986 resultados para confocal immunofluorescence


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Bright-field wholemount labeling techniques applied to the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) offer advantages over conventional methods based on sections since an immediate and three-dimensional view of the stained components is provided. It thereby becomes possible to survey and count large number of cells and fibers in their natural relationships. The ability of confocal laser scanning microscopy to visualize in one focal plane the fluorescence associated with multiple markers could be most valuable by the availability of reliable wholemount fluorescent techniques. Accordingly, based in our previously published bright-field wholemount protocols [Brain Res. Prot. 2 (1998) 165-173], we have devised an effective immmunofluorescence wholemount procedure. We show that reliable wholemount fluorescent staining can be obtained using isolated complete CNS aged up to rat embryonic day 17, with antibodies penetration in the millimeter range. Examples are shown of preparations in which colocalization can be observed in nerve cells of cytoskeletal and calcium-binding proteins.


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Neospora caninum is an Apicomplexan protozoan that has the dog as a definitive host and cattle (among other animals) as intermediate hosts. It causes encephalopathy in dogs and abortion in cows, with significant loss in worldwide livestock. As any Apicomplexan, the parasite invades the cells using proteins contained in the phylum-specific organelles, like the micronemes, rhoptries and dense granules. The aim of this study was the characterization of a homologue (denominated NcMIC2-like1) of N. caninum thrombospondin-related anonymous protein (NcMIC2), a micronemal protein previously shown to be involved in the attachment and connection with the intracellular motor responsible for the active process of invasion. A polyclonal antiserum raised against the recombinant NcMIC2-like1 functional core (thrombospondin and integrin domains) recognized the native form of NcMIC2-like1, inhibited the in vitro invasion process and localized NcMIC2-like1 at the apical complex of the parasite by confocal immunofluorescence, indicating its micronemal localization. The new molecule, NcMIC2-like1, has features that differentiates it from NcMIC2 in a substantial way to be considered a homologue dagger.


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We characterized the Plasmodium falciparum antigen 332 (Ag332) which is specifically expressed during the asexual intraerythrocytic cycle of the parasite. The corresponding Pf332 gene has been located in the subtelomeric region of chromosome 11. Furthermore, it is present in all strais so far analyzed and shows marked restriction length fragment polymorphism. Partial sequence and restriction endonuclease digestion of cloned fragments revealed that the Pf332 gene is composed of highly degenerated repeats rich is glutamic acid. Mung been nuclease digestion and Northern blot analysis suggested that Pf332 gene codes for a protein of about 700 kDa. These data were further confirmed by Western blot and immunoprecipitation of parasites extracts with an antiserum raised against a recombinant clone expressing part of the Ag332. Confocal immunofluorescence showed that Ag332 is translocated from the parasite to the surface of infected red blood cells within vesicle-like structures. In addition, Ag332 was detected on the surface of monkey erythrocytes infected with Plasmodium falciparum.


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Glutamate transport through astrocytic excitatory amino-acid transporters (EAAT)-1 and EAAT-2 is paramount for neural homeostasis. EAAT-1 has been reported in secreted extracellular microvesicles (eMV, such as exosomes) and because the protein kinase C (PKC) family controls the sub-cellular distribution of EAATs, we have explored whether PKCs drive EAATs into eMV. Using rat primary astrocytes, confocal immunofluorescence and ultracentrifugation on sucrose gradient we here report that PKC activation by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) reorganizes EAAT-1 distribution and reduces functional [(3)H]-aspartate reuptake. Western-blots show that EAAT-1 is present in eMV from astrocyte conditioned medium, together with NaK ATPase and glutamine synthetase all being further increased after PMA treatment. However, nanoparticle tracking analysis reveals that PKC activation did not change particle concentration. Functional analysis indicates that eMV have the capacity to reuptake [(3)H]-aspartate. In vivo, we demonstrate that spinal astrocytic reaction induced by peripheral nerve lesion (spared nerve injury, SNI) is associated with a phosphorylation of PKC δ together with a shift of EAAT distribution ipsilaterally. Ex vivo, spinal explants from SNI rats release eMV with an increased content of NaK ATPase, EAAT-1 and EAAT-2. These data indicate PKC and cell activation as important regulators of EAAT-1 incorporation in eMV, and raise the possibility that microvesicular EAAT-1 may exert extracellular functions. Beyond a putative role in neuropathic pain, this phenomenon may be important for understanding neural homeostasis and a wide range of neurological diseases associated with astrocytic reaction as well as non-neurological diseases linked to eMV release.


