918 resultados para coal ball


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本项研究工作是在“种子植物的起源和早期演化”的题目下由六个主要的研究部分构成 基本上是根据产自中国的化石所提供的形态学上的证据来探讨与现代植物类群之间的关系。 1)早二迭世山西组松柏类及相关类群的研究 2)山西省上石千峰组晚二迭世种子植物的研究 3)煤核植物科达类在演化上的意义 4)晚泥盆世植物Polypetalophyton wufengensis的研究 5)种子植物起源和早期演化的化石证据的研究 6)早泥盆世似种子植物的研究。


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本研究工作在研究华夏植物区重要成煤植物的解剖学特征的基础上,重点讨论了华夏植物区科达植物的地质地理分布特征以及科达植物的起源和演化问题,并根据煤巾植物残体研究成果,讨论了我国不同地质时代几种特殊煤的成因问题,把古植物学研究与国民经济的发展联系起来。 本研究工作的主要成果概括如下: 1 华夏植物区的科达植物主要分布于华北植物地理区,其起源时间可能与欧美植物区的科达植物一样早,但其繁盛期却比欧美植物区的要晚、而且其生存的历程要长. 2 华夏植物区的科达植物除了Mesoxylon和Pennsylvanioxylon(=Cordaixylon)二个自然属外,还有第三个自然属存在,即Shanxioxylon属。其茎和生殖器官的解剖构造与前二个属明显不同。 在茎的解剖构造上,Shanxioxylon介于Mesoxylon和Pennsylvanioxylon之间,但在生殖器官的构造上Shanxioxylon显然要比后二者进化。 3 山西太原西山煤田早二叠世早期太原组上部7号煤层煤核中的一种观音座莲目生殖器官一山西虫囊蕨(新种)Scolecopteris shanxiensis sp.nov.是华夏植物区目前发现的第二种具解剖构造的晚古生代观音座莲目生殖器官化石,与虫囊蕨属已有的29个具解剖构造的种相比,本新种具有较进化特征。 4 产于华南晚二叠世的举世闻名的“乐平煤”巾的“树皮体”组分不是来源于鳞木类周皮或辉木类小根皮层,而可能是来源于一种裸子植物的根的木栓组织,这种根很有可能是大羽羊齿类的根一刺根茎。 5 我国北方侏罗纪煤中,主要由银杏类植物形成的煤具有形成石油的很大潜力,而主要由松杉类或苏铁类植物形成的煤形成石油的希望不大。 6 我国云南晚第三纪特殊煤种一浅色褐煤(白泡煤)的主要成煤植物不是泥炭藓植物,而是草本被子植物。


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本文报道了在中国山西太原晚石炭世煤核中发现的两种不同类型种子:小类心籽(新命名)Nucellangium minor nom. nov. 和波缘靓籽(比较种)Callospermarion cf. undulatum, 它们分别属于心籽目(Cardiocarpales)的类心籽属(Nucellangium)和靓籽属(Callospermarion)。 小类心籽为科达类植物种子,两侧对称,厚心形,主切面长约4-6mm,宽3-4mm,次切面厚约2.5-3.0mm。成熟种子的珠被由肉质层、硬质层组成,内表层由7-10层大型薄壁细胞组成,只存在于未成熟种子。肉质层外有一角质层和表皮层,肉质层分为两个亚层;外层细胞扁长,有深色内含物,内层无内含物,由薄壁细胞组成,越往内越小,硬质层外缘光滑无刺突,分为两个纤维细胞亚层,外层细胞壁厚直径小,内层细胞直径增大细胞壁变薄,沿纵切方向伸长。珠心除基部外游离于珠被。双维管系统由分布在肉质层的珠被维管束和呈套状分布的珠心维管束组成,组成珠心维管束的管胞为梯纹状加厚。文章对类心籽属的特征作了修正,并以小类心籽的形态、大小和珠被结构等特征为依据,就它的个体发育进行了探讨,证明晚出同名的小心籽(Cardiocarpus minor Wang 1987)为当前小类心籽个体发育的早期阶段。 波缘靓籽(比较种)(Callospermarion cf. undulatum)为靓羊齿植物(Callistophytales)种子,两侧对称,三层珠被,肉质层占据珠被的大部分,有分泌腔分布,肉质层外缘呈波缘状。珠心除了在基部外,游离于珠被。维管束分布在翼部肉质层内侧。首次在太原的靓籽属种子中发现了具有重要意义的特征性结构——分泌腔。还就山西太原发现的波缘靓籽所代表的个体发育阶段进行了讨论。 文中还分别讨论了这两类种子各自的亲缘关系。


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A novel form of ball-like carbon material with its size in micrometer range was prepared from coal with nickel as catalyst by arc plasma method. The carbon material has been systematically studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and ultraviolet laser Raman spectroscopy. The SEM observation shows that the novel carbon material exists in various forms such as individual balls, net-like and plate-like forms, all of which have a quite smooth surface. The diameters of these carbon spheres are quite uniform and in a narrow range of 10-20 mum. The EDS analysis reveals that the ball-like carbon material contains more than 99.5% of carbon and a little amount of other elements such as nickel, silicon and aluminum, The XRD and UV-Raman results reveal that the novel carbon material is a kind of highly graphitized carbon. The growth mechanism of the ball-like carbon material was proposed and discussed in terms of arc plasma parameters and the chemical structure of coal-based carbon. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Structural changes in intercalated kaolinite after wet ball-milling were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), specific surface area (SSA) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The X-ray diffraction pattern at room temperature indicated that the intercalation of potassium acetate into kaolinite causes an increase of the basal spacing from 0.718 to 1.42 nm, and with the particle size reduction, the surface area increased sharply with the intercalation and delamination by ball-milling. The wet ball-milling kaolinite after intercalation did not change the structural order, and the particulates have high aspect ratio according SEM images.


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Two kinds of coal-bearing kaolinite from China were analysed by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric analysis-mass spectrometry (TG-MS), infrared emission spectroscopy. Thermal decomposition occurs in a series of steps attributed to (a) desorption of water at 68 °C for Datong coal bearing strata kaolinite and 56 °C for Xiaoxian with mass losses of 0.36 % and 0.51 % (b) decarbonization at 456 °C for Datong coal bearing strata kaolinite and 431 °C for Xiaoxian kaolinite, (c) dehydroxylation takes place in two steps at 589 and 633 °C for Datong coal bearing strata kaolinite and at 507 °C and 579 °C for Xiaoxian kaolinite. This mineral were further characterised by infrared emission spectroscopy (IES). Well defined hydroxyl stretching bands at around 3695, 3679, 3652 and 3625 cm-1 are observed. At 650 °C all intensity in these bands is lost in harmony with the thermal analysis results. Characteristic functional groups from coal are observed at 1918, 1724 and 1459 cm-1. The intensity of these bands decrease by thermal treatment and is lost by 700 °C.