843 resultados para coating machine


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Thermoplastic matrix composites are receiving increasing interest in last years. This is due to several advantageous properties and speed of processing of these materials as compared to their thermoset counterparts. Among thermoplastic composites, Long Fibre Thermoplastics (LFTs) have seen the fastest growth, mainly due to developments in the automotive sector. LFTs combine the (semi-)structural material properties of long (>1 cm) fibres, with the ease and speed of thermoplastic processing. This paper reports a study of a novel low-cost LFT technology and resulting composites. A patented powder-coating machine able to produce continuously pre-impregnated materials directly from fibre rovings and polymer powders was used to process glass-fibre reinforced polypropylene (GF/PP) towpregs. Such pre-impregnated materials were then chopped and used to make LFTs in a patented low-cost piston-blender developed by the Centre of Lightweight Structures, TUD-TNO, the Netherlands. The work allowed studying the most relevant towpreg production parameters and establishing the processing window needed to obtain a good quality GF/PP powder coated material. Finally, the processing window that allows producing LFTs of good quality in the piston-blender and the mechanical properties of final stamped GF/PP composite parts were also determined.


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Työssä suunniteltiin esisuunnitteluluontoisesti leveän, uutta päällystysmenetelmää soveltavan päällystysaseman konstruktio avainkomponenttien osalta. Ensin perehdyttiin alan kirjallisuuteen ja pyrittiin selvittämään päällystysmenetelmän konstruktiolle asettamia vaatimuksia. Tämän jälkeen pohdittiin rakenteen leveyden ja päällystysnopeuden lisäämisen tuomia ongelmia ja lopuksi ideoitiin havaittuihin ongelmiin ratkaisuja. Virtauskammion mitoituksen, ohikierron vaikutuksen ja virtausta tasoittavien elementtien mitoituksen selvittämiseksi tehtiin CFD laskenta newtonisella ja einewtonisella virtausaineella. Huomattiin painehäviön kasvattamisen ja tasauskammion lisäämisen parantavan päällysteprofiilia. Ohikierron lisäämisen todettiin heikentävän päällysteprofiilia erityisesti reunojen läheisyydessä. Virtauksen jako- ja tasauskammioiden muotoilua muutettiin tukkeutumisriskin pienentämiseksi. Rakenne kokee aina myös muodonmuutoksia paineen-, taipumien- tai lämpötilaerojen seurauksena. Näiden vaikutuksen selvittämiseksi applikointiosaa analysointiin FE -menetelmällä. Todettiin palkin pinnalla olevien lämpötilaerojen olevan suurin yksittäinen päällysteprofiiliin vaikuttava häiriölähde.


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Työssä kehitettiin päällystyskoneen runkojen FE-analysointia erityisesti vastelaskennan kannalta, joskin myös ominaistaajuuslaskennan tarkentamiseksi esitettiin parannuksia. Työssä rajoitutaan harmonisten telaherätteiden aiheuttamien vasteiden analysointiin. . Työssä käsitellään värähtelyjen teoriaa ja tarkastellaan Abaqus-ohjelmiston (versio 5.8) laskentamenetelmiä vakiotilan värähtelyvasteen laskemiseksi. FEM-mallin rakenteeseen liittyen käsitellään perustuksien ja maaperän, konepalkin ja telaherätteiden mallintamista ja mallinnuksen laajuutta. Telaherätteitä käsitellään yksittäisen telan ja telojen samanvaiheisuuden kannalta. Samanvaiheisuutta tutkitaan työssä kehitetyllä summafunktiolla. Värähtelyjen mittaukseen FEM-mallien verifioimiseksi esitetään parannuksia. Nykyinen mallinnustapa käsitellään lyhyesti. Parannusehdotuksia kokeiltiin mallintamalla Rauma 400-päällystyskone ja vertaamalla tuloksia mitattuihin. Laskennan tulokset vastasivat vaihtelevasti mittaustuloksia, mittaustulosten puutteellisuus vaikeutti vertailua. Tulosten perusteella herätetiedon parantaminen on perusteltua ja mallin laajennus lisää todenmukaisuutta. Maaperän huomiointi vaikuttaa ennen kaikkea ominaistaajuuksiin ja muotoihin ja suora ratkaisutapa on käyttökelpoinen vasteen laskentamenetelmä otettaessa maaperä huomioon.


