897 resultados para coastal tablelands


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Water-soluble polymers are characterized as effective flocculating agents due to their molecular features. Their application to soils with horizons with structural problems, e.g, a cohesive character, contributes to improvements in the physical quality and thus to the agricultural suitability of such soils. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the structural quality of soils with cohesive horizons of coastal tablelands in the State of Pernambuco treated with polyacrylamide (PAM) as chemical soil conditioner. To this end, three horizons (one cohesive and two non-cohesive) of a Yellow Argisol (Ultisol) were evaluated and to compare cohesive horizons, the horizon of a Yellow Latosol (Oxisol) was selected. The treatments consisted of aqueous PAM solutions (12.5; 50.0; 100.0 mg kg-1) and distilled water (control). The structural aspects of the horizons were evaluated by the stability (soil mass retained in five diameter classes), aggregate distribution per size class (mean weight diameter- MWD, geometric mean diameter - GMD) and the magnitude of the changes introduced by PAM by measuring the sensitivity index (Si). Aqueous PAM solutions increased aggregate stability in the largest evaluated diameter class of the cohesive and non-cohesive horizons, resulting in higher MWD and GMD, with highest efficiency of the 100 mg kg-1 solution. The cohesive horizon Bt1 in the Ultisol was most sensitive to the action of PAM, where highest Si values were found, but the structural quality of the BA horizon of the Oxisol was better in terms of stability and aggregate size distribution.


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No Brasil, as lavouras de mamoeiro das planícies dos tabuleiros costeiros são as que melhor desenvolvem e aplicam tecnologias para a produção de mamão no mundo. O objetivo foi aplicar a estatística clássica e a geoestatística no mapeamento e na correlação da variabilidade espacial de atributos químicos e físicos de solo e de plantas de mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.) de uma lavoura comercial do norte capixaba cultivada em um Argissolo típico dos tabuleiros costeiros. O solo de textura arenosa de caráter coeso foi preparado convencionalmente e cultivado com mamoeiro variedade Golden THB. Após a sexagem, procederam-se as amostragens de solo, amostrado na projeção da copa (0-0,20 e 0,20-0,40 m) para a determinação dos atributos químicos e físicos, e de atributos biométricos das plantas em uma área de 1,2 ha (114 x 110 m) totalizando 129 pontos amostrais georreferenciados. Ao nono mês após o transplantio, registrou-se a altura da colheita dos primeiros frutos, o número e a massa dos frutos colhidos para estimativa da produtividade, amostrando três plantas por ponto amostral durante três meses. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística descritiva e à correlação de Pearson. A dependência espacial das variáveis foi analisada através da ferramenta geoestatística, com obtenção de semivariograma e os mapas de distribuição das variáveis. A maior parte dos atributos de solo e de plantas de mamoeiro apresenta dependência espacial e é mapeada adequadamente. Há correlação de dependência vertical para densidade do solo, argila, silte, resistência do solo à penetração na linha de plantio e na rua e volume total de poros. Dos atributos químicos não ocorre este comportamento apenas para K, Al e Sat K. As frações areia e argila foram os principais atributos a constituírem correlação com os demais. Há poucas correlações dos atributos do solo com os atributos biométricos e a produtividade do mamoeiro. Ocorre correlação positiva entre a produtividade inicial do mamoeiro com características biométricas ideias para as plantas de mamoeiro. A fertilidade e o preparo do solo são expressivos para o desenvolvimento do mamoeiro e para a variabilidade espacial dos atributos avaliados.


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Many soils have a hard-setting behavior, also known as cohesive or "coesos". In such soils, the penetration resistance increases markedly when dry and decreases considerably when moist, creating serious limitations for plant emergence and growth. To evaluate the level of structure degradation in hard-setting soils with different texture classes and to create an index for assessing soil hardness levels in hard-setting soils, six soil representative profiles were selected in the field in various regions of Brazil. The following indices were tested: S, which measures soil physical quality, and H , which analyzes the degree of hardness and the effective stress in the soil during drying. Both indices were calculated using previously described functions based on data from the water-retention curves for the soils. The hard-setting values identified in different soils of the Brazilian Coastal Tablelands have distinct compaction (hardness) levels and can be satisfactorily measured by the H index. The S index was adequate for evaluating the structural characteristics of the hard-setting soils, classifying them as suitable or poor for cultivation, but only when the moisture level of the soil was near the inflection point. The H index showed that increases in density in hard-setting soils result from increases in effective stress and not from the soil texture. Values for Bd > 1.48 kg dm-3 classify the soil as hard-setting, and the structural organization is considered "poor".


