495 resultados para comissurotomia mitral


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OBJETIVO: Comparar dados clínicos-laboratoriais em portadores de estenose mitral submetidos à comissurotomia ou valvoplastia por cateter-balão, obtidos ao longo de 5 anos de acompanhamento. MÉTODOS: Foram acompanhados, prospectivamente, 81 pacientes no pré (PRÉ), imediatamente após o procedimento (POI), e ao longo de cinco anos (PO12M, PO24M,..., PO60M) e randomizados em dois grupos: GC: 37 pacientes (32,4 ± 7,2 anos e 89,2% mulheres) e GV: 44 pacientes (32,9 ± 9,5 anos e 90,9% mulheres). A avaliação compreendeu: classe funcional, ocorrência de eventos, eletrocardiograma e ecodopplercardiograma. RESULTADOS: Houve melhora expressiva da classe funcional na maioria dos pacientes, três casos do GC e do GV estavam em classe funcional III no PO60M. Não houve diferença em relação ao gradiente mitral entre os grupos. Houve diferença das médias de área valvar mitral entre os grupos durante toda avaliação. Não ocorreram óbitos. No POI do GC observamos 3 casos com insuficiência mitral (IM) moderada, 3 com sangramento (1 reoperado) e, no GV, 4 casos com IM moderada, 1 com IM importante, 2 com tamponamento cardíaco, 1 caso necessitou cirurgia por IM importante. Ao longo de 60 meses, no GV, 9 casos evoluiram com IM moderada ou importante e no GC, 6 casos evoluiram com IM moderada ou importante e outros dois necessitaram cirurgia por dupla disfunção mitral. CONCLUSÃO: Ambos os métodos obtiveram 100% de sucesso com baixa taxa de complicações. No seguimento, houve elevação discreta do gradiente mitral e queda de área valvar mitral em ambos os grupos.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar resultados imediatos e após 12 meses de seguimento entre valvoplastia por balão e comissurotomia na estenose mitral. MÉTODOS: Oitenta e oito portadores de estenose mitral sintomáticos com anatomia favorável foram randomizados nos dois grupos. Todos os pacientes submeteram-se a avaliação clínica e Doppler ecocardiográfica antes, imediatamente após e 12 meses depois do procedimento. RESULTADOS: Gradiente médio mitral (mmHg) diminuiu (p<0,001) de 12,18±5,84 para 5,80±2,66 no grupo comissurotomia (GC) e de 11,66±6,13 para 4,98±2,40 (p<0,001) no grupo valvuloplastia (GV). Área valvar mitral (cm²) aumentou de 0,98±0,21 para 2,52±0,46 no GC e de 1,05±0,25 para 2,18±0,40 no GV (p<0,001). Em ambos os grupos ocorreu uma diminuição discreta na área valvar mitral ao final do acompanhamento. Não ocorreram óbitos. Um paciente do GV apresentou insuficiência mitral significativa e necessitou tratamento cirúrgico. Aos 12 meses de acompanhamento todos os pacientes do GC e 97,7% dos pacientes do GV estavam em classe funcional I ou II (NYHA). CONCLUSÃO: Os procedimentos foram seguros e mostraram melhora semelhante no gradiente mitral e classe funcional. A área valvar mitral aumentou expressivamente mais no GC, e apresentou, também, uma redução mais significativa após 12 meses. A maioria dos pacientes não alterou a classe funcional no acompanhamento.


