895 resultados para colonic replacement
P>Esophagocoloplasty and gastric transposition are two major methods for esophageal substitution in children with esophageal atresia, and there is broad agreement that these operations should not be performed before the children start walking. However, there are some reported advantages of performing such operations in the first months of life or in the neonatal period. In this study, we compared our experience with esophageal substitution procedures performed in walking children with esophageal atresia, with the outcomes of children who had the operation before the third month of life reported in the literature. The purpose of this study was to establish if we have to wait until the children start walking before indicating the esophageal replacement procedure. From February 1978 to October 2009, 129 children with esophageal atresia underwent esophageal replacement in our hospital (99 colonic interpositions and 30 gastric transpositions). The records of these patients were reviewed for data regarding demographics, complications (leaks, graft failures, strictures, and graft torsion), and mortality and compared with those reported in the two main articles on esophageal replacement in the neonatal period or in patients less than 3 months of age. The main complication of our casuistic was cervical anastomosis leakage, which sealed spontaneously in all except in four patients. One patient of the esophagocoloplasty group developed graft necrosis and three patients in the gastric transposition group had gastric outlet obstruction, secondary to axial torsion of the stomach placed in the retrosternal space. The long-term outcome of the patients in both groups was considered good to excellent in terms of normal weight gain, absence of dysphagia, and other gastrointestinal symptoms. The comparisons of the main complications and mortality rates in walking children with esophageal substitutions performed in the first months of life showed that the incidences of cervical anastomotic leaks and graft failures were similar, but mortality rate in the first few months of life was significantly greater than that observed in our group of patients (P = 0.001). Based on the comparison of our results with those of published series, we conclude that the recommendation of performing esophagocoloplasty or total gastric transposition in children with esophageal atresia after they start walking is still valid.
Background: In 1989, we introduced a 1-stage procedure with orthotopic colonic transplants for esophageal stenosis. A pitfall of this procedure is frequent reflux and/or stasis in the transplants from the cologastric anastomosis. Since 1993, we have used a new antireflux wrap (ARW) using an anterior wrap technique similar to the Dor procedure but fixed to the right crus of the diaphragm.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate ARWs.Method: From 1993 to 2008, the records of 67 patients with an ARW were compared with 27 without ARW (either operated on before 1993 or ARW was not appropriate) after colonic transplant for caustic esophageal stenosis. Both groups otherwise underwent the same surgical procedure. Postoperative esophagograms done on postoperative day 10 were reviewed for the presence of gastrocolonic reflux and stasis in the transplant.Results: The reflux rate on the initial esophagogram was reduced from 48.1% to 7.5% using ARW. The incidence of reflux on later esophagograms was 40.0% with no ARW and 21.4% with ARW. The 25% long-term rate of stasis in the colonic transplant was not increased with ARW.Conclusions: A loose ARW in patients with colonic esophageal replacements reduces gastrocolic reflux without increasing the rate of stasis. In the long term, children adapt better to stasis than to reflux and are thus protected from occult inflammation.
It is now apparent that there is a strong link between health and nutrition and this can be seen clearly when we talk of obesity. The food industry is trying to capitalise on this by adapting high sugar/fat foods to become healthier alternatives. In confectionery food ingredients can be used for a range of purposes including sucrose replacement. Many of these ingredients may also evade digestion in the upper gut and be fermented by the gut microbiota upon entering the colon. This study was designed to screen a range of ingredients and their activities on the gut microbiota. In this study we screened a range of these ingredients in triplicate batch culture fermentations with known prebiotics as controls. Changes in bacteriology were monitored using FISH. SCFA were measured by GC and gas production was assessed during anaerobic batch fermentations. Bacterial enumeration showed significant increases (P ≤ 0.05) in bifidobacteria and lactobacilli with polydextrose and most polyols with no significant increases in Clostridium histolyticum/perfringens. SCFA and gas formation indicated that the substrates added to the fermenters were being utilised by the gut microbiota. It therefore appears these ingredients exert some prebiotic activity in vitro. Further studies, particularly in human volunteers, are necessary.
