991 resultados para conformational analysis


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From a computer simulation of the 270 MHz 1H NMR spectra of hydroxyproline (Hyp) and its protected derivatives, precise values of ring vicinal coupling constants were obtained. These couplings were related to ring torsional angles, using a Karplus type analysis. From the NMR analysis it was observed that the pyrrolidine ring possesses a unique and highly homogeneous conformation (Cγ-exo form). Temperature dependence studies on protected dipeptides suggest that the pyrrolidine ring conformation is independent of backbone conformation. An unusual X-Hyp, β-turn was observed for Boc-Aib-Hyp-NHMe.


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The conformational analysis of the synthetic peptide Boc-Cys-Pro-Val-Cys-NHMe has been carried out, as a model for small disulfide loops, in biologically active polypeptides. 'H NMR studies (270 MHz) establish that the Val(3) and Cys(4) NH groups are solvent shielded, while 13C studies establish an all-trans peptide backbone. Circular dichroism and Raman spectroscopy provide evidence for a right-handed twist of the disulfide bond. Analysis of the vicinal (JaB)c oupling constants for the two Cys residues establishes that XI - *60° for Cys(4), while some flexibility is suggested at Cys( 1). Conformational energy calculations, imposing intramolecular hydrogen bonding constraints, favor a P-turn (type I) structure with Pro(2)-Va1(3) as the corner residues. Theoretical and spectroscopic results are consistent with the presence of a transannular 4 - 1 hydrogen bond between Cys( 1) CO and Cys(4) NH groups, with the Val NH being sterically shielded from the solvent environment.


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The infrared spectra of monothiodiacetamide (MTDA, CHaCONHCSCH3) and its N-deuterated compound in solution, solid state and at low temperature are measured. Normal coordinate analysis for the planar vibrations of MTDAd o and -dl have been performed for the two most probable cis-trans-CONHCSor -CSNHCO-conformers using a simple Urey-Bradley force function. The conformation of MTDA derived from the vibrational spectra is supported by the all valence CNDO/2 molecular orbital method. The vibrational assignments and the electronic structure of MTDA are also given.


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Conformational energy calculations were carried out on penicillin α-and Β-sulfoxides and δ2- and δ3-cephalosporins, in order to identify the structural features governing their biological activity. Results on penicillin Β-sulfoxide indicated that in its favoured conformation, the orientation of the aminoacyl group was different from the one required for biological activity. Penicillin α sulfoxide, like penicillin sulfide, favoured two conformations of nearly equal energies, but separated by a much higher energy barrier. The reduced activity of the sulfoxides despite the nonplanarity of their lactam peptide indicated that the orientations of the aminoacyl and carboxyl groups might also govern biological activity. δ3-cephalosporins favoured two conformations of nearly equal energies, whereas δ2-cephalosporins favoured only one conformation. The lactam peptide was moderately nonplanÄr in the former, but nearly planar in the latter. The differences in the.preferred orientations of the carboxyl group between penicillins and cephalosporins were correlated with the resistance of cephalosporins to penicillinases.


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The conformational analysis of d-pantothenic acid using classical semiempirical methods has been carried out. The pantothenic acid molecule can exist in the neutral form (I) or in the ionised form (II) with a deprotonated negatively charged carboxyl group. The neutral molecule as well as the anion is highly flexible and has an ensemble of several allowed conformations rather than one or two unique conformations. The distribution of allowed conformations indicate that the β-alanine as well as the pantoic acid part of the molecule prefers partially folded conformations. The conformation of the former is greatly affected by the ionisation state of the carboxyl group whereas that of the latter is not. Possibility of intramolecular hydrogen bonding in different allowed conformations has also been explored. A bifurcated hydrogen bond involving a carboxyl (or carboxylate) oxygen atom and a hydroxyl oxygen atom, as acceptors, and the amide nitrogen atom as the donor occurs frequently in both I and II. Amongst the two crystal structures containing pantothenic acid reported so far, the conformation of the molecule in l-lysine d-pantothenate lies in the allowed region and is stabilised by a bifurcated intramolecular hydrogen bond, whereas that in the calcium bromide salt falls in a disallowed region, presumably due to the requirement of tridentate metal coordination.


