974 resultados para concrete-element
The occurrence of spalling is a major factor in determining the fire resistance of concrete constructions. The apparently random occurrence of spalling has limited the development and application of fire resistance modelling for concrete structures. This Thesis describes an experimental investigation into the spalling of concrete on exposure to elevated temperatures. It has been shown that spalling may be categorised into four distinct types, aggregate spalling, corner spalling, surface spalling and explosive spalling. Aggregate spalling has been found to be a form of shear failure of aggregates local to the heated surface. The susceptibility of any particular concrete to aggregate spalling can be quantified from parameters which include the coefficients of thermal expansion of both the aggregate and the surrounding mortar, the size and thermal diffusivity of the aggregate and the rate of heating. Corner spalling, which is particularly significant for the fire resistance of concrete columns, is a result of concrete losing its tensile strength at elevated temperatures. Surface spalling is the result of excessive pore pressures within heated concrete. An empirical model has been developed to allow quantification of the pore pressures and a material failure model proposed. The dominant parameters are rate of heating, pore saturation and concrete permeability. Surface spalling may be alleviated by limiting pore pressure development and a number of methods to this end have been evaluated. Explosive spalling involves the catastrophic failure of a concrete element and may be caused by either of two distinct mechanisms. In the first instance, excessive pore pressures can cause explosive spalling, although the effect is limited principally to unloaded or relatively small specimens. A second cause of explosive spalling is where the superimposition of thermally induced stresses on applied load stresses exceed the concrete's strength.
The loss of prestressing force over time influences the long-term deflection of the prestressed concrete element. Prestress losses are inherently complex due to the interaction of concrete creep, concrete shrinkage, and steel relaxation. Implementing advanced materials such as ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) further complicates the estimation of prestress losses because of the changes in material models dependent on curing regime. Past research shows compressive creep is "locked in" when UHPC cylinders are subjected to thermal treatment before being loaded in compression. However, the current precasting manufacturing process would typically load the element (through prestressing strand release from the prestressing bed) before the element would be taken to the curing facility. Members of many ages are stored until curing could be applied to all of them at once. This research was conducted to determine the impact of variable curing times for UHPC on the prestress losses, and hence deflections. Three UHPC beams, a rectangular section, a modified bulb tee section, and a pi-girder, were assessed for losses and deflections using an incremental time step approach and material models specific to UHPC based on compressive creep and shrinkage testing. Results show that although it is important for prestressed UHPC beams to be thermally treated, to "lock in" material properties, the timing of thermal treatment leads to negligible differences in long-term deflections. Results also show that for UHPC elements that are thermally treated, changes in deflection are caused only by external loads because prestress losses are "locked-in" following thermal treatment.
RFID on 2000-luvulla yleisesti saatavilla tullut tekniikka erilaisten kohteiden tunnistamiseen. RFID-tekniikassa tunnistamiseen käytetään pienikokoisia tunnisteita, joiden tietosisältö pystytään lukemaan langattomasti ilman näköyhteyttä tarkoitukseen soveltuvalla lukulaitteella. Tunnisteet ovat halpoja ja yksinkertaisia. Yleensä ne eivät sisällä omaa virtalähdettä, vaan ne toimivat ainoastaan lukulaitteen luoman kentän voimalla. Tässä työssä tutkitaan RFID-tekniikan soveltuvuutta betonista valmistettujen rakennuselementtien tunnistamiseen. Ympäristön vaikutukset tekniikan käyttöön tutkitaan ja selvitetään, mitkä ovat parhaat toimintatavat elementtien tunnistamiseen nämä vaikutukset huomioon ottaen. Työssä esitellään ensin RFID-tekniikan toimintaperiaatteet sekä tunnisteiden ja lukulaitteiden rakenne. Tunnisteiden jaottelu erilaisten ominasisuuksien perusteella käydään läpi ja sovellusalan kannalta tärkeimmät standardit esitellään. Käytännön osuudessa esitellään RFID-tekniikan soveltamista betonista valmistettujen rakennuselementtien tunnistamiseen. Työssä esitellään saavutetut mittaustulokset sekä betonielementtien tunnistamiseen ja tietojen hallintaan toteutetun järjestelmän rakenne.
