985 resultados para complex polymer


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Novel composite resins possessing good luminescent properties have been synthesized through a free radical copolymerization of styrene, alpha-methylacrylic acid and the binary or ternary complexes of lanthanide ions (Eu3+ and Tb3+). These polymer-based composite resins not only possess good transparency and mechanical performance but also exhibit an intense narrow band emission of lanthanide complexes under UV excitation. We characterized the molecular structure, physical and mechanical performance, and luminescent properties of the composite resins. Spectra investigations indicate that alpha-methyl-acrylic acid act as both solubilizer and ligand. Photoluminescence measurements indicate that the lanthanide complexes show superior emission lines and higher intensities in the resin matrix than in the corresponding pure complex powders, which can be attributed to the restriction of molecular motion of complexes by the polymer chain networks and the exclusion of water molecules from the complex. We also found that the luminescence intensity decreased with increasing content of alpha-methylacrylic acid in the copolymer system. The lifetime of the lanthanide complexes also lengthened when they were incorporated in the polymer matrix. In addition, we found that the relationships between emission intensity and Tb (Eu) content exhibit some extent of concentration quenching.


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A series of cerium dioxide (CeO2,)/polyimide (PI) nanocomposites were successfully prepared from Ce(Phen)(3) and polyamic acid (PAA) via the solution direct-dispersing method, followed by a step thermal imidization process. TGA and XPS studies showed that the cerium complex decomposed to form CeO2, during the thermal imidization process at 300 degrees C. SEM observation showed that the formed CeO2, as nalloparticles was well dispersed in polyimide matrix with a size of about 50-100 nm for samples with different contents of CeO2. Thermal analysis indicated that the introduction of CeO2, decreased the thermal stability of nanocomposite films due to the decomposition of Ce(Phen)(3) in the imidization process, while the glass transition temperature (T-g) increased obviously. especially nanocomposite films with high loading of CeO2 exhibited a trend of disappearance off, DMTA and static tensile measurements showed that the storage modulus of nanocomposite films increased, while the elongation at break decreased with increasing CeO2 content.


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Copolymerization of carbon dioxide and propylene oxide was carried out employing (RC6H4COO)(3)Y/glycerin/ZnEt2 (R = -H, -CH3, NO2, -OH) ternary catalyst systems. The feature of yttrium carboxylates (ligand, substituent and its position on the aromatic ring) is of great importance in the final copolymerization. Appropriate design of substituent and position of the ligand in benzoate-based yttrium complex can adjust the microstructure of aliphatic polycarbonate in a moderate degree, where the head-to-tail linkage in the copolymer is adjustable from 68.4 to 75.4%. The steric factor of the ligand in the yttrium complex is crucial for the molecular weight distribution of the copolymer, probably due to the fact that the substituent at 2 and 4-position would disturb the coordination or insertion of the monomer, lead the copolymer with broad molecular distribution. Based on the study of ultraviolet-visible spectra of the ternary catalyst in various solvents, it seems that the absorption band at 240-255 nm be closely related to the active species of the rare earth ternary catalysts.


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In the structure of title compound [Rb2(C7H4NO2)2(H2O)2]n the centrosymmetric cyclic dimeric repeating unit comprises two irregular RbO4 complex centres bridged by the carboxylate groups of the 5-nitrosalicylate ligands. The coordination about each Rb is completed by a monodentate water molecule and a phenolic O donor which gives a bridging extension [Rb-O range 3.116(7)-3.135(5)A]. The two-dimensional polymeric structure is stabilized by intermolecular water O-H...O(carboxyl) hydrogen bonds and weak inter-ring pi--pi interactions [minimum ring centroid separation, 3.620(4)A].


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In the structure of the title compound, [Mg(H2O)2(C8H6FO3)2]n(0.4H2O)n, slightly distorted octahedral MgO6 complex units have crystallographic inversion symmetry, the coordination polyhedron comprising two trans-related water molecules and four carboxyl O-atom donors, two of which are bridging. Within the two-dimensional complex polymer which is parallel to (100), the coordinating water molecules form intermolecular O---H...O hydrogen-bonds with carboxylate and phenoxy O-atom acceptors, as well as with the partial-occupancy solvent water molecules.


