827 resultados para computer engineer
Este proyecto final de carrera pertenece al área de Competencias Profesionales y tiene como objetivo el análisis de experiencias de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la competencia de comunicación escrita en currículos TIC. El estudio se compone de tres partes: contextualización, investigación y reflexión. En la contextualización se define el concepto de competencia profesional y se clasifican las competencias genéricas o transversales en: competencias instrumentales, competencias interpersonales y competencias sistémicas. Por último, se indicarán las competencias genéricas para un Ingeniero en Informática, según el libro blanco para el título de grado de Ingeniería Informática. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo en los planes de estudio de Grado en Ingeniería Informática de 20 universidades españolas. En una primera parte se buscará qué universidades contemplan, en sus planes de estudio, competencias genéricas y realizaremos una clasificación. La segunda parte de investigación, se centrará en localizar la competencia de comunicación escrita y los objetivos de competencia de comunicación escrita. En la parte de la reflexión se identificarán las competencias genéricas explícitas e implícitas desarrolladas en el plan de estudios cursado en el itinerario formativo de la UOC. En esta parte también se analizará el modelo educativo de la UOC. El motivo de este proyecto de investigación es comprobar si los planes de estudio de Grado en Ingeniería Informática se han adaptado al EEES, en concreto, ver si las universidades seleccionadas tienen la intención de desarrollar la competencia comunicativa escrita. Esto nos permitirá analizar si un Graduado en Ingeniería Informática ha recibido una formación adecuada para conseguir dicha competencia.
El treball final de grau està orientat a l'estudi de les competències professionals d'un enginyer en informàtica i sobre la formació que ha de proporcionar un pla d'estudis per poder-les desenvolupar.
En este trabajo se estudiarán las competencias transversales que debe poseer un ingeniero en informática para poder desarrollar con éxito las tareas del puesto de CIO (chief information officer/jefe del servicio de informática) en una organización.
A computer program to adjust roadway profiles has been developed to serve as an aid to the county engineers of the State of Iowa. Many hours are spent reducing field notes and calculating adjusted roadway profiles to prepare an existing roadway for paving that will produce a high quality ride and be as maintenance free as possible. Since the computer is very well adapted to performing long tedious tasks; programming this work for a computer would result in freeing the engineer of these tasks. Freed from manual calculations, the engineer is able to spend more time in solving engineering problems. The type of roadway that this computer program is designed to adjust is a road that at sometime. in its history was graded to a finished subgrade. After a period of time, this road is to receive a finished paved surface. The problem then arises whether to bring the existing roadway up to the de signed grade or to make profile adjustments and comprise between the existing and the design profiles. In order to achieve the latter condition using this program, the engineer needs to give the computer only a minimum amount of information.
The arrival of a student who is Blind in the School of Systems Engineering at the University of Reading has made it an interesting and challenging year for all. Visually impaired students have already graduated from other Schools of the University and the School of Systems Engineering has seen three students with visual impairment graduate recently with good degrees. These students could access materials - and do assessments - essentially by means of enlargement and judicious choice of options. The new student had previously been supported by a specialist college. She is a proficient typist and also a user of both Braille and JAWS screen reader, and she is doing a joint course in Cybernetics and Computer Science. The course requires mathematics which itself includes graphs, and also many diagrams including numerous circuit diagrams. The University bought proven equipment such as a scanner to process books into speech or Braille, and screen reading software as well as a specialist machine for producing tactile diagrams for educational use. Clearly it is also important that the student can access assessments and examinations and present answers for marking or feedback (by sighted staff). So the School also used innovative in-house tactile methods to represent diagrams. This paper discusses the success or otherwise of various modifications of course delivery and the way forward for the next three years.
Not long ago, most software was written by professional programmers, who could be presumed to have an interest in software engineering methodologies and in tools and techniques for improving software dependability. Today, however, a great deal of software is written not by professionals but by end-users, who create applications such as multimedia simulations, dynamic web pages, and spreadsheets. Applications such as these are often used to guide important decisions or aid in important tasks, and it is important that they be sufficiently dependable, but evidence shows that they frequently are not. For example, studies have shown that a large percentage of the spreadsheets created by end-users contain faults, and stories abound of spreadsheet faults that have led to multi-million dollar losses. Despite such evidence, until recently, relatively little research had been done to help end-users create more dependable software.
End-user programmers are increasingly relying on web authoring environments to create web applications. Although often consisting primarily of web pages, such applications are increasingly going further, harnessing the content available on the web through “programs” that query other web applications for information to drive other tasks. Unfortunately, errors can be pervasive in web applications, impacting their dependability. This paper reports the results of an exploratory study of end-user web application developers, performed with the aim of exposing prevalent classes of errors. The results suggest that end-users struggle the most with the identification and manipulation of variables when structuring requests to obtain data from other web sites. To address this problem, we present a family of techniques that help end user programmers perform this task, reducing possible sources of error. The techniques focus on simplification and characterization of the data that end-users must analyze while developing their web applications. We report the results of an empirical study in which these techniques are applied to several popular web sites. Our results reveal several potential benefits for end-users who wish to “engineer” dependable web applications.
Because it is widely accepted that providing information online will play a major role in both the teaching and practice of medicine in the near future, a short formal course of instruction in computer skills was proposed for the incoming class of students entering medical school at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. The syllabus was developed on the basis of a set of expected outcomes, which was accepted by the dean of medicine and the curriculum committee for classes beginning in the fall of 1997. Prior to their arrival, students were asked to complete a self-assessment survey designed to elucidate their initial skill base; the returned surveys showed students to have computer skills ranging from complete novice to that of a systems engineer. The classes were taught during the first three weeks of the semester to groups of students separated on the basis of their knowledge of and comfort with computers. Areas covered included computer basics, e-mail management, MEDLINE, and Internet search tools. Each student received seven hours of hands-on training followed by a test. The syllabus and emphasis of the classes were tailored to the initial skill base but the final test was given at the same level to all students. Student participation, test scores, and course evaluations indicated that this noncredit program was successful in achieving an acceptable level of comfort in using a computer for almost all of the student body.
"PB 82-190455."
"A United States contribution to the International Hydrological Decade."
At head of cover title: Generalized computer program.
At head of cover title: Generalized computer program.
Basin rainfall and snowmelt computation : Hydrologic Engineering Center computer program 23-J2-L226.
At head of cover title: Generalized computer program.
At head of cover title: Generalized computer program.
At head of cover title: Generalized computer program.