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OBJETIVO: Identificar os fatores, que predizem óbito e eventos combinados de óbito, nova valvoplastia mitral por balão ou cirurgia valvar mitral a longo prazo, nos pacientes submetidos à valvoplastia mitral percutânea por balão. MÉTODOS: O período de seguimento foi de 49,0±31,0 (1 a 122) meses. Foram usadas as técnicas do balão único (84,4%), do balão de Inoue (13,8%) e do duplo balão (1,7%). RESULTADOS: Acompanhados 289 pacientes com idade de 38,0±12,6 (13 a 83) anos, no pré-procedimento, 244 apresentavam escore ecocardiográfico < 8 e 45 escore > 8, 85% eram do sexo feminino e 84% estavam em ritmo sinusal. No seguimento, a sobrevida do grupo total, do grupo de escore < 8 e do grupo de escore > 8 foi de 95,5%, 98,0% e 82,2% respectivamente (p<0,0001), enquanto que a sobrevida livre de eventos combinados foi respectivamente 83,4%, 86,1% e 68,9% (p<0,0001). Na análise multivariada, os fatores, que predisseram óbito a longo prazo foram o escore ecocardiográfico > 8 pré-procedimento e a presença de insuficiência valvar mitral grave per-procedimento, e os que predisseram eventos combinados, foram a história prévia de comissurotomia valvar mitral e de fibrilação atrial e a presença de insuficiência valvar mitral grave per-procedimento e de área valvar mitral < 1,5 m² (insucesso) pós-procedimento. CONCLUSÃO: A valvoplastia mitral percutânea por balão é um procedimento efetivo, sendo que mais de dois terços dos pacientes estavam livres de eventos ao final do seguimento. A sobrevida no grupo total foi elevada, maior no grupo com menor escore ecocardiográfico.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar 501 procedimentos de valvoplastia mitral e as diferenças entre um grupo já submetido a plastia valvar prévia por balão ou cirúrgica, com 59 procedimentos e um grupo sem intervenção prévia, com 442 procedimentos. MÉTODOS: Foi utilizado balão único em 406 procedimentos, balão de Inoue em 89, e duplo balão em seis, não havendo diferença entre os balões utilizados nos dois grupos (p=0,6610). Estudou-se a evolução a longo prazo dos pacientes com plastia prévia. RESULTADOS: O grupo submetido a plastia valvar prévia era mais velho, com maior escore ecocardiográfico, maior porcentual de pacientes em fibrilação atrial, e dos seus 59 pacientes, 48 tinham sido submetidos à comissurotomia cirúrgica, oito a valvoplastia com balão e três à comissurotomia cirúrgica e à valvoplastia com balão. Os grupos da valvoplastia com plastia valvar prévia e da valvoplastia sem intervenção prévia apresentaram pré-valvoplastia: área valvar mitral ecocardiográfica de 0,99±0,21 e 0,94±0,21 cm² (p=0,0802) e área valvar mitral (Gorlin) 0,94±0,18 e 0,91±0,21 cm² (p=0,2518) e área valvar mitral pós-valvoplastia mitral de 1,95±0,44 e 2,05±0,42 cm² (p=0,1059). CONCLUSÕES: O grupo com plastia valvar prévia apresentou o mesmo resultado imediato do grupo sem intervenção prévia. O subgrupo com plastia prévia seguido a longo prazo, apresentou evolução satisfatória.


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Pulmonary hypertension represents an important cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with mitral stenosis who undergo cardiac surgery, especially in the postoperative period. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) would improve the hemodynamic effects and short-term clinical outcomes of patients with mitral stenosis and severe pulmonary hypertension who undergo cardiac surgery in a randomized, controlled study. Twenty-nine patients (4 men, 25 women; mean age 46 2 years) were randomly allocated to receive iNO (n = 14) or oxygen (n = 15) for 48 hours immediately after surgery. Hemodynamic data, the use of vasoactive drugs, duration of stay, and short-term complications were assessed. No differences in baseline characteristics were observed between the groups. After 24 and 48 hours, patients receiving iNO had a significantly greater increase in cardiac index compared to patients receiving oxygen (p < 0.0001). Pulmonary vascular resistance was also more significantly reduced in patients receiving iNO versus oxygen (-117 dyne/s/cm(5), 95% confidence interval 34 to 200, vs 40 dyne/s/cm5, 95% confidence interval 34 to 100, p = 0.005) at 48 hours. Patients in the iNO group used fewer systemic vasoactive drugs.(mean 2.1 +/- 0.14 vs 2.6 +/- 0.16, p = 0.046) and had a shorter intensive care unit stay (median 2 days, interquartile range 0.25, vs median 3 days, interquartile range 7, p = 0.02). In conclusion, iNO immediately after surgery in patients with mitral stenosis and severe pulmonary hypertension improves hemodynamics and may have short-term clinical benefits. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. (Am J Cardiol 2011;107:1040-1045)


