992 resultados para cone-beam CT simulation


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to compare cone beam CT (CBCT) in a small field of view (FOV) with a solid-state sensor and a photostimulable phosphor plate system for detection of cavitated approximal surfaces. Methods: 257 non-filled approximal surfaces from human permanent premolars and molars were recorded by two intraoral digital receptors, a storage phosphor plate (Digora Optime, Soredex) and a solid-state CMOS sensor (Digora Toto, Soredex), and scanned in a cone beam CT unit (3D Accuitomo FPD80, Morita) with a FOV of 4 cm and a voxel size of 0.08 mm. Image sections were carried out in the axial and mesiodistal tooth planes. Six observers recorded surface cavitation in all images. Validation of the true absence or presence of surface cavitation was performed by inspecting the surfaces under strong light with the naked eye. Differences in sensitivity, specificity and agreement were estimated by analysing the binary data in a generalized linear model using an identity link function. Results: A significantly higher sensitivity was obtained by all observers with CBCT (p,0.001), which was not compromised by a lower specificity. Therefore, a significantly higher overall agreement was obtained with CBCT (p,0.001). There were no significant differences between the Digora Optime phosphor plate system and the Digora Toto CMOS sensor for any parameter. Conclusions: CBCT was much more accurate in the detection of surface cavitation in approximal surfaces than intraoral receptors. The differences are interpreted as clinically significant. A CBCT examination performed for other reasons should also be assessed for approximal surface cavities in teeth without restorations. © 2013 The British Institute of Radiology.


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Objectives The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) detected in cone beam CT (CBCT) images from a database. Methods CBCT images of 300 Brazilian patients were assessed. AP images were measured in three dimensions. Age, gender, number and location of total teeth in each patient were considered. AP location was considered according to tooth groups. The extent of AP was determined by the largest diameter in any of the three dimensions. Percentages and the X2 test were used for statistical analysis. Results AP was found in 51.4% of the patients and in 3.4% of the teeth. Higher prevalence of AP was found in 60- to 69-year-olds (73.1%) and in mandibular molars (5.9%) (p < 0.05). Inadequate endodontic treatment presented higher prevalence of AP (78.1%). Conclusions AP can be frequently found in CBCT examinations. The presence of AP has a significant association with patients' age, and tooth type and condition. CBCT databases are useful for cross-sectional studies about AP prevalence in a population.


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La radioterapia guidata da immagini (IGRT), grazie alle ripetute verifiche della posizione del paziente e della localizzazione del volume bersaglio, si è recentemente affermata come nuovo paradigma nella radioterapia, avendo migliorato radicalmente l’accuratezza nella somministrazione di dose a scopo terapeutico. Una promettente tecnica nel campo dell’IGRT è rappresentata dalla tomografia computerizzata a fascio conico (CBCT). La CBCT a kilovoltaggio, consente di fornire un’accurata mappatura tridimensionale dell’anatomia del paziente, in fase di pianificazione del trattamento e a ogni frazione del medisimo. Tuttavia, la dose da imaging attribuibile alle ripetute scansioni è diventata, negli ultimi anni, oggetto di una crescente preoccupazione nel contesto clinico. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di valutare quantitativamente la dose addizionale somministrata da CBCT a kilovoltaggio, con riferimento a tre tipici protocolli di scansione per Varian OnBoard Imaging Systems (OBI, Palo Alto, California). A questo scopo sono state condotte simulazioni con codici Monte Carlo per il calcolo della dose, utilizzando il pacchetto gCTD, sviluppato sull’architettura della scheda grafica. L’utilizzo della GPU per sistemi server di calcolo ha permesso di raggiungere alte efficienze computazionali, accelerando le simulazioni Monte Carlo fino a raggiungere tempi di calcolo di ~1 min per un caso tipico. Inizialmente sono state condotte misure sperimentali di dose su un fantoccio d’acqua. I parametri necessari per la modellazione della sorgente di raggi X nel codice gCTD sono stati ottenuti attraverso un processo di validazione del codice al fine di accordare i valori di dose simulati in acqua con le misure nel fantoccio. Lo studio si concentra su cinquanta pazienti sottoposti a cicli di radioterapia a intensità modulata (IMRT). Venticinque pazienti con tumore al cervello sono utilizzati per studiare la dose nel protocollo standard-dose head e venticinque pazienti con tumore alla prostata sono selezionati per studiare la dose nei protocolli pelvis e pelvis spotlight. La dose media a ogni organo è calcolata. La dose media al 2% dei voxels con i valori più alti di dose è inoltre computata per ogni organo, al fine di caratterizzare l’omogeneità spaziale della distribuzione.


