969 resultados para communicative abilities
This article highlights the importance of the information obtained from the family in the implementation of the augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) system. The objective was to investigate the communicative abilities of children with severe communication deficit through their parents' reports within the family routine. Eleven parents of children affiliated with a rehabilitation program in a public university in Brazil participated in this research. Per their parents' reports, the children demonstrated a variety of communication skills related to comprehension, expressive skills, and vocabulary. Parents further reported their children's daily communication routines including social partners, communication environment, and the materials the children enjoyed the most. These results emphasize the importance of family involvement in planning AAC so that it is functional within the family context.
This study had the aim to investigate the auditory and communicative abilities of children diagnosed with Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder due to mutation in the Otoferlin gene. It is a descriptive and qualitative study in which two siblings with this diagnosis were assessed. The procedures conducted were: speech perception tests for children with profound hearing loss, and assessment of communication abilities using the Behavioral Observation Protocol. Because they were siblings, the subjects in the study shared family and communicative context. However, they developed different communication abilities, especially regarding the use of oral language. The study showed that the Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder is a heterogeneous condition in all its aspects, and it is not possible to make generalizations or assume that cases with similar clinical features will develop similar auditory and communicative abilities, even when they are siblings. It is concluded that the acquisition of communicative abilities involves subjective factors, which should be investigated based on the uniqueness of each case.
The Neonatal Screening for Inborn Errors of Metabolism of the Association of Parents and Friends of Special Needs Individuals (APAE) - Bauru, Brazil, was implanted and accredited by the Brazilian Ministry of Health in 1998. It covers about 286 cities of the Bauru region and 420 collection spots. Their activities include screening, diagnosis, treatment and assistance to congenital hypothyroidism (CH) and phenylketonuria (PKU), among others. In 2005, a partnership was established with the Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of São Paulo, Bauru, seeking to characterize and to follow, by means of research studies, the development of the communicative abilities of children with CH and PKU. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe communicative and psycholinguistic abilities in children with CH and PKU. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-eight children (25 children aged 1 to 120 months with PKU and 43 children aged 1 to 60 months with CH) participated in the study. The handbooks were analyzed and different instruments were applied (Observation of Communication Behavior, Early Language Milestone Scale, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Gesell & Amatruda's Behavioral Development Scale, Portage Operation Inventory, Language Development Evaluation Scale, Denver Developmental Screening Test, ABFW Child Language Test-phonology and Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities), according to the children's age group and developmental level. RESULTS: It was observed that the children with PKU and CH at risk for alterations in their developmental abilities (motor, cognitive, linguistic, adaptive and personal-social), mainly in the first years of life. Alterations in the psycholinguistic abilities were also found, mainly after the preschool age. Attention deficits, language and cognitive alterations were more often observed in children with CH, while attention deficits with hyperactivity and alterations in the personal-social, language and motor adaptive abilities were more frequent in children with PKU. CONCLUSION: CH and PKU can cause communicative and psycholinguistic alterations that compromise the communication and affect the social integration and learning of these individuals, proving the need of having these abilities assisted by a speech and language pathologist.
Summary. The present study reports the effects of referential communication training in individuals formally diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Participants were 20 children with ASD (M age = 14.3 yr., SD = 4.2; 6 girls, 14 boys) in the role of speakers and 20 control children, who acted as listeners. They were all enrolled in mainstream compulsory education. Inclusion/exclusion criteria were defined according to the clinical diagnosis of ASD, the presence or absence of additional or associated disability, previous training in referential communication, and any drug treatment. Speakers were randomly assigned to one of two groups (trained vs untrained). Linguistic age, cognitive level, and autistic symptoms were analyzed, respectively, with the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT), the Wechsler Intelligence Scale (WISCR or WAISIII), and the Autistic Behavior Checklist (ABC). Communicative abilities were analyzed through two indexes related to message complexity and self-regulation. The trained group was trained in referential communication tasks (task analysis, role taking, and task evaluation), while the untrained group took part in a communicative game but without any specific communicative training. The results showed that the complexity of emitted messages had improved statistically significantly in the trained group as an effect of training. Ecological referential communication is shown to be an appropriate paradigm for studying the communicative process and its products and could be used to develop and implement a training program focused on those skills in which individuals with ASD are most deficient.