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Background: The relation between left ventricular filing velocities determined by Doppler echocardiography and autonomic nervous system function assessed by heart rate variability (HRV) is unclear. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the autonomic nervous system assessed by the time and frequency domain indices of HRV in the Doppler indices of left ventricular diastolic filling velocities in patients without heart disease. Methods: We studied 451 healthy individuals (255 female [56.4%]) with normal blood pressure, electrocardiogram, chest x-ray, and treadmill electrocardiographic exercise stress test results, with a mean age of 43 +/- 12 (range 15-82) years, who underwent transthoracic Doppler echocardiography and 24-hour electrocardiographic ambulatory monitoring. We studied indices of HRV on time (standard deviation [SD] of all normal sinus RR intervals during 24 hours, SD of averaged normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-minute segments, mean of the SD of all normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-minute segments, root-mean-square of the successive normal sinus RR interval difference, and percentage of successive normal sinus RR intervals > 50 ms) and frequency (low frequency, high frequency, very low frequency, low frequency/high frequency ratio) domains relative to peak flow velocity during rapid passive filling phase (E), atrial contraction (A), E/A ratio, E-wave deceleration time, and isovolumic relaxation time. Statistical analysis was performed with Pearson correlation and logistic regression. Results: Peak flow velocity during rapid passive filling phase (E) and atrial contraction (A), E/A ratio, and deceleration time of early mitral inflow did not demonstrate a significant correlation with indices of HRV in time and frequency domain. We found that the E/A ratio was < 1 in 45 individuals (10%). Individuals with an E/A ratio < 1 had lower indices of HRV in frequency domain (except low frequency/high frequency) and lower indices of the mean of the SD of all normal sinus RR intervals for all 5-minute segments, root-mean-square of the successive normal sinus RR interval difference, and percentage of successive normal sinus RR intervals > 50 ms in time domain. Logistic regression demonstrated that an E/A ratio < 1 was associated with lower HF. Conclusion: Individuals with no evidence of heart disease and an E/A ratio < 1 demonstrated a significant decrease in indexes of HRV associated with parasympathetic modulation. (J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2010;23: 762-5.)


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We investigated whether there is an association between anxiety disorders and mitral valve prolapse. We compared mitral valve prolapse prevalence in individuals with panic disorder (n=41), social anxiety disorder (n=89) and in healthy controls (n=102) in an attempt to overcome the biases of previous studies. Our results show no associations between panic disorder or social anxiety disorder and mitral valve prolapse, regardless of the diagnostic criteria employed, and that the relationship between these conditions seems not to be clinically relevant.


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Primary olfactory neurons expressing the same odorant receptor protein typically project to topographically fixed olfactory bulb sites. While cell adhesion molecules and odorant receptors have been implicated in guidance of primary olfactory axons. the postsynaptic mitral cells may also have a role in final target selection. We have examined the effect of disorganisation of the mitral cell soma layer in mutant mice heterozygous for the beta-subunit of platelet activating factor acetylhydrolase (Lis1(-/+)) on the targeting of primary olfactory axons. Lis1(-/+) mice display abnormal lamination of neurons in the olfactory bulb. Lis1(-/+) mice were crossed with the P2-IRES-tau:LacZ line of transgenic mice that selectively expresses beta-galactosidase in primary olfactory neurons expressing the P2 odorant receptor. LacZ histochemistry revealed blue-stained P2 axons that targeted topographically fixed glomeruli in these mice in a manner similar to that observed in the parent P2-IRES-tau:LacZ line. Thus, despite the aberrant organisation of postsynaptic mitral cells in Lis1(-/+) mice, primary olfactory axons continued to converge and form glomeruli at correct sites in the olfactory bulb. Next we examined whether challenging primary olfactory axons in adult Lis(-/+) mice with regeneration would affect their ability to converge and form glomeruli. Following partial chemical ablation of the olfactory neuroepithelium with dichlobenil, primary olfactory neurons die and are replaced by newly differentiating neurons that project axons to the olfactory bulb where they converge and form glomeruli. Despite the aberrant mitral cell layer in Lis(-/+) mice. primary olfactory axons continued to converge and form glomeruli during regeneration. Together these results demonstrate that the convergence of primary olfactory axons during development and regeneration is not affected by gross perturbations to the lamination of the mitral cell layer. Thus, these results support evidence from other studies indicating that mitral cells do not play a major role in the convergence and targeting of primary olfactory axons in the olfactory bulb. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Latent left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in patients with valvular or myocardial disease may be identified by loss of contractile reserve (CR) at exercise echocardiography. Contraction in the LV longitudinal axis may be more sensitive than radial contraction to minor disturbances of LV function. We sought to determine whether tissue Doppler measurement of longitudinal function could be used to identify CR. Methods Exercise echocardiography was performed in 86 patients (20 women, age 53 +/- 18 years), 72 with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic mitral regurgitation, and 14 normal controls. Pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging (DTI) was used to measure maximum annular systolic velocity at rest and stress. Inducible ischemia was excluded by analysis of wall motion by an experienced observer. CR was defined by greater than or equal to5% improvement of stress compared with rest ejection fraction (EF). Exercise capacity was assessed from expired gas analysis. Results CR was present in 34 patients with mitral regurgitation (47%); peak EF in patients with and without CR was 74% +/- 11% versus 54% +/- 15% (P