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This work is an ethnographic research with collectors women of Mangaba in the village of Ponta Negra in Natal - RN. This Women also known as Mangabeira's women reproduce a practice learned with their ancestors, collecting this fruit in the coastal tablelands forests and latter commercializing it in the local markets. This research uses the methodology of oral history and visual anthropology with presentation of collected images on board. It is intended to emphasize the botanical and environmental aspects of the Mangabeira plant, its ecosystem, territorial, economic and historical aspects of it, also the knowledge of this extractive practice of our immaterial culture.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the interaction among meteorological variables and yield components of six sugarcane varieties and to establish appropriate varietal management at the Coastal Tablelands of the Alagoas State (Brazil). The sugarcane planting was carried out in September 2005, and three cane harvests were made in November 2006, 2007 and 2008. The experimental design was in randomized block with six treatments consisting of the varieties RB863129, RB867515, RB92579, RB93509, RB931003 and RB951541, with four replications. The growth variables evaluated were number and length of stalks, leaf area index, and productivity of stalks and sugar. On average, the crop water balance showed water deficit of 869 mm between September and March and excess of 837 mm from April to August. The irregularity of rainfall in the Coastal Tablelands promoted differential responses in the development and productivity of varieties of sugarcane. Varieties RB93509 and RB931003 are considered options for the varietal management in this region.


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This work is an ethnographic research with collectors women of Mangaba in the village of Ponta Negra in Natal - RN. This Women also known as Mangabeira's women reproduce a practice learned with their ancestors, collecting this fruit in the coastal tablelands forests and latter commercializing it in the local markets. This research uses the methodology of oral history and visual anthropology with presentation of collected images on board. It is intended to emphasize the botanical and environmental aspects of the Mangabeira plant, its ecosystem, territorial, economic and historical aspects of it, also the knowledge of this extractive practice of our immaterial culture.


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This work is an ethnographic research with collectors women of Mangaba in the village of Ponta Negra in Natal - RN. This Women also known as Mangabeira's women reproduce a practice learned with their ancestors, collecting this fruit in the coastal tablelands forests and latter commercializing it in the local markets. This research uses the methodology of oral history and visual anthropology with presentation of collected images on board. It is intended to emphasize the botanical and environmental aspects of the Mangabeira plant, its ecosystem, territorial, economic and historical aspects of it, also the knowledge of this extractive practice of our immaterial culture.


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A adoção do enfoque de Pesquisaa e Desenvolvimento pela Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, EMBRAPA, estimulou o desenvolvimento de metodologias que buscam adaptar as necessidades de grupos sociais específicos, dentro da consepção de sustentabilidade. Este trabalho teve como objetivo zonear e conhecer as características agrossocioeconômicas de Sergipe na área dos tabuleiros Costeiros e da Baixada Litorânea visando identificar as diferentes problemáticas de desenvolvimento da região. A metodologia utilizada foi a de "entrevistas com pessoas-chaves", que permite a abtenção de informações atualizadas sobre a problemática agrária a partir da percepção dos agentes sociais que interagem no meio rural. O trabalho permitiu o zoneamento da região dos Tabuleiros Costeiros e da baixada Litorânea, em oito unidades de Desenvolvimento, bem como a análise da traletoria de ocupação histórica das mesmas.


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The scarcity of comprehensive characterizations of soils associated to gentle summit depressions of the Northeastern Brazilian Coastal Plains justifies this work, which had as objective to provide basic information for the more diverse agricultural and non-agricultural uses. For that, representative soils (Spodosols or similar soils) from these environments were selected in Alagoas, Sergipe and Bahia states. This approach included characterization of morphological, mineralogical and micromorphological properties of the soil profiles, employing standard procedures. The morphological characterization corroborated the effect of the podzolization process during the formation of these soils. The mineralogy of the clay fraction of these soils was basically composed of kaolinite and quartz, which, associated to the very sandy texture, helped in the understanding of the obtained data. The soil micromorphological study, besides confirming the field morphology, mainly in regard to the strong cementation, aggregated value to the work in terms of the secure identification of the clay illuviation process (non-identified in the field), in association with the dominant podzolization process.