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Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is notorious for the metastases, which are in close association with Epstein-Barr virus-encoded latent membrane protein 1 (LMP1). Arsenic trioxide (As2O3) has been shown to induce apoptosis and differentiation in NPC xenografts. Then, can it repress the cancer cells' metastasis potential? To elucidate this issue, the present study was performed. LMP1-negative cell line HNE1 and LMP1-positive cell line HNE1-LMP1 were used as in vitro model. Cells (1 x 10(5)/mL) were cultured with or without 3 µM As2O3 for 48 h. Then the survival cells were collected to investigate their potential of colony formation, attachment, invasion, and migration. Both confocal immunofluorescence staining and Western blot were used to detect the changes of LMP1 expression. The changes of MMP-9 were examined by RT-PCR assay and Western blot. The results were as follow: i) the colony formation inhibition rate (75.41 ± 3.9% in HNE1-LMP1 cells vs 37.89 ± 4.9% in HNE1 cells), the rate of attachment (HNE1-LMP1 vs HNE1: 56.40 ± 3.5 vs 65.87 ± 5.9%), the invasion inhibitory rate (HNE1-LMP1 vs HNE1: 56.50 ± 3.7 and 27.91 ± 2.1%), and the migration inhibitory rate (HNE1-LMP1 vs HNE1: 48.70 ± 3.9 vs 29.19 ± 6.27%) were all significantly different between the two cell lines (P < 0.01). ii) LMP1 was down-regulated in As2O3-treated HNE1-LMP1 cells. iii) The reduction of MMP-9 was found in As2O3-treated groups, more evident in HNE1-LMP1 cells. Thus, we conclude that As2O3 can reduce metastasis potential of NPC cells, involving inhibition of MMP-9 expression. LMP1 were also reduced in this process and seemed to enhance anti-metastasis activity of As2O3.