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A study on the conformational aspects of cyclo-hexaglycyl having inversion symmetry has been made. The cyclic backbone has been assumed to have two internal 4→1 types of NH... O hydrogen bonds. This molecule has been found to take up two types of conformations designated asA* andB* having nearly the same energy values. The theoretical conformations have been compared with the conformations of cyclohexaglycyl hemihydrate observed in the crystal structure. Two molecules with an approximate inversion symmetry are close to the conformation of the typeB* and two other molecules with exact inversino symmetry correspond nearly to the typesB* andA*. comparison with the theoretically possible conformations of cyclohexaglycyl molecule with 2-fold symmetry has been made. The preference of inversion symmetry and preferred ranges ofψ for glycyl molecules is discussed.


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Conformational analysis of cyclo(L-cystine) shows that the diketopiperazine ring has to exist only in the boat form. With this geometry, the molecule can adopt two distinct forms differing mainly in the chirality of the disulphide bridge. In both the P- and M-models, corresponding to dihedral angles of nearly + 90° and —90° respectively about the S-S bond, the molecule displays an approximate two-fold symmetry. According to our semi-empirical energy calculations, the minimum energy of the M-model is —9.2 kcal/mol, only 0.3 kcal/mol lower than that of the P-model. Because the difference between the two minima is so small, neither form is clearly superior to the other. However, the number of low energy conformations of the M-model in the allowed conformational space is significantly larger than that of the P-model by a ratio of 3 to 1, and therefore the former is likely to be thermodynamically favoured.


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Oxyglycals, derived from lactose and maltose, were expanded to trisaccharides through a ring expansion method. Trisaccharides with 6-7-5 and 6-7-6 ring sizes were prepared through the ring expansion method, with high diastereoselectivities, in each step of their synthesis. The NOE and ROESY NMR spectroscopies were used to assess the dipolar Couplings within the trisaccharide. A computational study was undertaken, from which low energy conformations, as well as, dihedral angles that define the glycosidic linkages were identified.


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The effects of inserting unsubstituted omega-amino acids into the strand segments of model beta-hairpin peptides was investigated by using four synthetic decapeptides, Boc-Lcu-Val-Xxx-Val-D-Pro-Gly-Leu-Xxx-Val-Val- OMe: pepticle 1 (Xxx=Gly), pepticle 2 (Xxx=beta Gly=beta hGly=homoglycine, beta-glycine), pepticle 3 (Xxx=gamma Abu=gamma-aminobutyric acid), pepticle 4 (Xxx= delta Ava=delta-aminovaleric acid). H-1 NMR studies (500 MHz, methanol) reveal several critical cross-strand NOEs, providing evidence for P-hairpin conformations in peptides 2-4. In peptide 3, the NMR results support the formation of the nucleating turn, however, evidence for cross-strand registry is not detected. Single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies of peptide 3 reveal a beta-hairpin conformation for both molecules in the crystallographic asymmetric unit, stabilized by four cross-strand hydrogen bonds, with the gamma Abu residues accommodated within the strands. The D-Pro-Gly segment in both molecules (A,B) adopts a type II' beta-turn conformation. The circular dichroism spectrum for peptide 3 is characterized by a negative CD band at 229 rim, whereas for peptides 2 and 4, the negative band is centered at 225 nm, suggesting a correlation between the orientation of the amide units in the strand segments and the observed CD pattern.


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The conformational analysis of a pair of two-linked peptide units in the anti-parallel arrangement is reported here with a view to study the effect of association of one chain with the other. The pair of two-linked peptide units were fixed in space through the hydrogen bonds between them, in accordance with certain hydrogen bond criteria. Model building was undertaken to ascertain whether the proximity of the side-chains could be used to eliminate any one of the right-hand twisted, left-hand twisted or regular β-structures. Stereochemically, it was found possible with all of them. The preference for a right-hand twisted β-structure, however, was indicated by the classical energy calculations. The relevance of the results thus obtained is discussed in the context of the preferential right-hand twist of the β-pleated sheets present in globular proteins. The agreement between the minimum energy conformations obtained for the pair of two-linked peptide units and the globular protein data is also indicated.