Mobilding-hanke toteutettiin Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston tietoliikennetekniikan laitoksella vuosien 2006 – 2008 aikana. Hankkeen alkuperäisenä tavoitteena oli selvittää, millä menetelmillä voidaan hallita rakennukseen liittyvät tiedot koko sen elinkaaren ajalta alkaen suunnittelusta, jatkuen läpi elementtivalmistuksen ja rakennusvaiheen sekä myöhemmin koko rakennuksen käyttöiän. Myöhemmin hankkeessa tehtiin kuitenkin elinkaaren osalta rajaus niin, että tarkasteltava elementtien elinkaari katsotaan alkavaksi rakennuksen suunnittelusta ja tarkasteltava elinkaari päättyy rakennuksen valmistumiseen, kun elementit ovat asennettu niille kuuluville paikoilleen ja jälkitarkastus on suoritettu. Yksi hankkeen johtavia ajatuksia oli aiemmin Etap II-hankkeen yhteydessä testatun RFID-etätunnistustekniikan (Radio Frequency Identification) hyödyntäminen rakennuselementtien tunnistamiseen. Kiinteänä osana tähän liittyy tiedon kerääminen ja sen hyödyntäminen mobiililaitteiden avulla. Tämä tieto voi olla esimerkiksi elementin dimensio-, paikka tai tilatietoa. Jotta tuotettavaa tietoa pystytään hyödyntämään ja jakamaan hankkeen muille osapuolille, toteutettiin keskitetty Mobilding-tietojärjestelmä, joka sisältää erillisiä rajapintoja myös muihin elementin ja rakennushankkeen elinkaaren aikana käytettäviin järjestelmiin.
In the construction industry, the role of project management and monitoring is emphasized, because the responsibilities have been carefully planned and divided. A concrete element factory manufactures the units based on construction drawings, while a transport company is responsible of transporting the elements to the worksite. At the worksite, an installation team assembles the elements according to plans. Usually, there are several manufacturers and transport companies involved in the construction process and the distances between different parties can be rather long. Therefore, the role of information exchange is critical in order to control, for example, schedules and exceptions. From the viewpoint of project management, the whole process should be controlled and monitored in realtime - in such a way that the managers are able to analyze and report the data afterwards. In this master’s thesis, a mobile-aided construction project monitoring system is designed and implemented. The monitoring system consists of three main components: mobile phone application, server software and an interface application to Tekla Structures BIM-software. Precast construction components, projects and users are identified by using 2D-barcodes that are read with the camera of a mobile phone. An option would be to use RFID tags and readers. After successful identification, the precast component can be tagged with monitoring data, including state acknowledgments and error reports that are sent and saved to the server. Collected data can be viewed through the www-pages of the monitoring system. In addition, the data can be synchronized to the Tekla Structures-software that is running the 3D-model of the whole building. Synchronization maintains and enhances the traceability of monitoring data, as well as, helps to visualize the progression of the project.
Työllä oli kaksi tavoitetta: tutkia betonielementtejä valmistavan Lipa-Betoni Oy:n myynnin ja markkinoinnin tilaa sekä laatia markkinointisuunnitelma Sepa Oy:n kanssa yhteistyössä kehitetylle puubetonivälipohjalaatalle. Tutkimus jakautui nähden tavoitteiden mukaisiin tutkimusosioihin. Rakennusalan markkinointi, tarkemmin betonielementtien markkinointi, voidaan suurelta osin nähdä projektien markkinointina. Siksi työn teoriaosuudessa käsiteltiin rakennusalan markkinointia projektimarkkinoinnin näkökulmasta; erityispiirteitä, vaiheita, referenssien ja asiakassuhteiden merkitystä sekä proaktiivista markkinointistrategiaa. Lisäksi tutkittiin markkinoinnin suunnitteluun, markkinoinnin kilpailukeinoihin sekä markkinoinnin tehokkuuden mittaamiseen liittyviä teorioita. Työn tuloksena esitettiin kehitysehdotukset Lipa-Betoni Oy:n myynnin ja markkinoinnin tehostamiseksi. Konkreettisimmat tulokset tästä tutkimusosiosta ovat asiakkuuksien hoitomalli segmenteittäin ja markkinoinnin tehokkuuden mittaristo. Kehitysehdotuksien yhteenvetona laadittiin Lipa-Betoni Oy:n markkinoinnin prosessimalli. Puubetonivälipohjalaatalle laadittiin markkinointisuunnitelma. Puubetonivälipohjalaatan markkinoinnissa korostuu proaktiivinen markkinointistrategia, jonka avulla saadaan tärkeitä referenssejä tukemaan tulevaisuuden markkinointityötä.