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Il y a 4 isoforme de p38 : α, β, δ, and γ. MK5, à l'origine identifié comme étant un régulateur de PRAK (Regulated/Activated Protein Kinase), est maintenant connu pour être activée par la protéine kinase p38 (qui est un mitogène activé par la protéine kinase, MAPK). Cette dernière est impliquée dans les mécanismes de fibrose et d'apoptose pendant l'hypertrophie cardiaque. De plus, MK5 est également activée par les MAPKs atypiques; ERK3 et ERK4. Bien qu’elles soient fortement exprimées dans le coeur, le rôle physiologique de MK5 et ERK3 demeure inconnu. Par conséquent, nous avons étudié l'effet de la constriction aortique transversale (TAC) – induisant un surcharge chronique de pression chez les souris hétèrozygotes knockout pour MK5 (MK5+/-) ou ERK3 (ERK3+/-) et pour leurs types sauvages (MK5+/+ et ERK3+/+). Deux sem post-TAC; le ratio de poids du coeur/poids corporel a été augmenté chez les 2 souris MK5+/- et MK5+/+. L'échocardiographie de la trans-thoracique démontre que la surcharge de pression a altéré la fonction diastolique du ventricule gauche chez MK5+/+, mais pas chez la souris MK5+/-. De plus, nous avons observé moins de dépôt de collagène, évalué par une coloration au trichrome de Masson, 2 et 3 sem post-TAC chez les souris MK5+/-. Parallèlement, le niveau de l’ARNm de collagène type1 alpha-1 a été significativement diminué dans les coeurs des souris MK5+/-, 2 et 3 sem post-TAC. De même, ERK3, mais pas ERK5 ni p38α, co-IP avec MK5 dans les 2 modèles des coeurs TAC; aigus ou chroniques. En revanche, l’ajout exogénique de GST-MK5 a abaissé ERK4 et p38α, mais pas ERK3 dans les lysâtes de coeur de souris. Par contre, GST-ERK3 et GST-p38α ne démontrent aucune co-IP avec MK5. Ces données suggèrent que dans le coeur seul ERK3, et non ERK4 ou p38α, est capable d’interagir avec, et réguler MK5. A niveau physiologique MK5 interagit entièrement avec ERK3 et par conséquent MK5 n’est pas disponible pour lier les protéines exogéniques. Les souris hétérozygotes pour ERK3 (ERK3+/-) ont également démontré une réduction ou une absence de collagène et une faible expression d’ARNm du collagène type1 alpha1, 3 sem post-TAC. Ces résultats démontrent un important rôle pro-fibrotique de la signalisation MK5-ERK3 pendant une surcharge chronique de pression.Nous avons également démontré 5 variant d'épissage de (MK5.1-5), y compris la forme originale (MK5.1). MK5.2 et MK5.5 subissent une délétion de 6 paires de base dans l’exon 12 : MK5.3 manque l'exon 12 : MK5.4 et MK5.5 manquent les exons 2-6. L'expression des ARNm des différents variant d'épissage a été vérifiée par PCR en temps réel (qPCR). Bien que l’expression est ubiquitaire, l'abondance relative de chaque variant était tissu-spécifique (coeur, rein, pancréas, muscle squelettique, poumon, foie, et cerveau). En plus, l'abondance relative des variant d’épissage varie pendant la surcharge de pression et le développement postnatal du coeur. En outre, l'immunofluorescence a indiqué que MK5.1-5.3 se localise au noyau alors que MK5.4-5.5 est situé au niveau cytoplasmic dans les cellules HEK 293 non stimulées. Suite à une stimulation avec l'anisomycin, un activateur de p38 MAPK, MK5.1-5.3 se translocalise du noyau au cytoplasme alors qu’une petite fraction de MK5.4-5.5 translocalise vers le noyau. Ces variant d'épissage peuvent diversifier la signalisation de MK5-ERK3 dans coeur, mais leur rôle exact oblige des recherches supplémentaires. Excepté l’isoforme δ, toutes les isoformes de p38 sont exprimées dans le coeur et la forme α est considérée comme étant l'isoforme dominante. L’analyse par qPCR et immunobuvardage de type western ont démontré que p38α et p38γ sont les deux isoformes prédominantes alors que p38β et p38δ sont exprimées aux mêmes niveaux dans le coeur de rat adulte. L'immunofluorescence a démontré que p38α et p38γ se trouvent dans le cytoplasme et le noyau. Cependant, suite à la surcharge par TAC, p38γ s'est accumulé dans noyau tandis que la distribution de p38α est demeurée inchangée. Ainsi, l'abondance de p38γ et sa translocalisation nucléaire suite à la surcharge de pression indique un rôle potentiel dans l'expression génique pendant le remodelage cardiaque. En conclusion, nous avons mis en évidence pour la première fois un rôle pro-fibrotique pour la signalisation MK5-ERK3 pendant une surcharge chronique de pression. D'ailleurs, les niveaux comparables d'expression de p38γ avec p38α, et la localisation différentielle de p38γ pendant la surcharge aiguë ou chronique de pression suggèrent différents rôles possibles pour ces isoformes pendant le remodelage hypertrophique cardiaque.


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Mu hiding resistance associated protein 2 (Mrp2) is a canalicular transporter responsible for organic anion secretion into bile. Mrp2 activity is regulated by insertion into the plasma membrane; however, the factors that control this are not understood. Calcium (Ca(2+)) signaling regulates exocytosis of vesicles in most cell types, and the type II inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor (InsP(3)R2) regulates Ca(2+) release in the canalicular region of hepatocytes. However, the role of InsP(3)R2 and of Ca(2+) signals in canalicular insertion and function of Mrp2 is not known. The aim of this study was to determine the role of InsP(3)R2-mediated Ca(2+) signals in targeting Mrp2 to the canalicular membrane. Livers, isolated hepatocytes, and hepatocytes in collagen sandwich culture from wild-type (WT) and InsP(3)R2 knockout (KO) mice were used for western blots, confocal immunofluorescence, and time-lapse imaging of Ca(2+) signals and of secretion of a fluorescent organic anion. Plasma membrane insertion of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-Mrp2 expressed in HepG2 cells was monitored by total internal reflection microscopy. InsP(3)R2 was concentrated in the canalicular region of WT mice but absent in InsP(3)R2 KO livers, whereas expression and localization of InsP(3)R1 was preserved, and InsP(3)R3 was absent from both WT and KO livers. Ca(2+) signals induced by either adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or vasopressin were impaired in hepatocytes lacking InsP(3)R2. Canalicular secretion of the organic anion 5-chloromethylfluorescein diacetate (CMFDA) was reduced in KO hepatocytes, as well as in WT hepatocytes treated with 1,2-bis(o-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N`,N`-tetra-acetic acid (BAPTA). Moreover, the choleretic effect of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) was impaired in InsP(3)R2 KO mice. Finally, ATP increased GFP-Mrp2 fluorescence in the plasma membrane of HepG2 cells, and this also was reduced by BAPTA. Conclusion: InsP(3)R2-mediated Ca(2+) signals enhance organic anion secretion into bile by targeting Mrp2 to the canalicular membrane. (HEPATOLOGY 2010;52:327-337)


