965 resultados para component recognition accuracy


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An application of image processing techniques to recognition of hand-drawn circuit diagrams is presented. The scanned image of a diagram is pre-processed to remove noise and converted to bilevel. Morphological operations are applied to obtain a clean, connected representation using thinned lines. The diagram comprises of nodes, connections and components. Nodes and components are segmented using appropriate thresholds on a spatially varying object pixel density. Connection paths are traced using a pixel-stack. Nodes are classified using syntactic analysis. Components are classified using a combination of invariant moments, scalar pixel-distribution features, and vector relationships between straight lines in polygonal representations. A node recognition accuracy of 82% and a component recognition accuracy of 86% was achieved on a database comprising 107 nodes and 449 components. This recogniser can be used for layout “beautification” or to generate input code for circuit analysis and simulation packages


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Impaired facial expression recognition has been associated with features of major depression, which could underlie some of the difficulties in social interactions in these patients. Patients with major depressive disorder and age- and gender-matched healthy volunteers judged the emotion of 100 facial stimuli displaying different intensities of sadness and happiness and neutral expressions presented for short (100 ms) and long (2,000 ms) durations. Compared with healthy volunteers, depressed patients demonstrated subtle impairments in discrimination accuracy and a predominant bias away from the identification as happy of mildly happy expressions. The authors suggest that, in depressed patients, the inability to accurately identify subtle changes in facial expression displayed by others in social situations may underlie the impaired interpersonal functioning.


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Whereas previous research has demonstrated that trait ratings of faces at encoding leads to enhanced recognition accuracy as compared to feature ratings, this set of experiments examines whether ratings given after encoding and just prior to recognition influence face recognition accuracy. In Experiment 1 subjects who made feature ratings just prior to recognition were significantly less accurate than subjects who made no ratings or trait ratings. In Experiment 2 ratings were manipulated at both encoding and retrieval. The retrieval effect was smaller and nonsignificant, but a combined probability analysis showed that it was significant when results from both experiments are considered jointly. In a third experiment exposure duration at retrieval, a potentially confounding factor in Experiments 1 and 2, had a nonsignificant effect on recognition accuracy, suggesting that it probably does not explain the results from Experiments 1 and 2. These experiments demonstrate that face recognition accuracy can be influenced by processing instructions at retrieval.


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This paper presents a new application of two dimensional Principal Component Analysis (2DPCA) to the problem of online character recognition in Tamil Script. A novel set of features employing polynomial fits and quartiles in combination with conventional features are derived for each sample point of the Tamil character obtained after smoothing and resampling. These are stacked to form a matrix, using which a covariance matrix is constructed. A subset of the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix is employed to get the features in the reduced sub space. Each character is modeled as a separate subspace and a modified form of the Mahalanobis distance is derived to classify a given test character. Results indicate that the recognition accuracy using the 2DPCA scheme shows an approximate 3% improvement over the conventional PCA technique.


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Characteristics of surveillance video generally include low resolution and poor quality due to environmental, storage and processing limitations. It is extremely difficult for computers and human operators to identify individuals from these videos. To overcome this problem, super-resolution can be used in conjunction with an automated face recognition system to enhance the spatial resolution of video frames containing the subject and narrow down the number of manual verifications performed by the human operator by presenting a list of most likely candidates from the database. As the super-resolution reconstruction process is ill-posed, visual artifacts are often generated as a result. These artifacts can be visually distracting to humans and/or affect machine recognition algorithms. While it is intuitive that higher resolution should lead to improved recognition accuracy, the effects of super-resolution and such artifacts on face recognition performance have not been systematically studied. This paper aims to address this gap while illustrating that super-resolution allows more accurate identification of individuals from low-resolution surveillance footage. The proposed optical flow-based super-resolution method is benchmarked against Baker et al.’s hallucination and Schultz et al.’s super-resolution techniques on images from the Terrascope and XM2VTS databases. Ground truth and interpolated images were also tested to provide a baseline for comparison. Results show that a suitable super-resolution system can improve the discriminability of surveillance video and enhance face recognition accuracy. The experiments also show that Schultz et al.’s method fails when dealing surveillance footage due to its assumption of rigid objects in the scene. The hallucination and optical flow-based methods performed comparably, with the optical flow-based method producing less visually distracting artifacts that interfered with human recognition.