O objetivo deste trabalho é desenvolver um modelo computacional, baseado no método dos elementos finitos, para o estudo de peças de concreto armado e protendido submetidas a estados planos de tensão. O estudo abrange situações de carga de curta e longa duração, onde consideram-se fluência e retração do concreto e relaxação do aço. São utilizados modelos constitutivos elasto-viscoplásticos para descrever o comportamento dos materiais. Implementou-se um modelo de camadas superpostas para melhor representar o comportamento do concreto, onde o material é composto de diversas camadas que sofrem a mesma deformação. Cada camada possui diferentes características materiais e a tensão total é obtida pela soma das diferentes contribuições de cada camada. Para a fissuração da concreto, utilizou-se um modelo de fissuras distribuídas, que leva em conta a contribuição do concreto entre fissuras. Tanto a amadura passiva como a de pratensão são introduzidas no modelo como uma linha de material mais rígido dentro do elemento de concreto. Os deslocamentos ao longo da armadura são referenciados aos deslocamentos nodais do elemento de concreto. Deste modo, obtém-se uma matriz de rigidez para a armadura com as mesmas dimensões que a matriz de rigidez do elemento de concreto, A matriz de rigidez do elemento concreto-aço é a soma das duas matrizes. Considera-se aderência perfeita entre o concreto e o aço. Os resultados obtidos com esse programa computacionai são comparados com valores experimentais disponíveis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
«Fiction of frontier». Phenomenology of an open form/voice. Francesco Giustini’s PhD dissertation fits into a genre of research usually neglected by the literary criticism which nevertheless is arousing much interest in recent years: the relationship between Literature and Space. In this context, the specific issue of his work consists in the category of the Frontier including its several implications for the XX century fiction. The preliminary step, at the beginning of the first section of the dissertation, is a semantic analysis: with precision, Giustini describes the meaning of the word “frontier” here declined in a multiplicity of cultural, political and geographical contexts, starting from the American frontier of the pioneers who headed for the West, to the exotic frontiers of the world, with whose the imperialistic colonization has come into contact; from the semi-uninhabited areas like deserts, highlands and virgin forests, to the ethnic frontiers between Indian and white people in South America, since the internal frontiers of the Countries like those ones between the District and the Capital City, the Centre and the Outskirts. In the next step, Giustini wants to focus on a real “ myth of the frontier”, able to nourish cultural and literary imagination. Indeed, the literature has told and chosen the frontier as the scenery for many stories; especially in the 20th Century it made the frontier a problematic space in the light of events and changes that have transformed the perception of space and our relationship with it. Therefore, the dissertation proposes a critical category, it traces the hallmarks of a specific literary phenomenon defined “ Fiction of the frontier” ,present in many literary traditions during the 20th Century. The term “Fiction” (not “Literature” or “Poetics”) does not define a genre but rather a “procedure”, focusing on a constant issue pointed out from the texts examined in this work : the strong call to the act of narration and to its oral traditions. The “Fiction of the Frontier” is perceived as an approach to the world, a way of watching and feeling the objects, an emotion that is lived and told through the story- a story where the narrator ,through his body and his voice, takes the rule of the witness. The following parts, that have an analytic style, are constructed on the basis of this theoretical and methodological reflection. The second section gives a wide range of examples into we can find the figure and the myth of the frontier through the textual analysis which range over several literary traditions. Starting from monographic chapters (Garcia Marquez, Callado, McCarthy), to the comparative reading of couples of texts (Calvino and Verga Llosa, Buzzati and Coetzee, Arguedas and Rulfo). The selection of texts is introduced so as to underline a particular aspect or a form of the frontier at every reading. This section is articulated into thematic voices which recall some actions that can be taken into the ambiguous and liminal space of the frontier (to communicate, to wait, to “trans-culturate”, to imagine, to live in, to not-live in). In this phenomenology, the frontier comes to the light as a physical and concrete element or as a cultural, imaginary, linguistic, ethnic and existential category. In the end, the third section is centered on a more defined and elaborated analysis of two authors, considered as fundamental for the comprehension of the “Fiction of the frontier”: Joseph Conrad and João Guimarães Rosa. Even if they are very different, being part of unlike literary traditions, these two authors show many connections which are pointed by the comparative analysis. Maybe Conrad is the first author that understand the feeling of the frontier , freeing himself from the adventure romance and from the exotic nineteenthcentury tradition. João Guimarães Rosa, in his turn, is the great narrator of Brazilian and South American frontier, he is the man of sertão and of endless spaces of the Centre of Brazil. His production is strongly linked to that one belonged to the author of Heart of Darkness.