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Background: Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC), a life-threatening inflammatory dilated cardiomyopathy, affects 30% of the approximately 8 million patients infected by Trypanosoma cruzi. Even though the Th1 T cell-rich myocarditis plays a pivotal role in CCC pathogenesis, little is known about the factors controlling inflammatory cell migration to CCC myocardium. Methods and Results: Using confocal immunofluorescence and quantitative PCR, we studied cell surface staining and gene expression of the CXCR3, CCR4, CCR5, CCR7, CCR8 receptors and their chemokine ligands in myocardial samples from end-stage CCC patients. CCR5+, CXCR3+, CCR4+, CCL5+ and CXCL9+ mononuclear cells were observed in CCC myocardium. mRNA expression of the chemokines CCL5, CXCL9, CXCL10, CCL17, CCL19 and their receptors was upregulated in CCC myocardium. CXCL9 mRNA expression directly correlated with the intensity of myocarditis, as well as with mRNA expression of CXCR3, CCR4, CCR5, CCR7, CCR8 and their ligands. We also analyzed single-nucleotide polymorphisms for genes encoding the most highly expressed chemokines and receptors in a cohort of Chagas disease patients. CCC patients with ventricular dysfunction displayed reduced genotypic frequencies of CXCL9 rs10336 CC, CXCL10 rs3921 GG, and increased CCR5 rs1799988CC as compared to those without dysfunction. Significantly, myocardial samples from CCC patients carrying the CXCL9/CXCL10 genotypes associated to a lower risk displayed a 2-6 fold reduction in mRNA expression of CXCL9, CXCL10, and other chemokines and receptors, along with reduced intensity of myocarditis, as compared to those with other CXCL9/CXCL10 genotypes. Conclusions: Results may indicate that genotypes associated to reduced risk in closely linked CXCL9 and CXCL10 genes may modulate local expression of the chemokines themselves, and simultaneously affect myocardial expression of other key chemokines as well as intensity of myocarditis. Taken together our results may suggest that CXCL9 and CXCL10 are master regulators of myocardial inflammatory cell migration, perhaps affecting clinical progression to the life-threatening form of CCC.


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Pseudomonas exotoxin (PE) is a cytotoxin which, after endocytosis, is delivered to the cytosol where it inactivates protein synthesis. Using diaminobenzidine cytochemistry, we found over 94% of internalized PE in transferrin (Tf) -positive endosomes of lymphocytes. When PE translocation was examined in a cell-free assay using purified endocytic vesicles, more than 40% of endosomal 125I-labeled PE was transported after 2 h at 37°C, whereas a toxin inactivated by point mutation in its translocation domain was not translocated. Sorting of endosomes did not allow cell-free PE translocation, whereas active PE transmembrane transport was observed after > 10 min of endocytosis when PE and fluorescent-Tf were localized by confocal immunofluorescence microscopy within a rab5-positive and rab4- and rab7-negative recycling compartment in the pericentriolar region of the cell. Accordingly, when PE delivery to this structure was inhibited using a 20°C endocytosis temperature, subsequent translocation from purified endosomes was impaired. Translocation was also inhibited when endosomes were obtained from cells labeled with PE in the presence of brefeldin A, which caused fusion of translocation-competent recycling endosomes with translocation-incompetent sorting elements. No PE processing was observed in lymphocyte endosomes, the full-sized toxin was translocated and recovered in an enzymatically active form. ATP hydrolysis was found to directly provide the energy required for PE translocation. Inhibitors of endosome acidification (weak bases, protonophores, or bafilomycin A1) when added to the assay did not significantly affect 125I-labeled PE translocation, demonstrating that this transport is independent of the endosome-cytosol pH gradient. Nevertheless, when 125I-labeled PE endocytosis was performed in the presence of one of these molecules, translocation from endosomes was strongly inhibited, indicating that exposure to acidic pH is a prerequisite for PE membrane traversal. When applied during endocytosis, treatments that protect cells against PE intoxication (low temperatures, inhibitors of endosome acidification, and brefeldin A) impaired 125I-labeled PE translocation from purified endosomes. We conclude that PE translocation from a late receptor recycling compartment is implicated in the lymphocyte intoxication procedure.