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The effect of N-terminal diproline segments in nucleating helical folding in designed peptides has been studied in two model sequences Piv-Pro-Pro-Aib-Leu-Aib-Phe-OMe (1) and Boc-Aib-Pro-Pro-Aib-Val-Ala-Phe-OMe (2). The structure of 1 in crystals, determined by X-ray diffraction, reveals a helical (RR) conformation for the segment residues 2 to 5, stabilized by one 4 -> 1 hydrogen bond and two 5 -> 1 interactions. The N-terminus residue, Pro(1) adopts a polyproline II (P-II) conformation. NMR studies in three different solvent systems support a conformation similar to that observed in crystals. In the apolar solvent CDCl3, NOE data favor the population of both completely helical and partially unfolded structures. In the former, the Pro-Pro segment adopts an alpha(R)-alpha(R) conformation, whereas in the latter, a P-II-alpha(R) structure is established. The conformational equilibrium shifts in favor of the P-II-alpha(R) structure in solvents like methanol and DMSO. A significant population of the Pro(1)- Pro(2) cis conformer is also observed. The NMR results are consistent with the population of at least three conformational states about Pro- Pro segment: trans alpha(R)-alpha(R), trans P-II-alpha(R) and cis P-II-alpha(R). Of these, the two trans conformers are in rapid dynamic exchange on the NMR time scale, whereas the interconversion between cis and trans form is slow. Similar results are obtained with peptide 2. Analysis of 462 diproline segments in protein crystal structures reveals 25 examples of the alpha(R)-alpha(R) conformation followed by a helix. Modeling and energy minimization studies suggest that both P-II-alpha(R) and alpha(R)-alpha(R) conformations have very similar energies in the model hexapeptide 1


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Cross-strand disulfides bridge two cysteines in a registered pair of antiparallel beta-strands. A nonredundant data set comprising 5025 polypeptides containing 2311 disulfides was used to study cross-strand disulfides. Seventy-six cross-strand disulfides were found of which 75 and 1 occurred at non-hydrogen-bonded (NHB) and hydrogen-bonded (HB) registered pairs, respectively. Conformational analysis and modeling studies demonstrated that disulfide formation at HB pairs necessarily requires an extremely rare and positive chi(1) value for at least one of the cysteine residues. Disulfides at HB positions also have more unfavorable steric repulsion with the main chain. Thirteen pairs of disulfides were introduced in NHB and HB pairs in four model proteins: leucine binding protein (LBP), leucine, isoleucine, valine binding protein (LIVBP), maltose binding protein (MBP), and Top7. All mutants LIVBP T247C V331C showed disulfide formation either on purification, or on treatment with oxidants. Protein stability in both oxidized and reduced states of all mutants was measured. Relative to wild type, LBP and MBP mutants were destabilized with respect to chemical denaturation, although the sole exposed NHB LBP mutant showed an increase of 3.1 degrees C in T-m. All Top7 mutants were characterized for stability through guanidinium thiocyanate chemical denaturation. Both exposed and two of the three buried NHB mutants were appreciably stabilized. All four HB Top7 mutants were destabilized (Delta Delta G(0) = -3.3 to -6.7 kcal/mol). The data demonstrate that introduction of cross-strand disulfides at exposed NHB pairs is a robust method of improving protein stability. All four exposed Top7 disulfide mutants showed mild redox activity. Proteins 2011; 79: 244-260. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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A novel peptide containing a single disulfide bond, CIWPWC (Vi804), has been isolated and characterised from the venom of the marine cone snail, Conus virgo. A precursor polypeptide sequence derived from complementary DNA, corresponding to the M-superfamily conotoxins, has been identified. The identity of the synthetic and natural peptide sequence has been established. A detailed analysis of the conformation in solution is reported for Vi804 and a synthetic analogue, (CIWPWC)-W-D ((D)W3-Vi804), in order to establish the structure of the novel WPW motif, which occurs in the context of a 20-membered macrocyclic disulfide. Vi804 exists exclusively in the cis W3P4 conformer in water and methanol, whereas (D)W3-Vi804 occurs exclusively as the trans conformer. NMR spectra revealed a W3P4 typeVI turn in Vi804 and a typeII turn in the analogue peptide, (D)W3-Vi804. The extremely high-field chemical shifts of the proline ring protons, together with specific nuclear Overhauser effects, are used to establish a conformation in which the proline ring is sandwiched between the flanking Trp residues, which emphasises a stabilising role for the aromatic-proline interactions, mediated predominantly by dispersion forces.


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The theoretical model construction of mRNA hairpin structure and single-stranded structure as well as the simulation studies on RNA structure determined by the X-ray crystal diffraction and nuclear magnetic resonance revealed that in translation, after mRNA being unfolded into single-stranded structure, its topological configuration was closely correlative with the original hairpin structure. The conformational features of single-stranded mRNA appeared as helical regions alternating with curly regions to different extents, which might exert the influence on the folding of nascent polypeptide by various regulating effects including different translational rates.