977 resultados para coating industry waste


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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence of the crushing process used to obtain recycled concrete aggregates on the performance of concrete made with those aggregates. Two crushing methods were considered: primary crushing, using a jaw crusher, and primary plus secondary crushing (PSC), using a jaw crusher followed by a hammer mill. Besides natural aggregates (NA), these two processes were also used to crush three types of concrete made in laboratory (L20, L45 e L65) and three more others from the precast industry (P20, P45 e P65). The coarse natural aggregates were totally replaced by coarse recycled concrete aggregates. The recycled aggregates concrete mixes were compared with reference concrete mixes made using only NA, and the following properties related to the mechanical and durability performance were tested: compressive strength; splitting tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; carbonation resistance; chloride penetration resistance; water absorption by capillarity; water absorption by immersion; and shrinkage. The results show that the PSC process leads to better performances, especially in the durability properties. © 2014 RILEM


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The aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence of the crushing process used to obtain recycled concrete aggregates on the performance of concrete made with those aggregates. Two crushing methods were considered: primary crushing, using a jaw crusher, and primary plus secondary crushing (PSC), using a jaw crusher followed by a hammer mill. Besides natural aggregates (NA), these two processes were also used to crush three types of concrete made in laboratory (L20, L45 e L65) and three more others from the precast industry (P20, P45 e P65). The coarse natural aggregates were totally replaced by coarse recycled concrete aggregates. The recycled aggregates concrete mixes were compared with reference concrete mixes made using only NA, and the following properties related to the mechanical and durability performance were tested: compressive strength; splitting tensile strength; modulus of elasticity; carbonation resistance; chloride penetration resistance; water absorption by capillarity; water absorption by immersion; and shrinkage. The results show that the PSC process leads to better performances, especially in the durability properties.


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The Iowa livestock industry generates large quantities of manure and other organic residues; composed of feces, urine, bedding material, waste feed, dilution water, and mortalities. Often viewed as a waste material, little has been done to characterize and determine the usefulness of this resource. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources initiated the process to assess in detail the manure resource and the potential utilization of this resource through anaerobic digestion coupled with energy recovery. Many of the pieces required to assess the manure resource already exist, albeit in disparate forms and locations. This study began by interpreting and integrating existing Federal, State, ISU studies, and other sources of livestock numbers, housing, and management information. With these data, models were analyzed to determine energy production and economic feasibility of energy recovery using anaerobic digestion facilities on livestock faxms. Having these data individual facilities and clusters that appear economically feasible can be identified specifically through the use of a GIs system for further investigation. Also livestock facilities and clusters of facilities with high methane recovery potential can be the focus of targeted educational programs through Cooperative Extension network and other outreach networks, providing a more intensive counterpoint to broadly based educational efforts.