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Il presente lavoro, svolto presso il servizio di Fisica Sanitaria dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria di Parma, consiste nello sviluppo di un metodo innovativo di radioterapia adattativa. Il metodo è stato applicato a pazienti affetti da varie patologie, trattati con tecnica VMAT, (Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy), altamente conformata al target. Il metodo sviluppato si compone di due fasi: nella prima fase vengono effettuate due analisi su immagini portali, di ricostruzione della dose all'isocentro e l'analisi gamma 2D. Se almeno una di queste fallisce, si interviene con la seconda fase, che vede l'acquisizione della CBCT del paziente e la taratura in densità elettronica della stessa. Si calcola dunque il piano su CBCT, previa operazione di contouring da parte del medico e, infine, si esegue l'analisi gamma 3D sulle matrici di dose calcolate sulla CT e sulla CBCT del paziente, quantificando gli indici gamma sulle strutture PTV, CTV e OAR di interesse clinico. In base ai risultati, se necessario, si può intervenire sul piano di trattamento. Le analisi gamma 2D e 3D sono state svolte avvalendosi di un software toolkit chiamato GADD-23 (Gamma Analysis on 2D and 3D Dose Distributions) implementato e sviluppato appositamente in ambiente Matlab per questo lavoro di tesi; in particolare, la realizzazione di GADD-23 è stata resa possibile grazie all'interazione con due software di tipo open-source, Elastix e CERR, specifici per l’elaborazione e la registrazione di immagini mediche. I risultati ottenuti mostrano come il metodo sviluppato sia in grado di mettere in luce cambiamenti anatomici che alcuni pazienti hanno subìto, di tipo sistematico, in cui è possibile prendere in considerazione una ripianificazione del trattamento per correggerli, o di tipo casuale, sui quali può essere utile condurre l'attenzione del medico radioterapista, sebbene non sia necessario un replanning.


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The purpose of this investigation was to study the source characteristics of a clinical kilo-voltage cone beam CT unit and to develop and validate a virtual source model that could be used for treatment planning purposes.


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This study evaluated whether measurements on conventional frontal radiographs are comparable with measurements on cone beam computed tomography (CBCT)-constructed frontal cephalometric radiographs taken from dry human skulls. CBCT scans and conventional frontal cephalometric radiographs were made of 40 dry skulls. With I-Cat Vision((R)) software, a cephalometric radiograph was constructed from the CBCT scan. Standard cephalometric software was used to identify landmarks and calculate ratios and angles. The same operator identified 10 landmarks on both types of cephalometric radiographs on all Images 5 times with a time-interval of 1 week. Intra-observer reliability was acceptable for all measurements. The reproducibility of the measurements on the frontal radiographs obtained from the CBCT scans was higher than those on conventional frontal radiographs. There is a statistically significant and clinically relevant difference between measurements on conventional and constructed frontal radiographs. There is a clinically relevant difference between angular measurements performed on conventional frontal cephalometric radiographs, compared with measurements on frontal cephalometric radiographs constructed from CBCT scans, owing to different positioning of patients in both devices. Positioning of the patient in the CBCT device appears to be an important factor in cases where a 2D projection of the 3D scan is made.


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PURPOSE To assess the usefulness of cone beam CT (CBCT) for dacryocystography (DCG) using either direct syringing or passive application of contrast medium. METHODS Ten consecutive patients with epiphora who had CBCT-DCG in a sitting position were retrospectively analyzed. CBCT-DCGs were performed using 2 techniques: direct syringing with contrast medium or using the passive technique, where patients received 3 drops of contrast medium into the conjunctival sac before CBCT-DCG. Clinical and radiologic diagnoses were compared for both groups. RESULTS The 10 patients (men = 3) had a mean age of 63.2 years. Both techniques proved to be simple procedures with good delineation of the bone, soft tissue, and the contrast medium in the lacrimal system. No side effects were noted. CONCLUSIONS CBCT-DCG is a useful alternative to determine the localization of stenosis in patients with chronic epiphora.