Abilities and Cultural Understanding through Literature in the EFL Classroom : - A Literature Review
The English language can be seen as a lingua franca of contemporary times. Its spread and use in the globalized world has affected most levels of society and it can be argued that, in current times, English is synonymous with communication. This need for communication has shaped the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) syllabus, which is evident in the Swedish national steering documents for the educational system. For the upper secondary school these documents show an emphasis on communication, on cultural understanding, and also on the use of literature within the EFL classroom. The need to possess communicative abilities and cultural understanding, in connection with the use of literature, has sparked an interest to investigate if and how literature itself can be used as a tool to develop and improve EFL students’ communicative skills and cultural understanding. This literature review thesis analyzes five international research articles from different geographical parts of the Globe. The findings are categorized, compared, synthesized, and finally discussed in order to answer the research questions asked, and also compared with the English subject syllabus for the Swedish upper secondary school. The findings indicate that the analyzed articles share a consensus, to a varied degree, regarding the positive aspects of literature use in the EFL setting. The arguments are that communicative skills and cultural understanding are intertwined - enabling each other to exist, develop, and improve. One cannot exist fully without the other, and literature is a good tool to use to develop and improve these abilities. Literature can help develop all skills needed to acquire and produce both written and spoken English, and it also enables cultural understanding and a broadening of the mind. Where the articles differ somewhat is in the ideas of why literature is a good tool, how to implement literature in the classrooms, and what some of the negative aspects might be. The thesis also brings the lack of Swedish studies within EFL to the readers’ attention, as well as the need to do more research focusing on the students’ perspectives towards literature use in the EFL setting.
A síndrome do X Frágil é a causa mais frequente de deficiência intelectual hereditária. A variante de Dandy-Walker trata-se de uma constelação específica de achados neurorradiológicos. Este estudo relata achados da comunicação oral e escrita de um menino de 15 anos com diagnóstico clínico e molecular da síndrome do X-Frágil e achados de neuroimagem do encéfalo compatíveis com variante de Dandy-Walker. A avaliação fonoaudiológica foi realizada por meio da Observação do Comportamento Comunicativo, aplicação do ABFW - Teste de Linguagem Infantil - Fonologia, Perfil de Habilidades Fonológicas, Teste de Desempenho Escolar, Teste Illinois de Habilidades Psicolinguísticas, avaliação do sistema estomatognático e avaliação audiológica. Observou-se: alteração de linguagem oral quanto às habilidades fonológicas, semânticas, pragmáticas e morfossintáticas; déficits nas habilidades psicolinguísticas (recepção auditiva, expressão verbal, combinação de sons, memória sequencial auditiva e visual, closura auditiva, associação auditiva e visual); e alterações morfológicas e funcionais do sistema estomatognático. Na leitura verificou-se dificuldades na decodificação dos símbolos gráficos e na escrita havia omissões, aglutinações e representações múltiplas com o uso predominante de vogais e dificuldades na organização viso-espacial. Em matemática, apesar do reconhecimento numérico, não realizou operações aritméticas. Não foram observadas alterações na avaliação audiológica periférica. A constelação de sintomas comportamentais, cognitivos, linguísticos e perceptivos, previstos na síndrome do X-Frágil, somada às alterações estruturais do sistema nervoso central, pertencentes à variante de Dandy-Walker, trouxeram interferências marcantes no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas, no aprendizado da leitura e escrita e na integração social do indivíduo.