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Action recognition plays an important role in various applications, including smart homes and personal assistive robotics. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for recognizing human actions using motion capture action data. Motion capture data provides accurate three dimensional positions of joints which constitute the human skeleton. We model the movement of the skeletal joints temporally in order to classify the action. The skeleton in each frame of an action sequence is represented as a 129 dimensional vector, of which each component is a 31) angle made by each joint with a fixed point on the skeleton. Finally, the video is represented as a histogram over a codebook obtained from all action sequences. Along with this, the temporal variance of the skeletal joints is used as additional feature. The actions are classified using Meta-Cognitive Radial Basis Function Network (McRBFN) and its Projection Based Learning (PBL) algorithm. We achieve over 97% recognition accuracy on the widely used Berkeley Multimodal Human Action Database (MHAD).


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Video-based facial expression recognition is a challenging problem in computer vision and human-computer interaction. To target this problem, texture features have been extracted and widely used, because they can capture image intensity changes raised by skin deformation. However, existing texture features encounter problems with albedo and lighting variations. To solve both problems, we propose a new texture feature called image ratio features. Compared with previously proposed texture features, e. g., high gradient component features, image ratio features are more robust to albedo and lighting variations. In addition, to further improve facial expression recognition accuracy based on image ratio features, we combine image ratio features with facial animation parameters (FAPs), which describe the geometric motions of facial feature points. The performance evaluation is based on the Carnegie Mellon University Cohn-Kanade database, our own database, and the Japanese Female Facial Expression database. Experimental results show that the proposed image ratio feature is more robust to albedo and lighting variations, and the combination of image ratio features and FAPs outperforms each feature alone. In addition, we study asymmetric facial expressions based on our own facial expression database and demonstrate the superior performance of our combined expression recognition system.


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The two-dimensional Principal Component Analysis (2DPCA) is a robust method in face recognition. Much recent research shows that the 2DPCA is more reliable than the well-known PCA method in recognising human face. However, in many cases, this method tends to be overfitted to sample data. In this paper, we proposed a novel method named random subspace two-dimensional PCA (RS-2DPCA), which combines the 2DPCA method with the random subspace (RS) technique. The RS-2DPCA inherits the advantages of both the 2DPCA and RS technique, thus it can avoid the overfitting problem and achieve high recognition accuracy. Experimental results in three benchmark face data sets -the ORL database, the Yale face database and the extended Yale face database B - confirm our hypothesis that the RS-2DPCA is superior to the 2DPCA itself.


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This dissertation establishes a novel system for human face learning and recognition based on incremental multilinear Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Most of the existing face recognition systems need training data during the learning process. The system as proposed in this dissertation utilizes an unsupervised or weakly supervised learning approach, in which the learning phase requires a minimal amount of training data. It also overcomes the inability of traditional systems to adapt to the testing phase as the decision process for the newly acquired images continues to rely on that same old training data set. Consequently when a new training set is to be used, the traditional approach will require that the entire eigensystem will have to be generated again. However, as a means to speed up this computational process, the proposed method uses the eigensystem generated from the old training set together with the new images to generate more effectively the new eigensystem in a so-called incremental learning process. In the empirical evaluation phase, there are two key factors that are essential in evaluating the performance of the proposed method: (1) recognition accuracy and (2) computational complexity. In order to establish the most suitable algorithm for this research, a comparative analysis of the best performing methods has been carried out first. The results of the comparative analysis advocated for the initial utilization of the multilinear PCA in our research. As for the consideration of the issue of computational complexity for the subspace update procedure, a novel incremental algorithm, which combines the traditional sequential Karhunen-Loeve (SKL) algorithm with the newly developed incremental modified fast PCA algorithm, was established. In order to utilize the multilinear PCA in the incremental process, a new unfolding method was developed to affix the newly added data at the end of the previous data. The results of the incremental process based on these two methods were obtained to bear out these new theoretical improvements. Some object tracking results using video images are also provided as another challenging task to prove the soundness of this incremental multilinear learning method.


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Speech recognition in car environments has been identified as a valuable means for reducing driver distraction when operating non-critical in-car systems. Likelihood-maximising (LIMA) frameworks optimise speech enhancement algorithms based on recognised state sequences rather than traditional signal-level criteria such as maximising signal-to-noise ratio. Previously presented LIMA frameworks require calibration utterances to generate optimised enhancement parameters which are used for all subsequent utterances. Sub-optimal recognition performance occurs in noise conditions which are significantly different from that present during the calibration session - a serious problem in rapidly changing noise environments. We propose a dialog-based design which allows regular optimisation iterations in order to track the changing noise conditions. Experiments using Mel-filterbank spectral subtraction are performed to determine the optimisation requirements for vehicular environments and show that minimal optimisation assists real-time operation with improved speech recognition accuracy. It is also shown that the proposed design is able to provide improved recognition performance over frameworks incorporating a calibration session.


