15 resultados para concessive


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In his pioneering paper on “Performative Subordinate Clauses,” Lakoff (1984) claimed that subordinate clauses expressing a reason or concession allow imperatives conveying statements (i.e. assertive illocutionary force). While this analysis has gone unchallenged to this day, the present paper shows that Lakoff’s analysis is inadequate, in that reason and concessive clauses show a sharp contrast in the kinds of imperative utterances they permit. Contra Lakoff, concessive clauses with although, though and except (that) do allow imperative constructions conveying directive illocutionary forces to occur, whereas by contrast those with even though tend to disallow both types of imperatives. These findings can be explained in terms of compatibility between “component” constructions constituting a complex sentence. It is argued that the compatibility between imperatives (both directive and assertive types) and concessive adverbials (excluding even though) can be attributed to the latter’s loose integration into a matrix clause required by the former. Furthermore, it is argued that the incompatibility of even though with imperatives arises primarily from the incompatibility between the tight integration of even though and the loose integration required by imperatives, together with the associated incompatibility between the non-rectifying function of even though and the rectifying conjunction favored by imperatives.


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The aim of this paper is to examine the connection between Spanish concessive future and evidentiality. More specifically, it is argued that concessive future does not merely represent a contextual variant of conjectural future (Escandell, 2010) but a new use (Squartini, 2012) which is restricted by the activated status of the proposition ( Dryer, 1996). Unlike conjectural future, concessive future does not have an inferential purpose; instead, it plays a role within the (counter) argumentation process. It actually develops a déréalisant function ( Ducrot, 1995). Therefore, although conjectural use and concessive use share the deictic value of future, they are the projection of this value over different levels of meaning. More generally, this paper shows that future in Spanish may intersect with several semantic and discourse categories, including – but not limited to – evidentiality.


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Relative Constructions with Pronominal Heads in Contemporary Russian Chapter 1 introduces the distinctive syntactic and semantic properties of Russian relative constructions (RCs), which are then divided into two main classes according to the type of the head phrase. The study concentrates on RCs with pronominal heads, which are systematically compared with noun-headed RCs. Chapter 2 clarifies the categorization of pronouns in Russian. The conclusion is that Russian pronouns include only personal, reflexive and wh-pronouns. The remaining words that are traditionally seen as pronouns are actually functional equivalents of determiners. This idea leads to the suggestion that RCs with these determiner-like words as the only constituent of the head phrase are actually headed by zero pronouns. In the other type of RCs with pronominal heads, the head position is occupied by wh-pronouns with clitics expressing different types of indefiniteness and quantification. Comparison of the two types of pronoun-headed RCs shows that the wh-heads and zero-heads share a number of common properties with respect to the grammatical gender, number and person as well as to the semantic distinction between animates and inanimates. The rest of Chapter 2 gives an overview of various uses of wh-pronouns in Russian and an experimental analysis of RCs headed by pronominal adverbs. Chapter 3 discusses fundamental differences between RCs with noun and pronominal heads. One of the main findings is that the choice of the relative pronoun (kto 'who' and chto 'what' versus kotoryj 'which') is motivated by a tendency to reproduce maximally the essential grammatical and semantic properties of the antecedent. Chapter 4 gives a detailed description of the determiner-like words and wh-based heads used in the two types of RCs with pronominal heads. In addition, several issues related to the syntax and semantics of free relatives are discussed. The conclusion is that there is no need to establish a separate category of free relatives in Russian. Chapter 5 discusses the syntax and semantics of correlative and free concessive constructions. They share a number of properties with pronoun-headed RCs and the two are often confused in Russian linguistics. However, a detailed analysis shows that these constructions must be distinguished from RCs. The study combines the methods of functionally-oriented Russian structuralism with some insights from generative syntax.


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Os editoriais são textos argumentativos que expõem a visão do jornal, do qual fazem parte, sobre um determinado acontecimento. Na construção destes textos, o jornalista dispõe de estratégias que o auxiliam na produção de sua argumentação. Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar quais estratégias são utilizadas nos textos de editoriais. As estratégias estudadas neste trabalho são a citação, o argumento de autoridade, as aspas, a seleção lexical (índices de avaliação e indicadores atitudinais, metáforas, termos semanticamente relacionados, etc), as porcentagens, estatísticas e dados numéricos, as exemplificações, a concessão e os modalizadores. Para tanto, foram selecionados vinte e quatro textos de editoriais do jornal O Globo, adquiridos semanalmente, ao longo do primeiro semestre de 2008. Através da análise, foi observado que tais estratégias se mostraram recorrentes e que as mesmas trouxeram contribuição para o propósito comunicativo do argumentador, bem como auxiliaram na busca da persuasão do leitor