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Uusien polymeeripohjaisten teknologioiden ja materiaalien myötä räätälöityjen polymeerien tarve on kasvanut. Viime vuosituhannen lopussa kehitetyt kontrolloidut polymerointimenetelmät ovat avanneet uusia mahdollisuuksia paitsi monimutkaisten polymeerien synteesiin, myös itsejärjestyvyyteen perustuvien funktionaalisten nanorakenteiden suunnitteluun ja valmistukseen. Nämä voivat jäljitellä luonnossa esiintyviä rakenteita, joita muodostavat esimerkiksi lipidit ja proteiinit. Itsejärjestyvät molekyylit ovat usein amfifiilisiä eli ne koostuvat hydrofiilisistä ja hydrofobisista osista ja polymeereissä nämä osat voivat olla omina lohkoinaan, jolloin puhutaan amfifiilisistä lohko- tai blokkikopolymeereistä. Riippuen järjestyneiden rakenteiden koostumuksesta ja muodosta, amfifiilisiä blokkikopolymeerejä on tutkittu tai jo käytetty nanoteknologiassa, elastomeereissä, voiteluaineissa, pinta-aktiivisina aineina, lääkkeenannostelussa, maaleissa, sekä elektroniikka-, kosmetiikka- ja elintarviketeollisuudessa. Tavallisimmin käytetyt amfifiiliset blokkikopolymeerit ovat olleet lineaarisia, mutta viime aikoina tutkimus on suuntautunut kohti monimutkaisempia rakenteita. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi tähtipolymeerit. Tähtimäisissä polymeereissä miselleille tyypillinen ydin-kuori-rakenne säilyy hyvin alhaisissakin polymeerikonsentraatioissa, koska polymeeriketjut ovat kiinni toisissaan yhdessä pisteessä. Siten ne ovat erityisen kiinnostavia tutkimuskohteita erilaisten hydrofobisten orgaanisten yhdisteiden sitomiseksi ja vapauttamiseksi. Tässä työssä on tarkasteltu amfifiilisten tähtipolymeerien itsejärjestymistä vesiliuoksissa sekä kokeellisesti ja tietokonesimulaatioin. Työ koostuu kahdesta osasta: tähtipolymeerien synteesistä makrosyklisillä initiaattoreilla ja amfifiilisten tähtimäisten blokkikopolymeerien ominaisuuksien tutkimisesta.


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Neuromelanin is a complex polymer pigment found primarily in the dopaminergic neurons of the human substantia nigra, whose composition is complex including production of dopamine auto-oxidation, glutathione and a variety of amino acid. Neuromelanin forms stable complex with iron (111). We observed that 5,6-dihydroxyindole and its ramification possessed strong ability of chelating iron (111), and they are the production of dopamine auto-oxidation under physiological pH condition. In the present Of L-Cysteine, the relative yields of electrochemical oxidation of dopamine also had strong ability of chelating iron (111). The experimental results suggest that 5,6-dihydroxyindole and 5-S-cysteineldopamine play important roles in the process of synthetic neuromelanin chelating iron (111).


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This paper reports the preparation and characterization of poly-{trans-[RuCl(2)(vpy)(4)]-styrene-divinylbenzene} and styrene-divinylbenzene-vinylpiridine filled with nanosilver. Theses materials were synthesized by non aqueous polymerization through a chemical reaction using benzoyl peroxide as the initiator. The nanosilver was obtained from chemical reduction using NaBH(4) as reducing agent and sodium citrate as stabilizer. The nanometric dimension of nanosilver was monitored by UV-visible and confirmed through TEM. The morphology was characterized by SEM and the thermal properties were done by TGA and DSC. The antimicrobial action of the polymers impregnated with nanosilver was evaluated using both microorganisms, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. The antimicrobial activity of the poly-{trans-[RuCl(2)(vpy)(4)]-styrene-divinylbenzene} filled with nanosilver was confirmed by the presence of an inhibition halo of the bacterial growth in seeded culture media, but was not confirmed to the styrene-divinylbenzene-vinylpiridine. The present work suggest that trans - [RuCl(2)(vpy)(4)] complex facilitate the release of silver ion from the media.


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BACKGROUND: In transmission and scanning electron microscopy imaging, the ability to obtain sufficient contrast between the components of a blend when they are both of a similar chemical structure still remains problematic. This paper investigates the domain morphology of a polymer blend containing two polyamides, nylon 6 and the semi-aromatic polyamide poly(m-xylene adipamide) (MXD6), using scanning electron microscopy in backscattered electron imaging mode. The efficiency of three staining agents, ruthenium tetroxide, phosphotungstic acid and silver sulfide, in obtaining optimum phase contrast between the two polymers is discussed.
RESULTS: The use of silver sulfide as a staining agent was found to be a fast and reliable approach which required basic sample preparation and provided excellent compositional contrast between the phases present in the nylon 6/MXD6 blends compared to the other staining agents.
CONCLUSIONS: The technique described in this paper is believed to be a novel and versatile method that has the potential to further improve the ability to study complex polymer blends where one polymer contains an aromatic ring.