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Radanohjaimia käytetään radan poikkisuuntaiseen paikoitukseen sekä oskillointiin ja ne ovat osa paperinvalmistuslinjojen radanhallintajärjestelmiä. Oikein suunnitellulla ja sijoitetulla radanohjaimella voidaan estää haitallisten ratasiirtymien esiintyminen, pienentää hylkymateriaalin määrää sekä parantaa rullauksen laatua. Ohjausperiaatteet sekä niihin liittyvä laitetekniikka on tunnettu jo vuosikymmenten ajan, joskin todelliset radanohjaustarpeet ja -laitteet ovat tähän asti rajoittuneet paino-, tekstiili- ja metalliteollisuudessa käytössä oleville kapeille radoille. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli selvittää 5… 12 metriä leveälle, modernissa päällystyskoneessa kulkevalle paperiradalle soveltuvat ohjausperiaatteet sekä muodostaa radan todennäköisimpiin vauriomuotoihin perustuvat suunnittelukriteerit kahdelle erityyppiselle ohjainkonstruktiolle. Yksitelainen, taivuttava radanohjain soveltuu kohteisiin, joissa ohjainta edeltää suhteellisen pitkä vapaa ratavienti. Kaksitelainen, taittava radanohjain on puolestaan sijoitettavissa huomattavasti lyhyempään ratavientiin. Radanohjauksen teoria pohjautuu pitävän telan ja radan väliseen kohtisuoran tulokulman periaatteeseen, jonka perusteella mikä tahansa yhdensuuntaisuuspoikkeama kahden telan välillä johtaa radan poikkisuuntaiseen siirtymään. Tämän periaatteen pohjalta voidaan dynaamista ohjaustilannetta approksimoida staattisin menetelmin sekä muodostaa kireysmuutoksiin ja aaltoiluun perustuvat geometrian mitoitusperiaatteet ohjaimen ympäristön ratavienneille. Nopean ohjauksen toteutus edellyttää radanohjaimen liikkeen olevan nivelen ympäri tapahtuvaa yhdistettyä translaatio- ja rotaatioliikettä. Ohjainkonstruktiot suunnitellaan siten, että teorian mukaiset optimaaliset liikeradat toteutuvat vaaditulla ohjausnopeudella. Suunnittelua ohjaavat tuotteille asetetut lujuus- ja värähtelykriteerit sekä aiheeseen liittyvät koneturvallisuusstandardit. Konstruointi suoritetaan järjestelmällisen tuotesuunnitteluprosessin vaiheiden ja menetelmien mukaisesti.


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Cápsulas resistentes ao trato gastrintestinal são freqüentemente usadas com diversos propósitos. Estas cápsulas promovem eficácia farmacológica e farmacocinética de substâncias que são instáveis, ou irritantes para a mucosa gástrica. O diclofenaco de sódio é um antiinflamatório não-esteróide, que, por ser muito utilizado, despertou o interesse do setor magistral para sua manipulação. Porém, o fármaco é irritante para a mucosa gástrica, havendo necessidade de se empregar substâncias capazes de proteger o meio gástrico da ação do medicamento e uma alternativa para o setor magistral é a manipulação de cápsulas gastro-resistentes. Estas cápsulas devem resistir, sem alteração, à ação do suco gástrico, mas desagregar-se rapidamente no suco intestinal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi preparar cápsulas na concentração de 50 mg/cápsula de diclofenaco de sódio formiladas ou revestidas com acetoftalato de celulose ou com Eudragit L100 na máquina de revestimento entérico “Enteric Coating Machine” PCCA ou manualmente. Foram analisados os resultados considerando o perfil de dissolução das formulações. Observou-se que as cápsulas revestidas na máquina com Eudragit L100 e com acetoftalato em acetona revestidas na máquina e manualmente mostraram bons resultados quanto à dissolução, porém, não apresentaram boa aparência no caso das cápsulas de cor vermelha. Quanto às cápsulas revestidas com formol, estas apresentam boa aparência, mas não deram bons resultados no teste de dissolução.


