983 resultados para communication protocol
The overall goal of the REMPLI project is to design and implement a communication infrastructure for distributed data acquisition and remote control operations using the power grid as the communication medium. The primary target application is remote meter reading with high time resolution, where the meters can be energy, heat, gas, or water meters. The users of the system (e.g. utility companies) will benefit from the REMPLI system by gaining more detailed information about how energy is consumed by the end-users. In this context, the power-line communication (PLC) is deployed to cover the distance between utility company’s Private Network and the end user. This document specifies a protocol for real-time PLC, in the framework of the REMPLI project. It mainly comprises the Network Layer and Data Link Layer. The protocol was designed having into consideration the specific aspects of the network: different network typologies (star, tree, ring, multiple paths), dynamic changes in network topology (due to network maintenance, hazards, etc.), communication lines strongly affected by noise.
Securing group communication in wireless sensor networks has recently been extensively investigated. Many works have addressed this issue, and they have considered the grouping concept differently. In this paper, we consider a group as being a set of nodes sensing the same data type, and we alternatively propose an efficient secure group communication scheme guaranteeing secure group management and secure group key distribution. The proposed scheme (RiSeG) is based on a logical ring architecture, which permits to alleviate the group controller’s task in updating the group key. The proposed scheme also provides backward and forward secrecy, addresses the node compromise attack, and gives a solution to detect and eliminate the compromised nodes. The security analysis and performance evaluation show that the proposed scheme is secure, highly efficient, and lightweight. A comparison with the logical key hierarchy is preformed to prove the rekeying process efficiency of RiSeG. Finally, we present the implementation details of RiSeG on top of TelosB sensor nodes to demonstrate its feasibility.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been attracting increasing interests for developing a new generation of embedded systems with great potential for many applications such as surveillance, environment monitoring, emergency medical response and home automation. However, the communication paradigms in WSNs differ from the ones attributed to traditional wireless networks, triggering the need for new communication protocols. In this context, the recently standardised IEEE 802.15.4 protocol presents some potentially interesting features for deployment in wireless sensor network applications, such as power-efficiency, timeliness guarantees and scalability. Nevertheless, when addressing WSN applications with (soft/hard) timing requirements some inherent paradoxes emerge, such as power-efficiency versus timeliness, triggering the need of engineering solutions for an efficient deployment of IEEE 802.15.4 in WSNs. In this technical report, we will explore the most relevant characteristics of the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol for wireless sensor networks and present the most important challenges regarding time-sensitive WSN applications. We also provide some timing performance and analysis of the IEEE 802.15.4 that unveil some directions for resolving the previously mentioned paradoxes.
This paper presents simulation results of the DNP3 communication protocol over a TCP/IP network, for Smart Grid applications. The simulation was performed using the NS-2 network simulator. This study aimed to use the simulation to verify the performance of the DNP3 protocol in a heterogeneous LAN. Analyzing the results it was possible to verify that the DNP3 over a heterogeneous traffic network, with communication channel capacity between 60 and 85 percent, it works well with low packet loss and low delay, however, with traffic values upper 85 percent, the DNP3 usage becomes unfeasible because the information lost, re-transmissions and latency are significantly increased. © 2013 IEEE.
In this paper, we propose a Layered Clustering Hierarchy (LCH) communication protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The design of LCH has two goals: scalability and energy-efficiency. In LCH, the sensor nodes are organized as a layered clustering structure. Each layer runs a distributed clustering protocol. By randomizing the rotation of cluster heads in each layer, the energy load is distributed evenly across sensors in the network. Our simulations show that LCH is effective in densely deployed sensor networks. On average, 70% of live sensor nodes are involved directly in the clustering communication hierarchy. Moreover, the simulations also show that the energy load and dead nodes are distributed evenly over the network. As studies prove that the performance of LCH depends mainly on the distributed clustering protocol, the location of cluster heads and cluster size are two critical factors in the design of LCH.
Wireless-communication technology can be used to improve road safety and to provide Internet access inside vehicles. This paper proposes a cross-layer protocol called coordinated external peer communication (CEPEC) for Internet-access services and peer communications for vehicular networks. We assume that IEEE 802.16 base stations (BS) are installed along highways and that the same air interface is equipped in vehicles. Certain vehicles locating outside of the limited coverage of their nearest BSs can still get access to the Internet via a multihop route to their BSs. For Internet-access services, the objective of CEPEC is to increase the end-to-end throughput while providing a fairness guarantee in bandwidth usage among road segments. To achieve this goal, the road is logically partitioned into segments of equal length. A relaying head is selected in each segment that performs both local-packet collecting and aggregated packets relaying. The simulation results have shown that the proposed CEPEC protocol provides higher throughput with guaranteed fairness in multihop data delivery in vehicular networks when compared with the purely IEEE 802.16-based protocol.
Recent progresses in the software development world has assisted a change in hardware from heavy mainframes and desktop machines to unimaginable small devices leading to the prophetic "third computing paradigm", Ubiquitous Computing. Still, this novel unnoticeable devices lack in various capabilities, like computing power, storage capacity and human interface. Connectivity associated to this devices is also considered an handicap which comes generally associated expensive and limited protocols like GSM and UMTS. Considering this scenario as background, this paper presents a minimal communication protocol introducing better interfaces for limited devices. Special attention has been paid to the limitations of connectivity, storage capacity and scalability of the developed software applications. Illustrating this new protocol, a case-study is presented addressing car sensors communicating with a central
This paper describes the communication stack of the REMPLI system: a structure using power-lines and IPbased networks for communication, for data acquisition and control of energy distribution and consumption. It is furthermore prepared to use alternative communication media like GSM or analog modem connections. The REMPLI system provides communication service for existing applications, namely automated meter reading, energy billing and domotic applications. The communication stack, consisting of physical, network, transport, and application layer is described as well as the communication services provided by the system. We show how the peculiarities of the power-line communication influence the design of the communication stack, by introducing requirements to efficiently use the limited bandwidth, optimize traffic and implement fair use of the communication medium for the extensive communication partners.