In Brazil there are no specific tests for either signed or spoken language for deaf children. A protocol evaluating communicative abilities independent of modality of communication (sign language or spoken language), and comprising assessments of (a) pragmatic profile; (b) modality of communication and linguistic level; (c) complexity of communication; and (d) style and efficacy of communication between parent and child was administered to 127 deaf and hearing children. The children, aged 3-6 years old, were distributed in three groups: 20 with severe hearing loss, 40 with profound hearing loss and 67 normally hearing. Deaf children were found to be delayed, independent of their linguistic level and preferred modality of communication. The protocol in this study proved to be an useful instrument for gathering relevant information about the three groups of preschool children`s communicative abilities, and particularly suitable for use in countries where standardized assessments are not available. Learning outcomes: The reader will be introduced to the use of an assessment protocol comprising its development, application and data analysis. The reader will be informed about assessment of deaf children`s preferred modality of communication, by the participation of a bilingual (sign language user) professional. Communication abilities can be assessed independently of the linguistic modality. In developing countries in general, where simple and easy to administer assessments tools are scarce, such a protocol is of specific value. (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on löytää tekijöitä, jotka edistävät ja toisaalta estävät vuorovaikutusta tiimissä. Tutkimuksen managerialisena tavoitteena on luoda uusia sisäistä vuorovaikutusta edistäviä toimintatapoja kohdeorganisaation sijoitustiimissä. Teoreettisessa osassa tiimin sisäiseen vuorovaikutukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä tarkastellaan tiimin sisäisen sosiaalisen pääoman, tiimin viestintävalmiuksien ja teknologisten ja sosiaalisten verkostorakenteiden kautta. Tutkimuksen empiirisessä osassa tarkastellaan kohdeyrityksen sijoitustiimin sisäisen vuorovaikutukseen tilaa ja selvitetään tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat vuorovaikutuksen myönteiseen kehittymiseen. Tutkimus osoittaa, että tiimin sisäinen sosiaalinen pääoma: verkostosuhteet, luottamus ja yhteiset pelisäännöt edistävät tiimin vuorovaikutusta. Sosiaaliset suhdeverkostot nousevat yhdeksi tärkeimmistä edistäjistä. Vuorovaikutuksen esteitä – tiimin hajautuneisuus ja kiire - voidaan minimoida sähköisten kommunikaatiovälineiden tarkoituksenmukaisella käytöllä. Esimiehen tärkeä rooli on näiden vuorovaikutusprosessien käynnistämisessä ja ylläpitämisessä.
Les personnes ayant une aphasie, un trouble acquis du langage causé par une lésion cérébrale, parviennent temporairement à mieux prononcer des mots quand elles les chantent dans des chansons familières ou en chant choral. Dans cette thèse nous examinons comment le chant peut entrainer des bénéfices durables sur le langage et la communication de ces personnes. Deux contextes sont envisagés : (1) une thérapie chantée de l’aphasie, la Melodic intonation therapy en anglais (MIT), et (2) une activité de loisir, une chorale de personnes aphasiques. La première étude de cette thèse (Chapitre 2) est une recension critique de la variété de recherches dont la MIT a fait l’objet. Nous soutenons que plusieurs protocoles de traitement présentés sous le label MIT ne correspondent pas à la MIT originale et que les effets immédiats du chant, qui sont examinés dans des études transversales, ne devraient pas être confondus avec les effets durables, observés dans des études longitudinales. Cette grille de lecture permet de réconcilier des conclusions d’études contradictoires à propos des mécanismes de la MIT et met en évidence des questions de recherches en suspens, notamment sur la contribution relative du rythme et de la hauteur musicale dans les effets de cette thérapie, que nous traitons dans le troisième chapitre. Nous y rapportons une étude avec trois participants ayant une aphasie de Broca chronique. Trois traitements ont été comparés dans un devis en carré latin : une thérapie comportant de la parole chantée (i.e., avec rythme et hauteurs musicales) proche de la MIT originale, une thérapie équivalente avec de la parole uniquement rythmée, et une thérapie comportant de la parole normale. Puisque seule la thérapie chantée a amélioré le langage dans le discours naturel des participants, nous soutenons que le chant dans son entièreté est un élément actif de la MIT. Enfin, dans le quatrième chapitre, nous présentons la première étude de groupe contrôlée, randomisée et à simple insu tentant de déterminer si le chant pratiqué comme simple loisir peut aussi avoir un effet bénéfique dans la réadaptation de l’aphasie. Nous avons comparé les progrès en communication fonctionnelle de 17 personnes ayant différents types d’aphasies chroniques réparties dans un groupe chorale, où elles devaient participer à six mois d’activité hebdomadaire de chorale, un groupe théâtre, où elles devaient suivre un atelier de théâtre, et une liste d’attente pour ces deux activités seulement. Nos résultats ont montré une corrélation positive entre l’amélioration de la communication fonctionnelle et le nombre de présences aux activités sociales, quelles qu’elles soient, mais nous n’avons pas trouvé d’effet spécifique à l’activité de chorale. Ainsi, la pratique du chant en chorale pourrait avoir un potentiel thérapeutique général, mais pas spécifique à l’utilisation du chant. D’autres études sont toutefois nécessaires pour le confirmer. Ainsi, cette thèse soutient globalement que dans la réadaptation de l’aphasie, le chant apporte des bénéfices spécifiques sur le langage lorsqu’il est intégré dans une thérapie comme la MIT et des bénéfices comparables à d’autres activités sociales lorsqu’il est pratiqué comme activité de loisir dans une chorale.