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Purpose: This study evaluated the effect of pattern coating with spinel-based investment Rematitan Ultra (RU) on the castability and internal porosity of commercially pure (CP) titanium invested into phosphate-bonded investments. The apparent porosity of the investment was also measured. Materials and Methods: Square patterns (15 x 15 x 0.3 mm(3)) were either coated with RU, or not and invested into the phosphate-bonded investments: Rematitan Plus (RP), Rema Exakt (RE), Castorit Super C (CA), and RU (control group). The castings were made in an Ar-arc vacuum-pressure machine. The castability area (mm(2)) was measured by an image-analysis system (n = 10). For internal porosity, the casting (12 x 12 x 2 mm(3)) was studied by the X-ray method, and the projected porous area percentage was measured by an image-analysis system (n = 10). The apparent porosity of the investment (n = 10) was measured in accordance with the ASTM C373-88 standard. Results: Analysis of variance (One-way ANOVA) of castability was significant, and the Tukey test indicated that RU had the highest mean but the investing technique with coating increased the castability for all phosphate-bonded investments. The analysis of the internal porosity of the cast by the nonparametric test demonstrated that the RP, RE, and CA with coating and RP without coating did not differ from the control group (RU), while the CA and RE casts without coating were more porous. The one-way ANOVA of apparent porosity of the investment was significant, and the Tukey test showed that the means of RU (36.10%) and CA (37.22%) were higher than those of RP (25.91%) and RE (26.02%). Conclusion: Pattern coating with spinel-based material prior to phosphate-bonded investments can influence the castability and the internal porosity of CP Ti.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: To evaluate the shear bond strength and bond durability between a dual-cured resin cement (RC) and a high alumina ceramic (In-Ceram Alumina), subjected to two surface treatments. Materials and Methods: Forty disc-shaped specimens (sp) (4-mm diameter, 5-mm thick) were fabricated from In-Ceram Alumina and divided into two groups (n = 20) in accordance with surface treatment: (1) sandblasting by aluminum oxide particles (50 μm Al 2O 3) (SB) and (2) silica coating (30 μm SiO x) using the CoJet system (SC). After the 40 sp were bonded to the dual-cured RC, they were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 hours. After this period, the sp from each group were divided into two conditions of storage (n = 10): (a) 24 h-shear bond test 24 hours after cementation; (b) Aging-thermocycling (TC) (12,000 times, 5 to 55°C) and water storage (150 days). The shear test was performed in a universal test machine (1 mm/min). Results: ANOVA and Tukey (5%) tests noted no statistically significant difference in the bond strength values between the two surface treatments (p= 0.7897). The bond strengths (MPa) for both surface treatments reduced significantly after aging (SB-24: 8.2 ± 4.6; SB-Aging: 3.7 ± 2.5; SC-24: 8.6 ± 2.2; SC-Aging: 3.5 ± 3.1). Conclusion: Surface conditioning using airborne particle abrasion with either 50 μm alumina or 30 μm silica particles exhibited similar bond strength values and decreased after long-term TC and water storage for both methods. © 2011 by The American College of Prosthodontists.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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To investigate the osseointegration properties of prototyped implants with tridimensionally interconnected pores made of the Ti6Al4V alloy and the influence of a thin calcium phosphate coating. Bilateral critical size calvarial defects were created in thirty Wistar rats and filled with coated and uncoated implants in a randomized fashion. The animals were kept for 15, 45 and 90 days. Implant mechanical integration was evaluated with a push-out test. Bone-implant interface was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. The maximum force to produce initial displacement of the implants increased during the study period, reaching values around 100N for both types of implants. Intimate contact between bone and implant was present, with progressive bone growth into the pores. No significant differences were seen between coated and uncoated implants. Adequate osseointegration can be achieved in calvarial reconstructions using prototyped Ti6Al4V Implants with the described characteristics of surface and porosity.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of machine learning classifiers (MLCs) for glaucoma diagnosis using Spectral Domain OCT (SD-OCT) and standard automated perimetry (SAP). METHODS: Observational cross-sectional study. Sixty two glaucoma patients and 48 healthy individuals were included. All patients underwent a complete ophthalmologic examination, achromatic standard automated perimetry (SAP) and retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) imaging with SD-OCT (Cirrus HD-OCT; Carl Zeiss Meditec Inc., Dublin, California). Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were obtained for all SD-OCT parameters and global indices of SAP. Subsequently, the following MLCs were tested using parameters from the SD-OCT and SAP: Bagging (BAG), Naive-Bayes (NB), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Radial Basis Function (RBF), Random Forest (RAN), Ensemble Selection (ENS), Classification Tree (CTREE), Ada Boost M1(ADA),Support Vector Machine Linear (SVML) and Support Vector Machine Gaussian (SVMG). Areas under the receiver operating characteristic curves (aROC) obtained for isolated SAP and OCT parameters were compared with MLCs using OCT+SAP data. RESULTS: Combining OCT and SAP data, MLCs' aROCs varied from 0.777(CTREE) to 0.946 (RAN).The best OCT+SAP aROC obtained with RAN (0.946) was significantly larger the best single OCT parameter (p<0.05), but was not significantly different from the aROC obtained with the best single SAP parameter (p=0.19). CONCLUSION: Machine learning classifiers trained on OCT and SAP data can successfully discriminate between healthy and glaucomatous eyes. The combination of OCT and SAP measurements improved the diagnostic accuracy compared with OCT data alone.