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Spent coffee grounds (SCG), which are the residue obtained from the treatment of coffee with hot water or steam, can be used for industrial applications, due to the high content in lipids. The cosmetic products might be a suitable application for these types of residues because the barrier properties of the stratum corneum (SC) are largely dependent on the intactness of the lipid lamellae that surrounds the corneocytes. The purpose of this work was to assess the feasibility of using the lipid fraction of SCG extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide in the development of new cosmetic formulations with improved skin lipids (sebum) and hydration. The use of spent coffee lipid extract in cosmetic industry seems to be a suitable approach to recycle the wastes from coffee industry. Emulsion containing 10% of the lipid fraction of SCG (SpentCofOil cream) presented promising characteristics in the improvement of sebum skin levels with a good acceptance by consumers when compared to an emulsion containing 10% w/w of green coffee oil (GreenCofOil cream) and a placebo without coffee oil (NoCofOil cream). Practical applications: In this work, the authors develop and characterize a cream containing 10% of the lipid fraction of SCG extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide with improved skin lipids (sebum) and hydration. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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This work describes hydrogen production by anaerobic digestion of glucose, molasses and milk whey by 4 thermophilic Thermotoga strains. In the attached-cell tests, the biofilm support characterized by the highest specific surface resulted in the best H2 rate. All the Thermotoga strains examined (T. neapolitana, T. maritima, T. naphtophila, T. petrophila) could produce H2 from glucose, molasses and milk whey, both in suspended- and attached-cell tests. With all the three substrates, the best performances were obtained with T. neapolitana. Some tests were conducted out to select the optimal carrier for the attached-cell conditions. 4 types of carrier were tested: 3 sintered glass carriers and a ceramic one; the chosen carrier was Biomax.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoite on kartoittaa maalien ja lakkojen valmistuksessa syntyvien sivuvirtojen hyötykäyttöä ja hyötykäyttöpotentiaalia nykyisellään. Työn tarkoitus on toimia esiselvityksenä pinnoiteteollisuuden sivuvirtojen hyötykäyttöön liittyvien liiketoimintamahdollisuuksien syvemmälle analyysille. Teollisuuden sivuvirtoihin liittyvää tietoa kerätään tilastoista ja olemassa olevista raporteista sekä haastattelemalla teollisuus- ja palveluyritysten edustajia sekä alan asiantuntijoita. Sivuvirtojen teknisten hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksien ja liiketoiminnallisten mahdollisuuksien tarkastelua varten järjestetään työpajoja asiantuntijoille Apila Group Oy Ab:n asiantuntijaverkostossa. Neljässä haastatellussa tuotantolaitoksissa syntyi vuonna 2008 yhteensä 6 662 tonnia kiinteää jätettä ja lietteitä. 68 % näistä sivuvirroista hyötykäytettiin energiana tai polttoaineen valmistuksessa. Materiaalina sivuvirtoja hyötykäytettiin 16 % sivuvirroista, pääasiassa pahvia, paperia, metalleja sekä tynnyreitä ja kontteja. Myös merkittävä osa liuottimista otettiin talteen uudelleenhyödyntämistä varten. Tässä diplomityössä hyötykäyttömahdollisuuksien tarkempaa tarkastelua varten valittiin tavanomaisiksi jätteiksi luokiteltuja maalisivuvirtoja, joita haastatelluissa tuotantolaitoksissa syntyi noin 1 500 tonnia. Maalisivuvirtojen tärkeimmät materiaaliominaisuudet liittyvät niiden sisältämiin täyte- ja sideaineisiin, jotka muodostavat merkittävän osan maalien koostumuksesta. Selvityksen mukaan nämä ominaisuudet voidaan ottaa hyötykäyttöön erilaisissa yhdistelmämateriaaleissa, esimerkiksi ekstruusiopuristetuissa tai ahtopuristetuissa muovikuitukomposiiteissa. Komposiittien raaka-aineena käytetään jo erilaisia sivuvirtoja ja lisäksi erilaisten komposiittien markkinoiden ennustetaan kasvavan. Tämä voi tarjota mahdollisuuksia uusille palvelu-, t&k- tai tuotteistusliiketoiminnoille. Kuivilla maalijätteillä on myös hyvä lämpöarvo, jolloin energiahyötykäytön ja palamisjäännöksen materiaalihyötykäytön yhdistäminen mm. keramiikka- tai sementtiteollisuudessa voi tarjota mahdollisuuksia uusille liiketoiminnoille.


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Final report (SW-508) describing work performed for the Federal Solid waste management program under Contract no. 68-01-2684.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Bioquímica


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Tämä tutkimus kuuluu ympäristöklusterin tutkimusprojektiin "Materiaalivirrat ja energiankäyttö metsäteollisuusintegraateissa ja niihin liittyvät toimintastrategiat ympäristövaikutuslähtöisesti". Työn päätavoitteena oli kehittää laskentapohja, jossa alkuarvoja muuttamalla voidaan helposti määritellä metsäteollisuuden jäte- eli sivuainevirtojen käsittelystä ja hyötykäytöstä aiheutuvia hiilidioksidivaikutuksia. Tutkimuksen sisältö pohjautuu pääosin projektin muihin tutkimuksiin, joissa on tarkasteltu sivuainevirtojen hyötykäytön teknisiä ja taloudellisia reunaehtoja. Metsäteollisuuden tärkeimmiksi sivuainevirroiksi voidaan määritellä tuhka, soodasakka, jätevedenkäsittelyn liete sekä pastaliete. Tässä tutkimuksessa on laskettu näiden sivuainevirtojen nykyisten käsittelymenetelmien hiilidioksidivaikutukset projektissa mukana olevilla tehtailla ja vertailtu niitä potentiaalisempien uusien käsittely- ja hyötykäyttömenetelmien vaikutuksiin. Työstä saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan arvioida, että tuhkan osalta hiilidioksidivaikutukset ovat suhteellisen merkityksettömiä. Pastalietteen osalta prosessiin palautus vaikuttaisi parhaalta menetelmältä, koska tuorepastan tuotannosta aiheutuu varsin runsaasti hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Suurin merkitys kokonaispäästöjen kannalta näyttäisi kuitenkin olevan jätevedenkäsittelyn lietteen ja soodasakan käsittelymenetelmillä. Soodasakan orgaaninen aines aiheuttaa kaatopaikoilla suurehkot metaanipäästöt, joita hyötykäytöllä voitaisiin vähentää merkittävästi. Jätevedenkäsittelyn lietteen osalta uudet kuivauksen tehostamismenetelmät parantavat lietteen poltettavuutta, jolloin myös hiilidioksidipäästöt pienenevät. Toisaalta suuremman kuiva-ainepitoisuuden vuoksi myös varastointi voisi olla mahdollista, jolloin lietettä ei tarvitsisi läjittää enää kaatopaikoille, ja myös kaatopaikkapäästöiltä vältyttäisiin.