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate four different approaches to the decision of changing or not defective amalgam restorations in first primary molar teeth concerning the loss of dental structure. Ditched amalgam restorations (n = 11) were submitted to four different treatments, as follows: Control group - polishing and finishing of the restorations were carried out; Amalgam group - the ditched amalgam restorations were replaced by new amalgam restorations; Composite resin group - the initial amalgam restorations were replaced by composite resin restorations; Flowable resin group - the ditching around the amalgam restorations was filled with flowable resin. Images of the sectioned teeth were made and the area of the cavities before and after the procedures was determined by image analysis software to assess structural loss. The data were submitted to ANOVA complemented by the Student Newman Keuls test (p < 0.05). The cavities in all the groups presented significantly greater areas after the procedures. However, the amalgam group showed more substantial dental loss. The other three groups presented no statistically significant difference in dental structure loss after the re-treatments. Thus, replacing ditched amalgam restorations by other similar restorations resulted in a significant dental structure loss while maintaining them or replacing them by resin restorations did not result in significant loss.
Eutaleola nom. nov. is proposed as a replacement name for Euteleia Marcus, 1938 (Bryozoa: Cheilostomata), a secondary homonym of Euteleia Raffray, 1904 (Arthropoda: Coleoptera). Eutaleola is a monospecific genus of Pasytheida e, found in warm shallow waters on both sides of the Atlantic and in deeper waters of the eastern Pacific. Brazilian material of Eutaleola evelinae (Marcus, 1938) comb. nov. is described and illustrated.
Descreve-se um surto de disenteria de inverno que afetou 10 vacas leiteiras de uma propriedade localizada em Viamão, Rio Grande do Sul. O quadro clínico caracterizou-se por uma diarréia inicialmente líquida esverdeada com estrias de sangue e muco, evoluindo, em alguns animais, para uma diarréia de coloração marrom escura à sanguinolenta, que persistiu, em média, cinco dias. Drástica diminuição na produção de leite e no consumo de alimentos, além de graus variados de depressão também foram observados. Apenas um dos 10 animais afetados morreu. Durante a necropsia, observaram-se mucosas pálidas, conteúdo sanguinolento com presença de grande quantidade de coágulos, principalmente no cólon espiral e petéquias na mucosa do cólon. Os principais achados histológicos foram encontradas no cólon espiral, onde havia criptas dilatadas, sem epitélio de revestimento ou revestidas por epitélio pavimentoso e/ou cuboidal, por vezes com núcleos grandes e nucléolos proeminentes. Algumas criptas eram preenchidas por debris necróticos e polimorfonucleares. Na imuno-histoquímica com anticorpo monoclonal para coronavírus bovino (8F2) em cortes do cólon espiral, havia marcações positivas no citoplasma de enterócitos das criptas, nos debris necróticos destas e em macrófagos na lâmina própria.
All textile uses of cellulose acetate involve acetone recovery, which, because of safety issues, results in large installations, in order to work with dilute streams. This compromises the efficiency of all of the involved unit operations, in this case, acetone absorption in cold water, acetone distillation, and water chilling, making them more expensive. The present article proposes the improvement of the absorption of acetone in water, traditionally performed with sieve trays, by using structured packing instead. The advantageous implementation was enabled through the utilization of a calculation methodology based on concepts of thermodynamic equilibrium of the binary acetone/water system and empirical relations that allow the evaluation of the hydrodynamics of the proposed modification.