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This work proposes a new approach using a committee machine of artificial neural networks to classify masses found in mammograms as benign or malignant. Three shape factors, three edge-sharpness measures, and 14 texture measures are used for the classification of 20 regions of interest (ROIs) related to malignant tumors and 37 ROIs related to benign masses. A group of multilayer perceptrons (MLPs) is employed as a committee machine of neural network classifiers. The classification results are reached by combining the responses of the individual classifiers. Experiments involving changes in the learning algorithm of the committee machine are conducted. The classification accuracy is evaluated using the area A. under the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve. The A, result for the committee machine is compared with the A, results obtained using MLPs and single-layer perceptrons (SLPs), as well as a linear discriminant analysis (LDA) classifier Tests are carried out using the student's t-distribution. The committee machine classifier outperforms the MLP SLP, and LDA classifiers in the following cases: with the shape measure of spiculation index, the A, values of the four methods are, in order 0.93, 0.84, 0.75, and 0.76; and with the edge-sharpness measure of acutance, the values are 0.79, 0.70, 0.69, and 0.74. Although the features with which improvement is obtained with the committee machines are not the same as those that provided the maximal value of A(z) (A(z) = 0.99 with some shape features, with or without the committee machine), they correspond to features that are not critically dependent on the accuracy of the boundaries of the masses, which is an important result. (c) 2008 SPIE and IS&T.


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With the relentless quest for improved performance driving ever tighter tolerances for manufacturing, machine tools are sometimes unable to meet the desired requirements. One option to improve the tolerances of machine tools is to compensate for their errors. Among all possible sources of machine tool error, thermally induced errors are, in general for newer machines, the most important. The present work demonstrates the evaluation and modelling of the behaviour of the thermal errors of a CNC cylindrical grinding machine during its warm-up period.


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Coatings based on NiCrAlC intermetallic based alloy were applied on AISI 316L stainless steel substrates using a high velocity oxygen fuel torch. The influence of the spray parameters on friction and abrasive wear resistance were investigated using an instrumented rubber wheel abrasion test, able to measure the friction forces. The corrosion behaviour of the coatings were studied with electrochemical techniques and compared with the corrosion resistance of the substrate material. Specimens prepared using lower O(2)/C(3)H(8) ratios showed smaller porosity values. The abrasion wear rate of the NiCrAlC coatings was much smaller than that described in the literature for bulk as cast materials with similar composition and one order of magnitude higher than bulk cast and heat treated (aged) NiCrAlC alloy. All coatings showed higher corrosion resistance than the AISI 316L substrate in HCl (5%) aqueous solution at 40 degrees C.


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Paper products show dimensional changes when subjected to moisture content modification. Hygroexpansivity was investigated in a commercial paper machine operating at 1256 m/min by a set of measurements on 75 g/m(2) reprographic bleached eucalyptus pulp paper samples. The present work shows hygroexpansivity development in different sections of the paper machine along the manufacturing direction. The measurement results demonstrate the effects of papermaking process operations on paper hygroexpansivity and lead to the confirmation of fiber orientation degree, drying restraint and shrinkage and paper tension as significant influencing factors. Structural, strength and elastic properties of paper were also measured as a function of machine direction position and presented for discussion purposes.