976 resultados para conflicting duties
Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada: An Ethical Analysis of Conscientious and Religious Objections
Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada: An Ethical Analysis of Conscientious and Religious Objections
The ability to solve conflicting beliefs is crucial for multi- agent systems where the information is dynamic, incomplete and dis- tributed over a group of autonomous agents. The proposed distributed belief revision approach consists of a distributed truth maintenance sy- stem and a set of autonomous belief revision methodologies. The agents have partial views and, frequently, hold disparate beliefs which are au- tomatically detected by system’s reason maintenance mechanism. The nature of these conflicts is dynamic and requires adequate methodolo- gies for conflict resolution. The two types of conflicting beliefs addressed in this paper are Context Dependent and Context Independent Conflicts which result, in the first case, from the assignment, by different agents, of opposite belief statuses to the same belief, and, in the latter case, from holding contradictory distinct beliefs. The belief revision methodology for solving Context Independent Con- flicts is, basically, a selection process based on the assessment of the cre- dibility of the opposing belief statuses. The belief revision methodology for solving Context Dependent Conflicts is, essentially, a search process for a consensual alternative based on a “next best” relaxation strategy.
This paper studies the aggregate and distributional implications of Markov-perfect tax-spending policy in a neoclassical growth model with capitalists and workers. Focusing on the long run, our main fi ndings are: (i) it is optimal for a benevolent government, which cares equally about its citizens, to tax capital heavily and to subsidise labour; (ii) a Pareto improving means to reduce ine¢ ciently high capital taxation under discretion is for the government to place greater weight on the welfare of capitalists; (iii) capitalists and workers preferences, regarding the optimal amount of "capitalist bias", are not aligned implying a conflict of interests.
The Department’s Equality Scheme makes explicit the Minister’s and top management’s commitment to fulfil the Department’s statutory equality duties. This commitment is integrated into the Department’s work and clearly seen in its planning processes. Objectives and targets relating to Section 75 obligations feature in the Department’s strategic and operational plans, and the annual business plans of Directorates and Branches. Officials, where appropriate, include specific equality related targets or actions in their personal objectives which are subject to appraisal in the annual performance review. åÊ
The new single Equality Duty represents a next step in equality legislation. The existing public sector equality duties for race, disability and gender were pioneering pieces of legislation which placed the public sector at the forefront of tackling discrimination and inequality.Many have seen the benefits the existing duties have delivered, but now is the time to go further. the aim of this bill is to extend the benefits of the equality duties to the other protected characteristics of age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, and religion or belief.The Equality Duty will require public bodies to think about how they can eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations for all the protected groups.
Introduction.The new demands of a fast changing world necessitate expanding the traditional concepts of nursing, extending the classical aspects to cover new areas. Purpose. Based on their professional duties, the nursing team in the pharmacy of a second level hospital aimed to establish a theoretical and situational framework for nurses working in the central services. Material and Methods. Application of the nursing process to nursing work in an area with no direct contact with patients. Results and Discussion. The application of the NANDA diagnoses to professional practice enabled the establishment of a nursing diagnosis with the implementation of measures designed to overcome a stressful situation with a risk of becoming unmotivated. Main Conclusion. The capacity to adapt the nursing profession to undertake new roles in the field of healthcare and the power of nursing own methodological resources permit the indirect care of “faceless” patients to be complemented with the inclusion of nurses from other services as clients, forming the focus of care, who can thus be helped with their daily care work.