This study evaluates the possibility of replacing the hexavalent chromium passivation treatment used as a sealer after phosphating of carbon steel (SAE 1010) by a treatment with niobium ammonium oxalate (Ox). Samples of carbon steel (SAE 1010) after being phosphated in a zinc phosphate bath (PZn + Ni) were immersed in solution of niobium ammonium oxalate (250 mg L(-1) of Nb) either at pH 3.0 or pH 8.0. A passivation treatment with a solution with CrO(3) (200 mg L(-1) of Cr(6+)) was also used for reference. The corrosion resistance of the phosphated samples after passivation treatments was analyzed in a NaCl 0.5 mol L(-1) solution using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and anodic polarization curves. Salt spray tests were also performed to evaluate their corrosion resistance. The results showed that the highest corrosion resistance was obtained by passivation in a solution with (250 mg L(-1) of Nb) at pH 8.0. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effects of refrigeration, freezing and substitution of milk fat by inulin and whey protein concentrate (WPC) on the texture and sensory features of synbiotic guava mousses supplemented with the probiotic, Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5, and the prebiotic fibre oligofructose, were studied. The frozen storage (-18 +/- 1 degrees C), followed by thawing at 4 degrees C before the analyses, and the complete replacement of the milk fat by inulin plus WPC, led to significant differences in the instrumental texture parameters of mousses (P < 0.05). Nonetheless, these changes did not affect the sensory acceptability of the products studied. The frozen storage may be employed to extend the shelf-life of synbiotic guava mousses. Additionally, to obtain a texture profile similar to the traditional product, the simultaneous addition of inulin and WPC is recommended only for the partial replacement of milk fat in refrigerated and frozen mousses, and the total proportion of both ingredients together should not exceed 2.6%. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work aimed to study the in vitro colonic fermentation profile of unavailable carbohydrates of two different kinds of unripe banana flour and to evaluate their postprandial glycemic responses. The unripe banana mass (UBM), obtained from the cooked pulp of unripe bananas (Musa acuminata, Nanico variety), and the unripe banana starch (UBS), obtained from isolated starch of unripe banana, plantain type (Musa paradisiaca) in natura, were studied. The fermentability of the flours was evaluated by different parameters, using rat inoculum, as well as the glycemic response produced after the ingestion by healthy volunteers. The flours presented high concentration of unavailable carbohydrates, which varied in the content of resistant starch, dietary fiber and indigestible fraction (IF). The in vitro colonic fermentation of the flours was high, 98% for the UBS and 75% for the UBM when expressed by the total amount of SCFA such as acetate, butyrate and propionate in relation to lactulose. The increase in the area under the glycemic curve after ingestion of the flours was 90% lower for the UBS and 40% lower for the UBM than the increase produced after bread intake. These characteristics highlight the potential of UBM and UBS as functional ingredients. However, in vivo studies are necessary in order to evaluate the possible benefic effects of the fermentation on intestinal health.
We investigated the effect of sodium reduction by partial substitution of sodium chloride (NaCl) with potassium chloride (KCl) on the manufacture of Minas fresh cheese during 21 d of refrigerated storage. Four treatments of low-sodium Minas fresh cheese were manufactured, with partial replacement of NaCl by KCl at 0, 25, 50, and 75% (wt/wt), respectively. The cheeses showed differences in the content of moisture, ash, protein, salt, and lipid contents, as well as on the extent of proteolysis and hardness throughout the storage period. However, no difference was observed among treatments within each storage day tested. The partial substitution of NaCl by KCl decreased up to 51.8% the sodium concentration of the cheeses produced. The consumer test indicated that it is possible to manufacture a low-sodium Minas fresh cheese that is acceptable to consumers by partial substitution of NaCl by KCl at 25% (wt/wt) in the salting step.