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Esta dissertação é o resultado de dois anos de estudo e de pesquisa dedicados à formação, à estrutura e ao funcionamento da língua portuguesa. A inconformidade com o tratamento um tanto superficial que os compêndios gramaticais prescritivos, sobretudo os escolares, têm dado à classificação das conjunções coordenativas adversativas e das subordinativas adverbiais concessivas e, por conseguinte, das orações em que elas se inserem, foi a motivação e é o que justifica a escolha do tema. Essa maneira de abordar a questão tem misturado descrições sintáticas com semânticas, sem, muitas vezes, levar em consideração a aplicabilidade e a pertinência de uma ou de outra oração no discurso. Dessa forma, esta dissertação se propõe a descrever os comportamentos morfossintáticos e semântico- -pragmáticos dos períodos formados com as conjunções mas e embora à luz da semântica enunciativa, e a averiguar até que ponto a vagueza de abordagem desse tema tem refletido na formação daqueles que têm a língua portuguesa como língua materna no Brasil. Para tanto, o trabalho apresenta a seguinte estrutura: num primeiro momento, serão considerados a metodologia usada para a feitura do trabalho e os pressupostos teóricos que melhor fundamentam-no. A teoria está dividida em três momentos, a saber, o enfoque dado pela tradição gramatical, o enfoque dado pela linguística à noção de coordenação e de subordinação, e o enfoque dado pela semântica enunciativa às conjunções mas e embora. Num segundo momento, serão explanadas as análises feitas dos corpora presentes no texto: um para corroborar as ideias presentes em um dos capítulos teóricos (corpus de textos de opinião); e outro para averiguar se a superficialidade da abordagem do tema ao longo do tempo tem afetado na formação de leitores e escritores proficientes em língua portuguesa (corpus de transcrição). A análise do segundo corpus o corpus de transcrição, em que pessoas de diferentes níveis de estudo foram testadas no que tange ao conhecimento acerca da transformação de períodos compostos por coordenação adversativa em subordinação adverbial concessiva e vice-versa; além de se descobrir se não iniciariam uma frase com a conjunção adversativa mas tem capítulo à parte e revelará o que não é tão difícil de pressupor: 67,4% das frases transcritas revelam o desconhecimento que as pessoas têm acerca da diferença morfossintática e semântico-pragmática de períodos formados pelas conjunções adversativa e concessiva, mas e embora, respectivamente


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Miscommunication has always intrigued researchers in and outside linguistics. This book takes a different perspective from what has been proposed so far and postulates a case for intercultural miscommunication as a linguistically-based phenomenon in various intercultural milieus. The contributions address cases of intercultural miscommunication in potentially confrontational contexts, like professional communities of practice, intercultural differences in various English-speaking countries, political discourse, classroom discourse, or the discourse of the past. The frameworks employed include cultural scripts, critical discourse analysis, lexicographic analysis, glosses of untranslatable terms, and diachronic pragmatics. The book shows the omnipresence of miscommunication, ranging from everyday exchanges through classroom discourse, professional encounters, to literary contexts and political debates, past and present.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This paper investigates, in light of the theory of Functional Discourse Grammar (HENGEVELD; MACKENZIE, 2008), the concessive clause that is not subordinated to other clauses, i.e., it has no semantic or syntactic relations with clauses before or after it, and which we call Independent Concessive. The aim is to describe the discursive properties and the semantic, morphosyntactic and prosodic structure of this type of clause, showing that its relevance is in the construction and organization of discourse. The results indicate that the Independent Concessive works in speech as a parenthesis which interrupts the discursive course and is then highlighted by a special prosodic contour, combined with the presence of Interactive Acts. It is therefore a Move, the highest layer of the Interpersonal Level, the level that relates to the pragmatic aspects of the grammar of a language. The universe of research used is the Iboruna corpus, a database that records a variety of Portuguese from the Northwest of São Paulo.


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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This paper aims to discuss the approach of sentences concessive on grammars and teaching books in Portuguese in order to ascertain to what extent is closer or more distant from the description of sentences concessive in real interaction from the perspective of Functional Discourse Grammar. Were consulted normative grammars, descriptive and five textbooks used in primary schools. In some, the grant was not addressed, as in others, we note that, in general, have definitions which simply equate concessive clauses a concept syntactic and sometimes semantic, detaching it from the domain of pragmatic language. This level of analysis is not left out, however, by the prospect Functional Discourse, which analyzes the pragmatic as the broader component within which we analyze the semantics and syntax. From this point of view, we intend to propose new emphases in approach given the award by the grammars and the teaching materials.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This monograph proposes a general model for the analysis of polysemy. The underspecified content of polysemic items produces interpretations in relation with characterised contextual indicators. This ternary set of schematic representations applies to the meaning organisation of French indefinite qui que ce soit ('any'). Universal positive readings, existential and opposition readings are generated by modalised predicate, a modalised proposition and syntactically adjoined functions. "Affective" contexts yield a negative polarity interpretation, the interpretation is generated through concessive reasoning, which explains how scalar values can be evoked by an item representing arbitrary selection. Such contextual reasoning and characterised contextual indicators are the two modes for the calculation of the contextual interpretation of polysemous items.