998 resultados para computational arts


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The SoundCipher software library provides an easy way to create music in the Processing development environment. With the SoundCipher library added to Processing you can write software programs that make music to go along with your graphics and you can add sounds to enhance your Processing animations or games. SoundCipher provides an easy interface for playing 'notes' on the JavaSound synthesizer, for playback of audio files, and comunicating via MIDI. It provides accurate scheduling and allows events to be organised in musical time; using beats and tempo. It uses a 'score' metaphor that allows the construction of simple or complex musical arrangements. SoundCipher is designed to facilitate the basics of algorithmic music and interactive sound design as well as providing a platform for sophisticated computational music, it allows integration with the Minim library when more sophisticated audio and synthesis functionality is required and integration with the oscP5 library for communicating via open sound control.


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SoundCipher is a software library written in the Java language that adds important music and sound features to the Processing environment that is widely used by media artists and otherwise has an orientation toward computational graphics. This article introduces the SoundCipher library and its features, describes its influences and design intentions, and positions it within the field of computer music programming tools. SoundCipher enables the rich history of algorithmic music techniques to be accessible within one of today’s most popular media art platforms. It also provides an accessible means for learning to create algorithmic music and sound programs.


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The TraSe (Transform-Select) algorithm has been developed to investigate the morphing of electronic music through automatically applying a series of deterministic compositional transformations to the source, guided towards a target by similarity metrics. This is in contrast to other morphing techniques such as interpolation or parameters or probabilistic variation. TraSe allows control over stylistic elements of the music through user-defined weighting of numerous compositional transformations. The formal evaluation of TraSe was mostly qualitative and occurred through nine participants completing an online questionnaire. The music generated by TraSe was generally felt to be less coherent than a human composed benchmark but in some cases judged as more creative.


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When communicating emotion in music, composers and performers encode their expressive intentions through the control of basic musical features such as: pitch, loudness, timbre, mode, and articulation. The extent to which emotion can be controlled through the systematic manipulation of these features has not been fully examined. In this paper we present CMERS, a Computational Music Emotion Rule System for the control of perceived musical emotion that modifies features at the levels of score and performance in real-time. CMERS performance was evaluated in two rounds of perceptual testing. In experiment I, 20 participants continuously rated the perceived emotion of 15 music samples generated by CMERS. Three music works, each with five emotional variations were used (normal, happy, sad, angry, and tender). The intended emotion by CMERS was correctly identified 78% of the time, with significant shifts in valence and arousal also recorded, regardless of the works’ original emotion.


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Network Jamming systems provide real-time collaborative media performance experiences for novice or inexperienced users. In this paper we will outline the theoretical and developmental drivers for our Network Jamming software, called jam2jam. jam2jam employs generative algorithmic techniques with particular implications for accessibility and learning. We will describe how theories of engagement have directed the design and development of jam2jam and show how iterative testing cycles in numerous international sites have informed the evolution of the system and its educational potential. Generative media systems present an opportunity for users to leverage computational systems to make sense of complex media forms through interactive and collaborative experiences. Generative music and art are a relatively new phenomenon that use procedural invention as a creative technique to produce music and visual media. These kinds of systems present a range of affordances that can facilitate new kinds of relationships with music and media performance and production. Early systems have demonstrated the potential to provide access to collaborative ensemble experiences to users with little formal musical or artistic expertise.This presentation examines the educational affordances of these systems evidenced by field data drawn from the Network Jamming Project. These generative performance systems enable access to a unique kind of music/media’ ensemble performance with very little musical/ media knowledge or skill and they further offer the possibility of unique interactive relationships with artists and creative knowledge through collaborative performance. Through the process of observing, documenting and analysing young people interacting with the generative media software jam2jam a theory of meaningful engagement has emerged from the need to describe and codify how users experience creative engagement with music/media performance and the locations of meaning. In this research we observed that the musical metaphors and practices of ‘ensemble’ or collaborative performance and improvisation as a creative process for experienced musicians can be made available to novice users. The relational meanings of these musical practices afford access to high level personal, social and cultural experiences. Within the creative process of collaborative improvisation lie a series of modes of creative engagement that move from appreciation through exploration, selection, direction toward embodiment. The expressive sounds and visions made in real-time by improvisers collaborating are immediate and compelling. Generative media systems let novices access these experiences with simple interfaces that allow them to make highly professional and expressive sonic and visual content simply by using gestures and being attentive and perceptive to their collaborators. These kinds of experiences present the potential for highly complex expressive interactions with sound and media as a performance. Evidence that has emerged from this research suggest that collaborative performance with generative media is transformative and meaningful. In this presentation we draw out these ideas around an emerging theory of meaningful engagement that has evolved from the development of network jamming software. Primarily we focus on demonstrating how these experiences might lead to understandings that may be of educational and social benefit.