With the current complexity of communication protocols, implementing its layers totally in the kernel of the operating system is too cumbersome, and it does not allow use of the capabilities only available in user space processes. However, building protocols as user space processes must not impair the responsiveness of the communication. Therefore, in this paper we present a layer of a communication protocol, which, due to its complexity, was implemented in a user space process. Lower layers of the protocol are, for responsiveness issues, implemented in the kernel. This protocol was developed to support large-scale power-line communication (PLC) with timing requirements.
La progressiva reducció de dimensió i cost en els dispositius electrònics, la dràstica retallada de consum elèctric i la independència de què això els dota han fet créixer en els últims temps l'interès de les comunitats científiques i tecnològiques per les xarxes sense fils de petits dispositius. Per altra banda, l'XML (eXtensible Markup Language) és un metallenguatge extensible que ha esdevingut un estàndard per a l'intercanvi d'informació estructurada entre diferents plataformes. L'objectiu d'aquest treball és explorar les possibilitats que pot oferir la introducció de l'XML en les xarxes de sensors amb l'elaboració d'un protocol de comunicació basat en aquest llenguatge i demostrar la transparència en el canvi de plataforma. Per fer-ho, es disposa de dos dispositius amb capacitat de comunicació sense fils equipats amb detectors de temperatura, lluminositat, efecte Hall i nivell de càrrega de la bateria. El projecte constarà de dues parts: una, més extensa, dedicada al desenvolupament del programari per a aquests dispositius, encarregat de obtenir les lectures dels diferents sensors i emetre-les per la xarxa utilitzant el llenguatge XML, i una altra, per recollir aquesta informació present a la xarxa, interpretar-la, salvar-la en una base de dades i exposar-la al món en una plana web. El programari dels dispositius sensors s'escriurà en llenguatge nesC dins el sistema tinyOS que és el sistema operatiu que equipen. La part d'explotació de les dades es desenvoluparà sota la plataforma .NET de Microsoft.
Nous introduisons un nouveau modèle de la communication à deux parties dans lequel nous nous intéressons au temps que prennent deux participants à effectuer une tâche à travers un canal avec délai d. Nous établissons quelques bornes supérieures et inférieures et comparons ce nouveau modèle aux modèles de communication classiques et quantiques étudiés dans la littérature. Nous montrons que la complexité de la communication d’une fonction sur un canal avec délai est bornée supérieurement par sa complexité de la communication modulo un facteur multiplicatif d/ lg d. Nous présentons ensuite quelques exemples de fonctions pour lesquelles une stratégie astucieuse se servant du temps mort confère un avantage sur une implémentation naïve d’un protocole de communication optimal en terme de complexité de la communication. Finalement, nous montrons qu’un canal avec délai permet de réaliser un échange de bit cryptographique, mais que, par lui-même, est insuffisant pour réaliser la primitive cryptographique de transfert équivoque.
Exascale systems are the next frontier in high-performance computing and are expected to deliver a performance of the order of 10^18 operations per second using massive multicore processors. Very large- and extreme-scale parallel systems pose critical algorithmic challenges, especially related to concurrency, locality and the need to avoid global communication patterns. This work investigates a novel protocol for dynamic group communication that can be used to remove the global communication requirement and to reduce the communication cost in parallel formulations of iterative data mining algorithms. The protocol is used to provide a communication-efficient parallel formulation of the k-means algorithm for cluster analysis. The approach is based on a collective communication operation for dynamic groups of processes and exploits non-uniform data distributions. Non-uniform data distributions can be either found in real-world distributed applications or induced by means of multidimensional binary search trees. The analysis of the proposed dynamic group communication protocol has shown that it does not introduce significant communication overhead. The parallel clustering algorithm has also been extended to accommodate an approximation error, which allows a further reduction of the communication costs. The effectiveness of the exact and approximate methods has been tested in a parallel computing system with 64 processors and in simulations with 1024 processing elements.
Almost all modern cars can be controlled remotely using a personal communicator (keyfob). However, the degree of interaction between currently available personal communicators and cars is very limited. The communication link is unidirectional and the communication range is limited to a few dozen meters. However, there are many interesting applications that could be supported if a keyfob would be able to support energy efficient bidirectional longer range communication. In this paper we investigate off-the-shelf transceivers in terms of their usability for bidirectional longer range communication. Our evaluation results show that existing transceivers can generally support the required communication ranges but that links tend to be very unreliable. This high unreliability must be handled in an energy efficient way by the keyfob to car communication protocol in order to make off-the-shelf transceivers a viable solution.
Faced with an imminent restructuring of the electric power system, over the past few years many countries have invested in a new paradigm known as Smart Grid. This paradigm targets optimization and automation of electric power network, using advanced information and communication technologies. Among the main communication protocols for Smart Grids we have the DNP3 protocol, which provides secure data transmission with moderate rates. The IEEE 802.15.4 is another communication protocol also widely used in Smart Grid, especially in the so-called Home Area Network (HAN). Thus, many applications of Smart Grid depends on the interaction of these two protocols. This paper proposes modeling, in the traditional network simulator NS-2, the integration of DNP3 protocol and the IEEE 802.15.4 wireless standard for low cost simulations of Smart Grid applications.