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The aim of this study was to determine the applicability of multislice and cone-beam computerized tomography (CT) in the assessment of bone defects in patients with oral clefts. Bone defects were produced in 9 dry skulls to mimic oral clefts. All defects were modeled with wax. The skulls were submitted to multislice and cone-beam CT. Subsequently, physical measurements were obtained by the Archimedes principle of water displacement of wax models. The results demonstrated that multislice and cone-beam CT showed a high efficiency rate and were considered to be effective for volumetric assessment of bone defects. It was also observed that both CT modalities showed excellent results with high reliability in the study of the volume of bone defects, with no difference in performance between them. The clinical applicability of our research has shown these CT modalities to be immediate and direct, and they is important for the diagnosis and therapeutic process of patients with oral cleft. (Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2011; 112: 249-257)


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PURPOSE Images from computed tomography (CT), combined with navigation systems, improve the outcomes of local thermal therapies that are dependent on accurate probe placement. Although the usage of CT is desired, its availability for time-consuming radiological interventions is limited. Alternatively, three-dimensional images from C-arm cone-beam CT (CBCT) can be used. The goal of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of navigated CBCT-guided needle punctures, controlled with CT scans. METHODS Five series of five navigated punctures were performed on a nonrigid phantom using a liver specific navigation system and CBCT volumetric dataset for planning and navigation. To mimic targets, five titanium screws were fixed to the phantom. Target positioning accuracy (TPECBCT) was computed from control CT scans and divided into lateral and longitudinal components. Additionally, CBCT-CT guidance accuracy was deducted by performing CBCT-to-CT image coregistration and measuring TPECBCT-CT from fused datasets. Image coregistration was evaluated using fiducial registration error (FRECBCT-CT) and target registration error (TRECBCT-CT). RESULTS Positioning accuracies in lateral directions pertaining to CBCT (TPECBCT = 2.1 ± 1.0 mm) were found to be better to those achieved from previous study using CT (TPECT = 2.3 ± 1.3 mm). Image coregistration error was 0.3 ± 0.1 mm, resulting in an average TRE of 2.1 ± 0.7 mm (N = 5 targets) and average Euclidean TPECBCT-CT of 3.1 ± 1.3 mm. CONCLUSIONS Stereotactic needle punctures might be planned and performed on volumetric CBCT images and controlled with multidetector CT with positioning accuracy higher or similar to those performed using CT scanners.


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The influence of respiratory motion on patient anatomy poses a challenge to accurate radiation therapy, especially in lung cancer treatment. Modern radiation therapy planning uses models of tumor respiratory motion to account for target motion in targeting. The tumor motion model can be verified on a per-treatment session basis with four-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography (4D-CBCT), which acquires an image set of the dynamic target throughout the respiratory cycle during the therapy session. 4D-CBCT is undersampled if the scan time is too short. However, short scan time is desirable in clinical practice to reduce patient setup time. This dissertation presents the design and optimization of 4D-CBCT to reduce the impact of undersampling artifacts with short scan times. This work measures the impact of undersampling artifacts on the accuracy of target motion measurement under different sampling conditions and for various object sizes and motions. The results provide a minimum scan time such that the target tracking error is less than a specified tolerance. This work also presents new image reconstruction algorithms for reducing undersampling artifacts in undersampled datasets by taking advantage of the assumption that the relevant motion of interest is contained within a volume-of-interest (VOI). It is shown that the VOI-based reconstruction provides more accurate image intensity than standard reconstruction. The VOI-based reconstruction produced 43% fewer least-squares error inside the VOI and 84% fewer error throughout the image in a study designed to simulate target motion. The VOI-based reconstruction approach can reduce acquisition time and improve image quality in 4D-CBCT.