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ForscherInnen aus Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften interessieren sich seit nunmehr einem Jahrzehnt für Blogs, Online-Tagebücher und Online-Journale. Auch wenn die Zuwachsrate der Blogosphäre seit der Blütezeit des Bloggens in den 2000ern stagniert, bleiben Blogs doch eines der bedeutendsten Genres der internetgestützten Kommunikation. Tatsächlich ist nach der Massenabwanderung zu Facebook, Twitter und anderen erst in jüngerer Zeit entstandenen Kommunikationsmitteln eine etwas kleinere, aber umso stärker etablierte Blogosphäre von engagierten und eingeschworenen Teilnehmenden übriggeblieben. Blogs werden mittlerweile als Teil einer institutionellen, persönlichen und Gruppen-Kommunikationstrategie akzeptiert. In Stil und Inhalt liegen sie zwischen den statischeren Informationen auf konventionellen Websites und den ständig aktualisierten Facebook- und Twitter-Newsfeeds. Blogs ermöglichen es ihren AutorInnen (und deren KommentatorInnen), bestimmte Themen im Umfang von einigen hundert bis zu einigen tausend Wörtern zu durchdenken, in kürzeren Posts ins Detail zu gehen und ggf. intensiver durchdachte Texte anderswo zu publizieren. Zudem sind sie auch ein sehr flexibles Medium: Bilder, Audio-, Video- sowie andere Materialien können mühelos eingefügt werden - und natürlich auch das grundlegende Instrument des Bloggens: Hyperlinks.


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In this chapter, we draw out the relevant themes from a range of critical scholarship from the small body of digital media and software studies work that has focused on the politics of Twitter data and the sociotechnical means by which access is regulated. We highlight in particular the contested relationships between social media research (in both academic and non-academic contexts) and the data wholesale, retail, and analytics industries that feed on them. In the second major section of the chapter we discuss in detail the pragmatic edge of these politics in terms of what kinds of scientific research is and is not possible in the current political economy of Twitter data access. Finally, at the end of the chapter we return to the much broader implications of these issues for the politics of knowledge, demonstrating how the apparently microscopic level of how the Twitter API mediates access to Twitter data actually inscribes and influences the macro level of the global political economy of science itself, through re-inscribing institutional and traditional disciplinary privilege We conclude with some speculations about future developments in data rights and data philanthropy that may at least mitigate some of these negative impacts.


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This thesis establishes appropriate internet technology as a matter of sustainability for the community arts field. It begins with a contextual review that historicises community art in relation to technological, cultural, and political change. It goes on to identify key challenges for the field resulting from the emerging socio-cultural significance of the internet and digital media technologies. A conceptual review of the literature positions these issues in relation to Internet Studies, integrating key concepts from Software Studies and the computational turn with approaches from the fields of ICT for Development (ICT4D), Critical Design, and Critical Making. Grounded in these intersecting literatures the thesis offers a new pragmatic ethics of appropriate internet technology: one involving an alternative philosophical platform from which suitable internet-based technologies can be designed and assembled by practitioners. I interrogate these ideas through an in-depth investigation of CuriousWorks, an Australian community arts organisation, focusing on their current internet practices. The thesis then reflects on some experimental interventions I designed as part of the study for the purpose of provoking shifts in the field of community arts. The research findings form the foundation of a series of recommendations offered to practitioners and policy makers that may guide their critical and creative uses of internet technologies in the future.