1000 resultados para comparative penology
This review essay combines the comments made by David Brown, Russell Hogg and Mark Finanne at the Crime, Justice and Social Democracy: 2nd International Conference July 2013. It is followed by a rejoinder by the two authors John Pratt and Anna Eriksson.
This chapter will begin with a brief summary of some recent research in the field of comparative penology. This work will be examined to explore the benefits, difficulties and limits of attempting to link criminal justice issues to types of advanced democratic polities, with particular emphasis on political economies. This stream of comparative penology examines data such as imprisonment rates and levels of punitiveness in different countries, before drawing conclusions based on the patterns which seem to emerge. Foremost among these is that the high imprisoning countries tend to be the advanced western liberal democracies which have gone furthest in adopting neoliberal economic and social policies, as against the lower imprisonment rates of social democracies, which variably have attempted to temper free-market economic policies in various ways. Such work brings both social democracy and neoliberalism into focus as issues for, or subjects of, criminology. Not in the sense of new ‘brands’ of criminology but rather as an examination of the connections between the political projects of social democracy and neoliberalism, and issues of crime and criminal justice. In the new comparative penology, social democracy and neoliberalism are cast in opposition, simultaneously raising the questions of to what extent and how adequately both social democracy and neoliberalism have been constituted as subjects in criminology and whether dichotomy is the only available trope of analysis?
This chapter begins with a discussion of the economic, political, and social context of the recent global financial crisis, which casts into relief current boundaries of criminology, permeated and made fluid in criminology's recent cultural turn. This cultural turn has reinvigorated criminology, providing new objects of analysis and rich and thick descriptions of the relationship between criminal justice and the conditions of life in ‘late modernity’. Yet in comparison with certain older traditions that sought to articulate criminal justice issues with a wider politics of contestation around political economies and social welfare policies of different polities, many of the current leading culturalist accounts tend in their globalized convergences to produce a strangely decontextualized picture in which we are all subject to the zeitgeist of a unitary ‘late modernity’ which does not differ between, for example, social democratic and neo-liberal polities, let alone allow for the widespread persistence of the pre-modern. It is argued that that contrary to this globalizing trend there are signs within criminology that life is being breathed back into social democratic and penal welfare concerns, habitus, and practices. The chapter discusses three of these signs: the emergence of neo-liberalism as a subject of criminology; a developing comparative penology which recognizes differences in the political economies of capitalist states and evinces a renewed interest in inequality; and a nascent revolt against the ‘generative grammar’, ‘pathological disciplinarities’, and ‘imaginary penalities’ of neoliberal managerialism.
Drastic increases in the use of imprisonment; the introduction of ‘three strikes’ laws and mandatory sentences; restrictions on parole - all of these developments appear to signify a new, harsher era or ‘punitive turn’. Yet these features of criminal justice are not universally present in all Western countries. Drawing on empirical data, Hamilton examines the prevalence of harsher penal policies in Ireland, Scotland and New Zealand, thereby demonstrating the utility of viewing criminal justice from the perspective of smaller jurisdictions.
This highly innovative book is thoroughly critical of the way in which punitiveness is currently measured by leading criminologists. It is essential reading for students and scholars of criminology, penology, criminal justice and socio-legal studies, as well as criminal lawyers and practitioners.
Contexte et objectifs. La carrière criminelle est un sujet d’intérêt criminologique depuis plus de 80 ans. Les travaux sur cette question ont permis de mieux comprendre l’évolution des personnes contrevenantes et leurs crimes au fil du temps. Bien que beaucoup d’efforts aient été déployés pour étudier les hommes, les recherches portant sur les trajectoires criminelles des femmes demeurent relativement rares, ceci étant notamment attribuable à la petite taille des échantillons. L’objectif de ce mémoire est de réaliser une étude comparative de la carrière criminelle d’hommes et de femmes de 18 à 47 ans relevant de la juridiction de la province de Québec. Méthodologie. L’échantillon est composé de 3320 délinquants sous responsabilité provinciale, soit 216 femmes (6,5 %) et 3104 hommes (93,5 %). Des statistiques descriptives seront réalisées afin de dresser un portrait de la clientèle et une approche par variable latente catégorielle sera utilisée pour modéliser les parcours criminels. Plus précisément, cette analyse permet d’estimer des sous-groupes de délinquants au sein de la population qui suivent des courbes de croissance distinctes. La proportion d’individus appartenant à chacun de ces sous-groupes peut donc être estimée. Résultats. Les analyses indiquent que les femmes ont une fréquence de délits commis plus faible que les hommes, et ce, particulièrement au début de leur carrière criminelle. En effet, la différence quant à la fréquence tend à s’atténuer avec le temps, pour disparaître vers 40 ans. Également, il apparaît que les hommes et les femmes suivent un nombre de trajectoires criminelles similaires; cependant, la prévalence chez ces dernières apparaît relativement différente. En effet, il ressort que les femmes commencent plus tardivement leur carrière criminelle que les hommes, avec une proportion plus importante pour les crimes contre les biens. Finalement, les antécédents juvéniles influent sur la chronicité et la persistance, quel que soit le genre ou le type de crime. Conclusion. Les résultats démontrent que la différence selon le sexe est un sujet d’intérêt criminologique primordial puisque les femmes présentent des risques différents quant à la fréquence et au type de crime. Qui plus est, ces dernières semblent commencer leur carrière criminelle plus tardivement que les hommes.
The electrochemistry of homoleptic substituted phthalocyaninato rare earth double-decker complexes M(TBPc)2 and M(OOPc)2 [M = Y, La...Lu except Pm; H2TBPc = 3(4),12(13),21(22),30(31)-tetra-tert-butylphthalocyanine, H2OOPc = 3,4,12,13,21,22,30,31-octakis(octyloxy)phthalocyanine] has been comparatively studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) in CH2Cl2 containing 0.1 M tetra-n-butylammonium perchlorate (TBAP). Two quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and three or four quasi-reversible one-electron reductions have been revealed for these neutral double-deckers of two series of substituted complexes, respectively. For comparison, unsubstituted bis(phthalocyaninato) rare earth analogues M(Pc)2 (M = Y, La...Lu except Pm; H2Pc = phthalocyanine) have also been electrochemically investigated. Two quasi-reversible one-electron oxidations and up to five quasi-reversible one-electron reductions have been revealed for these neutral double-decker compounds. The three bis(phthalocyaninato)cerium compounds display one cerium-centered redox wave between the first ligand-based oxidation and reduction. The half-wave potentials of the first and second oxidations and first reduction for double-deckers of the tervalent rare earths depend on the size of the metal center. The difference between the redox potentials of the second and third reductions for MIII(Pc)2, which represents the potential difference between the first oxidation and first reduction of [MIII(Pc)2]−, lies in the range 1.08−1.37 V and also gradually diminishes along with the lanthanide contraction, indicating enhanced π−π interactions in the double-deckers connected by the smaller, lanthanides. This corresponds well with the red-shift of the lowest energy band observed in the electronic absorption spectra of reduced double-decker [MIII(Pc′)2]− (Pc′ = Pc, TBPc, OOPc).