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Aiming to evaluate the use of sugarcane industry waste such as byproducts from vinasse concentration process, it was assessed the organomineral fertilizer BIOFOM (concentrated vinasse, filter cake, boiler ash, soot from chimneys and supplemented with mineral fertilizers). The study included characterization and agronomic potential analysis of a test plant (corn), by noting the differences between mineral fertilizers and BIOFOM fertilization until 45 days after sowing. The technology traditionally used to produce BIOFOM was based on vinasse evaporation with high heat transfer coefficients. It was observed that the technology, which can be formulated according to the needs of any crop, could be used in many cases as mineral fertilizer. Therefore, the use of this organomineral fertilizer reduces waste generation of sugarcane industry.


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Waste incineration is becoming increasingly widespread method of waste disposal in China. Incineration plants mostly use grate and circular fluidized bed (CFB) technology. Waste combustion in cement production is also beginning to gradually increase. However, Chinese waste composition is causing problems for the energy utilization. Mechanical waste pre-treatment optimizes the combustion process and facilitates the energy recovery. The objective of this study is to identify how Western waste pre-treatment manufacturer could operate in Chinese markets. Chinese waste management industry is reviewed via PESTEL analysis. The current state and future predictions of grate and CFB incineration as well as cement manufacturing are monitored. Grate combustion, which requires lesser waste pre-treatment, is becoming more common at the expense of CFB incineration in China. The most promising future for waste treatment is in cement production industry. Waste treatment equipment manufacturer should try to create pilot projects with biggest cement producers with a view of growing co-operation in the future.


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The construction industry is responsible for generating a lot of waste because of their activities. Consequently, it is noticeable the occurrence of environmental problems in terms of its disposal in inappropriate places. Faced with this problem, some studies have been conducted with the aim of developing technologies and alternatives for recycling construction and demolition waste (CDW), motivated by the scarcity of natural resources and reduction of environmental problems generated. The research aims to characterize the recycled aggregates derived from construction and demolition waste (CDW) produced in the Greater Natal-RN and analyze the performance of mortar coating produced with recycled aggregates. The study includes the chemical , physical and microstructural characterization of recycled aggregates , as well as conducting microscopic analysis and laboratory tests in the fresh state (consistency index , water retention , bulk density and content of entrained air ) and in the hardened state ( compressive strength , tensile strength in bending , water absorption by immersion and capillary , mass density and void ratio ) for mortars produced from different levels of substitution of aggregates ( 0, 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 % and 100 %). The results were satisfactory, providing mortars produced with recycled aggregates, smaller mass density and dynamic modulus values as well as an increase in the rates of absorption and porosity. The tensile strength in bending and compression for TP1 (1:2:8) trait were lower for mortars produced with recycled aggregates and the best result was 20% for replacement. For the TP2 (1:8) mapping, there was an increase in resistance to traction and compression and the best result was for 100% replacement of natural aggregates by recycled. The experiments led to the conclusion that the technical and economic point of view that the mortars produced with recycled aggregates can be used in construction, only if there is an effective control in production processes of recycled aggregate and at the dosage of mortars


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A significant part of film production by the coating industry is based on wet bench processes, where better understanding of their temporal dynamics could facilitate control and optimization. In this work, in situ laser interferometry is applied to study properties of flowing liquids and quantitatively monitor the dip coating batch process. Two oil standards Newtonian, non-volatile, with constant refractive indices and distinct flow properties - were measured under several withdrawing speeds. The dynamics of film physical thickness then depends on time as t(-1/2), and flow characterization becomes possible with high precision (linear slope uncertainty of +/-0.04%). Resulting kinematic viscosities for OP60 and OP400 are 1,17 +/- 0,03. St and 9,9 +/- 0,2 St, respectively. These results agree with nominal values, as provided by the manufacturer. For more complex films (a multi-component sol-gel Zirconyl Chloride aqueous solution) with a varying refractive index, through a direct polarimetric measurement, allowing also determination of the temporal evolution of physical thickness (uncertainty of +/- 0,007 microns) is also determined during dip coating.


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Biochar is a carbon-rich solid obtained by the thermal decomposition of organic matter under a limited supply of oxygen and at relatively low temperatures. Biochar can be prepared from the pyrolysis of different organic feed- stocks, such as wood and biomass crops, agricultural by-products, different types of waste or paper industry waste materials . The pyrolysis procedure of waste, i.e. sewage sludge, has mainly two advantages, firstly, it removes pathogens from waste and, secondly, biochar can reduce the leaching of heavy metals present in raw sewage sludge. This trend of the use of waste material as feedstocks to the preparation of biochar is increasing in the last years due to industrial development and economic growth imply an increase in waste generation. The application of biochar may have positive effects on soil physical properties as water holding capacity and structure or on soil biological activity and soil quality. Also, biochar can be used to remove water pollutants and can be used in multiple ways in soil remediation due to its adsorption of pesticides or metals. Also, biochar contribute to carbon sequestration due to carbon stability of biochar materials. The objective of this presentation is to review the positive effects of the biochar prepared from organic waste on soil properties.