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Mestrado em Tecnologia de Diagnóstico e Intervenção Cardiovascular - Ramo de especialização: Ultrassonografia Cardiovascular


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Isolated anterior mitral leaflet cleft (not associated with atrio-ventricular septal defect) is a rare cause of congenital mitral regurgitation, and the treatment consists of direct suturing of the cleft. We present a clinical case with this entity.


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Caseous calcification of the mitral annulus is a rare form of mitral annular calcification, whose etiology is not completely understood and which can lead to an erroneous diagnosis of intracardiac tumor. The authors describe the cases of six patients, five of them female, mean age 74.8 +/- 6.4 years (65-81). Four patients presented with heart failure, two with atrial fibrillation and five with hypertension. Round, echogenic images, 18-26 mm in their largest diameter with a central echolucent area, were identified by transthoracic echocardiography on the lateral and posterior segments of the mitral annulus. Severe mitral regurgitation was also found in four patients. Only three patients with severe mitral regurgitation and heart failure were operated on, and one patient refused surgical treatment. A caseous mass, similar to toothpaste, was obtained from the mitral annulus zone during surgery.


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BACKGROUND: Valve surgery in children is aimed at restoring correct hemodynamics with few reoperations and limited resort to prostheses, which would imply early deterioration or definitive hypocoagulation. OBJECTIVES: Report a series of paediatric pts with acquired mitral valve disease, mostly due to rheumatic disease, in whom it was possible, for the great majority, to repair the damaged valve. DEMOGRAPHICS: Fifty children with predominant mitral valve disease, 47 rheumatic (94%) and 3 after endocarditis were consequently operated by the same surgical team over the last five years. Ages were 12.5+/-3.1 yrs and weights 33.2+/-8.4 Kg, 30 pts presented with predominant mitral regurgitation and 20 pts had significant stenosis. In 8 pts there also moderate to severe aortic regurgitation and in 2 pts severe tricuspid regurgitation was present. Patients were not operated during the acute phase of the disease. Five pts were reoperations and from those, all but one received mechanical prosthesis. RESULTS: In all operations the intention was to repair the mitral valve. In 46 pts complex mitral valvuloplasties were performed extended comissurotomies, shortening of chordae, chordal replacement with PTFE, and reconstruction of valve leaflefts by direct patching or pericardial extension of the retracted posterior leaflet (78.2% cases), plus reshaping of the annulus by using a fixed prosthetic CE ring (sizes 26 to 32) in every case. Ring sizes correlated poorly with body weights, but correlation was close and positive for the use of pericardial advancement of the posterior leaflet (p<0.01). There was no operative mortality, but one pt died early from sepsis and there was no late mortality. Maximum follow up extends now to 50 months (median 28 months) and functional evaluation, at latest follow up, as assessed by Doppler Echocardiography, showed residual mitral regurgitation, mild-moderate in 4 pts and LA-LV gradients mild in 5 and moderate in 2 pts. NYHA functional class, at present follow-up is class I for 43 pts (88%) and class II in the remaining 6 pts. Along the follow-up period 2 pts had to be reoperated for early repair failures and other three for late failures, presently freedom for reoperation is 91.8% at 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: Mitral valve repair in children with rheumatic lesions can be achieved for the great majority of cases by using different techniques. Pericardial extension of the retracted posterior leaflet allowed the use of a bigger size prosthetic ring. Intermediate functional results are good with fair functional classes and few reoperations but follow-up is short and does not allow us to draw conclusions about the long-term results of the repair in these rheumatic patients.


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A Nocardia é responsável por diversos tipos de infecção quer em receptores imunocompetentes, quer imunocomprometidos e pode afectar qualquer órgão. A endocardite a Nocardia spp é muito rara e tem mau prognóstico. Segundo o nosso conhecimento e após revisão da literatura, foram reportados apenas 12 casos de endocardite a Nocardia, a maioria tratada com substituição valvular. Reportamos o primeiro caso descrito em Portugal de endocardite protésica a Nocardia, tratado com sucesso apenas com terapêutica antimicrobiana (trimetoprimsulfametoxazol), sem necessidade de substituição valvular.