The objective of this thesis is the investigation of the Mode-I fracture mechanics parameters of quasi-brittle materials to shed light onto the influence of the width and size of the specimen on the fracture response of notched beams. To further the knowledge on the fracture process, 3D digital image correlation (DIC) was employed. A new method is proposed to determine experimentally the critical value of the crack opening, which is then used to determine the size of the fracture process zone (FPZ). In addition, the Mode-I fracture mechanics parameters are compared with the Mode-II interfacial properties of composites materials that feature as matrices the quasi-brittle materials studied in Mode-I conditions. To investigate the Mode II fracture parameters, single-lap direct shear tests are performed. Notched concrete beams with six cross-sections has been tested using a three-point bending (TPB) test set-up (Mode-I fracture mechanics). Two depths and three widths of the beam are considered. In addition to concrete beams, alkali-activated mortar beams (AAMs) that differ by the type and size of the aggregates have been tested using the same TPB set-up. Two dimensions of AAMs are considered. The load-deflection response obtained from DIC is compared with the load-deflection response obtained from the readings of two linear variable displacement transformers (LVDT). Load responses, peak loads, strain profiles along the ligament from DIC, fracture energy and failure modes of TPB tests are discussed. The Mode-II problem is investigated by testing steel reinforced grout (SRG) composites bonded to masonry and concrete elements under single-lap direct shear tests. Two types of anchorage systems are proposed for SRG reinforced masonry and concrete element to study their effectiveness. An indirect method is proposed to find the interfacial properties, compare them with the Mode-I fracture properties of the matrix and to model the effect of the anchorage.
The behaviour of reinforced concrete members is affected by the slipping of steel bars inserted in the concrete matrix. A tension-stiffening effect and crack evolution occur from the beginning of slipping; thus, the assessment of those phenomena requires the introduction of a bond-slip interaction model. This work presents a beam-layered model, including the constitutive relationships of materials and their interaction, according to the CEB-FIP Model Code 1990. To eliminate the finite element sub-division procedure, a continuous slip function is imposed into the element domain. The results are continuous descriptions of bond stress in the steel-concrete interface, as well as concrete and steel stresses along the element. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A way of coupling digital image correlation (to measure displacement fields) and boundary element method (to compute displacements and tractions along a crack surface) is presented herein. It allows for the identification of Young`s modulus and fracture parameters associated with a cohesive model. This procedure is illustrated to analyze the latter for an ordinary concrete in a three-point bend test on a notched beam. In view of measurement uncertainties, the results are deemed trustworthy thanks to the fact that numerous measurement points are accessible and used as entries to the identification procedure. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The study of the early age concrete properties is becoming more important, as the thermal effects and the shrinkage, even in the first hours, could generate cracks, increasing the permeability of the structure and being able to induce problems of durability and functionality in the same ones. The detailed study of the stresses development during the construction process can be decisive to keep low the cracking levels. In this work a computational model, based on the finite element method, was implemented to simulate the early age concrete behavior and, specially, the evaluation of the cracking risk. The finite element analysis encloses the computational modeling of the following phenomena: chemical, thermal, moisture diffusion and mechanical which occur at the first days after the concrete cast. The developed software results were compared with experimental values found in the literature, demonstrating an excellent approach for all the implemented analysis.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
As an important Civil Engineering material, asphalt concrete (AC) is commonly used to build road surfaces, airports, and parking lots. With traditional laboratory tests and theoretical equations, it is a challenge to fully understand such a random composite material. Based on the discrete element method (DEM), this research seeks to develop and implement computer models as research approaches for improving understandings of AC microstructure-based mechanics. In this research, three categories of approaches were developed or employed to simulate microstructures of AC materials, namely the randomly-generated models, the idealized models, and image-based models. The image-based models were recommended for accurately predicting AC performance, while the other models were recommended as research tools to obtain deep insight into the AC microstructure-based mechanics. A viscoelastic micromechanical model was developed to capture viscoelastic interactions within the AC microstructure. Four types of constitutive models were built to address the four categories of interactions within an AC specimen. Each of the constitutive models consists of three parts which represent three different interaction behaviors: a stiffness model (force-displace relation), a bonding model (shear and tensile strengths), and a slip model (frictional property). Three techniques were developed to reduce the computational time for AC viscoelastic simulations. It was found that the computational time was significantly reduced to days or hours from years or months for typical three-dimensional models. Dynamic modulus and creep stiffness tests were simulated and methodologies were developed to determine the viscoelastic parameters. It was found that the DE models could successfully predict dynamic modulus, phase angles, and creep stiffness in a wide range of frequencies, temperatures, and time spans. Mineral aggregate morphology characteristics (sphericity, orientation, and angularity) were studied to investigate their impacts on AC creep stiffness. It was found that aggregate characteristics significantly impact creep stiffness. Pavement responses and pavement-vehicle interactions were investigated by simulating pavement sections under a rolling wheel. It was found that wheel acceleration, steadily moving, and deceleration significantly impact contact forces. Additionally, summary and recommendations were provided in the last chapter and part of computer programming codes wree provided in the appendixes.