taken by the Portuguese Constitutional Court, of January 13, 2011; 2 – Complete text of the decision of the Portuguese Constitutional Court, of January 13, 2011, Judge Maria João ANTUNES (Reporter), Judge Carlos Pamplona de OLIVEIRA, Judge José Borges SOEIRO, Judge Gil GALVÃO, Judge Rui Manuel Moura RAMOS (President) –in terms of the tribunalconstitucional.pt, August 1, 2011; 3 – Brief annotation to the problem of the “medical act”; 3.1 – Plus some conclusions on the brief annotation to the problem of the “medical act”; 3.2 – Brief annotation to the problem of “consent”– continuation of the previous comments; 4 – Conclusions. It must never be forgotten that “consent” does not stand as the only cause of exclusion of unlawfulness.
Challenges in treating children with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in medical settings are identified and discussed. Although research supports interventions for children with ASD including positive reinforcement, environmental modification, and visual supports and systems, limited research on the efficacy of these interventions in medical environments and with specific procedures exists. Based on the available intervention literature, this project proposes a picture schedule reinforcement system for use during blood draw procedures for ASD children with diabetes. Future efforts should include increased education for medical providers and health professionals as psychological interventions continue to inform best practices in care for children with ASD in medical settings.
Mode of access: Internet.
The NHS Trust v A (a child) & Ors [2007] EWHC 169
Central venous catheters (CVCs) are being utilized with increasing frequency in intensive care and general medical wards. In spite of the extensive experience gained in their application, CVCs are related to the long-term risks of catheter sheath formation, infection, and thrombosis (of the catheter or vessel itself) during catheterization. Such CVC-related-complications are associated with increased morbidity, mortality, duration of hospitalization, and medical care cost [1]. The present study incorporates a novel group of Factor XIIIa (FXIIIa, plasma transglutaminase) inhibitors into a lubricious silicone elastomer in order to generate an optimized drug delivery system whereby a secondary sustained drug release profile occurs following an initial burst release for catheters and other medical devices. We propose that the incorporation of FXIIIa inhibitors into catheters, stents, and other medical implant devices would reduce the incidence of catheter sheath formation, thrombotic occlusion, and associated staphylococcal infection. This technique could be used as a local delivery system for extended release with an immediate onset of action for other poorly aqueous soluble compounds. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) is a common problem, yet evidence is limited to inform therapeutic decisions.We compared the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system(LNG-IUS) to usual medical treatment in a pragmatic randomised trial in primary care. Methods: We randomly assigned 571 women consulting their primary care providers with menorrhagia to LNG-IUS or to usual medical treatment as clinically appropriate (tranexamic acid, mefenamic acid, combined estrogen/progestogen or progestogen only). The primary outcome was a patient-reported measure ofimpact of menorrhagia, the validated Menorrhagia Multi-Attribute Scale (MMAS), assessed over 2 years. Secondary measures included generic quality of life (SF-36), sexual activity and surgical intervention.Results MMAS scores improved from baseline in both the LNG-IUS and usual medical treatment groups by 6 months (mean increases 32.7 points versus 21.4 points, respectively; P < 0.001for both) and were maintained over 2 years, but improvements were significantly greater with LNG-IUS (mean between-group difference 13.4 points, 95%CI, 9.9–16.9; P < 0.001).All domains of MMAS (practical difficulties, social life, family life,work/daily routine, psychological well being and physical health)improved significantly more with LNG-IUS, as were seven of the eight domains of SF-36. More women were still using LNG-IUSthan usual medical treatment at 2 years (64% versus 38%,P < 0.001). There were no significant between-group differences in surgical intervention rates or sexual activity scores. There were no serious adverse events in either group.Conclusions Among women presenting to primary care providers with menorrhagia, LNG-IUS was more effective than usual medical treatment at reducing the impact of this problem on their quality of life. In practice therefore, conventional treatments, such as tranexamic and mefenamic acid, remain helpful choices in women for whom LNG-IUS is considered unsuitable, or due to individual preference. For other women, LNG-IUS can be confidently recommended as an effective initial medical therapy for menorrhagia. Funding: This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment (NIHR HTA) Programme (project number 02/06/02)