5 resultados para coccidioidomycosis


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo a análise das micoses sistémicas, no que respeita à sua identificação, morfologia dos agentes patogénicos que lhes dão origem, onde são endémicas, os sintomas que apresentam, os métodos de diagnóstico e as terapêuticas disponíveis para cada patologia. As micoses sistémicas são infeções causadas por fungos patogénicos primários que têm o trato respiratório como porta de entrada, e a partir daí podem disseminar-se por todo o organismo. Os agentes antifúngicos são usados no tratamento destas infeções, em que, no caso das infeções sistémicas, predominam o uso de cetoconazol (polieno), fluconazol e itraconazol (azóis). Existem ainda estudos que demonstram que as vacinas atenuadas podem ser usadas na profilaxia destas infeções. Com este trabalho conclui-se que as infeções fúngicas estão longe de ser extintas, uma vez que se verifica cada vez mais a existência de resistências por parte dos fungos aos fármacos, sendo o diagnóstico e a terapêutica usada dois parâmetros fundamentais para um tratamento eficaz.


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Há 100 anos Adolpho Lutz publicava relato pioneiro de enfermidade descrita como mycose pseudococcidica, hoje paracoccidioidomicose, em que discorria sobre suas manifestações clínico-histopatológicas e micológicas. Com precisão, em abril de 1908, descreveu que O agrupamento de corpúsculos kysticos é bastante característico. Geralmente há um maior no centro e outros pequenos em redor, o que sempre me produziu a impressão de resultar de um processo de gemmação. Inaugurava-se novo campo para investigações científicas.


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The deep mycoses are uncommon infections, usually acquired from the inhalation or ingestion of fungal spores, sometimes from the soil in areas of endemicity, such as in the Americas and south-east Asia, or from decaying vegetable matter. They are also seen in immunocompromised persons and, increasingly, in HIV-infected persons. Respiratory involvement is frequent, with granuloma formation, and mucocutaneous involvement may be seen. Oral lesions of the deep mycoses are typically chronic but non-specific, though nodular or ulcerative appearances are common. Person-to-person transmission is rare. In HIV disease, the most common orofacial involvement of deep mycoses has been in histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, aspergillosis and zygomycosis. Diagnosis is usually confirmed by lesional biopsy although culture may also be valuable. Treatment is with amphotericin or an azole.


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Once rare, septic shock (SS) due to disseminated fungal infections has been increasingly reported due to a growing number of immunocompromised patients, but remains rare in non-immune-compromised individuals. In paracoccidioidomycosis, it has been described in only three patients with the severe, acute form of the disease. We describe the development of a refractory, fatal septic shock due to a severe disseminated chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis in an older woman without any other microbial insults. A striking event in the evolution of her case was the severe depletion of lymphocytes from the peripheral blood and lymphoid organs. Lymphocyte depletion due to apoptosis is described in the late phase of sepsis and can contribute both to immunosuppression and the progression of SS. The possible mechanisms involved in the induction of SS in the chronic form of paracoccidioidomycosis are discussed.


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Simple cladogenetic theory suggests that gene genealogies can be used to detect mixis in a population and delineate reproductively isolated groups within sexual taxa. We have taken this approach in a study of Coccidioides immitis, an ascomycete fungus responsible for a recent epidemic of coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever) in California. To test whether this fungus represents a single sexual species throughout its entire geographic range, we have compared genealogies from fragments of five nuclear genes. The five genealogies show multiple incompatibilities indicative of sex, but also share a branch that partitions the isolates into two reproductively isolated taxa, one centered in California and the other outside California. We conclude that coccidioidomycosis can be caused by two distinct noninterbreeding taxa. This result should aid the future study of the disease and illustrates the utility of the genealogical approach in population genetics.