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Sediment cores are an essential tool for the analysis of the dynamics of mangrove succession. Coring was used to correlate changes in depositional environments and lateral sedimentary facies with discrete stages of forest succession at the Cananéia-Iguape Coastal System in southeastern Brazil. A local level successional pattern was examined based on four core series T1) a sediment bank; T2) a smooth cordgrass Spartina alterniflora bank; T3) an active mangrove progradation fringe dominated by Laguncularia racemosa, and; T4) a mature mangrove forest dominated by Avicennia schaueriana. Cores were macroscopically described in terms of color, texture, sedimentary structure and organic components. The base of all cores exhibited a similar pattern suggesting common vertical progressive changes in depositional conditions and subsequent successional colonization pattern throughout the forest. The progradation zone is an exposed bank, colonized by S. alterniflora. L. racemosa, replaces S. alterniflora as progradation takes place. As the substrate consolidates A. schaueriana replaces L. racemosa and attains the greatest structural development in the mature forest. Cores collected within the A. schaueriana dominated stand contained S. alterniflora fragments near the base, confirming that a smooth cordgrass habitat characterized the establishment and early seral stages. Cores provide a reliable approach to describe local-level successional sequences in dynamic settings subject to drivers operating on multiple temporal and spatial scales where spatial heterogeneity can lead to multiple equilibria and where similar successional end-points may be reached through convergent paths.


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Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea and Hesperioidea) of the "Baixada Santista" region, coastal São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. A list with 538 species of butterflies recorded in the Baixada Santista, São Paulo ( SE Brazil) is presented. Standard sampling protocols (i.e. with entomological nets) were followed. Baited traps were installed for fruit feeding species. Data from the literature and entomological collections were also considered in the total estimated species richness. The species richness recorded in the Baixada Santista region represents about 16% of the Brazilian butterfly fauna, and 34% of the known butterfly fauna for the state of São Paulo. The present list contains an appreciably higher number of species in comparison to other lists from similar biomes farther south, such as Blumenau in Santa Catarina, and Maquiné in Rio Grande do Sul.


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The present study determined the distribution pattern of the hermit crab Loxopagurus loxochelis by a comparison of catch, depth and environmental factors at two separate bays (Caraguatatuba and Ubatuba) of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The influence of these parameters on the distribution of males, non- ovigerous females and ovigerous females was also evaluated. Crabs were collected monthly, over a period of one year (from July/2002 to June/2003), in seven depths, from 5 to 35 m. Abiotic factors were monitored as follows: superficial and bottom salinity (psu), superficial and bottom temperature (C), organic matter content (%) and sediment composition (%). In total, 366 hermit crabs were sampled in Caraguatatuba and 126 in Ubatuba. The highest frequency of occurrence was verified at 20 m during winter (July) in Caraguatatuba and 25 m during summer (January) in Ubatuba. The highest occurrences were recorded in the regions with bottom salinities ranging from 34 to 36 psu, bottom temperatures from 18 to 24 C and, low percentages of organic matter, gravel and mud; and large proportion of sand in the substrate. There was no significant correlation between the total frequency of organisms and the environmental factors analyzed in both regions. This evidence suggests that other variables as biotic interactions can influence the pattern of distribution of L. loxochelis in the analyzed region, which is considered the limit of the northern distribution of this species.


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Benthic marine invertebrates may form metapopulations connected via propagule dispersal. Conservation efforts often target potential source coastlines to indirectly benefit areas depending on allochthonous offspring production. Besides population density, adult size structure, sex ratio, brooding frequency and the proportion of breeding individuals may significantly influence the reproductive output of benthic populations, but these effects have seldom been tested. We used rocky shore crabs to assess the spatial variability of such parameters at relevant scales for conservation purposes and to test their consistency over 2 consecutive years; we then used the data to address whether bottom-up processes or biological interactions might explain the patterns observed. We decomposed egg production rates into their components for the 2 most abundant brachyuran species inhabiting the intertidal rocky habitat. Adult density and brooding frequency varied consistently among shores for both species and largely explained the overall spatial trends of egg production. Temporally consistent patterns also included among-shore differences in the size of ovigerous females of the grapsid Pachygrapsus transversus and between-bay differences in the fecundity of the spider crab Epialtus brasiliensis. Sex ratio was remarkably constant in both. We found no positive or negative correlations between adult density and brooding frequency to support either the existence of a component Allee effect (lack of mate encounters) or an effect of intra-specific competition. Likewise, shore-specific potential growth in P. transversus does not negatively correlate with frequency of ovigerous individuals, as would be expected under a critical balance between these 2 processes. The patterns observed suggest that bottom-up drivers may best explain spatial trends in the reproductive output of these species.