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The success of dental implant-supported prosthesis is directly linked to the accuracy obtained during implant’s pose estimation (position and orientation). Although traditional impression techniques and recent digital acquisition methods are acceptably accurate, a simultaneously fast, accurate and operator-independent methodology is still lacking. Hereto, an image-based framework is proposed to estimate the patient-specific implant’s pose using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and prior knowledge of implanted model. The pose estimation is accomplished in a threestep approach: (1) a region-of-interest is extracted from the CBCT data using 2 operator-defined points at the implant’s main axis; (2) a simulated CBCT volume of the known implanted model is generated through Feldkamp-Davis-Kress reconstruction and coarsely aligned to the defined axis; and (3) a voxel-based rigid registration is performed to optimally align both patient and simulated CBCT data, extracting the implant’s pose from the optimal transformation. Three experiments were performed to evaluate the framework: (1) an in silico study using 48 implants distributed through 12 tridimensional synthetic mandibular models; (2) an in vitro study using an artificial mandible with 2 dental implants acquired with an i-CAT system; and (3) two clinical case studies. The results shown positional errors of 67±34μm and 108μm, and angular misfits of 0.15±0.08º and 1.4º, for experiment 1 and 2, respectively. Moreover, in experiment 3, visual assessment of clinical data results shown a coherent alignment of the reference implant. Overall, a novel image-based framework for implants’ pose estimation from CBCT data was proposed, showing accurate results in agreement with dental prosthesis modelling requirements.


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Objective: To assess the influence of anatomical location on computed tomography (CT) numbers in mid- and full field of view (FOV) cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans. Study Design: Polypropylene tubes with varying concentrations of dipotassium hydrogen phosphate (K2HPO4) solutions (50-1200 mg/mL) were imaged within the incisor, premolar, and molar dental sockets of a human skull phantom. CBCT scans were acquired using the NewTom 3G and NewTom 5G units. The CT numbers of the K2HPO 4 phantoms were measured, and the relationship between CT numbers and K2HPO4 concentration was examined. The measured CT numbers of the K2HPO4 phantoms were compared between anatomical sites. Results: At all six anatomical locations, there was a strong linear relationship between CT numbers and K2HPO4 concentration (R 2 > 0.93). However, the absolute CT numbers varied considerably with the anatomical location. Conclusion: The relationship between CT numbers and object density is not uniform through the dental arch on CBCT scans. © 2013 Elsevier Inc.


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To assess the influence of anatomic location on the relationship between computed tomography (CT) number and X-ray attenuation in limited and medium field-of-view (FOV) scans. Materials and Methods Tubes containing solutions with different concentrations of K2HPO4 were placed in the tooth sockets of a human head phantom. Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans were acquired, and CT numbers of the K2HPO4 solutions were measured. The relationship between CT number and K2HPO4 concentration was examined by linear regression analyses. Then, the variation in CT number according to anatomic location was examined. Results The relationship between K2HPO4 concentration and CT number was strongly linear. The slopes of the linear regressions for the limited FOVs were almost 2-fold lower than those for the medium FOVs. The absolute CT number differed between imaging protocols and anatomic locations. Conclusion There is a strong linear relationship between X-ray attenuation and CT number. The specific imaging protocol and anatomic location of the object strongly influence this relationship.


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There are many limitations to image acquisition, using conventional radiography, of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) region. The Computed Tomography (CT) scan is a better option, due to its higher accuracy, for purposes of diagnosis, surgical planning and treatment of bone injuries. The aim of the present study was to analyze two protocols of cone beam computed tomography for the evaluation of simulated mandibular condyle bone lesions. Spherical lesions were simulated in 30 dry mandibular condyles, using dentist drills and drill bits sizes 1, 3 and 6. Each of the mandibular condyles was submitted to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) using two protocols: 1) axial, coronal and sagittal multiplanar reconstruction (MPR); and 2) sagittal plus coronal slices throughout the longitudinal axis of the mandibular condyles. For these protocols, 2 observers analyzed the CBCT images independently, regarding the presence or not of injuries. Only one of the observers, however, performed on 2 different occasions. The results were compared to the gold standard, evaluating the percentage of agreement, degree of accuracy of CBCT protocols and observers' examination. The z test was used for the statistical analysis. The results showed there were no statistically significant differences between the 2 protocols. There was greater difficulty in the assessment of small-size simulated lesions (drill # 1). From the results of this study, it can be concluded that CBCT is an accurate tool for analyzing mandibular condyle bone lesions, with the MPR protocol showing slightly better results than the sagittal plus coronal slices throughout the longitudinal axis.