Wolbachia are maternally inherited intracellular α-Proteobacteria found in numerous arthropod and filarial nematode species [1, 2 and 3]. They influence the biology of their hosts in many ways. In some cases, they act as obligate mutualists and are required for the normal development and reproduction of the host [4 and 5]. They are best known, however, for the various reproductive parasitism traits that they can generate in infected hosts. These include cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) between individuals of different infection status, the parthenogenetic production of females, the selective killing of male embryos, and the feminization of genetic males [1 and 2]. Wolbachia infections of Drosophila melanogaster are extremely common in both wild populations and long-term laboratory stocks [6, 7 and 8]. Utilizing the newly completed genome sequence of Wolbachia pipientis wMel [9], we have identified a number of polymorphic markers that can be used to discriminate among five different Wolbachia variants within what was previously thought to be the single clonal infection of D. melanogaster. Analysis of long-term lab stocks together with wild-caught flies indicates that one of these variants has replaced the others globally within the last century. This is the first report of a global replacement of a Wolbachia strain in an insect host species. The sweep is at odds with current theory that cannot explain how Wolbachia can invade this host species given the observed cytoplasmic incompatibility characteristics of Wolbachia infections in D. melanogaster in the field [6].
Inherited rickettsial symbionts of the genus Wolbachia occur commonly in arthropods and have been implicated in the expression of parthenogenesis, feminization and cytoplasmic incompatibility phenomena in their respective hosts. Here we use purified Wolbachia from the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, to replace the natural infection of Drosophila simulans by means of embryonic microinjection techniques. The transferred Wolbachia infection behaves like a natural Drosophila infection with regard to its inheritance, cytoskeleton interactions and ability to induce incompatibility when crossed with uninfected flies. The transinfected flies are bidirectionally incompatible with all other naturally infected strains of Drosophila simulans, however, and as such represent a unique crossing type. The successful transfer of this symbiont between distantly related hosts suggests that it may be possible to introduce this agent experimentally into arthropod species of medical and agricultural importance in order to manipulate natural populations genetically.
GH-binding protein (GHBP) corresponds to the extracellular domain of the GH receptor (GHR) and has been shown to be closely related to body fat. This study aimed to examine the inter-relationship between GHBP, leptin and body fat, and to test the hypothesis that GHBP is modified by GH replacement in GH-deficient adults and predicts IGF-I response. Twenty adults, mean age 47 years (range 20-69) with proven GH deficiency were randomly allocated to either GH (up to 0.25 U/kg/week in daily doses) or placebo for 3 months before cross-over to the opposite treatment. Plasma GHBP and leptin were measured at baseline and 2, 4, 8 and 12 weeks after each treatment. Whole body composition was measured at baseline by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). There was a strong correlation between baseline leptin and GHBP (r = 0.88, P < 0.0001) and between baseline GHBP and percentage body fat, (r = 0.83, P < 0.0001). Mean GHBP levels were higher on GH compared with placebo, 1.53 +/- 0.28 vs 1.41 +/- 0.25 nM, P = 0.049. There was no correlation between baseline IGF-I and GHBP (r = -0.049, P = 0.84), and GHBP did not predict IGF-I response to GH replacement. The close inter-relationship between GHBP, leptin and body fat suggests a possible role for GHBP in the regulation of body composition. GHBP is increased by GH replacement in GH-deficient adults, but does not predict biochemical response to GH replacement. (C) 1999 Churchill Livingstone.
We have generated transgenic mice that harbor a 140 kb genomic fragment of the human BRCA1 locus (TgN.BRCA1(GEN)). We find that the transgene directs appropriate expression of human BRCA1 transcripts in multiple mouse tissues, and that human BRCA1 protein is expressed and stabilized following exposure to DIVA damage, Such mice are completely normal, with no overt signs of BRCA1 toxicity commonly observed when BRCA1 is expressed from heterologous promoters. Most importantly, however, the transgene rescues the otherwise lethal phenotype associated with the targeted hypomorphic allele (Brca1(Delta exIISA)). Brca1(-/-); TgN.BRCA1(GEN) bigenic animals develop normally and can be maintained as a distinct line. These results show that a 140 kb fragment of chromosome 17 contains all elements necessary for the correct expression, localization, and function of the BRCA1 protein, Further, the model provides evidence that function and regulation of the human BRCA1 gene can be studied and manipulated in a genetically tractable mammalian system.