Background: Problems with lexical retrieval are common across all types of aphasia but certain word classes are thought to be more vulnerable in some aphasia types. Traditionally, verb retrieval problems have been considered characteristic of non-fluent aphasias but there is growing evidence that verb retrieval problems are also found in fluent aphasia. As verbs are retrieved from the mental lexicon with syntactic as well as phonological and semantic information, it is speculated that an improvement in verb retrieval should enhance communicative abilities in this population as in others. We report on an investigation into the effectiveness of verb treatment for three individuals with fluent aphasia. Methods & Procedures: Multiple pre-treatment baselines were established over 3 months in order to monitor language change before treatment. The three participants then received twice-weekly verb treatment over approximately 4 months. All pre-treatment assessments were administered immediately after treatment and 3 months post-treatment. Outcome & Results: Scores fluctuated in the pre-treatment period. Following treatment, there was a significant improvement in verb retrieval for two of the three participants on the treated items. The increase in scores for the third participant was statistically nonsignificant but post-treatment scores moved from below the normal range to within the normal range. All participants were significantly quicker in the verb retrieval task following treatment. There was an increase in well-formed sentences in the sentence construction test and in some samples of connected speech. Conclusions: Repeated systematic treatment can produce a significant improvement in verb retrieval of practised items and generalise to unpractised items for some participants. An increase in well-formed sentences is seen for some speakers. The theoretical and clinical implications of the results are discussed.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Este estudo teve como objetivo propor bases metodológicas para o acompanhamento da progressão da competência comunicativa no aluno de Enfermagem. Utilizando metodologia qualitativa e referencial teórico de comunicação interpessoal, desenvolvemos a pesquisa entrevistando 13 professores com experiência acumulada em atividades de ensino e pesquisa de comunicação em Enfermagem. Nos dados obtidos, os entrevistados relataram que o acompanhamento da progressão da competência comunicativa do aluno ocorre: observando a evolução das habilidades comunicativas nos alunos e pacientes; viabilizando momentos de expressão de pensamentos, sentimentos e percepções; fornecendo feedback sobre o desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicativas; estimulando-os ao desenvolvimento das habilidades em comunicação; realizando avaliação formativa e tutorando o aluno.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The objective of this research was to describe the use of an augmentative and alternative system for a student with cerebral palsy during intervention. A 10-year-old male student with cerebral palsy participated in this investigation. He attended special classes for people with disability in a public school in a city of the interior of Sao Paulo. The scheduled activities were carried out twice a week for two years at the Laboratory of Special Education of a public University of São Paulo. All of the tapes describing the activities that were filmed during the assessment and implementation of augmentative and alternative communication resource were watched and described using a specific protocol. Based on the information from the protocols, the sessions with intervals greater than 20 days and the ones with activities involving the communication board with the time equal or greater than 20 minutes during the first year of intervention were selected. The chosen sessions were transcribed in full and, after analyzing the text, the following categories were established, according to the stated goal: the graphic system helped the student with utterances of vertical structure (56%) associated with the oral (14%) and non-oral and non-verbal form (30%), while the use of the graphic system along with other forms collaborated to enhance statements, enabling better understanding of the child s intention. The use of augmentative and alternative communication systems provided the expansion of effective dialogical situations for the student during the activities carried out in speech therapy.