4 resultados para colposuspension
Symptoms of bladder irritability are common after incontinence surgery but their cause is unknown. This study tests the hypothesis that irritative symptoms after colposuspension are due to distortion of the trigone. As part of longitudinal follow-up studies, 175 women were examined 6 months to 12 years after either an open or a laparoscopic Burch colposuspension. The main outcome measures were symptoms of bladder irritability (frequency, nocturia and urge incontinence) and ultrasound findings (bladder neck position at rest and on Valsalva, the presence of a colposuspension ridge, ridge depth and ridge distance, and trigonal angle). Two positive associations between ultrasound parameters and symptoms of bladder irritability were observed: urge incontinence was more likely in the presence of bladder neck funneling, and women with nocturia had a higher trigonal angle. Increased distortion of the trigone was associated with a reduced incidence of urge incontinence in the subgroup of patients after laparoscopic colposuspension. The data presented in this study do not support the hypothesis that symptoms of bladder irritability are due to trigonal distortion or overelevation.
OBJECTIVE Bladder outlet obstruction may occur after any incontinence surgery and may present as OAB, hesitancy and or the feeling of incomplete emptying. Aim of this study was to analyze the clinical and urodynamical outcome after urethrolysis in patients presenting with various clinical symptoms after Burch colposuspension for stress urinary incontinence. STUDY DESIGN Between January 2005 and December 2014, all patients who presented with symptoms and with bladder outlet obstruction were included. All patients had undergone Burch or Cowan colposuspension for stress urinary incontinence previously. Primary endpoint was the visual analogue scale (VAS) as measurement of patient perceived disease impact. Secondary endpoints were the various domains of the King's Health Questionnaire, urodynamic parameters as detrusor pressure at maximum flow, residual urine and sonographic bladder wall thickness before and six months after intervention. RESULTS Seventy-two female patients were included in this study whereof 42 suffered from urgency and urge incontinence, 20 from hesitancy and/or slow stream, seven from residual urine of more than 100ml and three from a combination of urgency and residual urine. VAS improved significantly (p<0.0001). Quality of life as determined by the King's Health Questionnaire improved for the domains general health, role limitations, emotions, physical limitations, personal limitations and incontinence impact significantly. Micturition pressure dropped significantly from 43cmH2O (95% CI 19-59cmH2O) to 18cmH2O (95% CI 16-23.5 H2O). Residual urine changed from 110ml (range 20-380ml) to 32ml (20-115ml). Bladder wall thickness decreased from 7mm (95% CI 6.235-7.152) to 5mm (95% CI 5.037-5.607; p<0.01). CONCLUSION Urethrolysis may resolve patients' symptoms and lower micturition pressure but irritative symptoms may persist.
A incontinência urinária adquirida é uma condição debilitante e, muitas vezes, incurável que acomete fêmeas castradas e raramente fêmeas inteiras ou machos. A manifestação clínica pode ocorrer em qualquer momento após a gonadectomia e resulta em graves problemas no manejo do paciente. Os mecanismos que desencadeiam a incontinência após ovariectomia envolvem decréscimo na pressão de fechamento uretral, alterações hormonais, aumento na deposição de colágeno na musculatura lisa da bexiga, diminuição na contratilidade do músculo detrusor e redução na resposta aos estímulos elétricos e ao carbachol. O diagnóstico é realizado pelo histórico do animal, pelo exame físico, pelos exames laboratoriais, pelo perfil de pressão uretral, pela ultrassonografia e pelas radiografias abdominais. O tratamento clínico envolve utilização de fármacos -adrenérgicos, estrógenos, análogos de GnRH e agentes antidepressivos. As técnicas cirúrgicas recomendadas correspondem à uretropexia, cistouretropexia, aplicação de colágeno na uretra e colpossuspensão. Melhor compreensão da etiologia, da fisiopatologia, dos métodos de diagnóstico e tratamentos é fundamental em razão do pouco conhecimento e da identificação dessa condição no Brasil.