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The synthesis, characterization and application of aqueous dispersions of superparamagnetic/polymer hybrid nanoparticles and capsules is described. Implementation of the superparamagnetic moiety into the polymer matrix enables a response of the nanomaterials towards an external magnetic field. Application of the external field is used for two main purposes: i) As heat generator, when an alternating magnetic field is applied. ii) As structuring agent to self-assemble superparamagnetic nanoparticles in the external field.rnIn the first part, superparamagnetic nanoparticles were used as heat generators in order to achieve a magnetic field induced release of an active compound from nanocontainers. To achieve such a release in remote-controlled fashion, the encapsulation of superparamagnetic nanoparticles into polymer nanocapsules was combined with the integration of a thermolabile compound into the shell of the nanocontainers. The magnetic nanoparticles acted as generators for heat, which decomposed the thermolabile compound. Pores were created in the degrading shell and an active substance was released.rn Additionally, the self-assembly of polymer nanoparticles, which were labeled with a superparamagnetic moiety as structuring agent, could be demonstrated. A combination of a magnetic field induced self-assembly and a sintering of neighboring particles upon an increase in temperature above the glass transition temperature of the polymer was used to form stable architectures. Various structures with tunable periodicity could be obtained ranging from smooth linear nanofibers to zigzag fibers. Besides solely creating linear architectures, the frugal process additionally allowed the creation of arrangements in analogy to more complex polymer architectures: By the introduction of defined junction points, the generation of branched structures and networks was demonstrated. Additionally, by tailoring the interaction of differently sized particles, the preparation of nanoparticle arrangements in statistical or block copolymer fashion was shown. Moreover, a reversible linear assembly and linkage of the nanoparticles was demonstrated following a lock/unlock mechanism. Therefore, the particles were locked in their linear assembly by a stable iron(III) hydroxamato-complex and unlocked by addition of a reducing agent and formation of a less stable iron(II)-complex.Further, in various projects with collaboration partners, nanoparticles and nanocapsules were labeled with a superparamagnetic moiety for their use as contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging or as magnetically separable dispersions.


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Living radical polymerization has allowed complex polymer architectures to be synthesized in bulk, solution, and water. The most versatile of these techniques is reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT), which allows a wide range of functional and nonfunctional polymers to be made with predictable molecular weight distributions (MWDs), ranging from very narrow to quite broad. The great complexity of the RAFT mechanism and how the kinetic parameters affect the rate of polymerization and MWD are not obvious. Therefore, the aim of this article is to provide useful insights into the important kinetic parameters that control the rate of polymerization and the evolution of the MWD with conversion. We discuss how a change in the chain-transfer constant can affect the evolution of the MWD. It is shown how we can, in principle, use only one RAFT agent to obtain a poly-mer with any MWD. Retardation and inhibition are discussed in terms of (1) the leaving R group reactivity and (2) the intermediate radical termination model versus the slow fragmentation model. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Polymer nanocomposites offer the potential to create a new type of hybrid material with unique thermal, optical, or electrical properties. Understanding their structure, phase behavior, and dynamics is crucial for realizing such potentials. In this work we provide an experimental insight into the dynamics of such composites in terms of the temperature, wave vector, and volume fraction of nanoparticles, using multispeckle synchrotron x-ray photon correlation spectroscopy measurements on gold nanoparticles embedded in polymethylmethacrylate. Detailed analysis of the intermediate scattering functions reveals possible existence of an intrinsic length scale for dynamic heterogeneity in polymer nanocomposites similar to that seen in other soft materials like colloidal gels and glasses.


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Wilkinson complex, insolubilized by anchoring to polymeric Amberlite beads, had been used for the liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of styrene to benzaldehyde and formaldehyde in toluene medium. Styrene conversion was followed by measuring the oxygen volume in contact with the reaction mixture in a specially designed closed batch apparatus. Styrene conversion depended upon catalyst loading and distribution inside the porous beads, while temperature had little effect on it. The internal diffusional effects on the conversion process have been taken into consideration by a mathematical model which allowed calculation of effectiveness factors for various catalyst loadings and corresponding catalyst distributions. The influence of external diffusion was separately determined by plotting initial rate versus catalyst loading. The proposed method can be readily extended to immobilized enzymes in porous matrices.


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Wilkinson complex, insolubilized by anchoring to polymeric Amberlite beads, had been used for the liquid-phase catalytic oxidation of styrene to benzaldehyde and formaldehyde in toluene medium. Styrene conversion was followed by measuring the oxygen volume in contact with the reaction mixture in a specially designed closed batch apparatus. Styrene conversion depended upon catalyst loading and distribution inside the porous beads, while temperature had little effect on it. The internal diffusional effects on the conversion process have been taken into onsideration by a mathematical model which allowed calculation of effectiveness factors for various catalyst loadings and corresponding catalyst distributions. The influence of external diffusion was separately determined by plotting initial rate versus catalyst loading. The proposed method can be readily extended to immobilized enzymes in porous matrices.