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This work proposes to improve spoken term detection (STD) accuracy by optimising the Figure of Merit (FOM). In this article, the index takes the form of phonetic posterior-feature matrix. Accuracy is improved by formulating STD as a discriminative training problem and directly optimising the FOM, through its use as an objective function to train a transformation of the index. The outcome of indexing is then a matrix of enhanced posterior-features that are directly tailored for the STD task. The technique is shown to improve the FOM by up to 13% on held-out data. Additional analysis explores the effect of the technique on phone recognition accuracy, examines the actual values of the learned transform, and demonstrates that using an extended training data set results in further improvement in the FOM.


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Audio-visualspeechrecognition, or the combination of visual lip-reading with traditional acoustic speechrecognition, has been previously shown to provide a considerable improvement over acoustic-only approaches in noisy environments, such as that present in an automotive cabin. The research presented in this paper will extend upon the established audio-visualspeechrecognition literature to show that further improvements in speechrecognition accuracy can be obtained when multiple frontal or near-frontal views of a speaker's face are available. A series of visualspeechrecognition experiments using a four-stream visual synchronous hidden Markov model (SHMM) are conducted on the four-camera AVICAR automotiveaudio-visualspeech database. We study the relative contribution between the side and central orientated cameras in improving visualspeechrecognition accuracy. Finally combination of the four visual streams with a single audio stream in a five-stream SHMM demonstrates a relative improvement of over 56% in word recognition accuracy when compared to the acoustic-only approach in the noisiest conditions of the AVICAR database.


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Speech recognition in car environments has been identified as a valuable means for reducing driver distraction when operating noncritical in-car systems. Under such conditions, however, speech recognition accuracy degrades significantly, and techniques such as speech enhancement are required to improve these accuracies. Likelihood-maximizing (LIMA) frameworks optimize speech enhancement algorithms based on recognized state sequences rather than traditional signal-level criteria such as maximizing signal-to-noise ratio. LIMA frameworks typically require calibration utterances to generate optimized enhancement parameters that are used for all subsequent utterances. Under such a scheme, suboptimal recognition performance occurs in noise conditions that are significantly different from that present during the calibration session – a serious problem in rapidly changing noise environments out on the open road. In this chapter, we propose a dialog-based design that allows regular optimization iterations in order to track the ever-changing noise conditions. Experiments using Mel-filterbank noise subtraction (MFNS) are performed to determine the optimization requirements for vehicular environments and show that minimal optimization is required to improve speech recognition, avoid over-optimization, and ultimately assist with semireal-time operation. It is also shown that the proposed design is able to provide improved recognition performance over frameworks incorporating a calibration session only.


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This thesis investigates the use of fusion techniques and mathematical modelling to increase the robustness of iris recognition systems against iris image quality degradation, pupil size changes and partial occlusion. The proposed techniques improve recognition accuracy and enhance security. They can be further developed for better iris recognition in less constrained environments that do not require user cooperation. A framework to analyse the consistency of different regions of the iris is also developed. This can be applied to improve recognition systems using partial iris images, and cancelable biometric signatures or biometric based cryptography for privacy protection.


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We are addressing the problem of jointly using multiple noisy speech patterns for automatic speech recognition (ASR), given that they come from the same class. If the user utters a word K times, the ASR system should try to use the information content in all the K patterns of the word simultaneously and improve its speech recognition accuracy compared to that of the single pattern based speech recognition. T address this problem, recently we proposed a Multi Pattern Dynamic Time Warping (MPDTW) algorithm to align the K patterns by finding the least distortion path between them. A Constrained Multi Pattern Viterbi algorithm was used on this aligned path for isolated word recognition (IWR). In this paper, we explore the possibility of using only the MPDTW algorithm for IWR. We also study the properties of the MPDTW algorithm. We show that using only 2 noisy test patterns (10 percent burst noise at -5 dB SNR) reduces the noisy speech recognition error rate by 37.66 percent when compared to the single pattern recognition using the Dynamic Time Warping algorithm.