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The mechanisms responsible for coated pit formation in cells remain unknown, but indirect evidence has argued both for and against a critical role of receptor cytoplasmic domains in the process. If the endocytic motifs of receptors are responsible for recruiting AP2 to the plasma membrane, thereby driving coated pit formation, then the level of constitutively internalized receptors at the membrane would be expected to govern the steady-state level of coated pits in cells. Here we directly test this hypothesis for broad classes of receptors containing three distinct constitutive internalization signals. Chimeric proteins consisting of an integral membrane reporter protein (Tac) coupled to cytoplasmic domains bearing tyrosine-, di-leucine-, or acidic cluster/casein kinase II-based internalization signals were overexpressed to levels that saturated the internalization pathway. Quantitative confocal immunofluorescence microscopy indicated that the number of plasma membrane clathrin-coated pits and the concentration of their structural components were invariant when comparing cells expressing saturating levels of the chimeric receptors to nonexpressing cells or to cells expressing only the Tac reporter lacking cytoplasmic internalization signals. Biochemical analysis showed that the distribution of coat proteins between assembled coated pits and soluble pools was also not altered by receptor overexpression. Finally, the cellular localizations of AP2 and AP1 were similarly unaffected. These results provide a clear indication that receptor endocytic signals do not determine coated pit levels by directly recruiting AP2 molecules. Rather, the findings support a model in which coated pit formation proceeds through recruitment and activation of AP2, likely through a limited number of regulated docking sites that act independently of endocytic signals.


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Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC), the first enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, is highly regulated by many trophic stimuli, and changes in its levels and organization correlate with cytoskeletal changes in normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK). NHEK ODC exhibits a filamentous perinuclear/nuclear localization that becomes more diffuse under conditions that alter actin architecture. We have thus asked whether ODC colocalizes with a component of the NHEK cytoskeleton. Confocal immunofluorescence showed that ODC distribution in NHEK was primarily perinuclear; upon disruption of the actin cytoskeleton with cytochalasin D, ODC distribution was diffuse. The ODC distribution in untreated NHEK overlapped with that of keratin in the perinuclear but not cytoplasmic area; after treatment with cytochalasin D, overlap between staining for ODC and for keratin was extensive. No significant overlap with actin and minimal overlap with tubulin filament systems were observed. Subcellular fractionation by sequential homogenizations and centrifugations of NHEK lysates or detergent and salt extractions of NHEK in situ revealed that ODC protein and activity were detectable in both soluble and insoluble fractions, with mechanical disruption causing additional solubilization of ODC activity (three- to sevenfold above controls). Fractionation and ODC immunoprecipitation from [32P]orthophosphate-labeled NHEK lysates showed that a phosphorylated form of ODC was present in the insoluble fractions. Taken together, these data suggest that two pools of ODC exist in NHEK. The first is the previously described soluble pool, and the second is enriched in phospho-ODC and associated with insoluble cellular material that by immunohistochemistry appears to be organized in conjunction with the keratin cytoskeleton.


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Acting through a number of distinct pathways, many G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) activate the extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade. Recently, it has been shown that in some cases, clathrin-mediated endocytosis is required for GPCR activation of the ERK/MAPK cascade, whereas in others it is not. Accordingly, we compared ERK activation mediated by a GPCR that does not undergo agonist-stimulated endocytosis, the α2A adrenergic receptor (α2A AR), with ERK activation mediated by the β2 adrenergic receptor (β2 AR), which is endocytosed. Surprisingly, we found that in COS-7 cells, ERK activation by the α2A AR, like that mediated by both the β2 AR and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), is sensitive to mechanistically distinct inhibitors of clathrin-mediated endocytosis, including monodansylcadaverine, a mutant dynamin I, and a mutant β-arrestin 1. Moreover, we determined that, as has been shown for many other GPCRs, both α2A and β2 AR-mediated ERK activation involves transactivation of the EGFR. Using confocal immunofluorescence microscopy, we found that stimulation of the β2 AR, the α2A AR, or the EGFR each results in internalization of a green fluorescent protein-tagged EGFR. Although β2 AR stimulation leads to redistribution of both the β2 AR and EGFR, activation of the α2A AR leads to redistribution of the EGFR but the α2A AR remains on the plasma membrane. These findings separate GPCR endocytosis from the requirement for clathrin-mediated endocytosis in EGFR transactivation-mediated ERK activation and suggest that it is the receptor tyrosine kinase or another downstream effector that must engage the endocytic machinery.


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Using both confocal immunofluorescence microscopy and biochemical approaches, we have examined the role of β-arrestins in the activation and targeting of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 (ERK2) following stimulation of angiotensin II type 1a receptors (AT1aR). In HEK-293 cells expressing hemagglutinin-tagged AT1aR, angiotensin stimulation triggered β-arrestin-2 binding to the receptor and internalization of AT1aR-β-arrestin complexes. Using red fluorescent protein-tagged ERK2 to track the subcellular distribution of ERK2, we found that angiotensin treatment caused the redistribution of activated ERK2 into endosomal vesicles that also contained AT1aR-β-arrestin complexes. This targeting of ERK2 reflects the formation of multiprotein complexes containing AT1aR, β-arrestin-2, and the component kinases of the ERK cascade, cRaf-1, MEK1, and ERK2. Myc-tagged cRaf-1, MEK1, and green fluorescent protein-tagged ERK2 coprecipitated with Flag-tagged β-arrestin-2 from transfected COS-7 cells. Coprecipitation of cRaf-1 with β-arrestin-2 was independent of MEK1 and ERK2, whereas the coprecipitation of MEK1 and ERK2 with β-arrestin-2 was significantly enhanced in the presence of overexpressed cRaf-1, suggesting that binding of cRaf-1 to β-arrestin facilitates the assembly of a cRaf-1, MEK1, ERK2 complex. The phosphorylation of ERK2 in β-arrestin complexes was markedly enhanced by coexpression of cRaf-1, and this effect is blocked by expression of a catalytically inactive dominant inhibitory mutant of MEK1. Stimulation with angiotensin increased the binding of both cRaf-1 and ERK2 to β-arrestin-2, and the association of β-arrestin-2, cRaf-1, and ERK2 with AT1aR. These data suggest that β-arrestins function both as scaffolds to enhance cRaf-1 and MEK-dependent activation of ERK2, and as targeting proteins that direct activated ERK to specific subcellular locations.


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Select lipid-anchored proteins such as glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins and nonreceptor tyrosine kinases may preferentially partition into sphingomyelin-rich and cholesterol-rich plasmalemmal microdomains, thereby acquiring resistance to detergent extraction. Two such domains, caveolae and lipid rafts, are morphologically and biochemically distinct, contain many signaling molecules, and may function in compartmentalizing cell surface signaling. Subfractionation and confocal immunofluorescence microscopy reveal that, in lung tissue and in cultured endothelial and epithelial cells, heterotrimeric G proteins (Gi, Gq, Gs, and Gβγ) target discrete cell surface microdomains. Gq specifically concentrates in caveolae, whereas Gi and Gs concentrate much more in lipid rafts marked by GPI-anchored proteins (5′ nucleotidase and folate receptor). Gq, apparently without Gβγ subunits, stably associates with plasmalemmal and cytosolic caveolin. Gi and Gs interact with Gβγ subunits but not caveolin. Gi and Gs, unlike Gq, readily move out of caveolae. Thus, caveolin may function as a scaffold to trap, concentrate, and stabilize Gq preferentially within caveolae over lipid rafts. In N2a cells lacking caveolae and caveolin, Gq, Gi, and Gs all concentrate in lipid rafts as a complex with Gβγ. Without effective physiological interaction with caveolin, G proteins tend by default to segregate in lipid rafts. The ramifications of the segregated microdomain distribution and the Gq-caveolin complex without Gβγ for trafficking, signaling, and mechanotransduction are discussed.